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HISTORIC CHARLOTTESVILLE TOURB OOK of CharlottesvilVler,g inia rstortc Charlottesville TourB ook Historic Charlottesville TourB ook Charlottesville'Hs istoric ResourceT hskF orce -in conjunction with- The Albemarle County Historical Society The Mclntire Building 200 SecondS treet,N .E. Charlottesville,V irginia 2290 2 Contributors Ac EotroR- FrankE . Grizzardl,r . Aurnons - The memberso f the The publications Committ DEstcNE-R L orenaP erezo f AlbemarleC ountyH istorical tee membersR obertD . Cr ImagineD esign. project. Specialt hankst o t SocietyP ublicationsC ommittee: Director Lynne Heetderks, C,cRrocRApH-E Jni m Herndon. AssistantD irectors for Ma CoyB arefootE, ugeniaB ibb,V esta VolunteerC oordinatorS ara PHorocnapuE-n R ickB ritton. guidancef rom the member LeeG ordon,J oyP erry,G ayle Co-chairmen Mark Beliles Puotocnepuen'sA ssrsreNr- FlorenceB ryant,M aryH ill Victoria Britton. Schulmana, nd Co-chairmenR ick ::::l:, ex_MayorF rancisl PRwrrR- LexisP ublishing. Britton and GarrettS mith. Lfln€ballrclho,t teIrs.v, Lillep Srntrea Hteegeitpcd laerrl. This book would not haves t graciousp roofreadelsa, pd, TheA lbemarleC ountyH istoricaSl ociety vrctoria Britton,M ary HiJl( Sue Howland, Arnold Jensen )oyP erryp,e igi ,Y:,o'u:yi:! Membershipin the Societyis opent o anyonein terest- yeber, SullyW haley,a nd Jear ed in the history of Charlottesvillea nd AlbemarleC ounty. The Uary D. Langhornep rofessor Society invites institutional as well as individual members. The publications Contributions to the Societya ret ax deductible. Committeer rrrbutors: Lexis publishing, County HInisqtuoirriiceasl rS eogcaierdtyino, grm aebmoubte irtss haipni nnu athl Me aAglbaezimneao rrle rNVleDisceimtronora'nsrt,l.B e Curoeuanut,y t hHeis ptoerrircyal otherp ublicationss,h ouldb e madet o thed irectort,h eM clntire Building,2 00S econdS treetN, .E.,C harlottesvil,lyea .22902,o r For F caII( 434)2 96-1492. For information about these,a toric downtown_write to th, Jecond Street,N E, Charlotresv lsBN 0-9722733-0-1 web-sitea t http://monticello.ar The University of Mrginia offer ru and I I a.m.,a nd 2,3, and4 o Copyright2 002 h:lt,top::/ /wwSwe.u rvvaicgeui daets o.r g(4.34) By the AlbemarleC ountyH istoricalS ocietyI,n c. IV ofs Acknowledgemnets HORS- The members of the The Publicationsc ommittee would like to thank GayleS chulman,a nd commit- tee membersR obert D. cross and Ann L. Southwellf or their support on this emarle County Historical project. specialt hankst o the staff at the Albemarlec ounty Historical Society: Director Lynne Heetderks,L ibrarian Margaret M. O'Bryant, past and current iety PublicationsC ommittee: AssistantD irectors for ManagementS andy DeKay and Sarah Hamseldt, and volunteerc oordinator sarahL awrencew. e alsor eceivedm uch-neededh elo and r Barefoot, Eugenia Bibb' Vesta guidancef rom the memberso f charlottesville'sH istoric ResourceTs askF orce: co-chairmenM ark Belilesa nd coy Barefoota nd Jim wootten; Rick Britton, Gordon, JoYP errY,G aYIe FlorenceB ryant, Mary Hill Caperton,B obbyeC ochran,H elenaD evereux, Jim Lulman,a nd Co-chairmen Rick EHdedbilnicsh,, eJ xr.-,ML yanynoer HFreaentcdiesr Fkisfe,I n, gBreidn SFmoryde, rwK ienlslyto,a nn dc Ghuarrcrehtiltl S Gmoitohd, uinr-g*,. lFl red tton and Garrett Smith' CharlottesvilleS trategicP lannerS atyendraS inghH uja. ", This book would not haves eent he light of day if it had not beenf or our many graciousp roofreaders,a nd volunteer tour-takers:J eanB arnett, Ned Berkeley, victoria Britton, Mary Hill caperton, HelenaD evereux,o . Allan Gianniny,I r., {istorical SocietY sue Howland,A rnold ]ensen,B ob Kuhlthau, LeeL ewis and assistantM, argaret M._O'Bryant,J oy Perry,P eigiR ockwell,C harlotte Shelton,A nn Southwell,S ue WeberS, allyW haley,a nd JeanW ooley.W e gives pecialt hankst o K. EdwardL ay, is opent o anyonein terest- Cary D. LanghorneP rofessoro fArchitecture, Universityo fVirginia. nd AlbemarieC ountY.T he ll as individual members' TheP ublicationsc ommittee is especiallyg ratefult o this project'sf inancialc on- deductible. tributors: Lexis Publishing, the charlottesville-Albemarle convention and visitor's Bureau, the Perry Foundation, the city of charlottesville.t he bership in the Albemarle Albemarlec ounty Historical SocierSM r. John J. owen, and preservation Piedmont. ,rt its annual Magazineo r to the director,t he Mclntire lharlottesvilieY, a . 22902,o r For FurthcrI nformation For information about these,a nd other, tours-including guided tours of his- toric downtown-write to the Albemarle county Historical society at 200 SecondS treet,N E, Charlottesville,yA 22902,c all (434) Zg6-t4gl, or visit the Web-sitea t http://monticello.avenue.org/achs/home.html. t733-0-1 The Universityo f Virginia offers tours, beginning at the Rotunda,e veryd ay at 10a nd l l a.m.,a nd 2,3, and.4p .m. For more informationc allt he universitv Guide Service at (434) 924-3239 or visit the Web_site i, http://www.uvaguideosr.g . t2002 IistoricaSl ocietnIn c. Introduction Charlottesvilieis truly a remarkabiep lace.W ith its manyp arks,m use_ ums and art galleries-as well as countiessc uitural events_ charlottesviliev, irginia, is synonymousfo r quaiityo f 1ife.F oundedi n 7762,thec ity is also amazingrryi ch in history.F orevera ssociatewd ith CentralV irginia'sm ost famousn atives on,T homasJ efferson_whose mountaintopv illa, Monticello,w atcheso ver the city from the east_ charlottesvilleh as also been home to EdgarA rlan poe; Dr. warter Reed,t he "conqueroro f yellow fever;"a nd AnastasiaM anahan,p re_ tendert o the last Russianr oyal family. Daniel Boone was captured here( during the AmericanR evorution),M eriwetherL ewis (of Lewis & Clark fame) was born near here, and fifth U.S. presidentl ames Monroep racticedla w here.A mong the manyo ther notablesw ho have walkedo ur streetsa re GeorgeA rmstrong Custer,w ho fought at the Little Big Horn, well-known artist Geoigia O'Keeffe,a nd novelist William Faulkner. Wth this book we arep roud to offer l0 tours,s omew alkinga nd some driving' thatg uidev isitorsa rongt heses amet ree-linedra nesc. hock-furl of architecturald etail, the tours arsop rovide wonderfur grimpsesi nto chariottesviile'hsi storic past.I t is our sincereh ope thai oui visitors enjoyt hem asm uch asw e havee njoyedp utting them together. Pleasneo tet hat asidef rom the pubricp arksa nd publicb uildingsl isted in thesep agesm, osto f the structuresd escribeda rep rivateh omesT. heir inclusiono n our toursm ustn ot be takena sa licenseto trespasosn pri_ vatep roperty. TheA lbemarleC ountyH istoricalS ocietyp ublicatronsC ommittee How To Uset his Book The numbered stopsi n this tour book are keyed to the numbers located on eacht our's map. Locate the map pagesi n the table of contents.T he mapsa re coupled betweent ours (i.e. between tours A and B, C and D, E and F,G and H, and I and I.) The,.While you are in the Neighborhood,, sectionsi nclude sites that are nearby. Their stops are numb-ered only if their locationsc an be found on that tour,s map. Driving and/or walking directions between stops are printed in italics. vii : t ; t AlbemarleC ounty Historical Sociery The N{clntireB uilding i;Ii' l1'I :i j*r,t r ." - "-:: .4.,.- j 'T' rlour. lJ I t\ Toirr {l ,& i-.t2 t\, l\4 ';lour lf, Nl Ivli 't- ! orlr t I, ] w{ ll4a Tour F. XVE RiD lvfap Ti;uo n .Frrr tl^lf s,/iap & lrc J) 'nrorrr l-I so{. ,.1r"ir: ANT 1" Mup' turnls to *,1" "6t 7' 'rrour , RUGI GRAT ftCuTp Tour ,I o,nru r^trB Map Tc, \,Iossary of A rchj tect.rr. uD'rto rl'rography Hi{qtic CharlottesvillTeo urB oolc trleT eurB ook Tour A COURTHOUSDEI STRICT 1 MapT ourA 9 Tour B DOWNTOWNC 'M AIN STREET 11 MapT ourB 10 Tour C NORTH DOWNTOWN:H IGH, IST. 19 AND 2D STREETS MapT ourC 25 Tour D NORTH DOWNTOWN:P ARKS TREET 27 MapT ourD 26 Tour E EASTERNC HARLOTTESVILTE_ WOOLENM ILLS_BELMONT 35 MapT ourE 41 Tour F WESTM AIN STREET/ RIDGES TREETD RIVINGT OUR 43 MapT ourF 42 Tour G THE CORNERT OUR 53 MapT ourG 61 Tour H SOUTHWESTERNS UBURBS AND PLANTATIONS 63 MapT ourH 62 Tour I RUGBYR OAD THROUGH GRADYA VENUE 71 MapT ourI 79 Tour I RUGBYR OADN ORTH 81 MapT ourI 80 Glossaroy f ArchitecturaTl erms 85 Bibliography 89 KmwfAfi COURTHOUSED ISTRICT i xploitation of resources,n ot the creation of commercial towns, drove the initial British settlernento f colonial V:irginia.A lbemarle County, formed in 1744w ith a courthouseb ut no town near the lames River. gainede noughp .pulation for the GeneralA ssernblyo f the colony to subdi- vide it in the spring of 1761.L ater, a new centrally located courthouse rvas built atop a ridge closet o the RivannaR iver,a nd near the roa<ic onnecting the greatv alley of Virginia to the markets of the Tidervater.T he government autholized Thomas Walker, local member of the legislature, phl,sician, explorer, surveyor, merchant, and a guardian of the youthful Thomas Jeffersont o lay out a'd sell 56 half-acre l.ts for a torvn adjacent to the new courthouse.C harlottesville'sn ame honors Charlotte of Mecklenburg- Strelitz-t,h e b.ide of King George III. other exa'rples of ea'ly ties to England include the naming of the Rivanna River tbr eueen Anne anil the ]ames River for Ki'g James I. In the years since, the community has rveathered frontier life' occupation by fwo different enemy forces, a'd has witnessed the evolution of transportation, eco'o*ic challenges,a nd social chirnges. ToursA and B describea circuit walking tour from the courthotrsea t park Streeat nd leffersona ntl back,a bout 1.5 mileso r about 1.5 hours.D oins the courthouseo r Downtown sectionss eparatelyc in shortcn this toui. Takea s much asy our time and interesta llows or stopm idway for a snack or rest, They reveal eyidence of both continuify and chttnge as chnrlottesville-Albcmarleh as evolvedf rom a frontier neighborhoodi nto a complexc ommunity that is asp roud of itsp ast as it is of its newly achieved modernity. To learn more, cotne by or call the Alhemarle County HistoricalS ociety( Tour A, site 1I ), (434) 296- 1492,o r t,isit itsv ,ebs ite at: http : / / monticellon.v enueo, r g/a c hs/h om e.html. A woodf ramec olonialc ourthousew asb uilt on a two-acrep ublic squareo n a ridget hat continuest o the north on Park Street( seeT our D) and west of the flood plain of the Rivanna River. comrrrerce was centered around the courthouseT. wo-storied n.rercantiieb uildings housed shops dorr-nstairsa nd residenceasb ove.c ourt dayso ccurredj ust oncea month, so the courthouse serveda s a community center ancl place for public worship for several denominationsa s weil as the legal and governmentalc enter.I n 1779 the townc onsistedo fa courthouse,a tavern,a nd about a dozenh ouses.B y 1g35 therew erea bout two hundred comfortableh ouses( most made of brick), four houseso f worship, three large hotels, one ta\ern, two book stores,t wo TourA 1

Reed, the "conqueror of yellow fever;" and Anastasia Manahan, pre_ tender to the last Russian royal family. Daniel Boone r, Rail Restaurant n,11.:,11., ur James Bankhead quartered men by the well as they assembled for the.
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