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History of Minnesota: from the earliest French explorations to the present time PDF

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Preview History of Minnesota: from the earliest French explorations to the present time

THE HISTORY OF MIHMSOTA: FROM THE EARLIEST FRENCH EXPLORATIONS TO THB PRESENT TIME, BY THB REV. EDWARD DUFPIELD NECLL, PRA'IDKNT of MA0ALE8TEK COLLKOE ; CoiiREBpoNDiNG Member of Massachusistts Historical Socibty; Authod o» "ViRoiNiA Company of Lonuob," "The Knoi.ish Colonizatiom of Ambuica," Fo'tndeiw of Makvlano," Etc.,Etc., Etc. "Nescirequidanteaquamnalussisacciilerit,idsemperessepuernm." FIFTH EDITION, BEVISED AND EMLAKOED. MINNEAPOMS: BriNNESOTA HISTORICAL COMPANY. 18S8. « ^^^Wii PREFATORY JSTOTE. In thepreparation ofanenlargededitionofthe Historyof Minnesota, great assistance has been received from material which was not accessible when the earlier editions were published. Two years ago tracings were obtained, from someunpub- lished maps, which morefully exhibit the movements of the first explorers of Minnesota than the published charts of DsTIsle and others, and have led tp.a modification ofsome statements,intheformereditions. TKesetracingswereloaned to the State Geologist, Prof. Winchell, whoconsidered them ofHufiicientimportancetobeengraved for his final reporton the geology of Minnesota, and by his courtesy two of the mapsappearin thiswork. Appended to this edition wil' be found a chapter on the published and unpublished maps of the region westof Lake Superior; additional noticesof Groselliers and Radisson, the first white mentovisit the Sioux; a memoir of Du Luth; a careful examination ofthe writings of Hennepin; additional notices of Perrot, and Pierre Le Sueur the explorer of the St. Pierre, now MinnesotaRiver; an abstractofLa Hontan's fabulousvoyage in midwinter, upon aso-called Long River; an extended account of Fort Beauharnois on the shores of Lake Pepin; theexplorations of the Verandries; a sketch of David Thompson, the geographer and astronomer of the North-West Company; large extracts from the manuscripts of Alexander Henry, one of the first English tradersin the valley of the Red River of the North; and ahistory of Fort Snelliug. . PREFATORY KOTB. An acknowledgmentindue to Alpheus P. Tod, the nccom- plished librarian of the Parliament Libraryof the Dominion ofCanada, at Ottawa,for the useofmanuscripts; tohisconri- eous asHiatant, L. P. Sylvain, for repeated favors; and to the Hon. A. S. Hardy, Secretary of the Province of Ontario, for valuabledocuments,nadaccessto the unpublishedjournalsof David Thompson. Lyman C. Draper, the Secretary, and D. S. Durrie, the Librarian ofthe WisconsinHistorical Society,haTe also aided me by sending vnluableworks of thatSocietywhich Idesired toexamine. As the last pages were going through thepress, my friend, A. F. SpotFord, LL.D., Librarian of Congress, forwarded for my inspection, the first sheets of the fifth volume of the Margry Docuuients now being printed in Paris. Therein is a letterof the Jesuit Engalran, written at Mackinaw on the 26thofAugust,1683,to LetevredeLaBarre,thenew Governor of Canada. It mentions that Du Luth, who had returned to Mackinaw from Prance,went with thirty-one men, about the eighthday ofAugust, by way ofGreen Bay, to visitthe Pot- towattomies, andexpress the displeasure of the Governorat theirmanifestationofillwilltowardtheFrench,andtheirsym- pathy withthe Iroquois. HewasnotlongabsentfromMack- inaw, and uponhis return, again began to make preparations fortrading with the Sioux and the tribes northofLakeSupe- rior, as is noted in Appendix C. It is not claimed that this history is free from errors, bat an attempthas been made to befairminded, "neefalsadicere, nee vera reticere", neither to promulgate falsehood, nor to conceal the truth. If, hereafter,itshall he of anyservice to onecompetentto writeabetterhistory, a great object of its preparation willhave beenattained. E. D. N. ..J •^ . t;',',5.'.r- •'». u,. >r . A\ CONTENTS. kt- 'i-'i i..••.>,•' INTRODUCTORY. Physical characteristics, Page xxxi tUi

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