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CONTENTS ARTICLES F. R. ANKERSMIT, Hayden White’s Appeal to the Historians ................00200000 182 JEFFREY ANDREW BARASH, The Sense of History: On the Political Implications of Karl Léwith’s Concept of Secularization STEVEN CROWELL, Mixed Messages: The Heterogeneity of Historical PRU NININIIINIOT <ccesisacslecng Dcaans cipdcetdatnwanmncsttulaitipced etcsennabvonniemcoieliocieeinnbikelistat ae 220 Ewa DOMANSKA, Hayden White: Beyond Irony PRASENJIT DUARA, The Regime of Authenticity: Timelessness, Gender and National History in Modern China....................cssccsssssssssssssesssesseeses 287 Curis Lorenz, Can Histories Be True? Narrativism, Positivism, and the ge IEE AS e RREEEE WILLIAM H. MCNEILL, History and the Scientific Worldview RAYMOND MARTIN, Progress in Historical Studies ..............::ccccccceeeseeeseeeeeeeeeees 14 A. D. Moses, Structure and Agency in the Holocaust: The Case of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen NANCY PARTNER, Hayden White: The Form of the Content CaroL E. QUILLEN, Crossing the Line: Limits and Desire in Historical Interpretation RICHARD T. VANN, The Reception of Hayden White Joun H. ZAmMmMriro, Ankersmit's Postmodernist Historiography: The Hyperbole REVIEW ESSAYS ROBERT F. BERKHOFER, JR., Beyond the Great Story: History as Text and EY J. C. BERMEJO-BARRERA, Entre historia y filosofia (Jorge Garcia-Gémez) ..... 270 JAcQues Derripa, Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International (Moishe Postone)......................++--.73 0 WILLIAM H. Dray, History as Re-enactment: R. G. Collingwood’s Idea of History (Leon J. Goldstein) GIULIANA GEMELLI, Fernand Braudel (Kelly Mulroney) GORDON GRAHAM, The Shape of the Past: A Philosophical Approach to History (C. Behan McCullagh) JOHAN HuizinGA, The Autumn of the Middle Ages, translated by Rodney J. Paton and Ulrich Mammitzsche (David Gary Shaw) .........ccccccceeeeeee 245 DONALD KAGAN, On the Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace (Theodore H. Von Laue) THOMAS M. KEMPLE, Reading Marx Writing: Melodrama, the Market and the Grundrisse (Ned Jackson) JAVIER MUGUERZA, Desde la perplejidad (Jorge Garcia-G6meZ) .................+ 270 ROBERT NEWMAN, ed., Centuries’ Ends, Narrative Means (Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth) MarK Poster, Cultural Hisiory and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges (David D. Robetts).............:cccccccseesceeessseeesseceeessecseeseceerseaseesDeeOsO Davip RoBerts, Nothing but History: Reconstruction and Extremity after Metaphysics (Brian Fay) MICHAEL S. RotH, The Ironist’s Cage: Memory, Trauma, and the Construction CONTENTS ARTICLES F. R. ANKERSMIT, Hayden White’s Appeal to the Historians ................00200000 182 JEFFREY ANDREW BARASH, The Sense of History: On the Political Implications of Karl Léwith’s Concept of Secularization STEVEN CROWELL, Mixed Messages: The Heterogeneity of Historical PRU NININIIINIOT <ccesisacslecng Dcaans cipdcetdatnwanmncsttulaitipced etcsennabvonniemcoieliocieeinnbikelistat ae 220 Ewa DOMANSKA, Hayden White: Beyond Irony PRASENJIT DUARA, The Regime of Authenticity: Timelessness, Gender and National History in Modern China....................cssccsssssssssssssesssesseeses 287 Curis Lorenz, Can Histories Be True? Narrativism, Positivism, and the ge IEE AS e RREEEE WILLIAM H. MCNEILL, History and the Scientific Worldview RAYMOND MARTIN, Progress in Historical Studies ..............::ccccccceeeseeeseeeeeeeeeees 14 A. D. Moses, Structure and Agency in the Holocaust: The Case of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen NANCY PARTNER, Hayden White: The Form of the Content CaroL E. QUILLEN, Crossing the Line: Limits and Desire in Historical Interpretation RICHARD T. VANN, The Reception of Hayden White Joun H. ZAmMmMriro, Ankersmit's Postmodernist Historiography: The Hyperbole REVIEW ESSAYS ROBERT F. BERKHOFER, JR., Beyond the Great Story: History as Text and EY J. C. BERMEJO-BARRERA, Entre historia y filosofia (Jorge Garcia-Gémez) ..... 270 JAcQues Derripa, Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International (Moishe Postone)......................++--.73 0 WILLIAM H. Dray, History as Re-enactment: R. G. Collingwood’s Idea of History (Leon J. Goldstein) GIULIANA GEMELLI, Fernand Braudel (Kelly Mulroney) GORDON GRAHAM, The Shape of the Past: A Philosophical Approach to History (C. Behan McCullagh) JOHAN HuizinGA, The Autumn of the Middle Ages, translated by Rodney J. Paton and Ulrich Mammitzsche (David Gary Shaw) .........ccccccceeeeeee 245 DONALD KAGAN, On the Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace (Theodore H. Von Laue) THOMAS M. KEMPLE, Reading Marx Writing: Melodrama, the Market and the Grundrisse (Ned Jackson) JAVIER MUGUERZA, Desde la perplejidad (Jorge Garcia-G6meZ) .................+ 270 ROBERT NEWMAN, ed., Centuries’ Ends, Narrative Means (Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth) MarK Poster, Cultural Hisiory and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges (David D. Robetts).............:cccccccseesceeessseeesseceeessecseeseceerseaseesDeeOsO Davip RoBerts, Nothing but History: Reconstruction and Extremity after Metaphysics (Brian Fay) MICHAEL S. RotH, The Ironist’s Cage: Memory, Trauma, and the Construction of History (Stephen Bann) HIDEMI SUGANAMI, On the Causes of War (Theodore H. Von Laue) BOOKS IN SUMMARY D. GeorGE Boyce and ALAN O'Day, The Making of Modern Irish History: Revisionism and the Revisionist CONtrOversy............::0000s00e+00eeeeeeeeeeeveees 139 PETER BurKE, Varieties of Cultural History JAMES A. DIEFENBECK, Wayward Reflections on the History of Philosophy..... 283 THOMAS R. FLYNN, Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason. Volume |: Toward G0 EERE TRUE GF IDOI Pvccissoincvninscccsninsinniunemensennresrmeavenanians: GG MICHAEL FREEDEN, /deologies and Political Theory: A Conceptual Approach 139 MARK GOLDEN and PETER TOOHEY, eds., /nventing Ancient Culture: Historicism, Periodization and the Ancient World............:ccsccss0ssssseesseserseeeseeseeeereseesees 284 JouN T. GRAHAM, Theory of History in Ortega y Gasset: “The Dawn of Historical Reason MICHAEL ANN HOLLY, Past Looking: Historical Imagination and the Rhetoric of the Image Gary D. Jaworski, Georg Simmel and the American Prospect KEITH JENKINS, ed., The Postmodern History Reader DONALD R. KELLEY, The Writing of History and the Study of Law................+- 423 DONALD R. KELLEY, ed., History and the Disciplines: The Reclassification of Knowledge in Early Modern Europee............:cseccsscssssssresessessnsscssssessceeees 423 DONALD R. KELLEY and Davip Harris SACKS, eds., The Historical Imagination in Early Modern Britain: History, Rhetoric, and Fiction, 1500-—1809...... 285 ZENONAS Norkus, /storika: Istorinis Ivadas [Theory of Historiography: II, II is ncitirssesitcsnscsciptoiccninandonaonatenedionsednsediionsicaisddicceions ae FritZ RINGER, Max Weber's Methodology: The Unification of the Cultural and I SN cicissictesancactucsrarqenee bacedeaddascncntaentencenandaaienaed-aamaglanianaeds 424 PHILIP STAMBOVSKY, Myth and the Limits of Reason BENEDIKT STUCHTEY, W. E. H. Lecky (1838-1903): Historisches Denken und politisches Urteilen eines anglo-irischen Gelenrten...........0.:..c0cc00eeeeeeeeeeee 424 EVERETT ZIMMERMAN, The Boundaries of Fiction: History and the Eighteenth- a Re IN sciscsciccicicesncnnnideislaeediatnacapieaicaniinideocomneatiaoes 286 THEME ISSUE 37 (DECEMBER 1998) DANTO AND HIS CRITICS: ART HISTORY, HISTORIOGRAPHY AND AFTER THE END OF ART Davip CARRIER, Introduction: Danto and His Critics: Art History, Historiography and After the End of Art NoeL CARROLL, The End of Art? MICHAEL KELLY, Essentialism and Historicism in Danto’s Philosophy of Art F. R. ANKERSMIT, Danto on Representation, Identity, and Indiscernibles JAKOB STEINBRENNER, The Unimaginable BriGitre HILMER, Being Hegelian after Danto MARTIN R. SEEL, Art as Appearance: Two Comments on Arthur C. Danto’s After the End of Art ROBERT KUDIELKA, According to What: Art and the Philosophy of the “End of Art” ARTHUR DANTO, The End of Art: A Philosophical Defense

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