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Hodge Theory: Proceedings of the U.S.-Spain Workshop held in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Spain June 24–30, 1985 PDF

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Preview Hodge Theory: Proceedings of the U.S.-Spain Workshop held in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Spain June 24–30, 1985

Shimura Varieties of W@~ght Two Hodae Structures by James A. Carlson and Carlos Simpson .I Introduction Consider a variation of Hodge structure of weight two, v : Y ~ F\D. Griffiths transversality [6,7] asserts that vectors tangent to the image of v lie in the so-called horizontal tangent bundle Th(F\D), which has fiber dimension h2,°h ,I,I so that (i.i) dim v(Y) <_ ,2h 1 hl, 0 When h2, 0 > 1 the horizontal vectors define a non-integrable distribution in the holomorphic tangent bundle. But v(D) is an integral submanifold for Th, so that additional restrictions hold, namely i l,lh0,2h (1.2) dimv(X) ~ In the category of abstract variations of Hodge structure this bound is best possible [2]. The purpose of this note is to show that the bound is also best possible in the category of geometric variations of Hodge structure. To make the notion "geometric" precise, we follow [8]: Let AF be the category whose objects are smooth families of algebraic varieties, X/Y = ~[ : X ) Y], and whose morphisms are given by commutative diagrams of morphisms of varieties. Let GVHS 0 be the category whose objects are the variations of Hodge structure Rk~,C defined by objects of AF and whose morphisms are those induced from AF. Let GVHS be the smallest abelian category which contains GVHS 0 and which is closed under formation of tensor products and duals. The weight two variations to be constructed satisfy a symmetry condition: their Hodge structures admit an automorphism J such that )i( j2 = -i, (ii) S(Jx, Jy) = S(x,y), where S is the polarizing form, and (iii) JIH 2,0 = +i. We shall call such an object a J-Hodae structure. J-Hodge structures are classified by a space with a transitive U(p,q) action with isotropy subgroup U(p)×U(q), so that there is a natural identification with the generalized unit ball, m t (1.4) B = { complex p×q matrices I ZZ < I } Pq (See [9], p. 527, domains of type A III). Moreover, the natural family of J-Hodge structures over Bpq actually defines a variation of Hodge structures with h 2,0 = p and h I,I = 2q. Since dimBpq = pq = (i/2)h2,0hl, ,l the bound of (1.2) is satisfied. We shall also refer to variations of J-Hodge structures as ~li~. To show that unitary structures arise from geometry, we consider unitary weight one structures: structures admitting an automorphism J as above, but where the dimension of the +i-eigenspace of JIL 1,0 (call it p) is arbitrary. Let E be the Hodge structure on 1 H of the elliptic curve with period lattice generated by 1 and i. Then E carries a natural J-structure, induced by multiplication by i on the underlying curve. Let L®E be the tensor product of these two unitary structures, and observe that J~J is a morphism with eigenvalues ±I. Define the Prvm structure associated to L to be the -i eigenspace of J®J: (1.5) P(L) = kernel [J®J + I: L®E ) L~E ]. This structure is unitary with respect to J®l. The main result is then: Theorem (1.6) If (H,J) is a J-Hodge structure of weight two, then there exists a unitary weight one structure (L,J) such that (P(L), J®l) _= (L,J) . Corollary (1.7) Every J-Hodge structure of weight two arises from geometry. 2. Unitarv variations of Hod~e structure To describe the variations which realize the bounds we fix the following terminology. A ~ is a pair (A,S) consisting of a torsion-free abelian group A and a non-degenerate integer-valued bilinear form S on A. A complex structure on a lattice is an endomorphism J of A satisfying (i) S(Jx, Jy) = S(x,y) for all x and y, and (ii) j2 = -i. We shall also call a lattice with a complex structure a J-lattice. A morphism of J-lattices #: A 1 ---9 2 A is a group homomorphism satisfying )i( J2~ = ~Jl, (ii) S 2(~x,~y) = S l(x,y) if the two forms are either both symmetric or both antisymmetric, (iii) S2(~x,~y) = Sl(JX, y) otherwise. Note that in general the bilinear form (2.1) JS(x,y) = S(Jx, y) is symmetric if J is antisymmetric (and viceversa) . A J-polarized Hodae structure consists of )i( a polarized Hodge structure and (ii) a J- structure on the underlying lattice, where J is a morphism of Hodge structures. J-lattices exist. For a trivial example, take a lattice (L,S), consider the doubled lattice (L,S+) = (L@gL, S~S), then set J(x,y) = (_~-l(y), ~(x)), where ~ : L ---9 L is an isometry. The 8 E lattice 4 gives a nontrivial (indecomposable) example. To see this, view 8 E in Q8 with root system A given in the standard basis by i ± ± e ej (I ~ j < i ~ 8) ; (1/2) (~ Eiei) , where i e = ±i, ~i = -I ° Let J be the linear transformation of Q8 defined by J(Xl, ... ,x ,4 5 , x ... , x )8 = (-x 5 , ... , -x 8 , x ,I ... ,x )4 and observe that J(~) = ~ , so that J restricts to an automorphism of the 8 E lattice of the required type. One may construct pairs (S,J) with associated hermitian form of prescribed signature (p,q), as in the matrix example below: p 2 1 [ J 0 , J = , where Jp = S+ = 0 -I 2 0 Jq p Let D = D(A,S,n,h) be the classifying space for S-polarized Hodge structures of weight n with Hodge numbers hP, q = hP,q. (We suppose here that hP, q = 0 for p < 0.) According to [7], D is a homogeneous space for a real Lie group G(D) = SO(AR, ) ~ S SO(a,b,R), where in general K A = A®K. The discrete subgroup F = SO(Az,S) acts on D to give an analytic quotient space F\D which is quasiprojective in the Hermitian symmetric case [i]. Fix a complex structure J on (A,S), fix integers ~P,q, and let D(J,~) be the set J-polarized Hodge structures in D for which the dimension of the +i-eigenspace of JIHP,q is ~P,q. Thus D(J,~) is a homogeneous space for the real Lie group G(D,J) = SO(AR, S, J) consisting of elements of SO(AR, )S which commute with J. To identify this group consider the decomposition C = A A+ ~A_ into the ±i-eigenspaces of ,J an orthogonal decomposition relative to the hermitian form h(x,y) = ihS(x,y) associated to S. Then (2.2) the restriction map g ) glA+ defines an isomorphism of G(D,J) with the unitary group of h on A+ --- an indefinite unitary group of type U(c, d). Once again, analytic quotients F(J)\D(J,~) are defined, where F(J) denotes the (arithmetic) subgroup of G(D,J) which preserves the lattice. ~ When the isotropy subgroup of a reference structure F*, written G(D,J,F*), is maximal compact, i.e., of the form U(c)×U(d), then D(J) is hermitian symmetric and the discrete quotient is quasiprojective. We now study the construction D(J) in the weight one case. Let z L denote the underlying lattice, and let L = (Lz,S,F*) denote an S- polarized Hodge structure of weight one and genus g: dim 1,0 = g. L Let p denote the dimension of the +i-eigenspace of J on L, and write Hg for D, Hg(J,p) for D(J,~), where Hg is the Siegel space of genus g. Theorem (2.3) Let Hg(J,p) be a weight one unitary space. Then )a( the isotropy group of a reference structure is isomorphic to U(p)×U(q), where p+q = g, )b( Hg(J,p) is hermitian symmetric, )c( Hg(J,p) is a complex submanifold of Hg. Proof : Because J is a morphism of Hodge structure, one has a decomposition L+ = L+ 1,0 9~ 1 L+0, Let h(x, )y = iS (x,y) be the Hermitian form associated to S. The Riemann bilinear relations imply that h is positive on L+ 1,0 and negative on L+ 0,I, hence is of signature (p,q) . Since an element g E G(Hg, J) preserves the type decomposition on L+, it maps to an element of U(p)XU(q); the map G(Hg, J,L) ~. > U(p)XU(q) is then easily verified to be an isomorphism. To see that Hg(J,p) is Hermitian symmetric, observe that the associated special unitary group, SU(p,q) also acts transitively, with isotropy group S(U(p)xU(q)). This latter group is maximal compact with one-dimensional center, as required. To show that Hg(J,p) is a complex submanifold of Hg one may use the fact that the imbedding is defined by an imbedding of Lie groups in which the (one-dimensional) centers of the isotropy groups correspond: (2.4 )a. Hg --_- Sp(g)/U(g) (2.4 )b. Hg (J,p) = SU ,p( q)/S (U )p( xU (q)) where g = p+q. One may also give a direct argument. The complex structure on Hg is that given as an open subset of a subvariety of a Grassmanian: (2.5) Hg C Hg = {F C C L I dim F = g and S IF = 0 } , where F = 1,0. L The locus Hg(J,p) is defined by the Schubert conditions (2.6) dim(F ~r L+) = p and dim(F N L_) = q , and so is a complex submanifold. The discrete quotient Y = F(J)\Hg(J,p) is quasiprojective, and is an instance of a Shimura variety [10,11,12,13]. Replacing F by a subgroup of finite index which acts without fixed points, one may construct a family of Abelian varieties A/Y which admits a globally defined endomorphism J of square -I. Thus Y classifies "Abelian varieties with additional structure" (i.e. J). We study next the weight two case: Theorem (2.7) Let D(J) be a weight two unitary space with 2,0 = h p, h I,I = 2q, and JIH 2,0 = +i. Then (a) the isotropy group of a reference structure is isomorphic to U(p)×U(q), )b( D(J) is Hermitian symmetric, )c( D(J) is a complex submanifold of D, )d( D(J) is tangent to the horizontal distribution of D, )e( D(J) defines a variation of Hodge structure of maximal dimension. Proof: Denote the underlying lattice by z H and fix a reference Hodge filtration F~ E D(J) . Since J preserves H I,I, there is an eigenspace decomposition I,I = H H+ I,I • H_ I,I Let c H = H+ ~ H_ be the eigenspace decomposition on the complexification of the lattice, and let h(x,y) = -S(x,y) be the Hermitian form associated to S. By the Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations, hIH+ has signature (p,q) ° An element g E G(J,F*) preserves the refined type decomposition (2.8) C H = [H2, 0 ~ H+I, ]I ~ 1 ~ [H.I, H0,2], where the first term in brackets is H+ and the second term is H_. Therefore gIH+ lies in U(p)xU(q). This proves (a), and )b( follows, since the isotropy group of the associated special unitary group is maximal compact with one-dimensional center. To prove holomorphicity, note that by (2.8) D(J) is (once again), defined by a Schubert condition: 2 C F H+. To prove horizontality, we use the dual Schubert condition H+ = [H 2,0 ~ H+ I,I] c I. F Consider therefore a holomorphic curve of filtrations F*(t), and let ~(t) E F2(t) define a holomorphic section of the Hodge bundle 2. F Then J~(t) = +i~(t) . Differentiation yields Jd~/dt = +id~/dt, so that Jd~/dt E H+ C Fl(t) . Thus dF2/dt c F ,I as required. The last assertion follows from (1.2), since the dimension of U(p,q)/U(p)×(U(q) is pq = (i/2)h2,0hl, .I 3. The Prvm construction In this section we prove theorem (1.6). The first step is to define canonical operators which change the weight of a J-Hodge structure. Suppose given a J-Hodge structure of weight two, H = (Hz, S, F*, J). Define a new filtration JF* by (3.1) JF 1 = 0 H2, )~ 1 H_I, JF0 = HC 0 Then (Hz,JS,JF*,J) is a J-polarized Hodge structure of weight one. One thinks of this as follows: The +i eigenspace of J has formal type (I,0), while the -i eigenspace has formal type (0, I). Subtract formal type from actual type to get the type of the "J-twisted" Hodge structure. According to this rule, JF 1 has type (I,0). Given a J-poldrized Hodge structure of weight one, H = (Hz, S,F*,J), define a new filtration by (3.2) JF 2 = 0 H+I, JF 1 = H+ 1,0 • H_ 1,0 ~ H+ 0'I JF 0 = c. H The correct definitions are arrived at by the same rule, except that one adds actual and formal types to get the new type. The new object (Hz, JS,JF*,J) is a J-polarized Hodge structure of weight two. Note that J(JH) = H, so that the operation H ---~ JH defines a natural isomorphism between the categories of J-Hodge structures of weights one and two, respectively. The next (and final) step is the following: Lemma (3.3) For every J-polarized Hodge structure of weight 2 there is a canonical isomorphism : H ) P(JH) Proof: Let P+ and P_ be the projections of C H onto the +i and -i eigenspaces of J. Let E = (Ez, SE, F*, J) be the J-Hodge structure of the elliptic curve with period ratio i. Let (e, e') be a symplectic basis for EZ, and let ~ = e + ie' generate El, 0. Define a linear transformation (3.4) ~ C : H ) H C®E C by the formula (3.5) ¢(v) = P+ )v( ~(~ + P_ )v( ®~. Because J®J(~(v)) = -~(v), the image of # lies in the complex vector space of P(JH). Since the terms of ~(v) lie in distinct eigenspaces of 10 J~l, ~(v) vanishes if and only if b~th P+(v) and P_(v) vanish, i.e., if and only if v = 0. Consequently (3.6) ~ : H ) P(JH) is an isomorphism of vector spaces. To see that ~ preserves the integral structure, substitute the relations P±(v) = (I/2) (J ± )i into the definition of ~(v) to obtain (3.7) ~ )v( = Jv~e - v®e', and observe that J preserves the integral structures. We verify that ~ preserves polarizations, where L®E carries, up to scale factor, the canonical polarization of a tensor product, (3.8) S(x®y, x'®y') = (-i/2)JS(x,x')SE(y,y )' To this end substitute the definition of ~(v) and ~(v') in the definition of S and use the fact that the +i and -i eigenspaces of J are S~-orthogonal to obtain S(~(v),~(v')) = (-I/2) [Js(P÷v, P_v')SE(0),~ ) + JS(P_v,P+v')SE((0,~) ] = [ S(P+v,P v') + S(P_v,P÷v') ] = S(v,v') . Since ~ preserves the integral structures, it is defined over the real numbers. Thus, to show that ~ preserves Hodge filtration, it suffices to show that #(H2, )0 C (H~E) 2,0. If v is in H2, 0 then P+(v) = v and P_(v) = 0, so that ~(v) = v®G) E (H®E)2, ,0 as required.

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