^ /5 THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY lOUNDED ItY JAMES LOEB, LL.D. EDITED BY T. E. PAGE, C.H., LITT.D. E. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. W. H. D. ROUSE, litt.d. AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS I The Ackhenza Bust Supposed bysomeinheaportraitofJulian This bust, slightly more than life size and made of the local limestone, stood for many years on the gable of the cathedral of Acerenza (Aceruntia), near Horace's birthplace; it is now preserved in the sacristy of the chinch. It was formerly regarded by the natives as an image of St. Peter. Thatit might represent Julian was first suggested byLenormant in 1883; his opinionwasaccepted by some, but is now generally rejected by the best authorities; for although the bust is probably a work of the foiu-th century, it 'does not at all correspond with Ammianus' description of Julian (xxv. 4, 22), or with the coins and a sardonyx gem, which seem to give the onlyauthentic portraits of the emperor.^ 11amindebtedforafullaccount of the literature on tlie subject to Dr George M. A. Hanfmann,Kesearch Fellow of Harvard University, and Professor David M. Kobinson, of Johns Hopkins University. A M M A N U S I MARCELLINUS WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY JOHN ROLFE C. PH.D., LITT.D. UNITEESITY OF PENNSYLV.\NIA IN THREE VOLFMES 1 LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD. CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS MCMXXXV Printed in Oreal Britain