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ERICHF RAUWALLNER HistoofrI yn diPahni losophy Jit, r.: VoLuME II THEl\ ATURE-PHILOPSHOlCASLC HOOLS ANDT HEV A lSE$IKAS YTSEM THE SYTSEM OF THE JAINA t ' ,j ' THE MATERAILISM I Transfrloaomtr iegdGi enramla nE nigtltitsoh by V.M .B EDEKAR t�\J�\ � " ' '- �� \ ")r l \t'� �� C' rs No .J��!.'to7...f- .. .. A ?o., f!�....� .�.FI. r:->"'".. ." .•LIJ B �A RY . ,,: , MOTILAL RANARSTDASS DELHI: :P ATNA:: VARANASI @M 0 T L1A LB AN A SRI D ASS IdnologPiucballi s& hBeorosske llers Head Office : BUNGALOWR OAD,J AWAHARN AOARD,E LHI-7 Branche1s.O H OWK,V ARANASI(-U1. P.) 2.A SHOKR AJPATHP,A TNA-4( BIHAR) By arrangweimtOehtn tMtou llVeerr lSaagl zburg FirEsdti t1i9on7 3 Pri:c Res .8 0.00 (FtorwV oo ls.) PrinitnIe ndd ia BY IHANTILAL JAIN, AT SHRlJ AINENDRA PRESS,B UNGALOW ROAD, JAWAIIAR NAGAR, DELH1•7 AND PUBLISHED BY SUNDARLALJAIN, FOR MOTlLAL BANARSlDASS,B UNGALOW ROAD, JAWA HAR NAGAR, DELH1•7 ' ..· ' THET ABLOEF CONTENTS l'•UREWORD vii-x U.T HE PERIODO F THE SYSTEMS( CONTINUED) 7.T HEN ATURE-PIHLOOSPHIACLS CHOOLASN D THE AVI SE�ISKYATS EM 3-180 Thet radiotfti hoVena i:�Sey�sitkieastmh ,i story anldti erat3u.Tr heel iteroaftt hurere el astyesd­ temosft, h Ney ayaan dt hMei mar5n.sT ah ep lace oft he_Vaii;ne �ftarihmkeea o fN ature-philosophi­ cals chooTlhseo. l deNsalt u re-opphhyiT.lh oes Elemeanntdst heqiura l1i1t.Wi 0esr ld-construc­ tioann dt hel iivncgr eat2u1r.T ehsem an.T he bodoyf t he 2m4a.Tn h es ense-oarngdta hnesi r work2i7nT.g h es uolT.h ee xistoeftn hcseeo u3l9. Thec onstiotfu tstiohouaen nl pd s cyhiocc currence. Thep sychoircga4al3nT . h eo lNda tures-opphhiyl o oft hNey ay4a7. N ewT hougThhtesA .t omD oc­ tri5n3.eT hea tomic-nmieswctohiracl cdt-uporife thVea i:;Tqhiedk oac.t roifmn oev emaenndtt h e oldtehsetoo rfCy a uista5yl7 T.h eI nvi(saidbnltea m) 63T.h �r emoidneoglf tl hSeo ul-do6c7S.tp raicnee andT im7e2 .T hee mergeonftc heed octroifn e catesgo.Tr hieoe ldest cattherge7oe9r .Ti hees Relami soft hVea i:k8�?2iT.kh aec ategoofsr uyb ­ stan(lc:Tel.h ec ategoofqr uyal iies.t Thec harac­ teriqsutailcio tfti heEesel men8t ksT hec ommon qualiB'"it.i Tehse q uaileisot ft hseo ulF.u rther qulait9i3.eT sh ec ategoofmr oyv em9e9nF.tu trher categoCroimoemnsn.e asnsdp atrciualrilt 0y hIe. T categofoi rnyh erleW in.cC oen trovercsiaatle gories 10T8h.e r emodeolft lhioelnd g na tuprhiel-ohsyoi pn thlei gohftt hed octorfica nteeg ori·l e's.hI deni an Scholaansdt iricotssli ent hVea i.:1e1::;2iAk.toa m s anad ggarteegTsh.ed octorlti'h new eh o1l1re >T .h e fi.A newf oromft he tohfce aosuratyly1 i1B .' J.'dhotec rine Ci!t1! No. .J- _.,'f.I 'J.t 1O·t:-C,-=1 a, Acecss[\ 'O. · Sf�. Lib"'>''0- ]�diubW·f fWn ( vi ofp ercepitnti holenih gto ft hdeo ctroifcn aet ego-. rie1s2 3T.h e conclruerdfmiounlga toifo tnh e Vasi�eikaan dt hweo rokfP ra�asta1p3a3Td.ha ed e­ generaotfSi cohnot lisaic snP ra�taapsdaa'wso r1k3 5. Thec laiscsVaali skea�s iysmt aeccordtioPn rag1 :as­ tapaTdhae.s icxa teg1o4r1i.e ss Tbuhset an1c4e3s. Thef ouErl meentsT.h eo riginaantdid oinslu s­o tioonf twhoerdl 1 46T.h ee thetri,ma en ds pa1c47e . Soula ndp sychiocragla1 n5 0T.h eq uatlisi ein gene1r5a2lT. h eq ualiotfit ehEsel meentFso,r m, tsatsem,e laln dt ou1c5h3 T.h ec ommonq ualities. Then umber1 57 .E xetnsiaonndS eparat1e5n8e.s s ConnectainodSn e para1t5i9Do.in s tantanneds s nearn1e63s.T:> h eq ualiotfit ehsseo ukln,o wledge, pleaspuariend,,e siarvee,r sainoden fo fr1t6 5T.h e remainqiulnaiiget .Hs eavinfleusisd,ia tnydm oist­ nes1s6 7I.m uplsoerP repare(sd ran(Less�sk) ii1r 6a8. Meriatn dg uilTth.ed ocntero ifd evleira1n7c0e. Thes ou1n7d0 . cTaehtgeo orfym oveme1n7t1T .h e comomnnse1s7 5T.h ep articyu1 l7a6Tr.hi eti nehre­ nc1e77 T.h ei mprotanocfte hV eai :�eS;;yiskt1ae7 m9 . 8.T HE SYTSEMO FT HEJ AINA 181-214 Thet radi1t8i2To.hn es yesmto ft hJea iancac ording toU masvainUdiK undauknda.T hefi vmea sses of cxtiesnlc38e.T hed octroifnc ea gtoeri1e8s8T .h e world-tcrouoncnsta indw or-lodccur1r9e0nT.che e livicnrge raetlsuCJ 3 . Them anb,o dya ndt he senosreg-a1n9s5T .he s ouTlh.et heoorfky n owledge oft h.eaJ i n1a9 9T.h ed octroifdn eel iavnec2re0 1. Appreciaetsitavitemoe f tsshytem eoft h.eJnaai2ll. 9.T HEM ATERIALISM 215-226 The natuorfte h Ien dimaant iearliIstcmso. n cnteion \\itthh ep otliictahle oKriygn.P ae2s1i6T .h eo ldest matearliidsotcitcr 2i1n9Te.hs eL okrattsyay st:.tLe 1m. SUPPLEMTE N 1, SELECTB IBLIOGRAPHYA ND NOTES 22!)9- �5 2. INDEX �UtHIU5 3· ERRATA 205 FOREWODR Thep ressecenotnv do leu mof my oHfIi nsdtioParhinyl o­ wphyi pse rhsauphcsa si osf t hlee apshltio sopihtinecrafelos art largero fcr ieracdleBere stw.e enbo ldtb heeg innoifan ngtsi qui­ tya ndt he gcrraenadst o ifto hneB uddhsiysstt tehmde,o cntersi ofn atuprhaill osooppehryla itakev e al lebye tewetnw eom niences andt haitsu ndsetrdaanblOen.l ay s malmlo demsatt eriiasl availfaorbt lhece o nsideorfta htneiao utnr aplhi losoopfth hye ancientti mseT.h ed evelopamfeetrsn otm bee atuuilfb eginnings soon ctooam s eotsp N.e wc onsidefrorai ttdio no onct&om eu p, ass ysmtaetirce seairsmc ishs iSnogt .h deo ctsrb ienocemes tiff or leilfeosrds e geneei rtnaoat holslcoohlwa ssW.th iachta bse en attaiannedpd r eseinsftor et dh meo spta rptr imiatnidiv nea de­ quatIena. c ertmaeisanu rGer,e ephki losohpahasyl :nmob te en sparferdo tmh fitase B.u t Itnhdei pahni losotphhsiyps h ienr e hasn ot attaali vneeealdp ptrcooh aitnhgpe e rofrmanocfte h e (�reeks. Ins piotfte h ecsierm csutncaeIsh ,a vceo nsidiedtre es­di r abe,ln ay,n ecestsoad reyaa ll swoi th ptahroitfsI ndian philo­ sohpyw itahc ertfauilnl nFeissrtsbl.ecy a uistde e awlist ohn e oft hmeo sitm poratnadon rtgi insahple erso fI ndipahnis loophy. Asa giansott hpehri lpohsioccarleo antsii,tw asf orogttteono eastihlatyth ewreera el ostoh er diwrhiehccd tiindoo nctsr eaat e phoislopohuyot fl ongfironD ge liavneecbr uwth icehn deoaurved toe xpilnta hweo rlidna s ceinftimican neoruo tfp ursetv riinfgor philosokpnohwielcdagAlen .dt hmiuss bte p ropeermlpyhs saied. Furtthheerds ier ecitnip ohinlsoo pshypl ayheids torainc ally imporrtloaenT.the sed icrteihoanevse xerciifnsleude fnrcoem differsdeienstT .oh imw hod oenso ktn otwh emmu,c ihn o ther systweomuslr dmea inu ninte-lmluictghh iawbatlcs re e antoewd inc ontrnaoswti n, u niowni,t oht hesry smtse.F inalthley Vaise�ik-at, he most itmhpse<y >srtotefamN n�at t uporfheo i-­l ' soph-yb rourgohrwtt ihit tdhso ctorftih nceea t egaoc rrieeanst io whicrehp reseantni� moptrnatco nstiotfut ehetn othu ghte-atwlh ofI ndainp hilosWoipdhleya .y oefrl sa tIenrd iPahinl opshoyar e fromde thorugthh mea nnreo ft huogtho ft hVea �ie�ainkadar e viii I dependoenin tTt.h ewyo ubleda sl tieltu ndeorosdwt ithtoh(u t knolwe dogfte hisyss taestm he scholastMiidcdslA egoe f: the withtoheup th ilosoofAp rhiys totle. Byt hwea ,ya sa ganisGtr eepkh oislophtyh eraep pe<a rs beafuutlei xampolfet hep ecluiraitoyro rigliintoayfl ndia1 phliosopWhhyi.l eG rteheepk h ilosroipsuhepyls i ak ed azzlin: firewaonrdpk rd ouceisn a shoarnta butnindmcaeeo fd azz linsgp lencdrieda titohneIs n,d idaenvo eplmernoltl lsie k : braod streasml owtlhryou ght hcee nturBiuets .w thhi le doctricnaet oerogfii enAs r tiotslree maaip nrse titdyew ah,o s' potenittiioaerpls os siiibtsiea lrien n ow ayw orkoeudti ,nl ndi: itd evepleodt oa c omplseysttee, wm hicfhae rxc eetdhsbe e gin ninogfAs r tiostlaen'dis nf uretrsh tretgcehtceshs o kuepdi na ri, 'Schola·s tics'. Inc erntp aairtirceuslpaerIc wtosu,ll di ktoem akea fe, followrienmga rrkesg artdhiepnr ge sveonltu mAes.f aars t h Vaisieki�as c oncertnhee tdr,e atwiristetsoe nni tu pt on o' arbea saesda r uloent hleta ehra ndboIoh kasev.,o nt hoet h( hand, mbyap sreeds enotantt hiweoo nr okft hceal scslaip erioc Ih avter iaebdo,v ael tlo,m akei ntgeilbltliheoe r igoiftn h systWehmo.ev eri,nt hhesi toorfyP hilosiospnh oyts, a tisfie witahc oelcltioofmn e rder syt ateenmbtuss te ekusn edtros tan thlei vtihnogu gahntdts h mee nw hot hougthhte mm,u snte ec got ot ehiorir giTnh.eg redaitffi cuilntt hyce a soeft hVea ise�ik itsh attht ear ditpiroens efrovures sd ho wosn ltyhe en od fIao n developAmletlnh tfeor. e gnogmi usbtei fnrereBdu.tI h opteh : Ih avseu cceetods ehdo rwi ghattll ye atshtbe r aodl ines. recouncsttircoann nnoatt ulryaa plproianc hl iiitvnsg n2e ss effecttriatvdieio Bnut.a na ttemmputs to ncbee m adeT.h e1 remaaiv nesr y seriionut srd ailtawichouinnmc ahus tb eb ridge oveIrnt. h mea ttoeftr h per esentofat thBieuod nd hisstyisct en whicwhi lbled eawlitt ihnt hnee xvto lumteht,eh inagrsac reaidnyc ombplafyrva aouarble. The deScorfit phetN iatounr hali-opsoipchasly staenm oft hdee veplmoenotft hVea :i�e ikmaa y perhapss oma ppear whtad etlaeidT.h ee xcusfeo irt l iil�ntS h ger eiarntp ortan< v\'hitchhsi yss theamfd o Irn dipahnoi slopihny general. Bcsid Ir equtehsrete adteocr o nsitdheatrth dee velopwmheincth, presheenrtee xt,e ndoevdee ri gchetn rteiusB.e dseiso,nt hoicsc IX MloIn w,o ulldi kteor emabrywk ayofprinlcteihpamtyt rea·t ise 1tmlpttr.tsom eeattt hsea mtei mdei rffneetn edesN.ev ertheless, · iuo rdenr otto t itrhere e daetrh roeuxcgehis vsper ol,iI x ihtayve rudravotuopr erde stehnmeta trti ensu cahw ayt hatth pea r·t i- r·usleucortn rise mauinnd erstaenvdeainbft l heer, e adsekri ps ovr.r ciesrlotaatpieandr wthsi cahro ef lesst oih nitmFe.or re st rxu rnplIeh ,a vceo nsidiedtres eidbr lateog ivient hbee ginning nlc ·vryec hapttehsreo usra cnedt hceo nidtiooftn h hea nded­ clowtnrd aiiotnH.e ,w hofi nsdt heec soncniescsees,a drrilysy,e c­ tlounnHni teresctaintn ugro,nv etrh epsaeg aensd i mmediately hrJ.{wini tthh ep ropperre seonnt.Ha etw iho wantst heo nly I) ogtrisuoa cft hceo mplseyttseemw ilfinld i tp reseinnatn eudt ­ Ni!lIa! t' thoeft hepena drc tuilcahra patnedhr e c aens timtahtee lri11toryo fd evelopmTehnetr .ae derc ant,h eefreo,rs eitzhea · t which cortroeh siwpsio snshd esb huatsa lstoh ep osbsitilyit o looukp alstoh oet heirft, h nee ebde . Thew eakpeasrto tft hivso luimset hter temaenotft he MyMtocftm h JeainIatl. i tehse nr etihat poanrlotyfst hrei ch matertihaolu,pg rhe seravrepedu ,b lisBheseidd.te hspe,u bli­ Nirmr.adt earlwi apsa ratlialvya iltaomb elW.eh aItm yseplosfss e s / int hissp here iso na am lordeesascdtay al nedt hpeu blications int hlei brairnVi ieesn anrame o riean dequiantt eh isshp ere tahni no thsehpre roefIs dn ologMyy.p reseonnit astt,hi eefreo,r proptoironlayst ceanFtuyrh.te Irh avree rsitecdtm yseulnfd er thecsier mcstuancteods es crtihbteeh inagsts h eayp petaomr e . Im ust remasiloner lheyes rpeon fsoiirsbt j luset iificoanIct. o uld havneo,d oubptr,e semnotrebedu itit u sn saatcoitrstyfo p resent. a worwkh etnh e mteoaa ncsc ompilftia saihsls ,ce incree coigznes themI.w oulldi tkoe remarakc cotrhtdaoimt ny gv ie,tw here iam ucshoc pfeo fru trherre seairntc hhse p heorfJe a iniessm­, pecicaolnlcye rtnhipenh gi losocpohnitceanlt s. Thiissa liln,t hees sentwihaawltas st, o b er emarikned regatrotd h ivosl umAesf. o trh ree swth,ah ta bse esna icdo n­ cernngit hweh olweo kr in tFhoerw eortdo t h1ei trv solume, holgdoso adlo sh ere. Concertnhirence ge ptwihointc hhf ei rvsotle uh marse cve­i ed,i tw asg raytniigf.T hee valuatairoperen pso nderatingly favour;aa dbvleejr dusgem etnsh avreme aindee ntisrpeoldryia c. Espaecliliydn ivuiadrle vwishe avoec cuptiheedm sewlitvhte hse X worskoe xhausatnitdvh eaeli yam n tdh peer ofrmanhcaevb ee en assessed withu nsdruesctha nctdohimaInpth gl a evhteee a rtily rjeoicaettd h eIm .h opteh ivso lume alsot hsewa imltl find apporbation. FinaIlw oluyld l itkoet haanlkml y scholcaorlllye agues whoh aveh elpmeedb ys endinmga ttehreeis aple,c biya lly sendnig theo ffpriwnhitcsh w ould,o therwishea,v eb een difficfurolm tet oo bationrw ouhlad vbee egne nerally inaccessi­ blAeb.o vaelI lm enttihonena moefm yr evefrireednM dr .Et . LamotitBnee ilgu,mM essHr.sv ..G lasenWa.pR pu,b eann d F.W ellienGr e rmanMye,ss sP r.D emievJi.Fl illel,ia onzda t A.B areianFu r anPcreo,Vf .R. a ghaavnadPn r oAf..N .U pa­ dhyienI dni.aPrUopfa.d hhyaeos f tmeons kti ndhleyl pmeed witha dhviiisc nte h dei fficcuolnts tiotftu htJeia oinn a-works. -E.F rauwallner B.T HEP ERIOODF T HES YSTEMS (Continued)

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