history of science and technology Pomata and investigation and the writing ofhistory by physicians; Siraisi, editors parallels between the practices ofcollecting and presenting “What is history,and where does history stand in relation to other ways ofknowing? Ever historia information in natural history and antiquarianism;and since Herodotus,answers to such questions have shaped Western culture,especially in the significant examples ofthe ease with which early seven- period illuminated by these thoughtful and informative essays.Pomata,Siraisi,and their historia teenth-century antiquarian scholars moved from studies colleagues are to be congratulated on a volume that reopens these ancient questions with ofnature to studies ofculture. great insight and effect,showing how indispensable the history ofscience and medicine is Empiricism and Erudition to the larger story ofEuropean culture.” Gianna Pomata is Associate Professor ofHistory at the brian copenhaver, Professor ofPhilosophy and History,University ofCalifornia, in Early Modern Europe University ofBologna.Nancy G.Siraisi is Distinguished Los Angeles edited by gianna pomata Professor Emeritus in History at Hunter College and at and nancy g. siraisi h the Graduate Center,City University ofNew York. “The meaning ofthe term historiain the early modern vocabulary ofknowledge was so varied and so multilayered that it can be properly understood only when approached from multi- transformations: Studies in the History of ple angles.This book brings together scholars from a wide variety ofdisciplines to explore i Science and Technology series the term’s manifold meanings,revealing a rich and highly textured understanding of historia that is utterly lost to the modern world.With essays ranging from the study ofthe human s past to the meaning of historiain medicine and natural history,it provides a fascinating glimpse into the intellectual world ofthe late Renaissance.” t T william eamon, he early modern genre of historiaconnected the Regents Professor ofHistory,New Mexico State University study ofnature and the study ofculture from the o early Renaissance to the eighteenth century.The “While today we may take the importance of‘facts’for granted,a few centuries ago the ubiquity of historiaas a descriptive method across a variety search for examples oftrue events and real things (historia),and a reluctance to speculate about causes,helped to create an intellectual revolution in both the natural and the human r ofdisciplines—including natural history,medicine,anti- sciences.Between about 1450and 1650,getting the details right mattered to just about quarianism,and philology—indicates how closely inter- twined these scholarly pursuits were in the early modern everyone.A careful search for accurate information lay behind the production ofnatural i period.The essays collected in this volume demonstrate histories,case histories,civil and religious histories,and other studies.This collection makes sense ofthat common enterprise and,in a number ofelegant essays,underlines the contem- a that historiacan be considered a key epistemic tool ofearly modern intellectual practices. porary importance ofbeing correct.It is a work ofsignificance to all who study the period, Empiricism and Erudition Focusing on the actual use of historiaacross disciplines, the history ofideas,and the history ofscience and medicine.” harold j. cook, the essays highlight a distinctive feature ofearly modern The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History ofMedicine at in Early Modern Europe descriptive sciences:the coupling ofobservational skills with University College London edited by gianna pomata philological learning,empiricism with erudition.Thus the contributors essays bring to light previously unexamined links between and nancy g. siraisi the culture ofhumanism and the scientific revolution. Ann Blair,Chiara Crisciani,Anthony Grafton,Donald R.Kelley,Ian Maclean,Peter N. The contributors,from a range ofdisciplines that echoes Miller,Martin Mulsow,Brian Ogilvie,Laurent Pinon,Gianna Pomata,Nancy G.Siraisi the broad scope ofearly modern historia,examine such topics as the development ofa new interest in historical method Cover image:Emblem 16,page 22,from Andrea Alciati, the mit press 0-262-16229-6 from the Renaissance artes historicaeto the eighteenth-century Emblemata D. A. Alciati(Lyon:Guillaume Rouillé,1550). Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology ,!7IA2G2-bgccjg!:t;K;k;K;k tension between “history”and “system”;shifts in Aristotelian Typ 515.50.132,Department ofPrinting and Graphic Arts, Cambridge,Massachusetts 02142 thought paving the way for revaluation of historiaas descriptive knowledge;the rise ofthe new discipline ofnat- Houghton Library,Harvard College Library. http://mitpress.mit.edu ural history;the uses of historiain anatomical and medical Acknowledgments The genesis of this volume was the workshop “Historia: Explorations in the History of Early Modern Empiricism” held at the Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin, 1–30 June 2003. We wish to express our gratitude to the Institute for its unusually generous spon- sorship, which made the workshop and the subsequent volume possible and greatly facilitated our work as organizers and editors. The Institute’s financial support and hospitality gave us the resources to convene an international group of scholars for a month—an invaluable asset when the goal is, as it was in our case, to bring together scholars from differ- ent disciplines, not to mention different languages and intellectual tra- ditions. A month of scholarly cohabitation at the Institute allowed us to pursue the cross-disciplinary goals of our project in an intensively inter- active way. Following the practice of working groups at the Max Planck Institute, papers were precirculated in draft to facilitate discussion during the first week of our meeting in Berlin, when each paper was debated in its own terms and with a view to general unifying themes. Contributors then enjoyed the Institute’s gracious hospitality for two weeks devoted to revising the papers in the light of group discussion, and to complet- ing new research as necessary, using the Institute’s excellent research library service. Our month together ended with another week of renewed general discussion of the revised papers, with particular attention to the shared themes to be addressed by the editors in the introduction. The Institute’s hospitality greatly facilitated our work in planning, preparing, and editing a collection of individually authored essays that are also, we hope, genuinely related to one another. While we gratefully acknowledge the Institute’s support, we particu- larly wish to thank its director, Lorraine Daston, for her intellectual viii Acknowledgments contribution to our work. She was a driving force of the project from beginning to end. Hers was the idea of recruiting an international research group on the early modern historia, and in inviting us to organ- ize the workshop she provided many useful suggestions and insights that were crucial for our original framing of the project. We would like to thank her, moreover, for her active participation in our Berlin workshop, which included an incisive summing-up of our final discussion. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the Institute’s support in assigning us a research assistant, Fabian Krämer, who greatly helped with the edi- torial stage of our task. We thank him for his diligent work in identify- ing sources for the introduction and unifying the book’s bibliography. We would also like to thank Elizabeth McCahill for help in preparing the manuscript for submission. We are most grateful to Jed Buchwald, general editor of the Trans- formations series at the MIT Press, for his interest in our project and his helpful and expert advice for the completion of the volume. Thanks are also due to Matthew Abbate and Sara Meirowitz of the MIT Press for their careful editorial work on the manuscript, and to Janet Abbate for meticulous and thoughtful copyediting. Last but not least, we would like to thank all the contributors to the volume for their enthusiastic sharing of our interest in historia, and their willingness to move beyond individual interests to join a group explo- ration of the intricacies of the early modern intellectual landscape. It was a great pleasure to share with such distinguished practitioners the chal- lenges and the delights of historia’s time-honored craft. Gianna Pomata and Nancy G. Siraisi Introduction Gianna Pomata and Nancy G. Siraisi Il y aurait un beau livre à écrire sur le mot d’histoire et ses variations de sens au cours des périodes successives...de l’histoire. —Lucien Febvre (1936) reviewing Karl Keuck, Historia. Geschichte des Wortes und seiner Bedeutungen in der Antike und in den romanischen Sprachen,1934)1 Historia before Historicism Writing about the prominence of natural history in the seventeenth century, such a deep connoisseur of the early modern “life sciences” as Jacques Roger noted that “the history of the word historia itself would deserve an accurate study.”2 The present book offers a contribution in that direction by bringing together several essays that investigate, in a collaborative manner, what historia meant in the early modern vocabu- lary of knowledge and the roles that historia played in early modern encyclopedism. The starting point of our inquiry is the ubiquity of his- toria in early modern learning—the fact that it featured prominently in a wide array of disciplines ranging from antiquarian studies and civil history to medicine and natural philosophy. This book is in fact the result of a workshop, sponsored by the Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin, where scholars working in these different fields (from the history of the medical and natural sciences to that of scholarship and historiography) convened with a common focus on historia as a key epistemic tool of early modern intellectual practices.3 Bringing together scholars from such disparate backgrounds was indeed indispensable to our project, because in striking contrast to the modern use of the term “history,” the early modern historia straddled 2 Gianna Pomata and Nancy G. Siraisi the distinction between human and natural subjects, embracing accounts of objects in the natural world as well as the record of human action. One may say, in fact, that from the early Renaissance to the eighteenth century, nature was fully part of the field of research called historia. Most studies of early modern intellectual life, however, have focused exclu- sively on historia as civil history, the sense closest to modern usage. A formidable body of scholarship has been devoted to humanist and Renaissance writings on historia as the record of the human past. Well known and much studied are the humanists’ reevaluation of the rhetor- ical and moral uses of political and civil history and the new attention to the reading and writing of history signaled by the new genre of the artes historicae.4 Other studies have traced such indications of the increasing significance attached to historiain the early modern period as the emergence of disciplinary histories, the new genre of confessional history, and the institution of chairs or lectureships of history in univer- sities and academies.5 By contrast, the role historia played in early modern natural philoso- phy and medicine has been all but ignored, though there is plenty of evi- dence of the new significance that historia, in several variants and genres, also had in these fields. It is well known that a prominent feature of early modern science was the rapid and exponential growth of historia natu- ralis, but it would be more correct to talk of a proliferation of natural histories—in the plural—all with different philosophical pedigrees and correspondingly different notions of what historia was about. Aristotelian and Plinian models of natural history, to give the most obvious example, implied very different concepts of historia.6 In medi- cine also—a discipline whose ancient connections with history were noted long ago by Arnaldo Momigliano7—historia enjoyed a special vogue. A veritable explosion of clinical and anatomical reports written in the historia format began in the late sixteenth century, to proliferate even further in the following century. Case histories (called historiae or observationes) and autopsy narratives multiplied, while in anatomy his- toria acquired the status of a specific, even technical term. When Fabri- cius of Acquapendente or William Harvey, for instance, wrote the results of their anatomical investigations, they regularly started with what they called a historia, meaning a thorough description of the structure of bodily parts, preliminary to an understanding of their function, or Introduction 3 “use.”8 Next to the anatomists’ historia, we also find in late sixteenth- century medical literature a new acceptation of historia as casus, the report of an individual case history, a usage circulated by Renaissance commentators on Hippocrates’ Epidemics. Thus both in natural history and in medicine historia was an increasingly significant epistemic tool, covering different intellectual objectives but with an overall reference to the knowledge and description of particulars (including description from direct observation). Was there any link between these new uses of historiaby early modern physicians and naturalists and the Renaissance intensive discussion and reappraisal of historiaas antiquarian knowledge? This question has been mostly evaded so far—not surprisingly, since until recently the history of historiography and the history of the natural sciences (including medi- cine) have mostly proceeded on distinct and separate paths.9The reasons for this separation are not difficult to surmise. A key factor has certainly been the increasing disjunction of classical studies and scientific training in the European educational system since the nineteenth century—a dis- junction that reached momentous proportions in the challenge to the positivist view of the unity of science posited by the rise of historicism. At the turn of the nineteenth century and in the first half of the twenti- eth, the attempt to give an autonomous epistemological foundation to the historical sciences, undertaken by the founding fathers of neo- Kantian historicism—Windelband, Rickert, Dilthey—led to a sharp dis- tinction between the “generalizing” (or nomothetic) natural sciences and the “individualizing” (or idiographic) historical sciences.10 Whether the distinction between the two was defined as ontological (as in Dilthey) or logical and conceptual (as in Windelband and Rickert), the epistemol- ogy of the historical sciences was seen as fundamentally different from that of the natural sciences. It is not surprising, therefore, that the his- tories of the two groups of sciences were also perceived as largely unre- lated—two autonomous, separate intellectual developments. Moreover, the conventional view of the origins of Historismus, as pioneered by Friedrich Meinecke, placed the rise of historical consciousness and method in the eighteenth century—a chronology totally unrelated to the scientific revolution.11 Later studies of the development of historical method moved back the chronology, recognizing that already in the sixteenth century there was a significant move from the rhetorical or 4 Gianna Pomata and Nancy G. Siraisi literary concept of historia to a new sensitivity to issues of method and source criticism, especially in the French artes historicae. But the signif- icant connection drawn here was with jurisprudence—the spilling over into history writing of the critical methods of the jurists’ mos gallicus— not with the natural sciences.12 Though Arnaldo Momigliano long ago pointed out the similarities between the mental outlook of the early modern antiquarians and that of contemporary naturalists, his insight did not lead until recently to further studies in that direction, partly also, perhaps, because he himself saw antiquarianism as an intellectual tradi- tion largely apart from historiography.13The underlying assumption that went unchallenged was that the humanist historiaof the Renaissance was basically a literary genre, not an epistemic genre. A significant breakthrough from this view was Arno Seifert’s survey of early modern definitions of historia in a seminal book published more than a quarter of a century ago.14 Combining historical semantics with traditional history of ideas, Seifert reconstructed in detail the Begriffs- geschichte of historia as a term of learned language, establishing beyond doubt that in the early modern period, in addition to the liter- ary genre of narratio rerum gestarum, historia indicated primarily a modus cognoscendi—a cognitive category. Seifert argued that the epis- temological status of historia underwent a momentous change in the transition from Scholasticism to humanism. In Scholastic philosophy, his- toria had meant incomplete knowledge—the Aristotelian apodeixis tou oti (or Scholastic demonstratio quia)—that simply offered a description of “how the thing is” without explaining why it is so. Historia in this sense was ancillary to philosophy, the humble prelude to the philosoph- ical knowledge of causes. In contrast, the humanists rediscovered the ancient Greek (pre-Aristotelian) usage of the word as knowledge in general, not limited to res gestae but fully including nature—an intellec- tual turning point stressed by Seifert as the premise to historia’s triumph in Renaissance intellectual life. Reviewing the various meanings attrib- uted to cognitio historica from the humanists to Kant, Seifert showed that starting with the Renaissance emphasis on historiaas vera narratio, the term came to be associated with a cluster of concepts all variously related to descriptive, nondemonstrative knowledge (cognitio quod est), knowledge based on sense perception (sensata cognitio), and knowledge of particulars (cognitio singularium). This trend culminated in the Introduction 5 Baconian identification of historia and experientia, which gave the his- toria of nature an unprecedented significance as the foundation of a true natural philosophy. Historia kept this association with the semantic field of factual knowledge (nuda facti notitia) well into the philosophical lan- guage of the eighteenth century, as finally exemplified by Kant’s defini- tion of “historical knowledge” as “cognitio ex datis.” Thus for about two hundred years, Seifert argued, historia came to signify in learned language the general field of “prescientific empirical knowledge” (vor- wissenschaftliche Empirie), which had previously been unnamed because it had not constituted a significant epistemic category.15 The main thesis of Seifert’s book is that historiawas the Namengeberin, the “name-giver” or godmother of early modern empiricism. Seifert’s work remains the most significant contribution to the history of historia as an epistemological category, and one to which our project is much indebted.16 Our goal here, however, is to revisit the history of early modern historia with a primary emphasis not just, as in his book, on philosophical definitions, but rather on historia’s actual uses across disciplinary practices. The essays we present in this volume show that the uses of historia can throw light on the scientific and intellectual history of the early modern period in two ways. First, they reveal intel- lectual practices common to natural and human sciences at a time when what were later to be called the “two cultures” were still relatively undif- ferentiated. Second, because of historia’s scope as the descriptive knowl- edge of particulars, these essays offer a close look at the ways in which practices of information gathering, observation and description devel- oped in early modern empiricism. First and foremost, a closer look at historia brings into sharper focus the peculiar characteristics of the early modern system of the sciences. The versatility of the early modern historia, equally applicable to the domain of natural knowledge and to the study of human action, points to a salient feature of early modern encyclopedism: the lack of a clear- cut boundary between the study of nature and the study of culture. The early modern system of knowledge was a far cry from the sharp dis- tinction of nomothetic versus idiographic disciplines envisaged by nineteenth-century historicism. If anything, much of early modern natural knowledge seems by modern standards intensively “idio- graphic,” highly suspicious of generalization and primarily bent on 6 Gianna Pomata and Nancy G. Siraisi capturing the protean world of particulars through strongly analytical and descriptive skills. The early modern historiaseriously challenges our assumptions about nature and culture as separate fields of inquiry. It forces us to realize that, just as the early modern notion of nature was widely different from ours,17 so did the early modern notion of historia vary in fundamental ways from what we now call “history” or “culture.” Early modern natura and historia were not antithetical terms, nor were the boundaries between them drawn as we draw them now. Precisely because the contrast with nature is at the very core of our conception of history, it is often misleading to translate as “history” the early modern term historia,which often referred to natural objects. Though the expres- sions “natural history” and medical “case history” are obvious remnants in our current language of the early modern term, “history” tout court is all too often an inadequate if not erroneous rendition for a word that meant primarily a description with little, if any, reference to temporal- ity. For these reasons, it is often difficult to translate accurately the early modern historia into the modern languages. Many authors in this col- lection choose to steer clear of anachronism by systematically using the Latin term, as we also do in this introductory essay and in the title of the book. The early modern historia was a fundamental trait-d’union not just between conceptual domains but also between different scholarly activ- ities. Indeed, it is especially by looking at actual intellectual practices that we can notice how questionable and grossly anachronistic are the disci- plinary boundaries that are sometimes projected onto early modern culture. Thus a focus on the various forms of historia may bring us to a better understanding of intellectual connections that seem puzzling by present-day disciplinary divisions, such as the close proximity of anti- quarian studies with medicine and natural philosophy—a phenomenon not yet fully described and accounted for, though often noticed in passing by historians of early modern intellectual life, such as Giuseppe Olmi in the case of Italy and Barbara Shapiro in that of England.18 The connec- tions among the uses of historia across disciplines were often personal as well as intellectual. It is not just that the scholars who engaged in antiquarian research or in the descriptive natural sciences shared the common culture of late humanism; in several cases, they were actually the same person. Learned physicians and naturalists not only incorpo- Introduction 7 rated historiae into their own disciplines but were often active contrib- utors to the antiquarian and historical culture of their age. In fact, some early modern physicians openly advocated their polymathic competence in various areas of learning.19 The very large part played by men with medical training in the development of natural history and of men with legal training in the development of civil history is well known, but there are also numerous examples of physicians who wrote civil history or engaged in antiquarian pursuits.20 Furthermore, when patterns of authorship and personal interests are examined, the division between history and antiquarian studies of the material culture of the past becomes less clear than is usually assumed. The polymathic or polyhis- torical character of early modern scholarship has been conventionally viewed under the negative angle of erudite (if not pedantic) eclecticism, but much innovative research into both nature and antiquities was carried on by scholars who were polyhistors in the sense of being the authors of historiae on various subjects.21 A close look at the multifari- ous practices of historia shows that between the fifteenth and the sev- enteenth centuries, academic education still led into an intellectual world where some disciplinary boundaries were largely permeable, if indeed they existed at all. Though individual disciplines involved extensive spe- cialized knowledge, many aspects of humanistic erudition, with its philo- logical training, were common to learned discourse across disciplines, spanning both the study of nature and other more rhetorical or literary pursuits. The essays in this volume bring out some of these connections by tracing the ascending fortunes of historia across a range of descriptive sciences that applied humanist scholarship to both nature and the human past. They show how closely intertwined were the practices of natural history, medicine, philology, and antiquarianism, how indeed the same scholar could nimbly move from one to another, or even combine them in the same piece of work. Most significantly, they highlight, through a rich set of examples, one of the most intriguing features of the early modern descriptive sciences, namely the interlocking of observational skills and philological learning—the coupling of empiricism and erudi- tion. They point out striking parallels between ways of observing and ways of reading, close links between firsthand observation and book learning, thus bringing into focus the peculiar brand of scholarly or