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History-Induced Critical Behavior in Disordered Systems John H. Carpenter, Karin A. Dahmen, Andrea C. Mills, and Michael B. Weissman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics, 1110 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801. Andreas Berger and Olav Hellwig Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, San Jose Research Center, 650 Harry Road, E3 San Jose, CA 95120. 4 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 0 0 Barkhausen noise as found in magnets is studied both with and without the presence of long- 2 range (LR) demagnetizing fields using the non-equilibrium, zero-temperature random-field Ising model. Two distinct subloop behaviors arise and are shown to be in qualitative agreement with n experimentsonthinfilmmagnetsandsoft ferromagnets. With LRfieldspresentsubloopsresemble a aself-organized criticalsystem,whiletheirabsenceresultsinsubloopsthatreflectthecriticalpoint J seen in the saturation loop as the system disorder is changed. In the former case, power law 3 distributions of noise are found in subloops, while in thelatter case history-induced critical scaling isstudiedinavalanchesizedistributions,spin-flipcorrelationfunctions,andfinite-sizescalingofthe n] second momentsof thesize distributions. Results are presented for simulations of over108 spins. n - PACSnumbers: 75.60.Ej,75.70.Ak,64.60.Ht,75.60.Ch s i d . Hysteresis occurs when a system far from equilibrium pictureforsubloops,consistentwiththesaturationloop, t a is driven by an external force. The system state then isintroduced. Forbothcaseswereportnewexperimental m depends on the history of the system. In many sys- results for subloops showing qualitative agreement with - tems such as ferromagnets [1], superconductors [2, 3], the two behaviors of the RFIM. d and martensites [4], the response to the driving force is In the non-equilibrium, zero-temperature RFIM spins n o not continuous but occurs in discrete jumps which is of- si = ±1 are placed on a hyper-cubic lattice. At each c ten referred to as “crackling noise”, or specifically for site i a quenched random local field h is chosen from i 1 [ mofapgonwetesr,-lBawarskchaaliunsgenofnnooisisee. hIanvembaegennetast,trbirbouatdedratongeeis- afieGldauhssaiacntsdaisstraibsuotuirocne,oρf(hdii)so=rde√r21fπoRretxhpe(−sy2shRt2ie2m).,Tanhde i v ther a disorder induced critical point, such as found in the standard deviation R of the random distribution is 3 the non-equilibriumzero temperature random-fieldIsing termed the ’disorder’. The energy of a system with N 2 model (RFIM) [5], or to self-organized criticality (SOC) 0 spins is given by [15] [6], as found in soft magnets. 1 0 JLR 4 Thedisorderinducedcriticalpointfoundinthesatura- H=−JXsisj −X(hi+H)si+ N Xsisj, (1) 0 tionmagnetizationcurve,tracedoutasanexternalmag- ij i ij h i / netic field drives the system from one saturated state to t a theoppositelymagnetizedstateandback,hasbeenstud- where H is a tunable external magnetic field. The first m ied in detail for the RFIM [5, 7, 8, 9] and its existence termofEq.1couplesnearest-neighborspinsferromagnet- - has been experimentally confirmed [10]. However, tak- ically (hiji implies summing over nearest-neighbor pairs d ing magnetsto saturationoftenis impracticaldue to the of spins) while the last term provides an infinite range n o largemagneticfieldsrequired,sothebehaviorofsubloops anti-ferromagnetic (AF) coupling, where one sums over c isofgreatinteresttoexperimentsandapplicationsalike. all pairs of spins regardless of their relative distance. v: TheRFIMmaybeusedtomodelsubloops,andmagneti- This AF coupling models the dipolar interactions rele- i zationcurves havebeen computed exactly in one dimen- vant in soft ferromagnets, which Zapperi, et. al. [6, 16] X sion [11] and on a Bethe lattice [12] and have also been have shown in three dimensions to have the same effect ar collapsed near the demagnetized state using Rayleigh’s onlong lengthscalesasinfinite rangemeanfieldinterac- Law [13]. Also, the idea of history acting as a source of tions. Note that by choosing JLR = 0 one recovers the effectivedisorderwasrecentlyintroduced[14]. Inthislet- nearest-neighbor RFIM. In order to model hysteresis we terwereporthowthepresenceorlackoflongrange(LR) study the model at zero temperature, far from thermal demagnetizing fields produces two distinct behaviors in equilibrium [5, 8], and for convenience set J =1. subloops of the RFIM. In particular, in the presence of Simulations of the above model were run by starting sufficiently large LR fields, subloops are found to resem- with the external field at H = −∞ with all spins down, ble a SOC system. However,in the absence of LR fields, and then adiabatically slowly moving the external field wefindacriticalsubloopinsidethesaturationloopwhere throughaparticularhistory. AsthefieldH ischanged,a the system history acts as a tuning parameter instead of given spin will flip (either upwards or downwards) when thesystemdisorder. Correspondingly,amodifiedscaling itseffectivelocalfield,heiff =H+hi+JP ij sj−JLRM, h i 2 1 a very different picture in the absence of LR fields. In (a) 80 (c) Fig. 1(b), obtained for a system with J = 0, R = 2.7 LR 40 u) and subloop spacing ∆M = 0.1, as one moves inwards, m M 0 e 0 subloops begin to resemble the saturation loop at an µ M ( -40 effectively higher disorder, i.e. R > 2.7. Indeed, pre- flipped spins not participating in a given subloop may -80 -1 actasanadded,possiblycorrelated,“effectivedisorder.” -3 -1.5 0 1.5 3 -3 -1.5 0 1.5 3 Tuning the history in this way, we were unable to di- H H (kOe) rectly observe a transition from loops with a jump in 1 80 magnetization to smooth inner subloops. This is due to (b) (d) the inability to break up the system spanning avalanche 40 u) present below the critical disorder even for the largest m M 0 e 0 simulated system sizes (4803 spins) [13, 14, 19]. µ M ( Experimental magnetization curves for thin films also -40 exhibit these two types of behavior depending on the -1 -80 presence of LR fields. Fig. 1(c) displays magnetiza- -3 -1.5 0 1.5 3 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 tion curves for a Co/Pt-multilayerwith the field applied H H (kOe) along the surface normal. Due to the strong interface anisotropy of such multilayer samples, the easy axis of FIG. 1: Hysteresis loops with concentric inner subloops for (a) RFIM with 2403 spins, JLR = 0.25, and R = 1.8, (b) magnetization is perpendicular to the film plane even RFIM with 2403 spins, JLR = 0, and R = 2.7, (c) a Co/Pt though the LR demagnetizing effect is largest in this di- multilayer thin film, and (d) a CoPtCrB alloy thin film. rection. Despite the fairlyrectangularmajorloopshape, indicating easy axis orientation, the loop exhibits an ex- tended linear segment on which all minor loops merge changessign. Here M = 1 s is the magnetizationof due to the presence of LR dipolar effects. On the other N Pi i a system with N spins. When a spin flips, it may induce hand,filmswithin-planemagnetizationbehavequitedif- its neighboring (or for J 6= 0 even distant) spins to ferently,becauseLRdemagnetizingeffectsareextremely LR flip, creating an avalanche of flipping spins, which is the small in this geometry. Fig. 1(d) shows magnetization analogofaBarkhausenpulse. Thesimulationsarebased curves for a CoPtCrB-alloy film with the field applied on the code available on the web [17] which has been in the film plane. This film is polycrystalline with grain modified to allow for subloops in the history. The code sizes narrowly distributed around 10 nm diameter and uses the sorted list algorithm, which stores the random exhibits strong exchange coupling between grains. Due fields, and is described in depth in Ref. [18]. to the lack of LR coupling, subsequent minor loops ap- In the absence of LR fields, as one tunes the system pear increasingly sheared with decreasing coercive field, disorder (R), the RFIM exhibits a non-equilibrium sec- very similar to the curves shown in Fig. 1(b) for the ond order phase transition at a critical disorder R =R J =0 RFIM. All experimentaldata were measuredat c LR [5]. Below R the coupling of nearest-neighbors domi- room temperature using an Alternating Gradient Mag- c nate the dynamics, and there is a finite jump in magne- netometer. tization of the saturation loop. However, above R the Much information on these two behaviors can be ob- c random fields dominate, resulting in smooth hysteresis tainedbyexaminingtheBarkhausennoisepresentinthe curvesandmostly smallavalanches. Manyquantitiesas- system. With LR fields present, the subloops display a sociated with this critical point display scaling behavior power-law avalanche size distribution, all with the same for R→R . A detailed discussion is given in Ref. [8]. exponent and cutoff size, indicating that the system is c The two distinct behaviors of subloops in the RFIM SOC [6, 15, 16]. Figure 2 displays the avalanche size can be seen in Figure 1. In Fig. 1(a) subloops spaced by distribution for subloops of a 21 cm x 1 cm x 30 µm ∆M = 0.1 are shown for a system with J = 0.25 and ribbon of a Fe Co B amorphous alloy. In the ex- LR 21 64 15 a disorder of R = 1.8, chosen smaller than R = 2.16 as periment, a solenoid provides a triangular driving field c manyexperimentalsamplessuchassoftferromagnetsare along the long axis of the sample at 0.03 Oe/s. The first believed to be below the critical disorder. The subloops cycle drives the sample to saturation, while subsequent showa linearM(H)behaviorasthe fieldis increased,as cycles drive the field to successively smaller amplitudes one would expect for a system undergoing domain wall (subloops). The driving rate is slow enough to ensure propagation while being exposed to a demagnetizing ef- that avalanches do not overlap. The Barkhausen noise fect. Only the first few subloops show some effects of was measured with a pick-up coil of 150 turns of cop- the initialcondition(allspinsdown)before thesweeping per wire woundaroundthe middle 0.3cm ofthe sample. fieldhascreatedalargeenoughdomaintoallowforsingle By integrating the pick-up voltage one may obtain the domain wall propagation. On the other hand one finds magnetization. The resulting hysteresis loops are shown 3 10-3 1.0 )x100 a m H utionution A/m) 00..05 100 intG(x,f10-2 e Size Distribe Size Distrib 1100--96 M (M --10..05 -40-2H0 (A0/m2)0 40 intintGG(x,H)(x,H)maxmaxff 10-5 βνd+/x ll 10-410-2x (Hmaxc-H1m00ax)νf hh cc nn aa valval 10-10 HHmax == 11..4421297647 AA max H = 1.41317 10-12 max 100 102 104 1 10 100 Avalanche Size (pWb) Distance (x) FIG. 2: Experimental avalanche size distributions for FIG. 3: Integrated spin-flip correlation functions for 4803 subloops of a soft ferromagnet. The three subloops analyzed systems at R = 2.198 and averaged over 20 random seeds. are shown in the inset, with the largest corresponding to the Curves are given for subloops starting at values of Hmax = saturationloop. Thedistributionswereextractedfromawin- 1.42274,1.41967,and1.41317. Theinsetcontainsacollapseof dow of width ∆H ≈20A/m which started near H = 0A/m. thethreerespectivedistributions,yieldingd+β/ν =3.0±0.2 A power law of −1.75 is show by theoffset, dash-dot line. and 1/νf =1.28±0.40 with Hmaxc =1.427. l l in the inset of Fig. 2. The avalanche distributions for magnetization curve [20]. According to scaling theory the subloops are all identical, affirming the SOC behav- one expects the exponents d+β /ν, ν, and ν as well l l l f ior. The measured power law exponent (1.75) is larger as the scaling function Gint to be universal. Here a sub- than has been predicted and measured for the satura- scriptl denotes anexponentassociatedwith the random tion loop (1.25−1.5) [15, 16]. This is due to M(H) not disorder scaling of the critical subloop and subscript f being strictly linear in the window analyzed. Choosing one associated with the history-induced “disorder”. For a smaller window close to the linear regime results in a the collapses, the system is run at the effective critical powerlawexponentof1.3,consistentwithpreviousmea- disorderofthe saturationloop,R (L),for the linearsys- surements. The RFIMwith LRfields presentsanalmost c temsizeLwithR (L)→R asL→∞. Thissystemsize identical picture of subloops. For a 2403 system with c c dependent criticaldisorderR (L)is definedas the disor- c R = 1.8 and J = 0.25, subloops displayed identical LR der at which the maximum number of system spanning power laws in their avalanche size distributions with a avalanches in the saturation loop is observed [8]. loopintegratedexponentof 1.7±0.2,in goodagreement The integrated spin-flip correlation function, with the experimental results. Gint(x,H ), was measured for subloops spaced In the absence of LR fields the case is much different; f max by ∆M = 0.025 in their maximum magnetizations the system history acts as a tuning parameter affecting max (see Fig. 3). A similar behavior to the saturation a subloop dependent cutoff. Although a transition like loop is found. As the history-induced disorder is the one found in the saturation loop cannot be directly increased, by moving to inner subloops, the curves observed,its existence may be ascertained by examining display a decreasing cutoff. As the system is started the scaling behavioron one side of (“above”)the critical at the effective critical disorder, Eq. 2 reduces to point [5, 8]. Thus we present a scaling collapse of loop integratedspin-flipcorrelationfunctions anda finite-size Gifnt(x,Hmax) ∼ x−(d+βl/νl)Gfint(xfνf). This scaling ansatzresultsinthecollapseshownintheinsetofFig.3. scaling collapse of the second moments of the integrated Only subloops void of spanning avalanches were used in avalanche size distribution for subloops with J =0. LR the collapses to remove the effects of the finite system For the spin-flip correlation function, in analogy with size, equal to 4803 spins. the saturation loop [8] one may assume a scaling form The integrated avalanche size distribution, Gint(x,R,Hmax)∼x−(d+βl/νl)Gint(x(R−Rcd)νl,xfνf), with a similar scaling ansatz Dfint(S,Hmax) ∼ (2) S−(τ+σβδ)lDfint(Sσff), was previously analyzed in where H is the maximum field along the subloop Ref. [14]. The conclusions therein remain valid, and the max and f = H − H is the history-induced analog exponents(seeTableI)havebeenupdatedtocorrespond maxc max of the reduced saturation loop disorder [21]. Here Rd is with the use of the scaling variable f. c the criticaldisorderforthe demagnetizationcurvewhich Table I lists the exponents from the above two col- is numerically within the error bars of R . Similarly, lapsesalongwiththe saturationloopvalues. While both c H = Hd is the critical field associated with the de- power law behaviors, given by τ +σβδ and d+β/ν, are maxc c 4 firmed by Barkhausen noise measurements on soft mag- TABLEI: Universalcriticalexponentsfromscalingcollapses nets. However, in the absence of such forces the disor- in three dimensions for the history-induced disorder present deredcriticalpointwasreflectedinsubloops. Scalingcol- in subloops and the random disorder of thesaturation loop. lapseswereperformedforintegratedavalanchesizedistri- a Exponent History-Induced Saturation butions, integratedcorrelationfunctions, andthe second τ +σβδ 2.01±0.10 2.03±0.03 moments of the avalanche size distributions. Finally, it 1/σ 2.3±0.5 4.2±0.3 was shownthat only one of the new critical exponents is d+β/ν 3.0±0.2 3.07±0.30 independent of those found in the critical subloop. 1/ν 1.28±0.40 0.71±0.09 WethankJimSethnaandGaryFriedmanforveryuse- ρ 2.6±0.40 2.90±0.16 fuldiscussionsandFerencPazmandiforsuggestingtouse H asthe scalingvariableinsteadofM . The work aReferences[7,8] atmUaxIUC was supported by NSF grant DmMaRxs 99-76550 (MCC), 00-72783, and 02-40644, an A. P. Sloan fellow- ship (to K. D.), and an equipment awardfrom IBM. identical within error, the exponents governing the cut- off behavior, σ and ν , are found to differ from their f f saturation loop counterparts with only a slight overlap in their error estimates. One would expect identical val- ues if the pre-flippedspins at the startofa subloopwere [1] P. J. Cote and L. V. Meisel, Phys. Rev. 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