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Historic overview of algal blooms in marine and estuarine waters of New South Wales, Australia PDF

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Preview Historic overview of algal blooms in marine and estuarine waters of New South Wales, Australia

Historic Overview ofAlgal Blooms in Marine and Estuarine Waters of New South Wales, Australia PenelopeAjani1 Gustaaf Hallegraeff 2and Tim Pritchard1 , 'Water Science Section, Environment ProtectionAuthority, New SouthWales, PO Box A290 Sydney South, NSW, 1232,Australia 2School ofPlant Science, University ofTasmania, GPO Box 252-55, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001,Australia Ajani, P., Hallegraeff, G. and Pritchard, T. (2001). Historic overview ofalgal blooms in marine and estuarine waters ofNew South Wales, Australia. Proceedings ofthe LinneanSocietyofNewSouth Wales 123, 1-22. AcompendiumofalgalbloomreportsformarineandestuarinewatersofNewSouth Wales,Australia,fortheperiod 1890-1999ispresented.Themajorityofbloomshavebeen harmlesswaterdiscolourationspredominantlycausedbythelargeheterotrophicdinoflagellate Noctilucascintillans,orthefilamentouscyanobacteriumTrichodesmiumerythraeum.Other harmless species thathavebloomed includethe dinoflagellates Gymnodinium sanguineum (=Akashiwosanguined)andProrocentrumminimum,thesurfdiatomAnaulusaustralis,the coccolithophoridGephyrocapsaoceanicaandtheciliateMesodinium rubrum. Speciesthat have produced blooms and are potentially harmful to marine organisms include the silicoflagellate Dictyocha octonaria, the dinoflagellates Gonyaulax polygramma and Scrippsiellatrochoideaandthediatoms Thalassiosiraspp. andChaetocerosspp.Thetoxic raphidophyte species Heterosigma akashiwo, Chattonella cfglobosa andHaramonas sp., the dinoflagellates Gymnodinium galatheanum (= Karlodinium micrum), Dinophysis acuminataandAlexandriumcatenella,andthediatomsPseudo-nitzschiamultiseriesandP. australishavealsobeenidentifiedasbloom-formingspeciesinthesewaters. Reportsofalgalbloomshaveapparentlyincreasedconsiderablysince 1990but thedatamaybebiasedbecauseoftheadhocnatureofthesereports.Forthisreasonitis difficulttoidentifythecause(s)ofthisapparentincreaseinbloomfrequency.Contributing factorsmayincludetheexpansionincoastalsettlements,anincreaseinawarenessof environmentalissuessuchaswaterquality,possiblechangesinanthropogenicnutrient inputand/ortheeffectsoflarge-scaleoceanographicphenomenaand/orclimatechange. Manuscriptreceived22August2001,acceptedforpublication24October2001. KEYWORDS: algalbloom,ciliate,coccolithophorid,cyanobacterium,diatom, dinoflagellate,estuaries,raphidophyte,silicoflagellate. INTRODUCTION Fluctuations in the nutrient status ofcoastal waters, either ofnatural origin or associated with anthropogenic disturbances, can lead to changes in species composition and abundance ofmarine andestuarine microalgae. This mayresultin algal blooms that threatenfishresources,humanhealthandecosystemfunctionandtherecreationalamenity ofbeaches andembayments. Otheralgalblooms are simplyharmless, transientpulsesin responsetoepisodicnutrientenrichmentsuchasfromcoastalupwellingevents (Smayda 1997). Whatever factors affect theirformation, the focus on algal blooms is increasing. Proc.Linn. Soc.N.S.W., 123.2001 2 ALGALBLOOMSINN.S.W. Globalevidenceis emerging ofanapparentincreaseinthedistributionandfrequency of algal blooms (Hallegraeff 1993). Eutrophication can lead to enhanced phytoplankton growth (including nuisance and/or toxic algal blooms) or a change in the species composition of phytoplankton and other organisms (Oviatt et al. 1989; Graneli and Moreira 1990; Riegman etal. 1992; Pan and Rao 1997). Hallegraeffreviewedharmful algal blooms in the Australian region in 1992 and suggested that from the 1970s to the 1990s there had been an escalation ofharmful blooms inAustralian marine and estuarine waters. Consequently, algal blooms have been targeted as a key environmental indicator for long term monitoring in Australian waters (Ward et al. 1998). There is, however, no systematic reporting of algal blooms in New South Wales (NSW) marine and estuarine waters. The NSWcoastline is 1,900kmin length andranges from warm subtropical inthenorthto cooltemperateinthe south (Fig. 1). Ithas approximately 700beaches; with large sandy beaches in the north and smallerpocketbeaches boundedbyrocky headlands in the south. It is naturally divided into three regions based on broad oceanographic characteristics and the geological structure of the coastline (EPA 1995). The northern region is under the dominant influence of the warm East Australian Current, while the coolerwaters and currents from Bass Strait influence the southern region. The central region is a mixed zone. The majority ofthe human population (6.3 million) is concentrated in the central zone in three major cities, Sydney, Newcastle andWollongong, and all ofthese cities are associated with major NSW estuaries. Increasedpressures on the entire coastal zone (population increase and coastal development, tourism, water quality and sewage disposal) mean that thepotential foralgal blooms is increasing. TheNSWaquaculture industry,presently worth $42-45 million, is projected to increase to $250 million by 2010. A three-year ocean nutrient and phytoplankton study carried out by the New SouthWalesEnvironmentProtectionAuthority (NSWEPA) hasbeencompleted recently (1995-1998). That study characterised ambientnutrientconcentrations and more specifically, identifiedthe relative significance ofvarious sources ofnutrients in NSWoffshore coastal waters. The focus ofthe investigation was on the extent of slope water intrusions and their associated nutrient concentrations, comparing this to anthropogenic nutrientinputs, including the three majordeepwaterocean outfalls and estuarine discharges. Phytoplankton blooms at various locations along coastal NSW were related to this information. As part of this study the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) long-term 100m coastal station off Port Hacking was revisited in 1997-98 to investigate phytoplankton patterns and their hydrological environment and to compare these patterns to previous investigations atthe same location (Ajaniet al. 2001). Itis useful to discuss recorded algal blooms in light ofthese data, as well as the links found between the environmental variables (factors which may promote algal blooms) and the phytoplankton community composition. Three types of algal blooms can be distinguished - those that are harmless water discolourations, potentially harmful to marine organisms (although non-toxic) orpotentially toxic tohumans. Human illness associated with harmful algae is due to the naturally occurring toxins which are transferred to humans through the consumption ofseafood products. Themostsignificantpublic healthproblemscaused by harmful algae are Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP), Ciguatera Fish Poisoning CCFP), Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP), Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning (NSP) and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). Each of these syndromes is the result of different causative organisms that produce a range of toxins and risks to humans. These have been discussed by various authors (Taylor 1990; Hallegraeff 1991, 1992, 1993; Smayda 1997). Except for ASP (which is caused by diatoms), all other syndromes are caused by biotoxins synthesised by dinoflagellates. Proc.Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 123. 2001 P.AJANI,G.HALLEGRAEFFANDT.PRITCHARD Figure 1.MapofNewSouthWalescoastalzone CentralCoasif HawkesburyRiver« SydneyHafbotUfParamatfaRiver PortHacking* Woitongong* 200 km Potentially toxic phytoplankton arenotalways toxicinevery situation andit is anticipated that in the future other phytoplankton species may prove to be toxic undercertain conditions (UNESCO 1995). In addition, the factors thatpromote algal populations to significantly increase (deviate from their normal cycle of biomass, i.e. to 'bloom') are varied.Arange ofphysical, chemical andbiological variables are involved andthere may be quite different bloom determinants depending on the type and location ofthe water body (eg estuarine versus offshore waters). Methods and DataAssessment This paper discusses visible bloom events that have been recorded in NSW NSW marine (coastal and offshore) and estuarine waters. Various government agencies, localcouncils, waterauthorities, universities andthepublichavecontributed tothesedata. Publishedreferencestothesebloomshavebeenusedwhereverpossible. NSW Otherdatahavebeencollatedfrom EnvironmentProtectionAuthority [formally theStatePollutionControl Commission (SPCC)] unpublishedfilereports and similar reports from Australian Water Technologies (AWT). Suitably qualified scientific officers (including the authors) identified the causative organisms in these bloom incidents. Blooms listed as "unidentified" were not examined by scientific officers forvariousreasons suchasno samplewascollectedorbecauseofsampledeterioration prior to examination. Other potentially harmful species have also been identified in these waters but have not yet reached bloom proportions. These are also referenced and discussed. Proc.Linn. Soc.N.S.W., 123.2001 ALGALBLOOMSINN.S.W. Table 1. HarmlessalgalbloomsrecordedinNew SouthWales'smarine(M)andestuarine(E)waters Date Location Bloom Taxa July-Aug30-32 SydneyHarbour(E) Gymnodiniumsanguineum^ Oct-72 TareeandCoffsHarbour(M) Trichodesmium sp3 Dec-72 PalmBeachtoCronulla(M) Trichodesmiumsp3 Oct-80 AlexandraCanal(CooksRiver, Sydney)(E) Gymnodiniumsanguineum3 Oct-81 LaneCoveRiver(Sydney)(E) Gymnodiniumsanguineum3 Aug-82 LakeMacquarie(CentralCoast)(E) Noctilucascintillans3 Dec-83 Newcastle,Narrabeen,Foster,BondiBeach(M) Trichodesmiumsp3 Apr-84 LaneCoveRiver(Sydney)(E) Mesodiniumrubrum3 Nov-84 LaneCoveRiver(Sydney)(E) Mesodinium rubrum3 Dec-84 SydneytoWollongong(M) Trichodesmiumsp3 Feb-86 LaneCoveRiver(Sydney)(E) Mesodiniumrubrum3 Jan-89 SydneycoastalwatersandJervisBaytoUlladulla(M) Trichodesmium sp3 Aug-92 LakeMacquarie(CentralCoast)(E) Noctilucascintillans3 Sep-92 BerowraCreek(HawkesburyRiver)(E) N. scintillans/G. sanguineum3 Dec-92 JervisBay(M) Gephyrocapsaoceanica2 Jan-93 SydneybeachesandPortKembla(M) Noctilucascintillans3 Jun-93 LakeIllawarra(E) Noctilucascintillans4 1994 BerowraCreek(HawkesburyRiver)(E) Gymnodiniumsanguineum4 Feb-94 Sydneynorthernbeaches (M) Noctilucascintillans4 Apr-94 Ham&ChickenBay(E) Noctilucascintillans3 Jul-94 BerowraCreek(HawkesburyRiver)(E) Pseudonitzschiapungens4 Nov-94 Sydneynorthernbeaches(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Nov-94 OffshorefromPortHackingandWollongong(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Nov-94 NarrabeenLakes(Sydney)(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Dec-94 NewcastleBeach(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Dec-94 JervisBay(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Mar-95 PearlBeach(Sydney)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Mar-95 BerowraCreek(HawkesburyRiver)(E) Prorocentrumminimum4 Aug-95 NorthHarbour(Sydney)(M) Gymnodiniumsanguineum4 Sep-95 OffshorefromSydneyHeads(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Oct-95 OffshorefromBoatHarbourandAnnaBay(M) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Feb-96 StanwellParktoAstinmer(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-96 WamberalBeach(CentralCoast) (M) Noctilucascintillans4 Mar-96 SussexInlet(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Mar-96 ParadiseBeach(StGeorgesBasin)(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Mar-96 HymansBeach(JervisBay) Noctilucascintillans4 Mar-96 SussexInlet(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Aug-96 ShelleyBeach(Manly)(M) Mesodiniumrubrum4 Aug-96 GreenwichBaths(ParramattaRiver)(E) Mesodiniumrubrum4 Oct-96 OffshorefromBoatHarbourandAnnaBay(M) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Oct-96 PortStephenstoBroughton Island(M) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Oct-96 Manly(Sydney)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-97 SydneyBeaches(WarriewoodtoManly) (M) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-97 Evans HeadandCoffsHarbour(M) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Jan-97 StGeorgesBasin andJervisBay (M) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-97 ToowoonBayandsouthtoBateau Bay (M) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-97 PortStephens(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-97 Centra] Coast (M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-97 JervisBay (M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-97 SydneyBeaches (CollaroytoCoogee)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-97 ColedaletoAstinmer(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-97 Manly (Sydney)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Proc.Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 123. 2001 P.AJANI,G.HALLEGRAEFFANDT.PRITCHARD Feb-97 Warriewood(Sydney)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-97 Vincentia(JervisBay)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-97 BerowraCreek(HawkesburyRiver)(E) Pseudonitzschiapungens4 Apr-97 FrenchmansBay (BotanyBay)(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Apr-97 LakeMacquarie(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Jul-97 StocktonBighttoBirubiPoint(M) Anaulusaustralis4 Aug-97 BassPoint(Sydney)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Sep-97 St. George'sBasinBeach(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Sep-97 OtfordandWerrong(RoyalNationalPark)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Oct-97 Newcastle(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Dec-97 IllawarraRegion(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Dec-97 SydneynorthernbeachesandPortStephens(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-98 SydneynorthernbeachesandCentralCoast(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-98 BoatHarbourtoBoulderBay (M) Trichodesmiumeiythraeum4 Jan-98 StanwellParktoKiama(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-98 CronullaandIllawarraRegion(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-98 BatemansBay(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-98 Cronulla(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-98 Clifton(Illawarraregion)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-98 WhaleBeach(Sydney)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Feb-98 CollaroyBeach(Sydney)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Mar-98 SydneybeachesandBonnieHill(CoffsHarbour)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Mar-98 CoffsHarbour(M) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Mar-98 EvansHead(M) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Apr-98 WollongongandBatemansBay(M) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Apr-98 RichmondRiver(Ballina)(M) Trichodesmiumeiythraeum4 May-98 WallagaLake(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Aug-98 StGeorgesBasin(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Sep-98 LakeMacquarie(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Sep-Oct-98 GudgenCreek(Kingscliff,Grafton)(E) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Oct-98 BerowraCreek(HawkesburyRiver)(E) Pseudo-nitzschia4 pseudodelicatissima4 Dec-98 IllawarraRegion(ThirroulandCoalcliff)(M) Noctilucascintillans4 Dec-98 NorthCoastNSW(variousreports)(M) Trichodesmiumeiythraeum4 Dec-98 LakeIllawarra(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Jan-99 NorthCoastNSW(variousreports)(M) Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Mar-99 OffshorefromJervisBay Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Oct-99 RichmondRiverE Trichodesmiumerythraeum4 Nov-99 LakeIllawarra(E) Noctilucascintillans4 Nov/Dec-99 SevenMileBeach(Gerringong)(M) Anaulusaustralis4 Dec-99 Sydneynorthernbeaches(M) Noctilucascintillans4 DakinandColefax 1933,2BlackburnandCresswell 1993,3Hallegraeff 1995,4EPAunpublished RESULTS HarmlessAlgal Blooms The majority ofvisible algal blooms in NSW coastal waters havebeen harmless water discolourations (Table 1). Mostofthese blooms were ofthe large (200-800|im cell diameter)heterotrophicdinoflagellateNoctilucascintillans 'Redtides' ofthisspecieshave beenreportedin offshore, coastal andestuarine waters including coastal lagoons ofNSW. Themajorityofbloomsoccurredin springandsummerandespeciallyafterheavyrainfall. Alsothe resultanthigh ammoniacontentreleased aftercell lysis may irritatefishthatwill generally avoidthebloom area (Okaichi andNishio 1976). Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W., 123. 2001 ALGALBLOOMSINN.S.W. Figure 2a. LM. Filamentous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeumproducing raft-like bundles, up to 750(imlong;b.LM. Balloon-shaped,colourlessdinoflagellateNoctilucascintillans, 200-500pmdiameter; c.SEM.DinoflagellateGonyaulaxpolygramma,showingornamentedcelluloseplateswithlongitudinalridges, cells 29-66 pm long; d. LM. Large, 50-80 |lm long, unarmoured dinoflagellate Gymnodinium sanguineum ("sanguineum"=blood);e.SEM.CalcareousnanoplanktonGephyrocapsaoceanica, 15pmdiameter;f.SEM. Triangular, armoured dinoflagellatecells, 10-15 pm wide, ofProrocentrum minimum, covered with minute spinules; g. TEM. weakly silicified cell ofthecentric diatom Thalassiosirapartheneia, 10 pm diameter; h. TEM.PennatediatombloomofPseudo-nitzschiapseudodelicatissima. Cells57to 150pmlong. Proc.Linn-. Soc.N.S.W., 123. 2001 P.AJANI,G.HALLEGRAEFFANDT.PRITCHARD 7 NSW N. scintillans ( Fig. 2b) has long been present in waters with its earliest record being related to its bioluminescent properties which were observed in Sydney Harbour by Bennett in 1860. In 1933 Dakin and Colefax referred to this species as a relatively minor component of the phytoplankton community in NSW coastal waters. Hallegraeff (1995) collated an historic overview of visible algal blooms in Australian waters with the first visible bloom ofN. scintillans recorded in NSW waters inAugust 1982 (Lake Macquarie, central NSW). Since then, N. scintillans blooms appear to have increasedinfrequencyandintensity(maximumcelldensityrecordedas5 x 104cells/Lin Jervis Bay February 1997). Over a one year sampling period fromApril 1997 to April 1998attheCSIROlong-termcoastalstationoffPortHacking,Ajanietal. (1999)observed N. scintillans in 61% ofsamples and was absent from avery few samples in the autumn andwintermonths.Thehighfrequencyofoccurrenceforthis specieswasunprecedented inthesewaters.Thisincreasecomparedtoearlierstudiesreinforcestheneedtoinvestigate theglobalpotentialofNoctiluca as an indicatorofcoastaleutrophication (Porumb 1992; Qi et al. 1993; Lu et al. 1994; Huang and Qi 1997). The cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum ( Fig. 2a) is also a common NSW 'red tide' organism in coastal waters. This tropical/subtropical species produces episodic blooms that were historically reported as 'sea sawdust' during Captain Cook's voyage through the Coral Sea (Cribb 1969). The filaments of this alga are united into smallbundlesthatarejustvisibletothenakedeye (~lmm). Blooms aremostcommonly seeninnorthernNSWwatersinspring,summerandearlyautumnwhentheEastAustralian Current (EAC) transports these algal masses into NSWfrom Queensland waters. These blooms can appearyellow-grey in theirearly stages, while laterthey become areddish- brown. Recentreports (Hahn andCapra 1992; Endean etal. 1993) suggestthatthis alga can produce compounds with a mouse intraperitoneal potency but this requires further investigation. Various T. erythraeumbloomshaveoccurredinNSWwaterswithaparticularly large bloom recorded on the south coast (Batemans Bay - south coast NSW) in early April 1998. Satellite imagery from NSW at his time showed unusually warm water NSW throughout the south coast area. This suggested that a strong manifestation ofthe EAC transported and conceivably triggered the extensive-71 erythraeum bloom in Batemans Bay (ClydeRiverestuary). The annual distribution ofthis species as reported byAjanietal. (1999)fromthePortHacking 100mstationalsoshowspeakconcentrations ofthis species in the coastal waters offSydney in mid-April when surface waters were >~22°C. Gymnodiniumsanguineum ( Fig. 2d), alarge non-toxic dinoflagellate, has producedred NSW waterdiscolourations in estuarine waters on several occasions (Hallegraeff 1991). Dakin and Colefax (1933) reported the first blooms in Sydney Harbour in July-August 1930, 1931 and 1932. Furtherblooms ofthis species have occurred in the Cooks River/ AlexandraCanal (Sydney)in October 1980,LaneCoveRiverin October 1981, Berowra Creek (a tributary of the Hawkesbury River estuary) in 1992 and 1994, and in North Harbour, Sydney inAugust 1995. This species has recently been renamed asAkashiwo sanguinea (Daugbjerg et al. 2000) Another dinoflagellate that is common in the plankton ofAustralian waters is Prorocentrum minimum ( Fig. 2f). This small ovate species can form extensive blooms andalthoughithasbeencircumstantiallylinkedwithashellfish-poisoningeventinNorway in 1979 (venerupin poisoning), no toxic events have occurred in Australia to date (Hallegraeff 1991). In March 1995, this species bloomed in Berowra Creek. Each year this species becomes a dominant component of the phytoplankton in this reach of the Hawkesbury River. In offshore waters, maximum concentrations of this species have been observedin October (Ajani et al. 2001). Ararelyreported 'surfdiatom',Anaulusaustralis, wasreported as causing oily slicks along Stockton Beach to Birubi Point (Hunter region) in July 1997 and again in Proc.Linn. Soc.N.S.W., 123.2001 8 ALGALBLOOMSINN.S.W. November/December 1999 at Seven Mile Beach (Gerringong). These cells are able to rise to the surface and form dense accumulations by attaching themselves to wave- generatedbubblesinhigh-energysurfzones.Inmostcasestheseaccumulationsdisappear atnightandreappeareachmorning.Thisspecieshadonlypreviouslybeenreportedalong thesoutherncoastsofSouthAfricaandAustralia (McLachlan andHesp 1984; Campbell 1996). Beginning in December 1992, the NSW coastal embayment ofJervis Bay was impacted for four weeks by an unprecedented, mono-specific bloom ofthe small (<10 |Lim) cosmopolitan coccolithophorid Gephyrocapsa oceanica ( Fig. 2e). It has been proposedthatthecombinationofupwelledcoolnutrient-richslopewaterandaninfluxof warm EAC waters, providing enhanced upper layer temperatures and an oceanic algal seed,wastheinitialmechanismcausingthemilkygreenbloom(BlackburnandCresswell 1993). The maximum cell density of2 x 107 cells/L (EPA unpublished) is greater than any previously recorded ofthis species inAustralian waters. Deeppurple,redormuddylookingbloomsoftheciliateprotozoanMesodinium rubrum (=Myrionectra rubrum) ( Fig. 3d) are common in estuarine waters or sheltered embayments.Theseorganismscontaincryptomonadalgalsymbionts.Bloomshaveusually been found to coincide with periods of warm and calm weather although no harmful effects have everbeenrecorded from such blooms (Bary 1953). Potentially HarmfulAlgal Blooms- Species harmful to marine organisms Some algal blooms can become so dense that they can cause death to fish and invertebrates due to either oxygen depletion orby abrasion damage to their gills (Table 2). A silicoflagellate Dictyocha octonaria ( Fig. 3h) was implicated as the causative organismin afishkill whichoccurredincoastal waters offNewcastleinFebruary 1993. Dead fish (especially Caranx sp.) were seen on beaches between Burwood Beach and Redhead and floating up to 3km offshore. While silicoflagellates are regularly seen in these waters in the spring and summer months (Ajani et al. 2001), abloom event ofthis NSW magnitude had neverpreviously beenrecorded in waters (Hallegraeff 1991). The non-toxic dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polygramma ( Fig. 2c) also has the potentialtodevelopharmfulanoxic 'redtides'. BloomsinNSWhaveoccurredinSydney Harbour(MiddleHead,July 1984),DarlingHarbour(January 1993),BateBay(February 1993) and the mostrecent in Lake Macquarie in October 1993. Both colony-forming diatoms, Thalassiosira partheneia ( Fig. 2g) and T. weissflogii, havebloomedinNSWcoastalwaters. T.partheneiabloomedinNSWcoastal watersfromAugusttoSeptember 1985 andwasthedominantbloomspeciesencountered duringweeklysamplingatthePortHacking 100mstation(Ajanietal.2001). T. weissflogii bloomed in theAlexandraCanal inFebruary 1986.An unidentified species belonging to the genus Thalassiosira bloomed at three locations in the Hawkesbury River in March 1999 - BerowraCreek(3 x 106cells/L), Calabash Bay (3 x 106cell/L) andNeverfail (5 x 105cell/L). Despiteoysterleasesbeingnearby, noeconomiclosswasreportedfromthese blooms. InTokyo Bay in 1951 asimilarspecies, T. mala, bloomedanddamagedthegills ofcultured bivalves resulting in significant economic loss (Takano 1956). Red-brownbloomsofthedinoflagellate,Scrippsiellatrochoidea(Fig. 3a),have NSW beenreportedin coastalwatersasearlyasthe 1890s(Whitelegge 1891).Thisspecies has alsocausedwaterdiscolourationsintheHawkesburyRiverinMarch 1991 andJervis Bay in 1994. Although non-toxic, this commonly occurring species can cause deoxygenation ofthe water and subsequent fish kills when it blooms in sheltered bays (Hallegraeff 1991). A bloom of Chaetoceros spp. occurred in January 1998 in Gunnamatta Bay, Port Hacking. No harmful effects were observed from this bloom, however large concentrations ofsome Chaetoceros spp. can potentially damage the gills offish, which in turnproducemucusthat induceshypoxia(oxygendeficiency inthebody'stissues)and Proc.Linn. Soc.N.S.W., 123.2001 P.AJANI,G.HALLEGRAEFFANDT.PRITCHARD 9 hypercapnia (excessive amount of carbon dioxide to the blood) (Rensel 1993). The estuarine bloom coincided with maximum cell densities of this genus at the long-term station offshore from Port Hacking (Ajani et al. 2001). Figure 3a. SEM. Red-waterdinoflagellateScrippsiella trochoidea, 16-36 urnlong. Notetube-shapedapical poreontopofthecellandnearlyequatorial(notdisplaced)girdlegroove;b.LM.Chain-formingdinoflagel- lateAlexandrium catenella, causative organism ofparalytic shellfish poisoning. Individual cells 20-22 urn long.;c.SEM.RedwaterdinoflagellateAlexandriumminutum,causativeorganismofparalyticshellfishpoi- soning.Individualcells24-29amdiameter.Notethehook-shapedapicalporeontopofthecellandcharacter- isticshapeoftheconnectingfirstapicalplate.;d.LM.CiliateMesodiniumrubrum,30Jimdiameter,withtwo systems ofcilia arising from the waist region.; e. LM."Raspberry"-like cell of the fish-killing flagellate Heterosigmaakashiwo("akashiwo"=redtide),containingnumerousdisc-shapedchloroplasts.Cell 11-25um long.; f.LM. Undescribed flagellate resembling Haramonas. The cell surface is covered by numerous mu- ccaouussa-tpirvoeduocrignagnivsesmicolfesd.iaCrerlhlesti3c0s-h4e0llufimshlopnogi.so;ng.inSgE.MC.elSlmsa3l8l-a5r8muoumrelodngd.i;nohf.laSgEelMl.atSeiDliincoeopuhsyssikselaectuomnionfattah,e silicoflagellateDictyochaoctonaria, 10-20umdiameter;i.SEM. Smallunarmoured,fish-killingdinoflagel- lateGymnodiniumgalatheanum, 15 umdiameter. Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W., 123. 2001 1 ALGALBLOOMSINN.S.W. Table2.AlgalbloomsrecordedinNewSouthWales'smarine(M)andestuarine(E)waters- potentiallyharmfultomarineorganisms Date Location Bloom Taxa 1890 SydneyHarbour(E) Scrippsiellatrochoidea' July-84 MiddleHead, SydneyHarbour(E) Gonyaulaxpolygramma2 Aug-85 NSWCoast(M) Thalassiosirapartheneia? Feb-86 AlexandraCanal (CooksRiver, Sydney)(E) Thalassiosiraweissflogii4 Mar-91 HawkesburyRiver(E) Scrippsiellatrochoidea4 Jan-93 DarlingHarbour(Sydney)(E) Gonyaulaxpolygramma"' Feb-93 BurwoodBeachtoRedhead(Newcastle)(M) Dictyochaoctonaria4 Feb-93 BateBay(M) Gonyaulaxpolygramma4 Oct-93 LakeMacquarie(E) Gonyaulaxsp5 Mar-95 LakeIllawarra(E) Gymnodiniumcf. mikimotoi5 Jan-98 GunnamattaBay(PortHacking,Sydney)(E) Chaetocerosspp5 Mar-99 BerowraCreek,CalabashBayandNeverfail Thalassiosirasp5 (HawkesburyRiver)(E) Dec-99 KiangaLake,NSWSouthcoast(E) Chaetocerosspp.5 1Whitelegge 1890,2SPCCunpublished,3Hallegraeff1991,4Hallegraeff1995,5EPAunpublished Potentially HarmfulAlgal Blooms - Toxic species Various algal species arepotentiallytoxictofish andhumans (Fig. 3 andTable 3). Heterosigma akashiwo (= H. carterae) ( Fig. 3e) a toxic raphidophyte, bloomed in SalamanderBay,PortStephens (1980),BerowraCreek(November 1991,July 1995) and Sydney Harbour (November and December 1995). These potato-shaped cells contain numerous ejectosomes that readily discharge (especially upon preservation) making microscopic identification difficult. The toxicity ofthis species to fish was illustrated in the Puget Sound (USA) area where fishkills resulted in aconsiderable monetary loss to the salmonoid aquaculture industry (Rensel et al. 1989). The toxic mechanism of this species is still underinvestigation although data suggestthat itis through the disruption ofthe fish gill lamellae. Hypotheses forthis toxicity includepossibleproduction ofhigh concentrations of superoxide radicals (Yang et al. 1995), the presence ofheterotrophic bacteriawhichmayexplainthecell'shightoxinvariability(Carrasquero-Verde 1999),or thepresenceofaneurotoxin whichis similarto,butnotidenticalto,brevetoxin(Kahnet al 1998) Another toxic raphidophyte, Chattonella cf. globosa, bloomed sporadically in Canada Bay, Sydney Harbour, from November 1996 to March 1997. Blooms ofrelated species have caused significant mortality of cultured yellowtail and red sea bream in Japanese inland seas (Okaichi 1985) and implicated in the mass mortality of farmed bluefin tuna in Boston Bay, South Australia in 1996 (Marshall and Hallegraeff 1999). The production ofsuperoxide radicals as the major mechanism offish mortality is also hypothesised for this genus. Evidence for brevetoxin-like production is still being investigated. A raphidophyte flagellate, Haramonas dimorpha was identified and described from the mouth of the Daintree River, northeast Australia by Horiguchi in 1996. This genus is distinguished from other raphidophytes by the cell shape, the possession of a tubular invagination and a unique arrangement of chloroplasts. In December 1998, a closely related but as yet undescribed Haramonas species ( Fig. 3f), was implicated in a fishkill in MorrisonsBay,ParramattaRiver. Rainfall andproximitytoamajorstormwater canal were possibly contributing factors to bloom development in these waters. Anothermicroalgaassociatedwith toxicitytofishisGymnodiniumgalatheanum ( Fig. 3i). Between June andJuly 1991 this species was implicated in two extensive fish Proc.Linn. Srx:.N.S.W., 123. 2001

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