Hole burning and higher order photon effects in attosecond light-atom interaction P. L. Price1,∗ L. D. Noordam2, H. B. van Linden van den Heuvell2, and F. Robicheaux1† 1Department of Physics, Auburn University, AL 36849, USA and 2Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, PO Box 94485, 1090GL Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Dated: January 23, 2014) We have performed calculations of attosecond laser-atom interactions for laser intensities where interestingtwoandthreephotoneffectsbecomerelevant. Inparticular,weexaminethecaseof“hole burning”intheinitialorbital. Holeburningispresentwhenthelaserpulsedurationisshorterthan the classical radial period because the electron preferentially absorbs the photon near the nucleus. 4 Wealsoexaminehow3photonRamanprocesscanleadtoatimedelayintheoutgoingelectron for 1 theenergy nearonephoton absorption. Forexcitation outof thehydrogen2s state, an intensityof 0 2 2.2×1016 W/cm2 leads to a 6 attosecond delay of theoutgoing electron. Weargue that this delay is dueto thehole burningin theinitial state. n a PACSnumbers: 78.47.J-,32.80.Fb,32.80.Rm J 2 2 I. INTRODUCTION {=0 {=1 {=2 ] 50 h The past several decades have witnessed the increase p in the speed of lasers as tracked by the duration of a - 40 1.5 laser pulse. In recent years, experimental groups have m been able to decrease this duration into the attosecond o regime.[1] With each decrease in duration of the laser 30 t 1 a pulse,itispossibletoprobequantumsystemsonshorter s. time scales. For example, there have been many recent Out[7]= 20 c measurements and calculations of the delay in the pho- i 0.5 s toionization of electrons from atoms.[2–5] This example 10 y is interesting in that the delay is only of order 10 as but h canbemeasuredusingastreakingIRfieldandthatmea- [p surements and calculations differ in the expected delay; 0 c23ossnt c23oppnt c3odnt 0 the reason for the difference is not clarified. One of the 1 resultswediscussbelowisthatdelaysinelectronejection -10 1s -0.5 v naturally occur at higher laser intensities. 3 Although both the laser frequency and duration de- -20 4 termine what types of systems and phenomena are best 6 FIG. 1: A schematic drawing of theenergy levels and transi- 5 investigated, there are types of processes whose similari- tions described in the paper. . tiesextendfromtheattosecondtothepicosecondregime. 1 One of the processes that spans a broadregime is that a 0 shortlaserpulsecanburnaholeinawavefunction. The 4 1 reason is that photoabsorption is often highly position the laser. The dark arrow is the one photon excitation : dependent. Forexample,stationaryphaseconsiderations step. Thenarrowsolidarrowsarethetwophotonabsorp- v lead to the realization that photo-ionization occurs near tion (for increasing energy) and the Raman process (for i X the nucleus within a region r p(ℓ+1)/ω with ω be- decreasing energy). The Raman process back to ℓ = 0 ∼ r ing the angular frequency of the laser.[6] Thus, a laser gives the hole burning of the initial wave function. The a pulse that is shorter than the radial period of the elec- dashedarrowsindicate threephotonprocessthatcanin- tron can deplete the wave function in the neighborhood terferewiththeonephotonabsorption;the threephoton of the nucleus.[9] processes can modify both the energy distribution and Figure 1 is a schematic of two photon processes. The the ejection time of the electron. gray bands are meant to indicate the spread in energy HoleburningwasinvestigatedinRydbergstateswhere for the processes that arise from the short duration of the radial period can be in the picosecond regime.[7, 8] For a state with energy E = 1/2ν2, the radial pe- riod is given by T = 2πν3 −a.u. which is T = Ryd Ryd 1.52 10−4ν3 ps. Thus, states with ν > 18.7 have ∗NowatPhysicsDepartment,UniversityofConnecticut,2152Hill- perio×ds longer than a picosecond. One of the manifes- sideRd.,StorrsConnecticut 06269-3046, USA tations of hole burning is Raman transitions to nearby †Now at Department of Physics, Purdue University, states with the same ℓ. One way to think of this con- West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA; Electronic address: [email protected] nection is that the wave function with the hole, ψh, is 2 projected onto the eigenstates with the laser off. Since terms: theψ mostlyresemblestheinitialstateandhasthesame h angular momentum, the projection onto the initial state H =H1+H2 =Hatom+Hfield (2) andstateswithsmallchangeinν andnochangeinℓwill where H1 is the atomic Hamiltonian which contains the be emphasized.[9] The size of the hole in space increases kinetic energy operator and the spherical potential from with the duration of the laser pulse. Thus, a short laser the electron-ion interaction and the H2 is the laser- pulse will lead to a wider energy range of final states. electron interaction. For hydrogen, the electron-ion po- Anequivalentstatementin the frequency domainis that tential is simply 1/r. For the other atoms presented in short pulses have a large bandwidth, supporting Raman − this paper, a model potential can be used. transfer to neighbouring states. The Hamiltonian for the laser field was taken to be in In this paper, we examine the phenomenon of hole the length gauge. We do not need to worry about the burning in the regime of attosecond laser pulses. Since increasing size of the laser potential with r because the hole burning is at least a two photon process, the inten- laser duration is so short the electron does not travelfar sity regime will be higher than what is currently experi- before the laser intensity returns to 0. We chose H2 = mentally achieved but not so high that experiments are zE(t) where E(t)= dA/dt with unthinkable. While the basic phenomenon of hole burn- − ing should be the same, there are differences due to the 1 shorter time scale and hence the lower states involved. A(t)=F(t)ω0 sin(ω0t+φ). (3) One difference is that for Rydberg states and picosec- ond lasers, the hole burning leads to population at both The φis the carrierenvelopephaseandF(t)is asmooth higherandlowerenergies(theprinciplequantumnumber functiongivingtheenvelope. WechosethistobeaGaus- canbothincreaseordecrease)whileforattosecondlasers sian F(t) = Fmaxexp(−t2/t2w) with Fmax the maximum the initialstateisusuallythegroundstatesopopulation electric field when the carrier envelope phase is zero. canonlytransfertohigherenergies. Anotherdifferenceis We used a split operator method with a Crank- that the experiments on Rydberg state hole burning did Nicolson approximation to step the wave function by δt. not investigate when the ejected electron is modified by The approximation is the hole burning. In attosecond physics, the time delay of the ejected electron is often one of the more inter- Ψ(t+δt/2)=U2(t,δt/2)U1(δt)U2(t,δt/2)Ψ(t−δt/2) (4) esting parts of the measurement but also used to define where the the ‘zero’ time delay in pump-probe experiments. We give calculations for this process and show that the hole U (t,δt)=[1 iH (t)δt/2][1+iH (t)δt/2]−1 (5) j j j − burning leads to a delay in the ejection of the electron. gives O(δt3) accuracyfor one time step. In the propaga- This effect arisesfrom the interference between one pho- tonabsorptionandathreephotonprocess(2absorptions tor, we only need to perform the U2 when t < 6tw be- | | and one emission). cause H2 is approximately 0 outside of that range. Both WeuseatomicunitsunlessSIunitsareexplicitlygiven. the H1 and H2 operatorscan be representedas tridiago- nal matrices. For the electric field, the operator H2 only couples ℓ to ℓ 1. We used two approximations for H1, ± bothofwhichgivesatridiagonalrepresentation,asatest II. NUMERICAL METHOD of convergence. In the simplest approximation, we used equally spaced points in r (i.e. r = jδr) and a three j WesolvedthetimedependentSchr¨odingerequationby point difference for the radial kinetic energy. The more representing the wave function on a grid of radialpoints complicatedapproximationuseda squarerootmeshand and an angular momentum basis. A more extensive dis- a Numerov approximation as in Ref. [11]. In all calcula- cussion of the technique can be found in Ref. [10]. In tions,wecheckedconvergencewithrespecttothenumber our calculations, we used linearly polarized light which ofradialpoints,thenumberofangularmomenta,andthe leads to a wave function that can be represented by the number of time steps. summation Before the laser turns on, the wave function is in an eigenstate. We find the eigenstate by diagonalizing H1 Ψ(~r)=X[Rℓ(r,t)]Yℓm(Ω) (1) in a finite region r < rmax. The rmax is chosen to be ℓ large enough that the wave function can not reach that distance while the laser is on. We also used the eigen- where the radial functions, Rℓ, contain all of the useful states of H1 to compute the energy distribution of the information about the wave function. The maximum ℓ final state. The eigenstates go to 0 at r which leads max in the sum is determined by the duration, strength and toadiscretizedcontinuum. Theenergydistributionwith frequency of the laser and was chosen so that less than angular momentum ℓ is approximated by 10−9 of the population was in ℓ . For ease in solving max the time dependent Schr¨odinger equation, we consider <a+1,ℓΨ> 2+ <a,ℓΨ> 2 P (E¯)= | | | | | | (6) the Hamiltonian for this calculation as the sum of two ℓ 2(Ea+1,ℓ Ea,ℓ) − 3 population; this choice leads to an artificial dip in the Raman process. The solid line is the energy distribution where the electron has ℓ=0 and the dashed curve is for ℓ = 2. In this calculation, we set ω = 1 (= 27.2 eV, λ = 45.6 nm), F = 0.05 a.u. and t = 6.0 a.u. The max w full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the laser inten- sity is t = √2ln2t which corresponds to 170as FWHM w in this calculation. The electric field corresponds to a maximum laser intensity of 8.8 1013 W/cm2 which is × in the perturbative regime. Doubling the intensity in- creases the scale of Fig. 2 by a factor of 4. For this laser width,thestatewiththemostpopulationisthe1sstate; this is not obvious in Fig. 2 due to the large energy dif- ference between the 1s and 2s states which gives a large denominator in Eq. (6). FIG. 2: The energy distribution in atomic units of electrons There are a few features worth noting in Fig. 2. The for ℓ = 0 (solid line) and ℓ = 2 (dashed line). In this calcu- two photon absorption peak is at nearly the same en- lation, we set ω =1, Fmax =0.05 a.u. and tw =6.0 a.u. In ergyforthetwoangularmomenta. However,thisenergy, theenergy distribution formula, we set thepopulation of the 1.78 a.u., is not at the expected energy for two photon 2s state to 0. The peak just below 2 a.u. is from two pho- absorption which is 1/8+2=1.875 a.u.; the expected ton absorption; the vertical line marks the position where a − narrowbandlaserwouldhavethetwophotonATIpeak. The energy is marked by a vertical line in the graph. The Raman feature is from approximately -0.2 to 0.8 a.u. The peak is shifted down in energy because the two photon ℓ=2 Raman transition is very weak and is hardly visible on absorption amplitude is a decreasing function of energy; thegraph. Theℓ=0Ramanstructureisassociatedwithhole the product of the decreasing absorption amplitude and burningin theinitial state. the Gaussian centered at 1.875 a.u. gives the approxi- mately0.09a.u. shift. Usingalongerlaserpulse,leadsto this feature becoming narrower in energy with the peak whereEa,ℓ istheenergyofthea-theigenstatewithangu- shifting toward the expected value of 1.875 a.u. For ex- larmomentumℓ, E¯ =(Ea+1,ℓ+Ea,ℓ)/2 isthe averageof ample, the peak shifts to 1.83 a.u. when tw is increased the twoenergies,and<a,ℓΨ>isthe projectionofthat to 8 a.u. It is interesting that the 2-photon absorption | eigenstate on the wave function. We also use this defini- has nearly equal population in ℓ = 0 and 2 because the tion for negative energy states which allows us to treat propensitytoincreaseℓwhenaphotonisabsorbedwould both positive and negative energy on the same curve. leadtothe expectationthatthe ℓ=2 wouldbe substan- This hasthe disadvantagethatit isnotclearwhatis the tially larger. population in an individual state, which is a measurable Intheℓ=0energydistribution,plottedinFig.2,there quantity. islargepopulationcorrespondingtothe twophotonpro- cess where one photon is absorbed and one photon is emitted. This process is approximately100 smaller for III. TWO-PHOTON PROCESSES ℓ=2. This disparity is somewhat surprisin×g considering that the two photon absorption probability is compara- In this section, we present results on two photon ion- ble. The propensity rule would lead to the expectation ization and on one photon absorption followed by one that ℓ = 0 would be larger than the ℓ = 2 but not by photon emission (and vice versa). We investigate the such a large factor. We attribute the ℓ = 0 population latterprocessinmoredetailbecause itis the mechanism to hole burning of the initial orbital. The coherent su- that leads to “hole burning” of the initial orbital.[7] It perposition of these Raman states with the initial state is important to remember that even a weak laser pulse leads to a “hole” in the initial state at small r. Fig- whosetimewidthisshorterthantheRydbergperiodwill ure 3 shows the total probability (ℓ = 0) in the Raman burn a hole in the wavefunction. The depth of the hole transitionandin the two photon absorptionas the pulse increaseswith laserintensity and,forweakfields, the re- duration is increased keeping all other parameters fixed; sult of the hole burning will scale with the square of the the data inthis figurecomes fromintegratingthe energy intensity. However, the states described in this section distribution up to E = 0.875 for the Raman transition are not populated by other mechanisms and, thus, can and above E =0.875 for the two photon absorption.[12] be distinguished even for weak lasers. The dependence of the two photon absorption on t in w Figure2 showsthe energydistributioninatomic units Fig. 3 is the simplest to understand. The probability is for the 2-photon processes when starting from the 2s approximately proportional to the duration because the state of H. For the presentation of the energy distribu- ionization continues while the pulse is on. The behavior tion, we set the population in the 2s to 0 when using of the Raman population is more interesting, showing a Eq. (6) because we want a plot of what states gained slow increase followed by a decrease. The Raman popu- 4 FIG. 3: The total probability to be in the ℓ = 0 Raman FIG. 4: Same as Fig. 2 but only for ℓ = 0 and allowing tw structure (dash-dot line) or the ℓ = 0 two photon absorp- to vary as in Fig. 3: tw =6 a.u. (solid line), 10 a.u. (dotted tion peak (dotted line). All laser parameters are as in Fig. 2 line), 15 a.u. (dashed line), 20 a.u. (dash-dot line), 25 a.u. exceptforthepulsewidth,tw,whichisvaried. Thetwopho- (dash-dot-dot-dot line), and 30 a.u. (long dash line). The tonabsorption isapproximatelyproportionaltotheduration longer duration gives a narrower energy distribution. The of the laser pulse. The probability for Raman transition is probability to be in the states nearest n = 2 increases with not proportional to the pulse duration even for small tw and increasingdurationuntilthebandwidthofthelaserbecomes begins to decrease when the bandwidth of the laser is too too narrow toreach those states. small to reach the 3s, 4s, ... states. As a point of compari- son, 1/(E3s−E2s) ≃ 14 a.u. For pulses longer than τ2s the bandwidthbecomesinsufficienttoreachthe3sstateinatwo photon Raman process. lationstartsdecreasingwhent iscomparabletohalfthe w classicalperiod;morespecificallywefindt √8ln2n3. w ∼ This condition is when the energy FWHM of the laser field equals 1/n3, i.e. the energy spacing of the atom. This fits with the interpretation of the Raman process with ∆ℓ = 0 as equivalent to hole burning. When the laser is on for a time comparable to or longer than the radialperiodfortheholeinthewavefunction,thenthere should not be any hole burning. Figure 4 shows how the energy distribution for ℓ = 0 Raman transition changes as the pulse duration is in- creased keeping all other parameters fixed. One can see FIG.5: SameasFig.4butfixingtw =18a.u. andallowingω to vary. The integral of the curves have been fixed to be the that the energy width is decreasing while the peak is in- samevalue. Thecurvesareω=0.33a.u. (solidline),0.67a.u. creasing for longer t . However, the longest times have w (dottedline),1.0a.u. (dashedline),1.33a.u. (dash-dotline), almostno increaseinthe peak while the widthcontinues 1.67 a.u. (dash-dot-dot-dot line), and 2.0 a.u. (long dash to decrease. At even larger tw, the Raman population line). The lines are hardly distinguishable even though the at all energies decreases until becoming approximately total Raman probability decreases by more than 4 orders of 0 when the bandwidth of the laser is too narrow to al- magnitudefrom ω=0.33to2.0a.u. Thisshowstheshapeof low any change in energy. As with Fig. 2 population in theenergydistribution mainlydependsonthelaserduration individual states are hard to visualize. The population and, hence, the shape of the hole does not strongly depend in the 1s state for each of the curves (t = 6 through on the laser frequency. w 30 a.u.) is 1.46E-7, 3.95E-8, 1.08E-9, 4.35E-12, 1.87E- 15, and 1.87E-19 while the population in the 3s state is 1.67E-8,4.02E-8,7.62E-8,1.09E-7,1.30E-7,and1.34E-7. fits with the interpretation of “hole burning” since the Figure 5 shows how the energy distribution for ℓ = 0 shape of the hole will mainly depend on the duration of Ramantransitionchangesasthefrequencychangeskeep- the pulse and only weakly on the laser frequency; the ing the pulse duration at t = 18 a.u. The shape of the Raman transitions arise from the projection of the hole w energy distribution is nearly the same for all frequencies in the initial wave function onto neighboring states. We shown even though there is a difference of more than note that the central energy of the 2-photon absorption four orders of magnitude in the total population. This peak shifts by 5/3 a.u. for the same range of frequen- ∼ 5 and 0.8 a.u. These fields correspond to intensities of 1.4 1015, 5.6 1015, and 2.2 1016 W/cm2. The max- × × × imahavebeenscaledtoequal1forallF . Aswiththe max twophotonabsorptionpeakinFig.2,the positionofthe peak, 0.8 a.u., is slightly shifted to lower energy com- ≃ pared to the expected value: 1 1/8=0.875 a.u. which − is markedby averticalline. The explanationofthe shift isthesame: thedipole transitionmatrixelementisade- creasingfunctionofenergy. WhilethesmallerF have max nearly the same shape, the energy distribution is nar- rower and shifted slightly higher for the F =0.8 a.u. max case. This effect must be due to the interference be- tween one photon absorption and a three photon pro- cess(eitheremit-absorb-absorborabsorb-emit-absorbor absorb-absorb-emit). Byscalingallcurvestohaveapeak FIG. 6: Same as Fig. 2 but for ℓ = 1 and allowing Fmax of 1, we are hiding the fact that the energy distribution to vary; the graph shows Fmax =0.2 (solid line), 0.4 (dotted increases with laser intensity. However, we did not find line)and0.8a.u. (dashedline). Themaximumvaluehasbeen that the increase was proportionalto the laser intensity: setto1forallcurves. Theenergydistributionforthehighest the ratio of scaling factors for the highest and lowest laser intensity is narrower and is slightly shifted to higher intensities was 12 instead of 16 which is expected from energies. The vertical line marks the energy Einit+ω where perturbation theory. a narrow band laser would give theone-photon ionization. AsapointofcomparisonforthelargestF ,wecom- max paredotherprocessestothatshowninFig.6. Thep-wave cies shown in Fig. 5. three photon absorption is 240 times smaller. The f- We performed calculations for other single valence wave energy distribution is approximately a 1000 times atoms and found similar results. An exception is when smaller for three photon absorption and of 2000 times the single photon transition is at a Cooper minimum. smaller for the f-wave peak near 0.8 a.u. These small The single photon ionization is strongly suppressed in values might be surprising compared to the large non- this situation while the two photon absorption is en- perturbative character for the “one-photon” peak (e.g. hanced compared to the Raman transition. the one-photon absorption was approximately 25% too small at F = 0.8 a.u.). However, it must be remem- max bered that the three photon processes can interfere with IV. ONE PHOTON/THREE PHOTON the one photon process which can lead to a larger effect: IONIZATION the probability for an effect arising from interference of one- and three-photon transitions is P = A1 +A3 2 = The “hole burning” can affect the one photon absorp- A1 2 +(A1A∗3 +A∗1A3)+ A3 2. The inter|ference t|erm | | | | is proportional to the square of the laser intensity while tion process by changing the time when the electron is purethree-photonprocessesareproportionaltothecube ionized and by changing the energy distribution near of the laser intensity. We note that the energy spread the one photon absorption peak. Within a perturba- for the 3-photon absorptionpeak is 50%broader than tive picture, these effects resultfromthe interferencebe- ∼ the 1-photon peak; the extra broadness arises because tween one photon absorption and a three photon pro- the higher order process depend on higher powers of the cess (absorb-emit-absorb). The effect of “hole burning” intensity and, thus, they appear to be effectively shorter should be to delay the photon absorption because the in duration. A simplistic argument would suggest that wave function is being depleted near the nucleus which the 1 photon peak would get broader at higher intensity is where photoabsorption takes place; the photoabsorp- because of the addition of 3 photon character. The nar- tionisdelayedforstronglaserfieldsbecausetheelectron rowing we actually observe must be due to interference. probabilitynearthenucleusneedstorefillwhichrequires time. UnliketheRamanprocesswhichispresentevenfor Figure 7 shows the time dependent current at r = weaklaserfields,thiseffectshouldonlybecomeapparent 50 a.u. with the peak of the current scaled to be 1. athigherlaserintensityreflectingasubstantialchangein A simple estimate of when the current should peak is the wave function. t 50/√2E = 39.5 a.u. 953 as. The actual peak peak ∼ ≃ For this section, we fixed the duration, t = 6 a.u., is somewhat earlier in time because the 1/r potential w − and frequency, ω = 1 a.u., of the laser pulse. In all givesahigherradialspeedtotheelectron;aclassicalelec- calculations, we started from the 2s state of hydrogen. tronwith energy0.8a.u. requires907asto reach50a.u. The general trends did not depend strongly on the type As in Fig. 6, the smaller intensities give similar results of atom or initial state. while the highest intensity gives a clear change. Part of Figure 6 shows the energy distribution for ℓ = 1 near the change is the current due to two-photon absorption the one photon absorption peak for F = 0.2, 0.4 whichleadstohigherenergyelectronsandapeakatearly max 6 V. CONCLUSIONS We have performed calculations of attosecond absorp- tion in one electron systems to explore some of the pos- sible two- and three-photon effects. Our calculations demonstrate that one of the main two-photon effects is a Raman type process that leads to a strong redistribu- tion of population with the same angular momentum as the initial state. We expect this process to be common and is related to “hole burning” of the initial wave func- tion. The calculations also show that the interference of one-andthree-photonpathscanleadtochangessubstan- tiallylargerthanmightbeexpected. Wearguedthatthe time delay in the one-photon absorption with increasing laser intensity is also due to “hole burning” of the wave FIG. 7: The electron current at r =50 a.u. from all angular function.[7] Because the absorption mainly occurs near momenta;thelinetypeshavethesamemeaningasFig.6. All the nucleus,ahole therewilldecreasethe ionizationrate the times shown are after the laser field is off. Note that the current at the highest intensity has slightly shifted to later and lead to a delay of the photoabsorption. times which agrees with the expectation of changes due to In this paper, we focused on the hole burning in a one “hole burning”. electronsystem. Therecanbeothertypesofholeburning intwo(ormore)electronsystems. Anexampleinvolving a short range perturber coupled to a Rydberg series was times;inasimilarvein,thereisaslowdecayatthehigh- est intensity due to the Raman process which gives low investigatedusingtheBa6snd1,3D2 statesperturbedby energy electrons that reachr =50 a.u. at later times. A the 5d7d1D2 state as the example.[8, 13]As anexample requiring attosecond lasers, the Be ground state is nom- moreinteresting effectis thatthe onephotonpeak is de- inally 2s2 in the valence shell. Calculations that include layedby 6as. Quantummechanicallythiseffectisdue ≃ correlation have found that there is a large admixture totheinterferencebetweenone-andthree-photonpaths. of 2p2 in the ground state wave function. Typically, the Physically, the effect is consistent with the expectation photo-ionizationisdifferentfrom2sand2porbitals. This ofatime delaydue to holeburninginthe wavefunction. leadstothe possibilityofhavingahole burnedinthera- We note that the interference between one- and two- dial coordinate (as described above) and a hole burned photon processes in a single attosecond absorption has in the correlation. This will lead to substantial Raman beendiscussedforbothenergyandangulardistributions. transitiontothenominally2p2 autoionizingstate. Thus, Reference [14] discussed the effect on electron asymme- other types of wave packets can be initiated using hole tries,Ref.[15]discussedtheeffectonmomentumanden- burning. ergydistributionsandRef.[16]gaveananalysisbasedon perturbation theory. 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