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HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL ANNALS OF COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR... Digitized by C ^>O gle Google Digitized by J__ /5'i ( C - L , . - . / / « • • ■ Google Digitized by Historical and Biographical Annals O F C o l u m b i a a n d M o n t o u r C o u n t i es P E N N S Y L V A N I A ContainiDg A Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families IN TWO VOLUMES I L L U S T R A T E D V O L U M E I CHICAGO J. H. BEERS & CO. 191} •A Digitized by G ^ *o>^I( T?:r: : ; PUBLIC ..;i.i>AF.Y AftrOft, LPWOX TU.0* H ^ �U*iv*^S » <»|7 U Google Digitized by P R E F A C E In the preparation of this history of Columbia and Montour counties the publishers have been guided by several factors, die principal one being to record facts. In this vicinity of quaint li^cnd and marvelous incident it is perhaps quite natural that writers of the past should have yielded much to the temptation to romantic narrative. Pains have been taken to revert to the unimpeachable records of the early times, which arc still available to in%esiigators, and for verification of the statements in the present work wc direct attention to files of newspapers of the period in question, .and other records to be found now in the Bloomsburg and Danville public libraries and the courthouses of the two coun(cid:0) ties, as well as in the archives of the Columbia County Historical Society and in private homes. An important feature of this work, in whkh appear items of history which would be prescr\ed in no other way, is the genealogical record of many of the families of this section whose ancestry w'crc instrumental in the building of the Commonwealth and this portion of it in the days of settlement and trial. The utmost care has been c.xcrcised in the compilation of these family records, and in nearly ever)* instance the biographical sketches were submitted to those imme(cid:0) diately interested, thus affording ample opportunity for revision and correction. In compiling data for the history the publishers have had the assistance and supervision of the following residents of this division of the Keystone State: In the history of Columbia county proper the matter prepared by a represen(cid:0) tative of the publishers has been reviewed by Geoige E. Elwell, of Bloomsburg, who also supplied the Bench and Bar chapter; the Bloonisbui^ chapter, includ(cid:0) ing (he industries, churches, organizations and the hrst account in permanent book form of the Bloomsburg Centennial; and much other matter that has been used in the proper places through the body of the work. The detailed and authoritative account of the electric trolley and lighting sys(cid:0) tems which cover both counties was supplied by A. W. Duy, Esq., of Blooms(cid:0) burg. The story of the building of the Catawissa railroad was written by Charles E. Randall, of the Catawissa jVru'j llctn. The interesting narration of the founding and development of the great car works at Berwick was written by the district manager of the American Car and Foundry Company, William F. I.owry. The article on the establishment of the hrst Methodist congregation in this sec(cid:0) tion of the Stale, the history of the Berwick Water Company, Berwick Store Company, and of the Y. M. C. A. of Berwick, arc from the pen of F. A. Wilman, of Berwick. The material for the chapter upon the medical profession of Columbia county was supplied by Dr. L. B. Kline, of Catawissa. The matter for the article on the highways and roads of the counties was furnished by Arthur M. Clay, district superintendent of the State Highway Commission, stationed at Google Digitized by BloOQisbuig. Credit should bo given to Miss Martha E. Robison for the his(cid:0) tory of the origin and work of the Columbia County Sabbath School Associa(cid:0) tion, to which organization she has devoted many years of her life. The entire history of Montour county has been reviewed by Hon. H. M. Hinckley, of Danville, who has written the greater part, devoting much time to the history of the religious denominations of the county, and to the correct description of the founding, development and growth of (he town of Danville and the industries, improvements and historical occurrences brought about or participated in by the present and past residents of this division of the State of Pennsylvania. The publishers also acknowledge their indebtedness to Col. J. G. Freeze's early history of Columbia county; gratitude to F. M. Gotwalds, of Danville, and Percy Hrewington, of Renton, for aid in the progress of the work; Boyd Tres- cott, of Millville, and S. N. Walker, of Bloomsburg, for assistance rendered; to Daniel N. Dieffenbachcr, of Danville, and William W. Evans, of Blooms(cid:0) burg, for data for school history; and to Nfiss Editlt Patterson and Miss Jennie Bird, librarians at Bloomsburg and Danville, respectively, for courtesies ex(cid:0) tended. In behalf of the various writers of this work, cordial thanks are expressed to the officials of the counties, the members of the press, the clergy, and all others who have assisted in making this an exhaustive and arxurate treatise on the region which has been its province. T H E PU BLISH ERS. Google Digitized by T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S C O LU M BIA C O U N T Y H IST O RY rnAPTKk I CirAFTER XIX £iJUl inAitn* 1 Beptop TowPBbii^Bcntoo Borough........................210 CSHAPTER U CHAPTER XX .218 CHA!>TER m CHAPTER XXI Topogrrspb? and Ceol<^—Irgo^OoaL............... , 1ft Centre Townahio............................................... ...221 CHAPTRR TV CHAPTKR XXII A^itf*iiUun» ................................................. Loctiot and Clevelapd Towonbipe.................. ...824 CHAPTFR V nfAPiER xxni Traaiportatlop Facilitict^LiahCLu—Roada. Turn* >1«bitiecrtek Townahip—^tiUvater Borouab.. DIKM........................................................ CHAPTER XXIV CHAPTER VI Franklin Townahip............................................. Keltfiooa Denominatiopji....................................... . 37 CHAPTER XXV flT.APTKR VTf Greenwood Townabtp—Millville Borounh........ ...282 fth/f Hat .............. aft CHAPTKR XXVI CHAPTFrR vin Ilemlotk Townahio............................................. -..238 Mrdica) Profaiuilon of Columbia Oountv... . 74 CHAPTKR XXVI! CHAPTER TX Javkaon Townabip............................................. ...241 ^*ar RM*orda of the Couptiei.. . 77 niA!»TKR xwniT CHAPTER X Madiaop Townahio............................................. Coootr Pormation............................................ cnAPTPR XVIX CTTAPTER X! bfaip Townahip................................................... Cohiftbia Countr Aft^r 1830............... ............. CHAin-EU XXX CHAPTER Xn Mlfllln Townahip—Mi01 inviHe......................... ...248 CdgmtiMAl Growth ....................... . 94 niAPTER XXXT Montour Townsbio..................................... CHAPTER XIII He Pmi .............................................. 00 CIM1»'rEP YVYIT Mount rieanant Townahio.................................. ..233 CHAPTER XIV BTwasbyrar ................................................................ 104 CHAPTER XXXII! Orapire Townahip—Ortiurrville Borouah......... . .236 CHAPTER XV CHAPTER XXXIV B<nnfk »n<f \V#»#t Berwick ...................... 140 ISne TowQibio........................ . 261 CHAPTER XVT niAPTER XXYV Borouffh—CaUwiiWA Towatbip........... 188 Roarinnereck Townahip....................................... . 262 CHAPTER XVTI C-HAPTER XXXM ^UnU noroitffh*^^k)nyni;bAm Towiuhlp.......... Scott Tow*ii»hio........................ 264 rrfiAPTER x m i niAPTER XXXVIt Townahip....................................................... 208 Siurarloaf Townahio........................................... Digitized by G o o g le M O NT O UR C O U N TY H IST ORY CUAPTKH I ran a Pina Earlv Uiatorr^^^untv Orffaeuatioo. rtc... Aolhonr Townahio......................................... ....386 CHAPTER II miAPTKR Vtl Some of the Earljr KamiUoa............................ Cooper Townahip............................................... aiAi»TBR m I!MAPTRR YIIT Internal ImDrovemcnte................................. ... 203 Derrr Townahip—WMhinrtoorille Boroueh... . .391 mAPTPR TV Miliury Record................................................ CITAPTER YIV I.iberlr Townahip............................................. ClfAPTVn V Schoob of Montour Count v........................... CHAPTER XV aiAFfKR VI Limeatone Townahio.......................................... . 390 Bench and Bar................................................ CHAPTER XVT aTAPTRR M l Phreiciana ............................................... ... ___32t CRAPTER XVn rHAPTRR vin Mavberry Townahip........................................ ...398 rHAI»TKR IX CUAPTEU xvin 14? Valter Townahip.............................................. <*H4tn VR V CHAPTER XIX Townahip Formation .:mri Wcat Htmlock Towftihip.......................................<02 moT.RAPRtrAt. 5tEmosv .403 VI Google Digitized by H IS T O R IC A L IN D E X C O LU M BIA C O U N TY Aborif iDva ........... 2 Baptiata Boy Scouto Troop................. isi Afrinui M. H. Cliurcb........... 146 62, 176^ 223, 22L 342, 2iS Boyle'e (Brady») Fort............UUa A|cg^Miioo«. Jndian.. 13> 188, Dar> Membera of Columbia Bfur LYeek ............................212 Agrricultuni) Aaaodatio&a ... U County ........................ 11 Briarcrvek Townnbip .............218 Agriculture .......................... 2h Barkley, Ctiarlea G............... 121 Bridge*...................................53-56 laduin .................. 3 Bear Hun (31ordansviUe).... 222 (See abo Borough and Afton <Alnc<lial ................. 267 Reaver Touuidiip ...................222 To VII dll ip Chapter*. I AiutnaD. Alexander .... .221. 62h B««ver Valley (Shuman* Berwick (View) ............... 41J Alraedia................................. 26? towni ...................................223 County Bridge at Blooma- Americao Car and Foundry Bench and Bar...................... a burg fView) ................... 46 Co,— Benton Borough.......................212 Brien. William 150. H i Hcrwick .......................liL Renton Towftshlp ................. 212 Brobet. Christian... .y , 1*0, IU7 llervrick KoIUog Mill Co.» Berwick Borough ................. lilL Buck Mountain 10, 333 I873 iViewl ................... lil Berwick Bridge ..................... 42 liuckhom.................................2i2 Brrwirk Store Co. (View). ir»s •Site of Steamboat Aoei* Buckwheat..........................28, 21 niooDiwlmrg ...................... 113 dent (View) ................... 42 Buuiieaa Establishoresta— Jftd(»on A Woodin Firat Berwick Circuit ................60, m (Sec Borough and Tow*n* .store (View) ................. 168 Berwick Guards ................... iSi «bip Cliaptera.) Jackiion A Wo^^lo Mfg. Co.» Berwick Hospital ............... 182 ByniesvilJc ............................ 307 1873 (View) ................... lii View .................................. i»6 l^wer Worlu (View)..... 163 Berwick School* ....................1188 Campbell (Central) .................2H S teel Car Department Berwick Store Company 121 Canal lYade .......................43. 12 (View) ............................ 165 Department Store (View). 124 Ganalboat*.................43, iofr*366 Up(>er Work* (View) 163 BillMnier, Michael ............. H PatMenger Boat, 1868 Amuiement llouaea— Bloom Townahip................... 121 (View I ............................ 128 Bloom*burg ...................... lia Bloomsburg........................... loi ............................. Anthony, «Tudge Joaepta B. 6^ 3J3 Bloomsburg* ^unty Bridge at 54 Car work*, Berwick............. 122 Anthracite ............................ SS View................................... 42 View* ...................................124 Apple Orchards ................ 33 Bloonuburg Hospital ........... 1L| Carver. Prof. Henry............... 122 Area of Pennsylvania........... 12 View .................................. 122 Catawissa Borough ............ iKs Ariatca (^Montana**) ..............266 Bloomsburg Soldiers* Monu- Catawissa Bridgo ........... 41 Aaaessment and Valuation... 21 ment ................................. 123 Catawissa Giurda............... ^ Awwssors, Township and Bor* \'lew ................................. 122 Catawissa Friends Meeting ough ................................... 83 Bloom«iburg State Kormal House................................. 182 AAjicciaie Judge*................... U School ................................ 12A ^ lew ••••**.... »«•«»,« ^2fl Athletic Park........................ i2i View................................... 122 Chitawlssa Mountain I2i ^-i6 Atiomeya. District ......... S2 AgrlcullurHl Department... 33 Oilawtssa Soldiers* Monument mi Bloomeburg. Tows Fountain. U2 View................................... 122 BaWv. Edward U...........liL 52i Bloomvburg, Town Hall U2 Catawissa Township .......... iss BaHy Guards ...................81j 228 BoAtyariU.............................. 222 CatlioBca— Baldy, William J.............318. 32d Boone. Samuel .................17, 121 (Irrek and Roman Bands— Horougha— Catholic*. I Beaton ............. 2i£ Benton................................ 310 Cattle Kpidemie ................... 22 Berwick .......... 184 Berwick ............................. H2 Cemeteriea ............................ Bloomsburg . US CatawiMa .................. 188 57, 147, 18^ 201. 340, 251, 26? Catawissa .............................132 Oentralia .................... ... 221 Centennial Celeb ration, Banka ................................... 13 Millville.............................. 222 Bloomsburg........................ 124 Benton..................................211 Orangeville .................. 256 CVnlml................................... 221 Berwick .............................. U2 Stillwater .......................... 221 (Vntralifl Borough .. ..... 201 Bloomsburg ............ 121 West Berwick ................... lil IVntre TowasMp ......... ^21 CaUwissa ............................122 Bosley, Fort.......................... 11 (Vnterrille (Centraliai ........-203 Ontralia..............................222 Bmindarie*. Penn«ylvanU ... 12 (Vnlrevllle (T.ime Ridge).... 222 blillvine ...................2S1 Bowman. RUhop Thoman.... 22 Chapman, lion. Keth 65,211 vii Google Digitized by

O F. Columbia and Montour. Counties. PENNSYLVANIA. ContainiDg. A Concise History of the Two Counties and a. Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families. IN TWO VOLUMES. ILLUSTRATED. V O L U M E I. CHICAGO. J. H. BEERS & CO. 191}. •A. Digitized by G ^ *o>^I(
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