PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Annual Report 2006 Safety First LLaappoorraann TTaahhuunnaann 22000056 PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Safety first ... no compromise. Utamakan keselamatan... tidak ada kompromi. BBee sSeeeenn BBee sSaaffee BBee sSuurree TJeelralishat AAmmaann PHaasntdial Contents Daftar Isi Company Profile 2 Financial Review 32 Profil Perusahaan Tinjauan Keuangan 2006 Achievements 4 Occupational Health & Safety 36 Prestasi Tahun 2006 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Financial Highlights 6 Community Relations 38 Ikhtisar Keuangan Hubungan dengan Masyarakat Message from the President Commissioner 8 Corporate Governance 42 Sambutan Presiden Komisaris Tata Kelola Perusahaan Safety - The 2006 Report Theme 12 Report of the Audit Committee 49 Keselamatan Kerja - Tema Laporan 2006 Laporan Komite Audit Report of the President Director 20 Financial Statements i Laporan Presiden Direktur Laporan Keuangan PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Company Profile Mission Misi PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk (Holcim Indonesia or the PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk (Holcim Indonesia atau Company), through the manufacture and sale of Perusahaan), melalui produksi dan penjualan cement, concrete, aggregates and the development semen, beton jadi dan agregat serta pengembangan of people, will deliver the maximum sustainably sumber daya manusia, akan menghasilkan profitable return to shareholders while maintaining keuntungan maksimum yang berkelanjutan kepada a responsible duty of care to all stakeholders. para pemegang saham dengan tetap memberikan perhatian penuh kepada semua pihak yang berkepentingan. Vision Visi To be the best performing and most respected Menjadi perusahaan Indonesia yang memiliki kinerja Indonesian company in our industry, ranked amongst terbaik dan terpandang di industri semen serta the best in the Holcim Group. menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbaik di dalam Grup Holcim. Production Sites Fasilitas Produksi Operating two cement plants at Narogong and Memiliki dua pabrik semen yang beroperasi di Cilacap and the single largest stone quarry in Java, Narogong dan Cilacap serta tambang agregat Holcim Indonesia has a finished-cement capacity of terbesar di pulau Jawa dengan kapasitas terpasang 7.9 million tonnes. Holcim Indonesia is the leading produksi semen sebesar 7,9 juta ton. Holcim integrated producer of cement, concrete and Indonesia adalah produsen terkemuka yang aggregates (crushed stone and sand) in its market. menghasilkan semen, beton jadi dan agregat (kerikil dan pasir), secara terintegrasi di pasar. The Company has two subsidiaries, PT Holcim Beton Perusahaan memiliki dua anak perusahaaan, PT (ready-mixed concrete and aggregates operator) and Holcim Beton (operator beton jadi dan agregat) dan PT Wahana Transtama (transportation company). PT Wahana Transtama (operator transportasi). 2 PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Profil Perseroan Milestones Peristiwa Penting 97 97 Founded as the first privately owned cement Berdiri sebagai produsen semen swasta pertama di producer in Indonesia. Indonesia. 977 977 The first company in Indonesia to be listed on the Merupakan perusahaan pertama di Indonesia yang newly established Jakarta Stock Exchange. mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta yang baru dibentuk. 200 200 Holcim Group acquires majority shareholding Grup Holcim menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas controlling 77.33 per cent of the paid up capital. dan pengendali dengan memiliki jumlah saham 77,33 persen dari modal disetor. 2005 2005 New product Serba Guna cement launched. Produk baru semen Serba Guna secara resmi diluncurkan. 2006 2006 PT Semen Cibinong Tbk renamed PT Holcim PT Semen Cibinong Tbk berganti nama menjadi Indonesia Tbk. PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk. PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk 2006 Achievements Managing the Brand - for Reputation and Recognition ■ Launched the Holcim brand in Indonesia via marketing and publicity campaign. ■ Increased Holcim Indonesia visibility through retail branding, a strengthened supply chain and a trade programme. ■ Launched Solusi Rumah - affordable housing and a dynamic new business model. Managing Costs and Working Capital ■ Increased cash generation by reducing net working capital by Rp 250 billion. ■ Disposed of several redundant or obsolete assets within our asset reduction programme. ■ Expanded the AFR (Alternative Fuel and Raw Materials) programme – contributing to the environment and reducing fuel costs. ■ Rationalised product distribution – immediate cost savings. Managing for People ■ Achieved zero lost time injuries among all Cilacap employees throughout 2006. ■ Awarded “The Most Caring Company for Safety in Indonesia” - presented by DuPont & Warta Ekonomi. ■ Attained SMK3 Gold Flag and OHSAS 18001 Certification. ■ Holcim Mason Academy and ‘Ecosim’ business programmes: provided masons with building skills, and trade partners with the tools to enhance their business. ■ Leadership and knowledge: invested US$ 2 million on developing our employees through courses held in Indonesia, SE Asia and Europe. ■ Ran a companywide organisational climate survey and established a Managers’ Forum in the interests of encouraging dialogue. ■ Continued self help initiatives for local communities through our Community Advisory Panels - arranging micro credit and employment. PPTT HHoollcciimm IInnddoonneessiiaa TTbbkk Prestasi Tahun 2006 Mengelola Merek - Menjaga Nama Baik dan Memperoleh Pengakuan ■ Meluncurkan merek Holcim di Indonesia lewat pemasaran dan kampanye publik. ■ Mengupayakan agar Holcim Indonesia lebih dikenal masyarakat melalui toko pengecer, membangun jaringan pasokan yang lebih kuat dan memperkuat program niaga. ■ Meluncurkan program Solusi Rumah – pembangunan rumah dengan biaya terjangkau, dan menciptakan model bisnis baru yang dinamis. Mengelola Biaya dan Modal Kerja ■ Meningkatkan jumlah kas dengan mengurangi modal kerja bersih sebesar Rp 250 miliar. ■ Mengurangi beberapa aset yang sudah tidak terpakai melalui program pengurangan aset. ■ Mengembangkan program AFR (bahan bakar dan baku alternatif) – sebuah kontribusi bagi lingkungan dan juga menekan ongkos bahan bakar. ■ Merasionalisasi kegiatan distribusi produk kepada pihak lain – untuk menghemat biaya. Mengelola Sumber Daya Manusia ■ Mencapai “nil“ jam kerja tanpa cedera untuk karyawan Cilacap selama tahun 2006. ■ Memperoleh penghargaan “The Most Caring Company for Safety in Indonesia” – dari DuPont & majalah Warta Ekonomi. ■ Memperoleh Sertifikat Bendera Emas SMK3 dan OHSAS 18001. ■ Program Akademi Ahli Bangunan dan ‘Ecosim’: memberikan pelatihan bagi ahli bangunan dalam ketrampilan teknik konstruksi, dan menyediakan sarana bagi mitra usaha untuk pengembangan bisnis mereka. ■ Kepemimpinan dan menambah wawasan pengetahuan – menginvestasikan dana sebesar US$ 2 juta untuk membina karyawan kami melalui pelatihan di Indonesia, Asia Tenggara dan Eropa. ■ Merampungkan survei iklim kerja karyawan dan membentuk Forum Manajer guna mendorong terjalinnya dialog. ■ Melanjutkan program usaha mandiri bagi masyarakat sekitar pabrik melalui Forum Konsultasi Masyarakat – membantu mengatur kredit usaha kecil dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. PPTT HHoollcciimm IInnddoonneessiiaa TTbbkk 55 Financial Highlights ( in million Rupiah, except Earnings / (Loss) per Share and Financial Ratios) 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Sales Volume Data Cement & Clinker Sales including Exports 6,077 6,593 6,220 6,045 6,070 (in thousand tonnes) Cement & Clinker Exports (in thousand tonnes) ,999 1,736 1,659 1,688 2,380 Ready Mixed Concrete Shipments (in thousand m3) 82 883 654 462 375 Aggregates Sales (in thousand tonnes) 2,02 1,824 1,740 1,465 1,152 Sales and Earnings Net Sales 2,99,97 3,017,599 2,368,488 2,240,296 1,978,932 Gross Profit 67,59 719,587 171,588 224,567 1,832 Income (Loss) from Operation 6,78 143,095 (69,983) (13,795) (210,728) Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & 9,57 568,899 345,648 393,087 247,706 Amortisation (EBITDA) Net Income (Loss) 75,95 (334,081) (533,130) 174,117 502,455 Earnings / (Loss) per Share 2 (44) (70) 23 66 Number of Shares (in thousands) 7,662,900 7,662,900 7,662,900 7,662,900 7,662,900 Financial Position Net Working Capital 9,75 446,598 623,587 515,581 332,174 Total Assets 7,065,86 7,324,210 7,520,403 7,647,642 7,713,791 Total Investments 1 5,69 89,276 143,727 113,271 88,259 Total Liabilities ,967,78 5,481,781 5,366,846 4,990,592 5,205,296 Total Equity 2,098,668 1,842,429 2,153,557 2,657,050 2,508,495 Financial Ratios Current Ratio .2 1.67 2.76 2.52 2.14 Debt to Total Assets 2 0.57 0.65 0.62 0.56 0.58 Debt to Total Equity .9 2.6 2.2 1.6 1.8 Net Income (Loss) to Total Equity 0.08 (0.18) (0.25) 0.07 0.20 Net Income (Loss) to Total Assets 0.02 (0.05) (0.07) 0.02 0.07 EBITDA Margin (EBITDA / Sales) 5.0% 18.9% 14.6% 17.5% 12.5% 1 not including increment from revaluation of fixed assets 2 2002 to 2004 is recomputed for comparative purposes 6 PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Ikhtisar Keuangan (dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali Laba/(Rugi) Bersih 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 per Saham dan Rasio Keuangan) Data Volume Penjualan 6,077 6,593 6,220 6,045 6,070 Penjualan Semen & Klinker termasuk Ekspor (dalam ribuan ton) ,999 1,736 1,659 1,688 2,380 Ekspor Semen & Klinker (dalam ribuan ton) 82 883 654 462 375 Penjualan Beton Jadi (dalam ribuan m3) 2,02 1,824 1,740 1,465 1,152 Penjualan Agregat (dalam ribuan ton) Penjualan dan Pendapatan 2,99,97 3,017,599 2,368,488 2,240,296 1,978,932 Penjualan Barang dan Jasa bersih 67,59 719,587 171,588 224,567 1,832 Laba Kotor 6,78 143,095 (69,983) (13,795) (210,728) Laba/(Rugi) Usaha 9,57 568,899 345,648 393,087 247,706 Laba Usaha sebelum Bunga, Pajak, Penyusutan & Amortisasi (EBITDA) 75,95 (334,081) (533,130) 174,117 502,455 Laba/(Rugi) bersih 2 (44) (70) 23 66 Laba /(Rugi) bersih per Saham 7,662,900 7,662,900 7,662,900 7,662,900 7,662,900 Jumlah Saham (dalam ribuan) Posisi Finansial 9,75 446,598 623,587 515,581 332,174 Modal Kerja Bersih 7,065,86 7,324,210 7,520,403 7,647,642 7,713,791 Jumlah Aktiva 5,69 89,276 143,727 113,271 88,259 1Jumlah Investasi ,967,78 5,481,781 5,366,846 4,990,592 5,205,296 Jumlah Kewajiban 2,098,668 1,842,429 2,153,557 2,657,050 2,508,495 Jumlah Ekuitas Rasio Keuangan .2 1.67 2.76 2.52 2.14 Rasio Lancar 0.57 0.65 0.62 0.56 0.58 2Rasio Kewajiban terhadap jumlah Aktiva .9 2.6 2.2 1.6 1.8 Rasio Kewajiban terhadap jumlah Ekuitas 0.08 (0.18) (0.25) 0.07 0.20 Rasio Laba/(Rugi) bersih terhadap jumlah Ekuitas 0.02 (0.05) (0.07) 0.02 0.07 Rasio Laba/(Rugi) bersih terhadap jumlah Aktiva 5.0% 18.9% 14.6% 17.5% 12.5% Marjin EBITDA (EBITDA/Penjualan) 1 tidak termasuk selisih nilai penilaian kembali aktiva tetap 2 untuk tujuan perbandingan, tahun 2002 sampai dengan 2004 dikalkulasi kembali PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk 7 Message from the President Commissioner Dear Shareholder, In my message a year ago I cautioned that global energy prices and higher inflation would herald a slower growth phase for the cement and building materials industry in 2006. In reality, the extent and duration of the slowdown has been protracted, in the wake of Government fuel subsidy adjustments in late 2005. A structural shift in the economy is now evident, with commodity exports surpassing private consumption in driving GDP growth of 5.5 per cent > in 2006. Depressed automotive sales, down 40 per Paul cent and the weak housing market in 2006 were a Hugentobler, direct response to the rapid rise in inflation and a President sharp increase in interest rates. Commissioner The Results for 2006 Presiden Komisaris The Company’s performance during 2006 was directly affected by the state of the economy with sales virtually unchanged at Rp 2,993 billion, however, the net profit of Rp 176 billion was an improvement. A stronger Rupiah over the course of the year had a beneficial impact on US Dollar denominated debt, and US$ 35 million in debt repayment has been made. Market Conditions are Improving The negative growth experienced in Java, the largest of Indonesia’s cement markets, was all the more marked, considering national average growth of 8 per cent per year for the last 30 years and over 13 per cent as recently as the early 1990s. We are seeing some improvement in our cement sales from November and December beginning to carry into 2007, even in the midst of the rainy season, traditionally a slow time for the construction sector. A significant reduction in the level of inflation and lower interest rates support a cautious return to growth. 8 PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk