sovsnmerornon | Cantal Archaeological Library Aenea survey a nda | JANPATH, NEW DELI THE HISTORY OF RAJPUTANA Un Two VoLumes) VOLUME | ss eae (atari H) Weal HTT be i ‘The ajpus inay well be prod of 1h chtualry oc eimai aero aha brace at ghijone eos at i tobe fon jn he de Siplien of dow. of valeur whih The joa nested neon of tele alii Wry” forth poetion oft Bear Fon, KM. Watam, saagdi ot etna del oe at sem aha afer GE safe aah aa 6 eneiser ser ga-aater ot cars feb ang Sat deard fey Baarsal 44 deer sie ‘hea or ficou eit fear @ tar Pre Fast ot oes Bn & fae i kaif | —ata tert —T— [= THE, HISTORY OF RAJPUTANA A eanoiar geographical, historia, biographical, descriptive ad fcc mee (frm el etme oie pio ding) of facts and jigs of the agputara Slates based stone and copper late inscriptions tl Sarit Persian, Marathi ond. Bajaithane Kbyte (Ganescript) are allior sources, je eeraanare ann , JAGDISH SINGH GAHLOT, 118.45. (Loxp,) Antiquarian and Mistorian Foalpur (Rejpatans) WITH A FOREWORD ev Rao Banapur K, N. DIKSHIT, ws,, reas, Director Genersl of Arshmology to tho Goverment of Indy Now Duh, Jou.t eS CONTAINING a gaveretreirosped SP gticord mgd the hired otndy oF Udaspun, Diagarjar, Eaasttrs, Pralapgarh, Shakpura, Karawli and Faisalmer, States, 954.35 Gan PUBLISHER HINDI SAHITYA MANDIR ES “A reople, which rakes no pride in the 20h ‘hievemouts of remove soything worlhy to be romombgied wilh pride by reine deasen dant." store will never achinre, Low Macaciay, Si cuit wee gest & a srt fame at well ae de tet sm new a ceil oi age aa ay Fast gear & ant enemy ea diea gi — and tert - 1cAb ont a S717%. 3 15-6- 63+ Pan Nn Ae BSR PRINTED AND ROUND AT THE | EDUCATIONAL Press, AGRA, UF. be TATA BT eaeTa sepa gerd, ree aad, ral, are, (eet Scrat mB araie ee sme eMT aa Sra ae LA TAT ava wr afea sien Cat at H) aes aft sarftabic sedi CH B> F> THe fete ce frail! TAR (ATTA ) sere fe WARE Ho Ae AeA Co To, MK Alle ke MAe lo, cedisce sacar im mre rx rfeem at test Feet ATT (aaqara er gsia She reage, Gaege, sear, serene, mega, sitet She Seraite creat trees) RTE feat alee aPae emt, ye cee saver Pro de tat {0 Whou we shall be uo moro, sea Sinsia & gor saad ae oe oh rd arn arent sie ard, em ara es aya, gare ary wT cord ead after, Bar tee Asia, Prost au Fara faite ft a x28 B aerate