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History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective PDF

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• of ISo r • _coco 1c ._.._ � --=-.:..:... "I Histoorfy Economic Thought Histoorf y Economic Thought A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE THIRD EDITION E.K. Hunt and MarkL autzenheiser c?/l.E.Sharpe ArmoNnekw Y,o rk LondEonngl,a nd Copyrig©h 2t0 11b yM .E.S harpIen,c . Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hibso okm ayb er eproduicnea dn yf orm withowurti ttpeenr missfiroonmt hep ublisMh.eEr.,S harpIen,c ., 80B usinePsasr Dkr ivAer,m onkN,e w York1 0504. LibraCroyn goCrfae tsasl oging-Diant-aP ublication Hunt,EK.. Histoorfye conomtihco ug:h tc ar itipcearls pecItE i.vKe.H unta ndM arkL autzenheiser; forewobrydR obiHna hnel.-3erdd. p.cm. Includbeisb liograrpehfiecraeln acnedis n dex. ISBN9 78-0-7656-25(9h8a-r4d coavlekrp.:a per)-IS9B7N8 -0-7656-25(9p9b-k:1a. lkp.a per) 1.E conomics-HisIt.oL rayu.t zenheMiasrekr1,,9 68-IIT.i tle. HB75.H7270 11 3300.9-dc22 2010054316 Printientd h eU niteSdt atoefsA merica Thep apeurs eidn t hipsu blicamteieotnts h em inimurme quiremoefn ts American Nationalf oSrIt nafnodramradtS icoine nces PermanenocfPe a pefro rP rintLeidb raMrayt erials, ANSIZ 39.48-1984. EB (c)1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 EB (p) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 TabolfeC ontents LisotfT ableasn dF igures xi Forewdo r xiii Preface xvii Acknowldegments xxiii 1. Introduction 3 A DefinitioofnC apailitsm 3 PrecpaitaliEsutor pena Economy 8 TheI ncreiansL eo n-gDiasntcTer ade 11 TheP utti-nOguSty steamn dt heB irtohf C apiltiaIsntd ursyt 13 Decnleio ft heM anoriaSlys etm 15 Creatiotnh eWoo fr kinCgl ass 17 Other Foirntc heTesr asnititooCn a pitailsm 18 Mercnatilism 20 2. EconomiIcd eaBse forAed am Smith 23 EarlMye rcanltiiWsrti tionngV aluaen dP rfiots 23 LateMre rcnatiislWtr itisna gndt heP hliosophoyf I ndividualism 28 Prtoeasnttisamn dt heI ndidvuialEitshti c 30 EconomPiocl ciieosfI ndiuviadlism 31 Beginningosft heC laiscsaTlh eoroyfP ricaensd P rofits 33 TheP hysciroaatssS ocailR eformers 35 Quesna'ysE conomIidce as 36 Conclusion 37 3. Adam Smith 40 HisotrilcC aonteoxftS miht'Isd eas 40 Smiht'Tsh eorioefHs i storayn dS ociology 44 Smiht'Vsa luTeh eory 49 Smiht'Tsh eoroyfE conomWiecl fare 56 Class CoannfldiS cocti laH armony 61 v vi CONTENTS 4. ThomasR oberMta lthus 65 ClasCso nflicotfMs a lthsu'Tsi mes 65 TheT heoroyfP opluation 71 Econmoicosf E xchanagned C lass Conflict 78 TheT heoroyfG luts 83 5. DavidR icardo 91 TheT heoroyf ReanntdF irAsptp roatcohP rfiots 92 EconomBiacs iosf C onfliBcett weeCna piatlistasn dL anldords 96 The bLoarT heoroyfV alue 98 PricDee etrminatwiiohtn D ifferiCnogm positnisoo fC apailt 103 A NumerilcE axampleo f PrDieceter mination 108 DisrtibutoifoI nn comaen dt heL aborT heoryV aolufe 112 TheI mpossiltbiyio fG luts 116 Machinearsay C ausoef I nvlountarUyn emplomyent 117 TheT heoroyfC ompraatiAvdev antaagnedI nternatTiroandael 119 SocilaH armonya ndC lass Conflict 120 6. RationaliSsutbijce ctivTihsemE :c onomicosf BenthamS,a ya,n dS enior 125 SocilaO rigionfts h eP rmeiseosfU tilTihteyo ry 125 JeremByen tham oUnt ility 129 Benthama sa SocailR eformer 132 Jena-BpatisStaye o nU tiiltyP,ro duicotn,a ndI ncomDeis truitbion 134 Say'Lsa wo fM arkets 137 Nassau Senio'rsS ocailO rieanttion 138 Senior'Tsh eoretMiectahlo dloogy 141 Senior'Fso uPr roopsitions 143 Senioorn U tilMiatxymi izaitonP,r isc,ea ndG luts 144 Senior'Vsie wso nP opluatiaonndW orker'sW elfare 146 Senioorn C apiatlA ccumautlioann dA bsitnence 146 Senioorn Reanntd C lasDsi srtiubtioonfI ncome 148 SocilaH armonyV ersusth eP oilticEaclo nomoyf t heP oor 149 7. PolitiEccaoln omyo ft heP oorT:h eI deas of WilliaTmh ompsona ndT homasH odgskin 153 Worker'sR esiasntcteo I nudsrtialiozna ti 153 Thompson'Utsi alriitaniasnmdL aboTrh eoroyfV alue 155 ThompsonA'rsg umenfto rE galiatrian, MSaorckaeilti sm 156 Thompson'Crsi tioqfu eM arSkeotca ilism 159 A CritioqfuT eh ompson'Ust ialriitanism 162 ThomaHso dgski'nsV iewo ft heS oruceo fP rfiot 165 Hodgski'nsC onceptoifoC na pital 168 Hodgski'nsU tialriitanism 169 CONTENTS vii 8. PureV ersuEsc lectUitci litariaTnhiesW mr:i tinogfs Bastiaantd M ill 174 TheS perado fS ocailiIsdte as 175 FoundatiaonndS copeo fB asita'tsU tiiltarEicano nomics 176 UtilaintdyE xchange 179 Bastti'aDse fenseo fP rivaPtreoe prtCya,p it,aP lrofitasn,d R ent 181 Bastti'aVsi ewo fE xchnageS,o cailH armonayn,d t he Roloe fG overmnent 184 Mil'lsU tialriitanism 185 Mil'lsT heoryV aolfu e 188 Miloln W ages 191 Tendencfyo rt heR atoe fP rfiott oF all 192 Miloln S ocailism 194 Mil'lsI ntervennitsRiteo forimsm 195 A CritioqfuM ei l'lsR efomrism 198 9. KarlM arx 202 Marx'sC ritioqfuC el assliE ccaonomics 203 Commoditsi,Vea lueU,s eV aulea,n dE xchanVgael ue 206 UseuflL abora ndA bsrtacLtab or 209 SocilaN aturoefC ommodiPtryo duction 210 SimpleC ommodiCtiyr cautlioann dC apiltiaCsitr cutliaon 212 SurpluVsa lueE,x chnagea,n d tShpehe reo fC icrultaion 212 CircautlioonfC apiatla ndt heI mprotanocfeP roduction 214 LaboLra,b orP owera,n dt heD efintiioonfC apitiaslm 215 TheV alueo fL aborP ower 216 NecesrsyLa abo,rS urpluLsa boarn,d t heC reatiaonnd RealizaotfiS ournpl uVsa lue 218 ConsatntC apit,aV larialbe pCitaala,n dt heR atoef S urpluVsa lue 220 Lengtohft heW orkinDga y 221 The bLoarT heoroyfV aluea ndt heT ransformaPtriboolne m 222 PrivaPtreoe prtCya,p it,aa lndC apitiaslm 231 PrimitAicvceu mutliaon 232 CapiatlisAtc cumautlion 234 EconomCiocn cernattion 235 Tendencfyo rt heR atoe fP rfiott oF all 236 SecotraIlm balancaensd E conomCirci ses 238 Aleinatiaonndt heI ncreasMiisnegr oyf t heP rloeatriat 240 10. TheTr iumpho fU tilitarianTihsemE :c onomicosf JevonMse,n gera,n dW alras 247 Jevosn'Tsh eoroyfM arginaUlt ilaintdyE xchange 250 Menge'rsT heoroyfM arginUatlii ltyP,rc iesa,n dI ncomDeis truitbion 256 Menge'rsAr gumentosnM ethodloogy 261 Walra'ssT heoroyfG enerEaclo nomEiqcu iblriium 264 viii CONTENTS StabiloiftG ye neraElq uiilbrium 269 Walra'ssI deloogciaDle fenseo fC apitiaslm 273 InetllueaclPt erspecotfiN veeo cliacsasMla rginailsm 276 Appendix 278 11. NeoclassTihceaolr ioefst heF irma ndI ncomDei stribution: TheW ritinogfsM arshalCll,a rka,n dB iihm-Bawerk 286 Marsha'lsCl ontirbutitooUn t ilTihteyo rayn dD emandT heory 287 SymmetrBye tweeNne oclacsasTlih eorioefts h e Househoalndd t heF irm 289 Marsha'lsTl heoroyft heF irm 292 TheF ir'msP roduciotna ndC osCtu rveisnt heS hort Period 293 Equiblriiuimn t heS horPte riod 294 TheL ongP eriaondd t he oPbrleomf C ompeittni o 296 Marsha'lsIl deloogilDc eafenseo fC apitalism 298 Clarakn dt heM arginParold uctiitTvyh eoroyfD isrtibution 302 Econmoicass E xchanagned t heR oloef t heE ntrreepneur 305 Clrak'Dse fenseo fP rivaPtreoe prty 307 Clrak'Cso nceptoifoC na pailt 308 Bohm-Bwaerk'Mse asuroefC apital 310 CapiatlisCtl asRse ltainosi nN eocliacsasDlis truitbioTnh eory 312 12. ThorsteVienb len 316 Veble'nsG eneraElv olutionaSroyca ilP hliosophy 318 Veble'nsC ritioqfuN ee oclacsasElic onmoics 320 TheA ntaognsitiDcic hotomoyfC apitailsm 324 PrivaPtreoe prtCyl,a ssi-vDidSeodc eitya,n dt he SubjugtaioonfW omen 324 ClasSstr uctuorfCe a pitiaslma ndt heD ominatioofn Busineosvse Irn udsrty 327 Governemnt atnhdeC lasSstr uggle 331 CapiatlisItm periisaml 334 SocilaM oreosf P ecuinarCyu lutre 336 Assemsesnto fV eble'nsI deas 342 13. TheorioefsI mperialiTshme:W ritinogfsH obson, Luxemburga,n dL enin 347 HobsonT'hse oroyfC apiatlisItm periisaml 350 Luxembgu'rsT heoroyfC apiatlisItm periisaml 355 Leni'nsT heoroyfC apitiaslItm periisaml 363 Comprasiono ft heT heorioefHs o bsoLnu,x embgu,ra ndL enin 367 CONTENTS ix 14. ConsummatioCno,n secratainodnD ,e structoifot nh e InvisiHbalned :N eoclassWieclafla rEec onomics 371 UtilMiatxyi mizatainodn PfirtMo aximization 375 TheB eatfiicV isioann dE ternFaell iitcy 378 MicroeconomTihce royN,e oclacsasElic oonmicsa,n d WelfaErceo nomics 380 HedoniicsF toundatnisoo f WelfEacroenm oics 382 EsesntiNaalt uret hoeNf o rm of PaOrpettiom ality 384 SocilaV aulesU ndeyrilnWge lfaErceo nmoics 384 EmpiricaanldA nalytiAcssaulm ptniso Woefl faErceo nomics 386 NeoclacsasWlie lfaErceo nomiacsas G udiet oP oliMcayk ing 388 WelfaErceo nomiacnsdE xetrniatlies 389 TheN ormatiCvrei tioqfuP ea reAtnoa lysis 394 15. NeoclassIidceaoll oagnyd t heM ytho ft heS elf-Adjusting MarketT:h eW ritinogfsJ ohnM aynardK eynes 398 TheoreltS iecttainogf K eynes'Asn alysis 403 Keynse'Dse fenseo ft heM arginParold uicvtiTthye oroyf Disrtiubtion 407 Keynse'Asn alysoifsC apitailsDte pressions 408 EfficacyK eoynfe sni Paolicies 415 TheM ilairtyE conomy 417 TheD ebEtc onomy 420 IdeoliocgaFlo udnatnisoo fK eynse'Isd eas 423 Appendix 426 16. Annulmenotf t he Myotfht heM easurabPlreo ductivoift y CapitaTlh:e W ritinogfsP ierSor affa 434 CurreSntatt eo fN eocliacsasDlis truitbioTnh eory 434 Srafaf'Csr itioqfuN ee oclacsasTlih eory 440 Appendix 450 17. Contemporary Econ1o:mT ihceBs i furcatoifoO nr thodoxy 459 TheB oslhekv RievolutainodSn o vieItn udsrtialiiozna t 459 The GrDeeapt ression 463 W.A rthuLre wiasn dt heO rigionfDs e velopmeEncto nomics 467 Liebraaln dC onsrevatiNveeo cliacsasElc onomics 470 PauAl. S amuelsVoenrs uMsi ltoFnr iedmaannd t he ConservatNievoec lassicists 471 SamuelsonD'efsen seo fU tiiltarianism 472 TheA usrtiaann dC hicaSgoch ools 477 TheB attlCeon tiensu 487

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