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History and Fatal Theology of Branch Davidians RELIGION AND THE WACO CULT • Ex-Adventists PDF

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Preview History and Fatal Theology of Branch Davidians RELIGION AND THE WACO CULT • Ex-Adventists

• • NEWS ANALYSIS OPINION Volume 1 Number 1 RELIGION AND THE WACO CULT • Ex-Adventists at Mount Carmel • History and Fatal Theology of Branch Davidians Welcome to ADVENTIST TODAY THE PIONEERS OFTHE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH were open-minded men and women, open to new vistas ofthe everlasting gospel appropriate for their time. Open-mindedness is a prime requisite for becoming abona fide Seventh-day Adventist, and no less for continuing growth as a dedicated admirer ofJesus Christ. Surely we do not want people to close their minds once they become members ofthe church. Closed minds will never complete the gospel commission. ADVENTIST TODAY aspires to follow the open-minded tradition ofthe pioneers. Open- mindedness means openness toward.one .a.nother and willingness tolisten to one FOUNDATION BOARD another-attentively, perceptively, amenably. What ajoy membership in the Seventh- day Adventist Church canbe ifthere isfull and complete openness insuch matters asour KeithColburn corporate quest foran ever more perfect and complete understanding ofGod's Word, Raymond Cottrell relationships between church leaders and the membership ofthe church, and the conduct Donna Evans ofchurch affairs! John Jones ErvinTaylor ADVENTIST TODAY isaresponse to the widespread conviction that the church needs an open James Walters and straightforward medium ofcommunication such asthisjournal aspires tobe-a place where allsegments and age groups can fin<;icommon ground and share their aspirations and concerns for the church in for;h.fight, responsible dialogue. ADVISORY COUNCIL ADVENTIST TODAY isprimarily anews journal that aspires topresent the information thoughtful members oHthechurch need in order toform amature, accurate, and equi- Antonius & LiliaBrandon table 1.ll1<;i~r~t~~ing()t.~~ers ofconcern to the church inNorth America. There will Todd Burley ~alsobe.(1~esponsi81e~xPFe'$~iqnof opinion apout matters ofcurrent interest and concern. John &Charlotte Cassell Keith&Judy Colburn sh~ltered our original plans for this,the firstissue of Anonymous ma,kero~l11forthe cluster ofarticles on this topic--eertainly Donna Evans prieofmajorcqIl.cern.to '.. ..~htirechili it has been necessary toreschedule some Anonymous feattrre~originallyintendedforc thisis~ Dick & Kathy Guth Dennis&Jolene Hillidrd Wayne &SusanJacobsen Don &Penny Mill~r Thaine B.&WantJa A Price Gordon M.Rick Glenn &Cherie RoUse Anonymous \ Don Shasky James &Maryan Stirling Ervin&Marilynn Taylor James & PriscillaWalters James &BettyWebster ~Othera.rticles;vill'.tqCl.lS9~c relatively new Adventist Theological Societyand its ifuport;for,the£!lill:91ronllle issue ofordaining women to the gospel ministry, and on the provocative billboarding crusade in Orlando, ..Florida, and saturation ofthe city with asensational edition ofTheGreatControversy. Proponents ofalternative points ofview on these subjects have been invited to share their perspective ofthefacts. ADVENTIST TODAY will be the convenor and moderator, and our readers will be thejury. Welcome aboard! I Raymond Cottrell . i 2 Adventist Today MayIJune 1993 Editorial Introduction 2 ADVENTIST TODAY@1993 THEWACO CULT& RELIGION Vol. 1,NO.1 May/June 1993 Ex-Adventists at Mt. Carmel: PR Problem or Leaming Opportunity? .4 Editor: Raymond F.Cottrell Associate Editor: James W.Walters History and Fatal Theology of the Branch Davidians .5 Raymond Cottrell Managing Editor: Duane Covrig Editorial Consultants Interview with Pastor Charlie Liu 8 Mark August Tampa Tribune The Waco Syndrome 9 Antonius Brandon Raymond Cottrell Lorna Linda University Haraldo S.Camacho Colton, California David Koresh: Narcissistic Personality or Dysfunctional Religious Leader..10 Barry Casey Noel Gardner and Antonius Brandon Columbia Union College Glenn Coe Experiences in Loma Linda 11 South Windsor, Connecticut Donna Evans Dalton Baldwin Lorna Linda Academy Frank Knittel Koresh on Ellen White 12 La Sierra University DennisHokama Beatrice Neall Union College Joel Sandefur REPORT: LSUand LLU-AFTER THEDIVORCE .13 . La Sierra University Deborah Vance Walla Walla College ADVENTISTS& ABORTION Art&Design MarlinDolinsky:Cover&PublicationDesign Pro-life &Pro-choice: Can the Church Have It Both Ways? .16 Raynardo Flinoz: Cover Art Douglas Hackelman: Art Consultant CopyEditors 1992 Annual Council Guidelines 17 Cherie ,Rouse & Gayle Saxby A Higher Calling 18 Published bimonthly by the Adventist GingerHanks-Harwood Today Foundation, a non-profit organiza- tion dedicated to fostering open dialogue in the Adventist community. Myths and Maybes 19 The purpose ofAdventist Today is to report John and MillieYoungberg on and discuss contemporary issues of importance to Adventist church members. Finding a Consensus 20 Following basic principles of ethics and canons of journalism, this publication Gerald Winslow strives for fairness, candor, and good taste. Unsolicited submissions are encouraged. OPINION Payment is competitive. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope for writers' guidelines. Editorial: Let Freedom Ring 21 Annual subscriptions: $18.00 for James Walters individuals, $12 for students, $29 for institutions. Add $10.00 for addresses Guest Editorial:Inauguration. of a President... 22 outside North America. KitWatts . POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Adventist Today Perspective: A Joyful Moan 23 P.O. Box 1220 Alden Thompson Lorna Linda, CA 92354-1220 Telephone & Fax: (909) 799-6724 Mission Statement.. Back Cover Adventist Today May/June 1993 3 Ex-Adventists at Mt. Carmel PRProblem or Learning Opp~rtunity? THE ADVENTIST CHURCH can percent of Koresh's followers are The Seventh-day Adventist take at least two approaches to the former Seventh-day Adventists, denomination wisely disavowed the Waco incident. First, it can handle the according to Marc Breault, a recent Shepherd's Rod movement long ago. situation as aPRproblem. This master's graduate in religion from The denomination abhors the tragedy approach is understandable and in Loma Linda University, and for a time at Mt. Carmel. Nevertheless, several many ways appropriate-and well a member ofthe Branch Davidians. questions deserve serious attention in underway. The church hired a crisis the aftermath ofWaco: David Koresh actively recruited in management firm to devise a strategy. Adventist centers, including Loma -Are there elements in the popular Officials from the church have spoken Linda; Honolulu; Sidney, Australia; Adventist belief system that lend of damage control and the need to and Bracknell, England (see Dalton themselves to warped exploitation by "play down the Adventist connection," Baldwin's article). In England one charismatic leaders? and the Southern Californip.Conference former Adventist pastor and four has attempted to restrict cnurch- --.:..Doesthe church's emphasis on the Newbold College theology students member contact with the media by "i.m.ntinence"of God's kingdom need accepted Koresh's perspective, claims sending out adirective to allits to be re-evaluated? Breault. congregations. I -What type of Biblicalinterpretation I Many Branch Davidians continue Second, the church can seek t6 (a "proof-text" approach or a historical- to adhere to traditional Adventist learn from the Waco incident. Such a contextual perspective) ismore or less emphase~, such as healthful living and response may be more involved than likely to foster idiosyncratic beliefs? Saturday Sabbath observance. Their merely shoring up public relations, but itisno less important. The following notoriety ihas come from their interest -What concrete steps should the cluster ofessays offers perspectives that in prophetic interpretation and belief in denomination take to help its members may help in this learning process. avoid the allure ofany Many Branch Davidians continue to numoer of Adventist Some will say that what happened "fundamentalisms" that adhere to traditional Adventist in Texas has nothing to do with the offer simple answers to emphases such as healthful living Seventh-day Adventist church since comp,lex issues? this Waco cult was merely a "branch" and Sabbath observance. or an "offshoot" ofa group that split -WHat is the relationship ----.~.betweenpersonal psychol- from the church over 60years ago. True, the Branch Davidians developed the i.m.ntinentending ofthe world- ogy and religious belief? out of the Shepherd's Rod move- ideas hardly alien to Adventism. -How could committed, sometimes ment-a movement started in the 1930s Before Koresh developed the highly educated, church members opt by relatively few Seventh-day Adven- religious ideas for which he isnow for Koresh's line ofbelief? tists. Ray Cottrell's article documents notorious, he attracted the interest ofa this development. However, in These are at least some ofthe number of traditional Adventists addition to this historical connection, questions raised by the Mt. Carmel precisely because of his command of the Branch Davidians have had on- episode. Because of the considerable extensive passages from the Bibleand going connection to the Seventh-day Adventist connection we believe that Ellen White's writings (see Dennis Adventist Church. the denomination would do well to Hokama's report). Unusual interpreta- appoint a high-level study commission David Koresh, the notorious tions of obscure Bibletexts have led to examine the Koresh phenomenon Branch Davidian leader, was reared as Koresh to claim to be the modem and make recommendations. 0 aSeventh-day Adventist in Dallas and David--even Jesus Christ-and to was a baptized member before joining believe in abiblical warrant for active -The Editors the self-named Branch Davidian and violent cleansing of the world Seventh-day Adventists. Ninety (note the interview with Charlie Uu). 4 Adventist Today May jJune 1993 History and Fatal Theology of the BRANCH DAVIDIANS ByRaymond Cottrell ON FEBRUARY 28 AND APRIL 19, 1993,the and issued by the PacificPress asA Reply tothe BranchDavidiansofWaco,Texasprovedbeyondthe Shepherd's Rod. shadowofadoubtthattwistedtheologycanbefatal-both In February, 1935,Houteff moved toWaco,Texas, to those whoadvocate it andtotheologicallyinnocent and inMay settled ten mileseastoftown onafarmhe bystanders-long beforethegreat,finaljudgmentday. named Mount Carmel Center. At various times as Thestory began March 2,1885,with thebirth of many as90to 125people, including children, took up VictorTasho Houteff in Raikovo,Bulgaria. Persona non residence there. OnJanuary 1,1937,Houteff married grata toboth church and state,he was expelled fromhis Marcella Hermanson, daughter ofthe Center's treasurer, native land in 1907and migrated tothe United States. and later appointed Marcella,hiswife, ashis successor. OnMay 10,1919, hewas baptized aSeventh-day Administration ofthe community was strictlytheocratic. . Adventist inRockford,Illinois,and in 1923moved toLos With the outbreak ofwar inthePacific,Shepherd's Angeles where hebecame amember of the Exposition Rod "ministers" faced the draft, and asaresult in 1942 Park Church and served asaSabbath Schoolteacher. the Center formally organized asachurch and adopted In 1928 Houteff began toadvocate views about last the name "Davidian Seventh-day Adventists." In day events incompatible with Adventist understanding 1955 VictorHouteff died and hiswifebecame president. ofBibleprophecy. Matters came toahead the following year atthe Tabernacle church innearby Fullerton when, indefense ofhisviews, he laid claimtotheprophetic Bizarre Prophetic Interpretation Leads to Disaster gift. Inabusiness meeting onNovember 4,1929,the In order tounderstand what happened next,abrief church formally requested P.E.Brodersen, president of summary ofDavidian interpretation isnecessary. the Southern California Conference, to examine his Houteff professed agreement with allfundamental teachings. InJanuary 1930,Brodersen, together with J.E. Seventh-day Adventist beliefslisted inthe denomina- Fulton, president of the Pacific Union Conference, and tional Yearbook and the Church Manual. Hemaintained others, concluded that Houteffs views were sofanciful that his teachings could be fullysupported by the Bible asnot tobe taken seriously, and dismissed thematter. and the writings ofEllenWhite. He said that the In 1930Houteff hectographed hisviews under the Seventh-day Adventist Church was the true church,but titleThe Shepherd's Rod, thename by which he and his that itisinneed ofreforms based onhisparticular coterieoffollowers were known over thenext 12years. interpretation oflast-day events foretold inthe Old Persistent refusal onhispart toceasepromoting his Testament and inthebook ofRevelation. ideas led thechurch, inabusiness meeting onNovember He urged hisfollowers toremain members ofthe 20,1930,todisfellowship him. In1932asecond volume church wherever possible and encouraged them totake ofThe Shepherd's Rod appeared. advantage ofevery opportunity toadvocate hisviews, Relentlessadvocacy ofhisviews led,in 1934,toa eventothepoint ofdisrupting church services. Houteff major hearing that involved representatives from the identified twoprincipal goalsoftheShepherd's Rodas: General Conference aswell asthe PacificUnion and (1)purification oftheSeventh-day Adventist Church by Southern California conferences. Theresult was a the cleansing foretold inEzekiel9,through acceptanceof pamphlet with the titleA Warning Against Error, histeachings and him asitsleader, and (2)establishment endorsed by theAutumn (now Annual) Council later of theDavidians inPalestine asthenucleus ofthe that year asan official General Conference publication messianic kingdom and asabaseforproclaiming the loud cry of the third angel of Revelation 14 and 18. The OldTestament scenarioforlast-day events,hesaid, Raymond Cottrell is retired after half a century of was soontobeliterallyfulfilled-by theDavidians, work as a pastor, foreign missionary, teacher, and resident inPalestine. editor. He is editor of Adventist Today. Adventist Today MayIJune 1993 5 The fatal flaw in this system of interpretation is that the great battle foretold in Zechariah 14and Ezekiel 38 itignores the setting to which the Old Testament and 39.The Davidians would then lead out in establish- passages were addressed and the numerous explicit Bible ing the eternal reign ofChrist as Lord over allthe earth. statements identifying these prophecies as conditional on On the basis ofRevelation 11Marcella Houteff pre- the cooperation ofIsrael as the covenant people ofOld dicted that a series of Testament times. events commencing According to April 22,1959,would Houteff, the David Koresh & Adventists: result in the expul- investigative , sion ofJews and judgment and TheEarlyConnection Arabs from Palestine sealing of the living and open the way for began in 1929when the Davidians to he received the gift Vernon Wayne Howell was born in 1959to an migrate there and ofprophecy and unmarried woman, Bonnie Haldeman ofHous- make Jerusalem their began his ministry. ton, Texas. However, Vernon grew up in Dallas headquarters. She The sealed saints, specifically identified where he was reared as'aSeventh-day Adventist, 144,000in number the fulfillment of says Newsweek (March 15,1993). As a child (including himself), this prediction as a would eventually Vernon was abused and repeatedly tqld that he conclusive "test" of be translated wasn't worth anything, states former follower the integrity oftheir without seeing Marc Breault. movement. She death. Their arrived at this date by probation, together Howell's maternal grandmother said that identifying Novem- with that ofunre- Vernon was in many ways a "bright littleboy." ber 9,1955, as the pentant Adventists commencement of When he began school he was dyslexic and later and Davidians, the" one thousand went to a sgecial school for a year or so,but didn't would close prior to two hundred and the close ofhuman do well. He also attended Dallas Academy, an sixty [presumably probation and the Adventist school. He dropped out by ninth literal] days" of second coming of grade. Revelation 11because Christ. this "light" had come He devoted himself to Bibl~study, possessing toher on that day. Separated thus the ability to memorize many passages and link from the "wheat," Accordingly, she Adventist and them together to form unique religious perspec- set April 16as the Davidian "tares" tives. When 18he moved to Jyler, Texas,where .timefor the faithful would perish in the he joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church. to assemble at slaughter foretold in Mount Carmel Church members didn't appreciate the long hair Ezekiel9. After that Center preparatory to and casual dress ofthis guitar-playing boy. His the 144,000 migrating to Pales- Davidians, sealed grandmother reports that he became disillusioned tine. The week of for eternity, would with the Tyler church and moved to the Waco April 16to 22 proclaim the loud area where he joined the Branch Davidian Sev- witnessed the arrival cry of the third of800to 1,000 enth-day Adventists at their Mt. Carmel outpost. angel, general people, including probation would -The Editors children. Non- close~and Christ fulfillment ofthe would return. anticipated events inevitably resulted in In order to bitter disappointment effect this literal fulfillment ofOld Testament prophecy, and the demoralization and fragmentation ofthe Houteff claimed it would be necessary for him and his Davidians. followers to migrate to Palestine in the near future. Unrepentant Jews, Arabs, and others would perish in In the hope ofreclaiming as many ofthem as 6 Adventist Today May /June 1993 possible, the General Conference sent Vice President A. In Shepherd's Rod (Davidian) terminology the word V.Olson to preach in the Waco SDA church. Davidian "rod" isthe" rod" or "shoot" from the" stem" ofJesse leaders who attended the church service invited Olson (David), and the "Branch" isChrist as the Son ofDavid to conduct aseries ofmeetings at Mount Carmel Center (Isaiah 11:1)-hence the name chosen by the Waco group, from June 24toJuly 7. At the close ofthe series, "Branch Davidians." Marcella Houteff requested that the General Conference None ofthe other, relatively small, Davidian arrange further meetings with Davidian leaders. groups across the country approve ofKoresh or his These joint meetings took place at General Confer- policy and tactics. In the wake ofrecent events at ence headquarters in Washington, D.C., from July 27to Waco some of these groups have vigorously repudi- August 7,with Vice Presidents W. E.Murray as chair ated such behaviors. During the early decades of and A. V. Olson as secretary. The other General Shepherd's Rod history, its advocates made apractice of Conference participants were H. W. Lowe, L.C.Evans demonstrating publicly in the vicinity ofchurch (president of the Southwestern Union, which in- gatherings and often disrupted church services, at times cludes Texas), A. C. Fearing, D. F.Neufeld, and R.L. resorting to somewhat bizarre tactics. Together with the Odom. The General Conference and the Davidians both Davidian interpretation ofthe slaughter foretold in issued formal reports of the meeting, listed at the close Ezekiel 9:1-11,these milder forms offorce may in some ofthis article. way have predisposed Koresh to more drastic actions. On December 12,1961,Marcella Houteff re- The stage was thus set for the tragic events of nounced the teachings of"the Rod," and on March 11, February 28,1993 that left 4Federal agents dead and 15 1962,resigned aspresident of the Davidians. Benjamin wounded, and April 19,1993when 87Davidians per- L.Roden assumed leadership ofthe largest remaining ished in amass suicide. splinter group, with his wife Lois as its prophet. Upon Roden's death in 1978,his wife and his son George assumed command. But not for long. Primary Documentation General Conference Committee, A Reply tothe Shepherd's Rod, 1934,32 pp. EnterDavid Koresh The Committee on Defense Literature ofthe General In 1981Vernon Howell joined the Mount Carmel Conference ofSeventh-day Adventists, The History and Center community near Waco, then led by George Teachings of"The Shepherd's Rod," October 1955,64pp. Roden. In 1983he began claiming the gift of prophecy. On November~, 1987,animosity b~tween Howell and Research Committee of the General Conference of Roden erupted into agun battle. Howell was charged Seventh-day Adventists, Report ofaMeeting Between a with attempted murder but set free by ahung jury, and Group of "Shepherd's Rod" Leaders and aGroup ofGeneral became leader ofthe Branch Davidians. In 1990he Conference Ministers, July 27-August 7,1959,May 1960, legally changed his name to David Koresh, David being 16pp. the name of the ideal king of Israel, and Koresh the Universal Publishing Association (Davidian), Hebrew name ofCyrus, who released the Jews from Report and Analysis ofthe General Conference Committee's Babylonian exile, both presumably types ofChrist. Closed Hearing of "The Shepherd's Rod" July 27-August 7, Koresh considered himself anew incarnation of 1959,1959,64 pp. Jesus Christ, th~ Lamb ofRevelation 5. He claimed Marc A. Breault, Letters to Dalton Baldwin, August ownership ofeverything and everyone, especially all 1,1990, and September 18,1991. Briefly associated with women, and exemption from paying taxes. His male .David Koresh prior to 1990,Breault describes the followers had to remain celibate, and he alone was Branch Davidians as "a highly dangerous organization permitted to inseminate. He issaid to have had 19 led by satanic forces." wives, some ofwhom were 12or 13years old. He and his followers assumed the right to steal, kill, or do Marc A. Breault, "Some Background on the Branch whatever necessary to silence critics and advance their Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Movement From 1955 own cause. Howell maintained tight control of every to the Early Part of1991," unpublished manuscript. May aspect of the lives ofhis followers, who were not 27,1991.0 allowed to think for themselves. Those who broke with him, he warned, were certain to go to hell. Adventist Today May IJune 1993 7 Interview with Pastor Charlie Liu Adventist Today:What was income. Some were not high school He adamantly denied itat the your position previously? graduates, others had graduate time, but there were rumors of degrees. Some were rich and others polygamy. I confronted him on the Pastor Liu:Iwas the pastor at poor. A number were newly converted issue once after church services. I the Diamond Head Seventh-day to Adventism. Most were younger and remember distinctly that we were Adventist church in Honolulu for four idealistic and the type to put them- standing right outside the front door, years. selves on the line for some cause. and he called his wife over to him and Itwas there that you had some asked me, "Do you think Iwould ever Butnothing stands out as a connection with David Koresh? be unfaithful to this woman? No I characteristic Unique to all 14.They just wouldn't." He also had his child there Yes,back in 1986David Koresh felt that here was afellow who was beside him and he said, "Do you think visited at the request ofamember and putting together well anumber of that Iwould shame this child by doing began holding home Biblestudies and scriptural texts. Koresh had abroad such a thing? No, twould never do eventually took 14of our members appeal. that." He liked to ask questions and back to Southern California and then to Youtried tokeep your church answer them himself. Texas. members from defecting. What was When you cast doubt on Koresh's Did he pose asan Adventist? their response toyour Christian and claims, what did your affected mem- Adventist lines ofreasoning? bers say? No, he never tried to gain mem- bership or parade as an Adventist. A typical response was, "We have They would express abit ofdoubt, the new messenger, the new light. but hedge. For instance, ifIasked if Did your members see him asan What you are reasoning from isthe old they really believed Koresh was a Adventist? light. Ou~leader isthe only one who messenger ofGod, they would reply, "1 can open the seven seals and lay before As a former Adventist. hope so." The manipulative methodol- us the truth ofthe very last days." I ogy he used was fear. Church members The group's formal name is reasoned from Christian principles, were afraid to allow their rational Branch Davidian Seventh-day Adven- pointing out the fallacy ofplaying to selves to disbelieve the new "truths." tists, isitnot? people's ~earsand using threats and Sothey hedged their bets by staying manipulation. Right. They take the position that with Koresh. they are descendants of Adventists, but They would say, "Christ's But why would an Adventist they have further light: they are a methods were the old way: we have member be attracted to anew belief "branch from" the Adventist commu- the new." But in terms ofAdventism, it that instilled fear? That seems a nity. was more difficult to appeal to them paradox. because we are based on some apoca- What sort ofperson isMr. Koresh? lyptic thinking that can play into this. It's clear to me that he offered a He came across initially as ameek That was alittle tough for me. very black and white view oflife. person. But when pressed about Koresh offered something that said: The imminent ending ofthe world theology he could speak very fast and "Are you tired ofthinking, ofmaking was akey emphasis ofthis group? had a sense ofaprophetic mantle. He decisions in your life?Come to me, I was a soft-spoken, intense person. It was over emphasized, because will do the thinking for you. Don't Koresh said to ignore the present, and worry any more." That is appealing to What sort ofpersons were your take no responsibility for family, alot ofpeople. members who defected to him? friends or aworld out there. How can agroup that takes the They were a fairly broad spectrum We now know that Mr. Koresh Bible soseriously end up in that Waco ofpeople in terms of education and believes himself tobe divine and that shootout? Do you think there may be a all men and women belong tohim- link between aliteralistic interpreta- CharlieUu isanassociatepastorof particularly the women. Did he tion ofthe Branch's key chapters, CampusHillChurchaswellaschaplain advocate polygamy toyour church Ezekiel 9and Revelation 14,which do and adjunctprofessorofreligionatLorna members? contain some violent language, and the Linda University. recent violence atMr. Carmel? 8 Adventist Today May /June 1993 Ibelieve there isa definite connec- When Iwas a kid, following my We Adventists see some of our tion. They believe they have a God- dad around, itwas the era in Adventist historic emphases, such aspreparation given callto bear arms, not only to evangelism oflarge and gaudy beasts for an imminent ending ofthe world, defend themselves, but to bring about ofRevelation. We did build on afear taken tobizarre ends atMt. Cannel, the end-time scenario. They see Ezekiel factor to some degree. At that time I and we are appalled. 9as a callto cleanse the church-first thought itwas exciting, but after We have long had aremnant Adventism, then Christianity and the studying theology and being apastor I theology. That has motivated us world. In Revelation 14they see seven am bothered by our playing up avery to highlight the unique aspects of angels, not Adventism's traditional eccentric belief system. Adventism to the neglect of three angels. The additional four angels We are pitching toward people recognizing that first ofallwe are are the prominent leaders of the who may be unbalanced or who may Christians. Our official creeds highlight Shepherd's Rod-Branch Davidian be just looking for the sensational. I that the gospel ofJesus Christ isthe SDAs, beginning with Victor Houteff don't like to put itthis way, but the foundational belief. That belief in the and culminating in David Koresh. people who may be attracted to astory gospel, ifrightly highlighted, will keep What percentage ofthe IOO-plus in the supermarket tabloids of a five- us from bizarre, cultic behavior. people atMt. Cannel, in your opinion, headed baby from Mars could well be I think some followers of Koresh are fonner Adventists recruited by attracted to some of our approaches. Is will come out ofthis episode bruised Koresh? this honoring God? Isthis God's call and damaged and in need ofwhat the that Isee in Scripture? In Hawaii, the majority following true gospel can do for them-to make him were Adventists. My guess is that We've probably done some things them whole persons again. That's the majority at Mt. Carmel are former in the past that have set us up forwhat where the church community must be Adventists. we're seeing now. Probably alot ofthe ready for them. Ifear that we are not people connected with this cult had ready. Sometimes we are so eager to Your father, Sunny Liu, was awell some fascination with that sort ofstuff. minimize the damage to the image of known singing evangelist. What do They may have had aconnection with the church that we are not ready to heal you make of our traditio~al evangelis- the Adventist church because ofthat, people who have just gotten in over ticapproaches? / and then became disillusioned. their heads in something like this. 0 Commentary On The Waco Syndrome The key ingredient ofthe Waco.syndrome that exploded in violence on February 28is a naive lethal interpre- tation of the Biblethat does not discriminate between objective reality and fantasy. As the Branch Davidians demonstrated on February 28and April 19,1993,the proof-text method of interpreting the Biblecan be dangerous not only to aperson's mental health but to his or her very lifeand that oftheologically innocent bystanders as well. As a literary document the Biblemeans what its divine Author and inspired writers intended it to mean, as determined by an objective, perceptive, competent reading of the text. Davidian interpretation ignores the intent ofthe Biblewriters and the.historical circumstances to which they addressed their inspired preview ofthe way in which God would work out His divine purpose for the covenant people. My article "The Role of Israel in Old Testament Prophecy" on pages 25to 38ofvolume 4ofthe SDA BibleCommentary provides an effective antidote to the proof-text method of interpreting the Old Testament prophets. The Branch Davidians justify the violence that erupted at Mount Carmel Center by their interpretation of Ezekiel 9,where the prophet is told to summon six "executioners," each with his "destroying weapon," and directs "a man clothed in linen" to "go through ... Jerusalem, and put amark upon the foreheads ofthe men who sigh and groan over allthe abominations that are committed in it." The six executioners are then told to follow him and "smite" everyone without the mark. Davidians identify themselves as divinely commissioned to fulfill this prophecy. They also cite Christ's instruction to His disciples, on the night ofHis betrayal, to arm themselves (Luke 22:36-38).0 -Raymond Coffrell Adventist Today May /June 1993 9 David Koresh: Narcissistic Personality or... ByNoel Gardner THOUGH IHAVE NOT been able tointerview David Because of human vulnerability, a charismatic Koresh Koresh and do not know more about him directly, Isense can step in and claim a lot ofabsolute authority, usurping that he is primarily a severe narcissistic personality. Narcis- scriptures to support his position and structuring an sists are individuals who defend against a sense ofdeep idealized view of the small group. 0 inferiority by the creation of a grandiose fantasied self in which they see themselves as unusually powerful and ...Dysfunctional Religious Leader superior. They may be very gifted and talented individuals, but they cannot tolerate any challenge to their grandiosity. They have avery inflated sense of self-importance. A Response to Noel Gardner ByAntonius Brandon My sense isthat there was akind oflinkage when Koresh was attracted to some of the self-understanding that isin Adventism in terms ofits uniqueness and specialness. Consistent with the medical model, Noel Gardner The notion!ofuniqueness, as being special, the only true and follows a linear argument. He labels David Koresh final people ofGod, isakind ofnotion that iswaiting for and then proceeds to explore possible religious causes trouble unless itis carefully understood. Itiswaiting for a which may underlie his pathology. David Koresh's linkage with some disturbed minds. personal history seems to bear out that he isacon- Iam most struck that the formation ofacult like this flicted•p..erson. seems to spring from two fundamental vulnerabilities in Thatdoes not, however, warrant alabel of people. One isaneed for certitude-to feelthat one has Narcissistic Personality (Disorder). Many religious absolute answers in the context of avery complex world that leaders, out ofpersonal corflict, have expressed a is filled with ambiguity and uncertainty. The need for certain strength of character and focus, but in assign- certitude makes people extremely vulnerable. Erich Fromm ing them apersonality disorder, we may miss the talks about the many ways!in which people cannot tolerate complex relationships involved in religious behavior. owning the responsibility ofreal choices in aworld that's complex and filled with ambiguity-how they will flee from Another way oflooking at the Koresh phenom- freedom because of the enormous anxiety and uncertainty it enon is to explore the social context ofthe Branch produces. That isa reflection ofalot ofpeople who need DavidianS and recognize the interactions that require some absolute answers. Often times they will take al'funda- the type of1eadership they developed. This view does mentalist position. The need for certitude makes some very not separate Koresh from the group that has become well-meaning people highly vulnerable to being exploited in like alarge family, but sees him as apart ofasystem this kind ofway. that requires tl1atindividuals fulfill various roles. The other vulnerability is the need for specialness, the With his background of abuse, anger and feeling that one is unusually important, superior. When one mistrust, he seems to fitin very well. With his ability has aneed to be better than, or greater than, or more to respond to the emotional needs ofthe group and righteous than, or more filled with truth than anyone else, their.feedback to him, he isas much acreation ofthe that need for specialness isa great vulnerability that can be group as itsleader. As such, he may very well exploited. The underlying core of "special" people often personify the dysfunctions of his religious community, contains a great deal of doubt, and behind their apparently tying the fate ofitsmembers tohis own lifeor death. 0 smug self-cormdence there is a lot ofperceived inferiority. Antonius Brandonwas an Adventist evangelist Noel Gardnerwas an Adventist pastor before studying before earning his doctorate in clinical psychology. medicine. He is chief, Council Liaison Psychiatry, University He is aprofessor ofmarriage and family therapy in of Utah and president of the Utah Psychiatric Association. the Graduate School at Loma Linda University. This piece is an excerpt from a telephone interview. 10 Adventist Today May/June 1993

David Koresh: Narcissistic Personality or Dysfunctional Religious Leader ..10 By using this quote he effectively sought Ellen White's permission to.
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