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HL7 V2.5 Appendix A - HL7.org PDF

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Preview HL7 V2.5 Appendix A - HL7.org

A. Data Definition Tables A.1 APPENDIX A CONTENTS A.1 APPENDIX A CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................A-1 A.2 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................A-1 A.3 MESSAGE TYPES.....................................................................................................................................A-2 A.4 SEGMENTS................................................................................................................................................A-5 A.5 HL7 AND USER-DEFINED TABLES - ALPHABETIC SORT..........................................................A-10 A.6 HL7 AND USER-DEFINED TABLES - NUMERIC SORT................................................................A-24 A.7 DATA ELEMENT NAMES...................................................................................................................A-189 A.2 INTRODUCTION The HL7 specifications were prepared using a data dictionary database. Certain outputs from that database are included in the chapters that define the abstract messages. These outputs list the data fields and field notes associated with a segment. Other Data Dictionary outputs are included here to comprise appendix A. These include: • a list of the message types that comprise the HL7 protocol • a list of the segment IDs and segment names • a list of each data element organized alphabetically by name • a list of the IDs and names of all tables of coded values • a cross reference of table IDs vs. data element names • a list of the contents of each table • a list of all data element names. Health Level Seven, Version 2.6 © 2007. All rights reserved. Page A-1 Final Standard. November 2007. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables A.3 MESSAGE TYPES Message Description Chapter(s) ACK General acknowledgment message 2.13.1 ADT ADT message 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.8, 3.3.9, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.20, 3.3.21, 3.3.22, 3.3.23, 3.3.24, 3.3.25, 3.3.26, 3.3.27, 3.3.28, 3.3.29, 3.3.30, 3.3.31, 3.3.32, 3.3.33, 3.3.34, 3.3.35, 3.3.36, 3.3.37, 3.3.38, 3.3.39, 3.3.40, 3.3.41, 3.3.42, 3.3.43, 3.3.44, 3.3.45, 3.3.46, 3.3.47, 3.3.48, 3.3.49, 3.3.50, 3.3.51, 3.3.52, 3.3.53, 3.3.54, 3.3.55, 3.3.60, 3.3.61, 3.3.62 BAR Add/change billing account 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.5, 6.4.6, 6.4.7, 6.4.9 BPS Blood product dispense status message 4.20.3 BRP Blood product dispense status acknowledgement 4.20.4 message BRT Blood product transfusion/disposition 4.20.6 acknowledgement message BTS Blood product transfusion/disposition message 4.20.5 CRM Clinical study registration message 7.7.1 CSU Unsolicited study data message 7.7.2 DFT Detail financial transactions 6.4.3, 6.4.8 EAC Automated equipment command message 13.3.7 EAN Automated equipment notification message 13.3.9 EAR Automated equipment response message 13.3.8 EHC Health Care Invoice 16.3.1, 16.3.2, 16.3.5, 16.3.6, 16.3.7, 16.3.8, 16.3.9, 16.3.10, 16.3.11, 16.3.14 ESR Automated equipment status update 13.3.2 acknowledgment message ESU Automated equipment status update message 13.3.1 INR Automated equipment inventory request message 13.3.6 INU Automated equipment inventory update message 13.3.5 LSR Automated equipment log/service request message 13.3.13 LSU Automated equipment log/service update message 13.3.12 MDM Medical document management 9.5.1, 9.5.2, 9.5.3, 9.5.4, 9.5.5, 9.5.6, 9.5.7, 9.5.8, 9.5.9, 9.5.10, 9.5.11 MFN Master files notification 8.4.1, 8.7.1, 8.8.2, 8.10.1, 8.9.1, 8.11.1, 8.8.3, 8.8.4, 8.8.5, 8.8.6, 8.8.7, 8.4.2, 8.4.3, 8.12.1, 8.12.2, 8.13.1 NMD Application management data message 14.3.2 NMQ Application management query message 14.3.1 OMB Blood product order message 4.20.1 OMD Dietary order 4.7.1 OMG General clinical order message 4.4.4 Page A-2 Health Level Seven, Version 2.6 © 2007. All rights reserved. November 2007. Final Standard. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables Message Description Chapter(s) OMI Imaging order 4.4.12 OML Laboratory order message 4.4.6, 4.4.8, 4.4.10 OMN Non-stock requisition order message 4.10.3 OMP Pharmacy/treatment order message 4.13.3 OMS Stock requisition order message 4.10.1 OPL Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order 4.4.14 Message OPR Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order 4.4.15 Acknowledgment Message OPU Unsolicited Population/Location-Based Laboratory 7.3.10 Observation Message ORB Blood product order acknowledgement message 4.20.2 ORD Dietary order acknowledgment message 4.7.2 ORF Query for results of observation 7.3.3 ORG General clinical order acknowledgment message 4.4.5 ORI Imaging order acknowledgement message 4.4.13 ORL Laboratory acknowledgment message (unsolicited) 4.4.7, 4.4.9, 4.4.11 ORM Pharmacy/treatment order message 4.4.1 ORN Non-stock requisition - General order 4.10.4 acknowledgment message ORP Pharmacy/treatment order acknowledgment message 4.13.4 ORR General order response message response to any 4.4.2 ORM ORS Stock requisition - Order acknowledgment message 4.10.2 ORU Unsolicited transmission of an observation message 7.3.1, 7.3.4, 7.3.5, 7.3.6 OSQ Query response for order status 4.4.3 OUL Unsolicited laboratory observation message 7.3.2, 7.3.7, 7.3.8, 7.3.9 PEX Product experience message 7.11.1 PGL Patient goal message 12.3.1 PIN Patient insurance information 11.3.7 PMU Add personnel record 15.3.1, 15.3.2, 15.3.3, 15.3.4, 15.3.5, 15.3.6, 15.3.8, 15.3.9 PPG Patient pathway message (goal-oriented) 12.3.4 PPP Patient pathway message (problem-oriented) 12.3.3 PPR Patient problem message 12.3.2 PPT Patient pathway goal-oriented response 12.3.12 PPV Patient goal response 12.3.8 PRR Patient problem response 12.3.6 PTR Patient pathway problem-oriented response 12.3.10 Health Level Seven, Version 2.5.1 © 2007. All rights reserved. Page A-3 Final Standard. January 2007. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables Message Description Chapter(s) QBP Query by parameter 16.3.3, 16.3.12, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 3.3.56, 3.3.57, 3.3.58, 3.3.59, 15.3.7, 4.13.20, 4.6.2,,,,,,,,,,,,, QCN Cancel query 5.4.6 QRY Query, original mode 3.3.19, 12.3.5, 12.3.7, 12.3.9, 12.3.11, 4.13.15, 4.13.16, 4.13.17, 4.13.18, 4.13.19, 7.3.3, 9.8.1 QSB Create subscription 5.4.4, QSX Cancel subscription/acknowledge message 5.4.7 QVR Query for previous events 5.4.5 RAR Pharmacy/treatment administration information 4.13.16 RAS Pharmacy/treatment administration message 4.13.11 RDE Pharmacy/treatment encoded order message 4.13.5, 4.13.13 RDS Pharmacy/treatment dispense message 4.13.7 RDY Display based response 5.4.3,, REF Patient referral 11.5.1 RER Pharmacy/treatment encoded order information 4.13.18 RGR Pharmacy/treatment dose information 4.13.19 RGV Pharmacy/treatment give message 4.13.9 ROR Pharmacy/treatment order response 4.13.15 RQA Request patient authorization 11.4.1 RQC Request clinical information 11.3.5, 11.3.6 RQI Request patient information 11.3.1, 11.3.2, 11.3.3 RQP Request patient demographics 11.3.4 RRA Pharmacy/treatment administration acknowledgment 4.13.12 message RRD Pharmacy/treatment dispense acknowledgment 4.13.8 message RRE Pharmacy/treatment encoded order acknowledgment 4.13.6, 4.13.14 message RRG Pharmacy/treatment give acknowledgment message 4.13.10 RSP Segment pattern response 5.4.1, 3.3.56, 3.3.57, 3.3.58, 3.3.59, 15.3.7, 4.13.20,,,,, RTB Tabular response 5.4.2, 4.6.2,,,,, SCN Notification of Anti-Microbial Device Cycle Data 17.6.5 SDN Notification of Anti-Microbial Device Data 17.6.4 SDR Sterilization anti-microbial device data request 17.5.4 SIU Schedule information unsolicited 10.4 SLN Notification of New Sterilization Lot 17.6.2, 17.6.3 SLR Sterilization lot request 17.5.1, 17.5.2 Page A-4 Health Level Seven, Version 2.6 © 2007. All rights reserved. November 2007. Final Standard. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables Message Description Chapter(s) SMD Sterilization anti-microbial device cycle data request 17.5.5 SQM Schedule query message 10.5.3 SRM Schedule request message 10.3 SSR Specimen status request message 13.3.4 SSU Specimen status update message 13.3.3 STC Notification of Sterilization Configuration 17.6.1 STI Sterilization item request 17.5.3 SUR Summary product experience report 7.11.2 TCR Automated equipment test code settings request 13.3.11 message TCU Automated equipment test code settings update 13.3.10 message VXQ Query for vaccination record 4.17.3 VXR Vaccination record response 4.17.5 VXU Unsolicited vaccination record update 4.17.6 VXX Response for vaccination query with multiple PID 4.17.4 matches A.4 SEGMENTS Segment Description Chapter(s) ABS Abstract 6.5.12 ACC Accident 6.5.9 ADD Addendum 2.14.1 ADJ Adjustment 16.4.7 AFF Professional Affiliation 15.4.1 AIG Appointment Information - General Resource 10.6.5 AIL Appointment Information - Location Resource 10.6.6 AIP Appointment Information - Personnel Resource 10.6.7 AIS Appointment Information 10.6.4 AL1 Patient Allergy Information 3.4.6 APR Appointment Preferences 10.6.8 ARQ Appointment Request 10.6.1 ARV Access Restriction 3.4.13 AUT Authorization Information 11.6.2 BHS Batch Header 2.14.2 BLC Blood Code 6.5.13 Health Level Seven, Version 2.5.1 © 2007. All rights reserved. Page A-5 Final Standard. January 2007. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables Segment Description Chapter(s) BLG Billing 4.5.2 BPO Blood product order 4.21.1 BPX Blood product dispense status 4.21.2 BTS Batch Trailer 2.14.3 BTX Blood Product Transfusion/Disposition 4.21.3 CDM Charge Description Master 8.10.2 CER Certificate Detail 15.4.2 CM0 Clinical Study Master 8.11.2 CM1 Clinical Study Phase Master 8.11.3 CM2 Clinical Study Schedule Master 8.11.4 CNS Clear Notification 13.4.8 CON Consent Segment 9.9.4 CSP Clinical Study Phase 7.8.2 CSR Clinical Study Registration 7.8.1 CSS Clinical Study Data Schedule Segment 7.8.3 CTD Contact Data 11.6.4 CTI Clinical Trial Identification 7.8.4 DB1 Disability 3.4.11 DG1 Diagnosis 6.5.2 DMI DRG Master File Information 8.13.2 DRG Diagnosis Related Group 6.5.3 DSC Continuation Pointer 2.14.4 DSP Display Data 5.5.1 ECD Equipment Command 13.4.5 ECR Equipment Command Response 13.4.6 ED Encapsulated Data (wrong segment) 7.11.2 EDU Educational Detail 15.4.3 EQP Equipment/log Service 13.4.12 EQU Equipment Detail 13.4.1 ERR Error 2.14.5 EVN Event Type 3.4.1 FAC Facility 7.12.6 FHS File Header 2.14.6 FT1 Financial Transaction 6.5.1 FTS File Trailer 2.14.7 GOL Goal Detail 12.4.1 GP1 Grouping/Reimbursement - Visit 6.5.15 GP2 Grouping/Reimbursement - Procedure Line Item 6.5.16 Page A-6 Health Level Seven, Version 2.6 © 2007. All rights reserved. November 2007. Final Standard. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables Segment Description Chapter(s) GT1 Guarantor 6.5.5 Hxx any HL7 segment IAM Patient Adverse Reaction Information 3.4.7 IIM Inventory Item Master 17.4.1 ILT Material Lot 17.4.8 IN1 Insurance 6.5.6 IN2 Insurance Additional Information 6.5.7 IN3 Insurance Additional Information, Certification 6.5.8 INV Inventory Detail 13.4.4 IPC Imaging Procedure Control Segment 4.5.6 IPR Invoice Processing Results 16.4.9 ISD Interaction Status Detail 13.4.2 ITM Material Item 17.4.2 IVC Invoice Segment 16.4.2 IVT Material Location 17.4.7 LAN Language Detail 15.4.4 LCC Location Charge Code 8.9.6 LCH Location Characteristic 8.9.3 LDP Location Department 8.9.5 LOC Location Identification 8.9.2 LRL Location Relationship 8.9.4 MFA Master File Acknowledgment 8.5.3 MFE Master File Entry 8.5.2 MFI Master File Identification 8.5.1 MRG Merge Patient Information 3.4.9 MSA Message Acknowledgment 2.14.8 MSH Message Header 2.14.9 NCK System Clock 14.4.1 NDS Notification Detail 13.4.7 NK1 Next of Kin / Associated Parties 3.4.5 NPU Bed Status Update 3.4.8 NSC Application Status Change 14.4.2 NST Application control level statistics 14.4.3 NTE Notes and Comments 2.14.10 OBR Observation Request 4.5.3 OBX Observation/Result 7.4.2 ODS Dietary Orders, Supplements, and Preferences 4.8.1 ODT Diet Tray Instructions 4.8.2 Health Level Seven, Version 2.5.1 © 2007. All rights reserved. Page A-7 Final Standard. January 2007. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables Segment Description Chapter(s) OM1 General Segment 8.8.8 OM2 Numeric Observation 8.8.9 OM3 Categorical Service/Test/Observation 8.8.10 OM4 Observations that Require Specimens 8.8.11 OM5 Observation Batteries (Sets) 8.8.12 OM6 Observations that are Calculated from Other Observations 8.8.13 OM7 Additional Basic Attributes 8.8.14 ORC Common Order 4.5.1 ORG Practitioner Organization Unit 15.4.5 OVR Override Segment 2.14.11 PCE Patient Charge Cost Center Exceptions 17.4.6 PCR Possible Causal Relationship 7.12.3 PD1 Patient Additional Demographic 3.4.10 PDA Patient Death and Autopsy 3.4.12 PDC Product Detail Country 7.12.5 PEO Product Experience Observation 7.12.2 PES Product Experience Sender 7.12.1 PID Patient Identification 3.4.2 PKG Item Packaging 17.4.5 PMT Payment Information 16.4.8 PR1 Procedures 6.5.4 PRA Practitioner Detail 15.4.6 PRB Problem Details 12.4.2 PRC Pricing 8.10.3 PRD Provider Data 11.6.3 PSG Product/Service Group 16.4.5 PSH Product Summary Header 7.12.4 PSL Product/Service Line Item 16.4.6 PSS Product/Service Section 16.4.4 PTH Pathway 12.4.3 PV1 Patient Visit 3.4.3 PV2 Patient Visit - Additional Information 3.4.4 PYE Payee Information 16.4.3 QAK Query Acknowledgment 5.5.2 QID Query Identification 5.5.3 QPD Query Parameter Definition 5.5.4 QRD Original-Style Query Definition QRF Original style query filter Page A-8 Health Level Seven, Version 2.6 © 2007. All rights reserved. November 2007. Final Standard. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables Segment Description Chapter(s) QRI Query Response Instance 5.5.5 RCP Response Control Parameter 5.5.6 RDF Table Row Definition 5.5.7 RDT Table Row Data 5.5.8 REL Clinical Relationship Segment 12.4.5 RF1 Referral Information 11.6.1 RFI Request for Information 16.4.1 RGS Resource Group 10.6.3 RMI Risk Management Incident 6.5.14 ROL Role 15.4.7 RQ1 Requisition Detail-1 4.11.2 RQD Requisition Detail 4.11.1 RXA Pharmacy/Treatment Administration 4.14.7 RXC Pharmacy/Treatment Component Order 4.14.3 RXD Pharmacy/Treatment Dispense 4.14.5 RXE Pharmacy/Treatment Encoded Order 4.14.4 RXG Pharmacy/Treatment Give 4.14.6 RXO Pharmacy/Treatment Order 4.14.1 RXR Pharmacy/Treatment Route 4.14.2 SAC Specimen Container detail 13.4.3 SCD Anti-Microbial Cycle Data 17.7.4 SCH Scheduling Activity Information 10.6.2 SCP Sterilizer Configuration Notification (Anti-Microbial Devices) 17.7.1 SDD Sterilization Device Data 17.7.3 SFT Software Segment 2.14.12 SID Substance Identifier 13.4.11 SLT Sterilization Lot 17.7.2 SPM Specimen 7.4.3 STF Staff Identification 15.4.8 STZ Sterilization Parameter 17.4.3 TCC Test Code Configuration 13.4.9 TCD Test Code Detail 13.4.10 TQ1 Timing/Quantity 4.5.4 TQ2 Timing/Quantity Relationship 4.5.5 TXA Transcription Document Header 9.6.1 UAC User Authentication Credential Segment 2.14.13 UB1 UB82 6.5.10 UB2 UB92 Data 6.5.11 Health Level Seven, Version 2.5.1 © 2007. All rights reserved. Page A-9 Final Standard. January 2007. Appendix A: Data Definition Tables Segment Description Chapter(s) URD Results/update Definition URS Unsolicited Selection VAR Variance 12.4.4 VND Purchasing Vendor 17.4.4 ZL7 (proposed example only) 8.6.1 Zxx any Z segment A.5 HL7 AND USER-DEFINED TABLES - ALPHABETIC SORT Type Table Name Chapter(s) User 9999 User 0078 Abnormal flags HL7 0155 Accept/application acknowledgment conditions User 0719 Access Restriction Reason Code User 0717 Access Restriction Value User 0050 Accident Code User 0129 Accommodation code User 0117 Account Status HL7 0008 Acknowledgment code HL7 0251 Action Taken in Response to the Event HL7 0183 Active/Inactive HL7 0371 Additive/Preservative 7.18.5 User 0616 Address Expiration Reason 2.A.85.15 HL7 0190 Address type 2.A.85.7 HL7 0617 Address Usage 2.A.85.18 User 0569 Adjustment Action User 0564 Adjustment Category Code User 0164 Administration Device User 0165 Administration Method User 0001 Administrative Sex User 0432 Admission Level of Care Code User 0007 Admission Type User 0023 Admit Source User 0435 Advance Directive Code User 0339 Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code HL7 0552 Advanced beneficiary notice override reason Page A-10 Health Level Seven, Version 2.6 © 2007. All rights reserved. November 2007. Final Standard.

Mar 13, 2010 A-1. A.2. INTRODUCTION .. A-1. A.3. MESSAGE TYPES.
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