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Holding Fast to the Salafi Manhaj – Sh. Rabi’ Al-Madkhali PDF

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Preview Holding Fast to the Salafi Manhaj – Sh. Rabi’ Al-Madkhali

‘THEABVICE OF Shaikh Rabr Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali ‘TOTHE STUDENTS OF IMAM IBN BAZ Followed by com ‘Shaikh ‘Abdul-’Aziz Ibn Baz ( Holding Fast to the Salaff Manhaj dy the ‘Alldmah Rabi* bin Hadi al-Madkhalt WITH ADDITIONS 50M ‘The mam, the ‘Aiamak ‘Albdul-‘Aatz Jian “Abdullah Tn Bas (kes) TRANSLA HD Bs ‘Abi Khadecjah ‘Abdul Wahid ‘Alam Sain Raub va Rast wa Fatt. pp. 493-504, ofthe noble ‘Sai al Aama, Ra Um Hit Urnaye Al-Melal ~ Formerly: The head of the Deparument af Sunnah at rhe Islamic University af Madinah, Saudi Arabia. © COPYRIGHT SAT APL PUBLIGALIONS 2015 al righs reserve Ne au fs bokengy be reprised repo bony electron methanol rotor vas itor eater Seented, incledng.pltcceeying_ ond thot pier permission fron the pbishars. First Edition: Recess 20:8.¢F; Rabi? Al-Aovwal 1417 8H SH Telished ley: Sala Publications, a7: Coumry Road, Bieirghann,inited Kingé am, 0 ACG ji ouzL77a.000 au adaninigsauts.com 73.0092! S021, 82 Salaliousds.com SalafiRacfocom Salalisaokstovs.com, Twitter: @Salafockstore gealahs @SaaMaglidcom Bsulaltadlo SBN: 978-1-902727-42-4 The Advice of Shaikh Rabi’ Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali to the students of ‘Allaah ‘Nbdul-‘Aziz bn Baz. (sit8) Allpnize i dus te Alli, we sock Mis aie. ane. i forgives. We seek celuge wilh 4. Goa Ute el of our souls aud tie ev ot ur actions, whoever allih guides. vo ene can misguide, ard sihevar He serds astray, none car guide. T hear witness thet fone has Lar elght to be worshlppes exrept for allah alone, vithaut any pene’ and Thear witness that Muhammad is Hie servi. aml Missongoe (2c “0 mankird! Re dutiful to yer Lord, sao created _goatiam a siagle person (Adam), and roam a. Le zeated his wile (Hewwa). a feom thcea beth He * steah A euriaeie created muany mon and women and fear all theo.iph whem you demand your mutoa’ rights, md do not cut te relations af Kinship, Surely, lh is fever an ll-Watchar ower yom” "0 you wha ‘nave believed, ‘ar allah and speak unde of epprepriae juctlee, He il hoa ret for you your ces and ferg'te you your sine, ard ‘whoever sbeys allah and His. Messenger has vorlcn\y attained a great success.” ie praceed: indeed the most trataful spoech isthe Bovk uf All, lhe best guitare’s the guidance af Muhammad (562) and hs moe: evil u all lars sue Ube uo lal extvced aa it the eligion. very rewly intradeced affair ie abide every hx’ ie mlsguidance nad every mrsguldaace's'F the Fre ue proceed: Se this Isa happy moment aad opparkanity that we bave met with an Shatith and is stedonts and we agpy that ANgh places ‘esings in them and chat Allah meke> Ue carvers af the burmerof tee Sunwel apot Loe way of Hei $a a ‘nthe spreackagol Fiulang sbanah.ard that they foot 5 ‘ad eupecslltious Reliefs whieh Fre Messenger nsed to forbid, ll sent Muhammad siege as g mrey Late ceation, 50 as ta take mankind aur of the darkness into the light so ho * sah aes "Sarah slat AGE TOT camvayedtheressage and filled te trust andallah cer-oved the people rom darkness into the lightby And all: obligated upon us belief in kim, sbedience to bia, belicwingin him and flowing hen, hath in ris life and tae nes Yor thisreison, alta encourage sin srsmsrous verses with sobedienvs Lo Unis Mossengoe an following ie, and aw weenel ts From dlsabeving and opposing him, an ite bine Ubreatened those wha oppose him with the Fire. ard soe sek rege ota Alla fom tha Severely from opposing this nable essonger 2) any ala irom the alfa, Wa take asthe focus 0 the saylig ofall, the Messed 2 tos igh: drenseiSth bsg Bie ails chy ta eg gy kd “And hold fas: a of you together, lo Ute Rope of Allah and be rat divided among yewsselves, and remenker allal's Tasnur or yom, For you were remiss one ta anater bat He jo"ec your nears lagether, 29 Ul, by His Gtace. you became brochess"* Tho s(lair ol tais mosh will not Ie upright except with otedience tothic blessenger ad following ai with erubhulness and sincerty and hy holding onto ne ope Alla thiols ul Alla and the Sumo of alldh's wessenger (nis), ‘sah Meter: 8 The Ure ill never 2e cpright avcept with tniss9 upo us is tokeld fast othe Bupe of AlzU atLeyoltor ui: ielividuals, a3 groups o€ people as societies end rales, Andonr “ord vill rat Te plessec wir us except Fe halé ante she Rope of 4 ah, and irk to che ga'dance of His Messenger (S224) and tie goldaneef tLe Rigltly yueded Celis wi. our molae teeth just asthe Messenger comumanded, So shis's.a mighty affair and in these timas we see the Una flit anc tors, Ard wkab te tke reatou behind thie? 0 is Uhe rollow!ag of desires, 1 on'y we Judged by ATlAN and His Messenger (Jiseiciip} im the affairs that are differec over, thu it is not porsible “ov us to continue Lo dior, However, this ontued difering isa roof thit rang: gaggle ollew ther ddevras and they are caret by che’ heacs ard they do ret givdance of Allan (33 i aidoinsi di alia "you why belicw! Obey Alb and obey ce Messeuger, and those whe are ir authoriny, and if yon dite in ceycaiag sutoayst yoursehes, rele wo Allah acd Us Messenger, Fyn Selieve n allch andin the ast ay. Toa Better andmore sula.e Tor (ial detereization.” ie disappear and innovations in do nat ect nen Ui, Unset ‘Soil is nevessnaytayedge by Allah and his Messenger (3 und throng: thi, ifeving the Religion wil scarey. Andi fone of sisnotbing toss, migtldhace ae destruction loss inthis fe and mre Haveater fy AU te ep in Lt shade Ue salsiavah Tris sgh above banner wasted bs the ind the Midi he Revive. Mebane bin Ad svat (a). He revved che pat ofthe Comparrons oF rs wessenger i.e tothe oso guidance feora ie est of arenas, fllosing in tit footsteps ia ovshiuin elle nthe ota rena, ev every afl llh poten end alseheod seperti orate, es, aa fonratictiens 19 tsi Ho (8a) pot anand tn the Alsexivmnent of prayes tothe siting of Mood and tthe Stealing weal So allah extinguished this. frkehood, tkis deviale and snisguldce by seay fth's Blessed fae, aan this nal gre ane spread acid iuuadaalod lho world upon ie. true reutledelogy. So when ve make mentor of tho Salt ursthedelogy ind the Sela vez, rhen see intend hls blessed shea: that SUIS Messenger ze), hisnsle Companions (Ag) and theres ef wullasce were upon, and frome ae Uroun such as €amad Tn Hankal (4, 22110 tbat Payciyyal (4 "NUD, Mulwammad ba ‘Abdul Wal-eaé (d. 1206H) Sv U's recon is complece. We are not In need of anyone's evsonel apisior, persscal (beuhls or ideas and oh esther from any aspect 0° From. say gts, This religien hus been completed in the Bon of ATH aad ln dhe Surah of abs wessanger (2sjciz) aad ia the understanding ofthe sol = cose vy uralsrstond the aacic and the suwh with a rue ‘orderstanding i aoe sta wurshep, ‘elel us Ute Lightly ora thi Sala methacology a. e talk to {2c about for indeed Ifthe cu is the mnethodalogy of he Vietorlous aad afdod Greup (&t-TaifraPiesesural) Usa alla’s leferced ts of fe is upon che trur® and Messenges (254! ‘hae ill ever esas fob upor the tel isthe meando Fc Sanco Sect and Eat the Aided Group. str eh allEPs snescenger iti) spate of hen he sie that Us Ummah sell vide ~ aid allah estad"shed the erablaes of Uc, harétion ~ sad the tasmuls oe aaceed divided. ard there remained Uke tat abitasaith the geup ofthe people oF ‘bat foe wom it has sen testified exon by idl Bu aller ae Somcrhtkattey are bo Heap eof uth theyarethe aided Group sey ase Saved Sec. Ane tise the path “na tn ayy) aed ool ahha eg) cada aad called Sa we are less tobe i ae sido of Us bless dah anid we fre tanto by is light aot enly 21s land aeracher al Bee ‘wed, sid sere it otfor Fe obstacles and the hirasricy af lee memias ef this dawah susungst alu bid'zt ant the peay'e oF Imiggeilance, 91 woUNd have seer cae whole Tlamis wold ‘lyeningied and radiant vith this Blessed ex‘eai This dal began, deal strled spreading and sweeping through the earl, aken the people of rmnavatians and unelie sxloved Ua als ‘urge and strong current bo steramues! aad Laoy did what they ould last il Sots upon You 79 comprehend Bhi and these plats agains he deh. One mos: not Eel regarding wba Theon achieved af the sprecdig of is luuinalion. Lie peo3' eof ienovitiva and ausgaitance are not sleeping, regardless of swhether they mieguide to mrright dicbcie, or so parisinshlp, or to Sas, arto Raf (oF the She), ve ether Uae. these from the various gps ol mibgukluace. Ii uot possible fa-their eves te sels and for sbewsto Bel at ease-ile Yas rca Islamic Salat dave as spreed Prrougi the ea-th, 9 they pit again HU het poss. $0 pay atentior D youth and hold fast to the rope of alla have been ceuunandle’ to by Allh, ara hescare of slitting, and cca elf all Use coutes ane means that Tea to it, ragandless of ‘whether they ave desires cr fmaticism and £0 on, So 2s affair isbinding wpom you my brotkers, We see that many fof the youth do no: prevact themeclves ram falling ints "ying aan Lng wee the accu of the Sain caliers, the people of rath, these whe do aot call to partsnazhlp and lnischood, allowing Stati to give thom jasRcation. vey tear aparr Heit inommar af mate wih les aad lab valions. 59 upon yo is ‘rurhfiolass, and toutafulness leads to piety. aed ply loads Paradise, and a person does nct cease t ello ith untl be is writer. with Allah as an etter'y erachfil person (a sill). And 2 person does nol cease lv Lelie ua is sit wh IIE as =n utter liar (a kaanghebl- there are conte peuple sli coal (alle wat thoy are vce wilh Alla as las, rd Allah's rugs is oaghtfrom shar, So what ct that they ace walt or?! iy brothers? Uv noble Mestenger (2312 Gs) forbade from ‘rikatiom and fansticiom to one's Kinsols, A man i Ue Uae of Prophethood coed ent: °C angie!" And another sald "O ssuaiiued™ The wave suse isa noble term thats found 28 Book of alli aul in the Suan uf the Messenger (isi) sia. tloweve, when chase ‘whims and fer talechood, spl) hile Tam anaes you? Leave for itis foal” roleing fast to this trae, clear and apparent ce enliced by slesivs anh eacced wo Re wets ol unguidamce ~and allah reFige te sought,

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