HisD ivinGer ace BHAKTIVEDANTSAW AMI PRABHUPADA A.C. TRANSCRIPTIONS JANUAR1Y9 70 FOLLOWITNRGA NSCRIPWTISL LA PPEAIRN C HRNOOLGOICAOLR DER>.'< �.wrlPraPc tuadla tesa rem issingt,r ancsriptsa rep laceidn sequentioarld er. . f. PartialL ecture AboutL ord Buddha #36-1 LA-1-70 � Prabhupdaa:. ..d oes not agree with� the Vedic principl��is considerde as atheist.J ust like one who doe ot believe in the Bible,t hey are called heathens\imilarlyt hose who do not acceptt he Vedic ) principlse1they are calleda theist.S o Lord Buddha,a lthoughi ncarna tion of Krsna,h e said that "Id o not believe in Vedas."W hat was the reason? The rea3on was to save thpeo or animals.A t that timpee ople were sacrificintgh e poor animalsu nder the plea of Vedics acrifice. so demonicp ersons, they want to do somethingu nder the protectiono f � authoriyt. Just like a big lawyer takest he protectiono f the law book and he makest he law unlawful. Similar�l the demonsa re so intellgient that they takeJ advantaeg of scripturali njunction and T vJer� do all nonsense. So these things goingo n. In the name of Vedic u,;....QA...e__ sacrificethey ·killign animalsl ike anything.S o Lord became 1 very much compassinoate to thesep oor animalsa nd He appeareda s Lord Buddha.A nd his philosophyw as nonvi?lence.H is philosophy /S was atheist becauseh e said that there no God. This combination of matteri s a manifestatioan. 1dy ou dismantlet he materiale lements, there will be void arid there will be no sense of pleasurea nd pain.' That is the nirvana,u ltimateg oal of life. Th�t was his philosophy. ���ctually his missionw as to stop animal killintgo, stop thmee n from > .A. � �so much sinfula ctivitise. So Lord Buddhai s also prayedh erewith.� ople will be surprisetdh at Lord Buddhai s designateda s atheist ; .. #36-1 .· :v .. md--2 LA-1-70 Lectureo n Buddha � and still1the Vaisna�v they are offerign their respectfulp rayers Lord Visnu.W hy? Becaues the Vaisnavak nowsh ow the God is acting for his different purposes.O thersthey do not know. The next , 9- �j avatar, incarnation,i s Kalki. hat is yet to take place. Ka.lki �jl � avata ill appeara t the end f this age, Kali-yuga.T he age of \r Kali-yug�a,_duratino of this age, is stillt o be mean to say, fulfille OO,OOOs of years.S o at the end of Kali, that means at the last stagea fter about 400,000so f yearsthe incarnation ) of Kali will appear.T hat is predicted in the Vedic literatures as Lord Buddhas' appearance was also predicted in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. � (� j srima-dBhagavatam was compilde five thousandy earsa goJand Lord Buddha appeareda bout2 ,500 yearsa go. Therefore aboLuotr d Buddha's appearancei t is predicted that at the beginningo f Kali-yugaL ord Buddha will appear.T here was predictiona nd that haasc tuallyc ome to be true. Similarlythere is predictiona boutK alkia vatara nd that 7 will also come to be true.S o at that time Lord Kalki'sb usiness will be simplyt o kill. No instruct. Just like Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsnag ave instructioni n the shapeo f Bhagavad-gitabut at the ) end of Kali-uyga people will be so much degraded that thiesr en o more possibiilty to give any instructionT.h ey'll nobte able to JWeA-. j l understand At thatime the only weapon will be to kill them.A nd one who is killedb y the Lord,h e also gets salvatoin. That is God's \ all-mercifuqlu ality.E itherH e protectso r He kills,t he esulti s � �� f the same. So that wi be the last stage of this Kali a. nd after � \ that)again Satyay uga,he age of religisoitywill begin.hese are the 7 s.tatemnets of Vedic literature. (end) ''· .·.� ·�··:,.. ���: .... ��'-·;"�-:t·ty.: ..� :·.?�· ::�·i.f .': ��-�(· ,::!��r:�:� ��"r�9 ., 125-2 Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.6 LosA ngelesJ,a nuary, 1970 Prabhupad(:'am: a jnana-t.i.miraan dnhjaa nsaynajn a-s alakaay) Jc akusr unmilityaemn at asmasir i-guravnea mha. Sri-caita-nmaynao' bhistma sthapityaemn ab hutalsevayarmu pahk adam ahyadma dtai sva-padantikam. ) Vande' hams ri�uroshr i-yuta-pada-ksarmi-agluarmu vna isnamvsa ca sri-rupsaamg rajatsaamh a-gana-raghunathtaanmsv ai-jtiavma m J sadvaitsaamv adhaumt parijana-sahkirtsanmac -aitnaya-devams ri-radha- krsn-apadasna ha-gana-lalita-s-rviisakhanvitcaam.Hs e k rsnak aruna- sindhdoi na·-banjdahgoa t-pagtoepesa gopika-kanta rnaadmhaa- kanta 1 stut e.T apta-knacana-aguranig radhev rndavanersivvarsabhanue-s ut 7 devip ranamahmair i-pyrei. Vancha-kalprautbahyacsa krpa-siunbdhhya. evac apatitanpaamv anebhvyaoi sanvebhynoa man amahS.r i-rksna-caitanya 1 prabhu-nityanansdrai-advaitgaa ddaharas rivasadiu-rgaa-bhaktvar-nda. 1 Harek rsnah arek rsnak rsnak rsnah areh ar7hare ramah arer ama ramar amah areh are.A dhunehmaa ha-bhagyaa thaivnaa rakanna rah J nanog-ryaatanna neyatt anm ev yakhaytuma rhsai. Todayw e shall discusas v eryn iceh istoriceavle ntt,h es toryhistoroyr story, � whateveyro uc allof Ajamilaa ndh iss alvatioBne.f orteh isc hapter � in theS rimaBdh-agavatatmh,e reh asb eena verye laboradtees cription � � of differeknindso f hellisphu nishmenSto. theS rimad-Bhagavata is concerneidt,c ontaintsh ei nformatioofn a llo therp lanetwsi thin thisu niversSeo. wgee ti nfomratioonf onep lanewth ichi s about X0'1? I(JD'O '..;> of milesa wayf romt hisp lane.t Int hat planetth eY amarajoart hep ersonaliotry d emigowdh o,I meant o ; say,t riest hep erso\n.,. h<o' rvee rym uchs infualn d givesh im - , , .,. -��':",·,�"-'-\-- ·.;., .... .'.: .. •'": ·· �.: ·�: ·.-··. ...�.;�··��t� .'.f:· �. ,. 125-2 LA--170 SB6-:1:6 md--2 . . . 'if; punisli.)fme nJustl ike� elrey ouh aveg ott hem agistrawtheo t es thec rimianlsa ndg ivesp unise�nut accorditnog t he gravitoyf ;' cr�i1ali;t y imialrl1yt herei sn or easont o disbelietvhea ti n thisv astk ingdomo f God1 why� herseh all nboeta magistrate � liket hat?I fi na smallst at,e sayt hisC alifnoiras tatbehere ares o manym agitsrate,s so mayn courst1 in differetnotw ns, and ify ouc alcualtein compraisont ot hisu nievrse,w hati s this 1 Californsitaa teY?o uc ans eea t nightt herea rem illions and billionosf planest glittenrgi int hes k�andt hise arthyl planet , is oneo f them.T ha'ts allA.ndi nt hise arthlpyl anetth erea re som anyc onutriesAmerica,C anada,U niteSdt atesM,e xicoI,n dia, � Chi�nI • TI here ares� o manyc ountie=s,andt herea res o manyc ities. Ande acha nd everyc itytherear e som anyc ourtasn dm agistrates. 1 Justt hinkt hatt his planeits o nlya spoti nc omparistoon t he universcaolns truction.S o howw ec ant hinkt hatt herei s no j controlt,h ree isn o governnmte vertyhingh asc omeo uto f its ) own coures h·irst heoyr is foolisthh eoryT.h erei s control.l eTrheer is contrloel� andH e is callelds varaI.s vara }e meansG od.T heries manageenmto f God.I ti s veryc ommonnse understanngd.i soa boutt hatd escritpiono f thath ellisphl anet hasbe en describde int hep revoiusc hapterN.o w1yous houladl ways remembetrh at this Bhagavamt ias beings pokebny SukaedvaG osvami toK ingP arkisit.M aharajPaa riksitw ast oc iew ithisne vend ays andh e immdeiatellye fth isk ingdoma ndf amilayn dw entt ot he banko f theG angse, satd ownt �eret ightlwyit houtt akinegv en a dropo f\ a'lter;implyw ithg re� seriousnehses h eardS ri mad ) Bhagavataanmd h eg ots alvaitonJwithisne vend aysT.h eraer e �� nined iffreentp rcoesso f exectuingK rsnca onscoiusnessS.e veral timesI have desrcibedt hatn ine prcoessesT.h ef irs--tp rocses--i s -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 125-2 LA-1-70 SB-:61:6 md-3- hearingT.h es econpdr ocesiss chantinTgh.e t hirpdr ocesiss � remembering medittiang.T hef ourtphr ocesiss s ervinthge Lord. sravanakmi rtnaam visnoshm aranapma da-saenvam.P ada-sevanmaema ns to servet hel obus feeto f theL ord.T hena rcanamA.r canamme asn tempel worshipJ.u stl ikei n thist emplyeo us ee1therei s Deit,y Krnsa's arcam-urtiorD eiyt,o r idol,w hateveyro uc all,a ndw e ) areo fferinfgl owerasn df ruitasn dc ookefdo odstufwfh,a tevewre cang etb y them ercyo f KrsnaA.n dw eo fferi t," Krsna,yo uh ave '"" kindlsye ntt hisf oosdtuff. " Thisi s acknowledgemYeonut . \._..... canont manufcatuer thisn ice fruIitti .s noti n yourp ower. Youm ayb e verym uche xperitn c onductian bgi gf actoryf or manufactu�ringmotorc ar;b uti ti s notp ossiblfeo ry ou to manufacret uthesen iceg rapes oorra ngse or bananao,r rice. No.T hati s noti ny our power. Thae rseafnoemr aen s houladd mit \\ tha't't h-r: isi s sentb yG od. Thiiss c ommosne nst:�.'l haits b eyond . ..d- -b . .. LoL.;t- yourp ower, yous ayi t is producotf nature do y�u mean byn atureN?at urem eans an energwyh ichi sa ctinugn dert he directioofn G od.T hta isn atrue.T hati s explainiend t heB haagvad } gita.M ayadyhaksenpar akr�tsiuytaes acaracarParma.k rtmie ansn atuer. Don't taket hatt hen ature pirso duciwnigt houtth ea ctivceo opera tiono f thSeu premLeo rd,p urusa.J u�t likew hena womahna sg ot a childp,r oduecd a childy,o um ustk nowt hats heh adc onnection witha man,t hep ursua.S o iti sc ommosne nseS.o t hiso fferinogf . foods t fuf to theD e�tyK,r snao r God , �.s veryn .� ce/.MI y Lo r ,d Y ou have givenm es o niec foodstuftfo e at;s oy ouf irsto f allt ast}e \\ andt henw e sballt ak.e Iti s a gratitudYeo.u h aven'gto te ven anyg ratitutdoee xpress.I nt he Bhagaavd-gitiat is said,s tena evas au cyat.e Anynoew hod oesn ot. offerf oodstutfoft heP ersonality ·}�''"""!'·.'• '::'):·�···:�· '';'"'; :�,'!':al1(:�, 125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6 � md--4 of (.;odhead, he is thief. He is thief. Andy ajna-sist.asinasha nto mucyantes arva-kilbisaih.A nd if you takef oodstuffo ffered to the Deity,t heny ou get rid of all sinful activitiesM.u cyante sarva-kilbisaih and bhunjatet e tv aghamp apa ye pacantya tma-karanat. Atma-karanat means self satisafction or senseg ratification. \'le I 1 ' are eatin;A �veryone is eating; we are also eating.T he differecne is somebdoy is eating for senseg ratificationa nd somebodyi s eatingf or satisfaction of Krsna. That is the difference.S o if f you simply cknowledge that "My dear Lord. .." Just like a son, if he acknowledges the benefitsd erived from the father,h ow much the father is satisfied!" Oh,h ere is a very good son."T he father ju is suppliyng everything] t if the son says," My dear fat:her, you are so kind tome that you are supplying such nice things. /'"" I thank you " �e fatherb ecomes very much pleased.F atherd oes ,_( .. not want that thanks, b�t it is natural. Fatherd oes not care for ..AA-- such thanks. His duty he is supplyign. But if the son feels thankful A �� for the father•s the father is especially satisfied. SimilarylGod is the father.H e is supplyingu s. In the Vedic m�ntra 1 it is �aid, nitynoi tyanamc etanas cetananam.H e is the supreme livinge ntity amongst all living entities. He is singularn umber, nitya.A nd nityanam, pluraln umber. l•iaer e all pluraln umber.N e are also �s living 8ntity,a s good livinge ntityas Krsnao r God. ; God is also li\vinge ntity , we are also livinge ntity.J ust like fathera nd son The fatheri s also living entit1yand the son is also living entity. There inso differences o far livingc or:.ditions are there. Simiiarly Krsnaa nd Krsna's sons,o r God or God's sons. • , J Now1 in the Bible, Lord JesusC hristi s described as the son of � God. Now)s o far I haveh eard a� it is claimedt hat he ist he .... ,_ ·, .. ,,. 125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6 md--5 only one son of God. Now accordingt o Bha�gava -dgita, every living entityi s son of God. Now how to adjus� Bible says that A � / /l LOrd JesusC hrist is the only one son, then how so many , innumerabel sons can be adjusted?T here is adjustmentT.h ere is v�ry nice adjustment. One shouldk now it. He is the only one son meanso ne who can sacrificeh is life for God, he is real son. And one who is simplyt akingf rom father: "Oh,G od, give uso ur daily bread," and He is supplyinga nd eatinga nd enjoyings ense enjoyemen}t he is not real son. The real sor. is he who sacrifices his life for glorifying his father. Similarlyanyonew ho will 1 sacrificeh is life• •• Of course1it is notr equiredt hat everyone shallbe crucified like LOrd JesusC hrist,b ut he shoulds acrifice his energyf or the Supreme Lord.A nd that person who has devoted his energyf or the satisfactioonf the Supreme Lord,h e is called Krsnac onsciuos person. \veh ave goat limitedmeasureda mount of ) energyt hroughout our life..W e are not goingt o live foreve.r But we have got some energyb y which wcea n creates o many things. Everyonei s cominga s a small childA.s he growsu p, oy his energy he is becomingF ord, he is becomingR ockefleler,h e is becomnig Carnagie,o r in our CQQ�tryj ust like Birla,s o many thingsI.t is simplye nergy.O ne has got sufficiente nergy,i ntellignece, he (('l- is utilizing,h e is becomingR ockefellerF,o rd,o r Birla1 Sb:nething A like thatA.n otherm an, he has got energy.H e cannotu tilizeh is energy.H e remainsa poor man, a loaferc lass.I t is all(�q uestion .A--0 of energy.S o long we have got this energyi n our control,t hat A meams so long we live,v leh ave got ac ertaina mounto f. . Jhat should ) \ be employedf or Krsna, for GodThat is Krsnac onsciousnessK.r sna consciousnesdso es not mean anythingw onderful.I t is not. • . ..' .. LA-l-70 SB-6:1:6 125-2 md--6 ;v' A ry simplteh in.g Simpyloyu h avet oe mployyo ure nergyf orK rsna. Thati s expectebdy K rsnaA.n dw hatw illb e ther esultT?h er esult willb e, at leasti ndivuiadllyy ous hallb ep eacefuylo,u s hall be happyI.f e veyroneb ecomesl iket hat,i n Krsnaco nscoiusness, ore veryonter iest oa pplyhi se nergfyo rt hes ervicoef thLeo rd, thent hisw orldb ec,meksi ngdoomf G oda ctually.B utt hati s not possiblHee.r et here is anotheorp posiengl emenwth ichi sc alled mayaor Satanw,h oi s actinagg anistt hisp rincip.l Seow e i cannoetx pectth atc entp ercenpte oplwei llb eG od conscioours Krsncao nsciso.u Thati s notp ossieb blecaushee rei nt hism aterial J' world is maetrialw orldm eansit is a placew heer maya is . . • predominaMnaty.a i s predominntam eanst hef orgetfulnoefs Gso d is predominnt.a .t-taya menaotnhsi ngM.a yai sn ot ag hostH.a ya isa conidtioonf c onscoiusnessT.ha t'sa ll. Whyeonuf orget � � Godor Krsnat,h at is call d in thehagavad-giitt ias , veryn iceleyx plianedi n the Chaptetrh atd aivih y esag unmaayi marna mayad uratyyaa:I TI hei nfluenocfem ayai s so strontgh ati ti s veryd ifficutlot s urmou,n,Y te.s .M ayai s enerogfyG oda lso.S o as youre nergcya np roducseo m uchw ondrefult hingw,h yn ot� rsna's '7 energoyr God'se nergyis verys trnog.Y es.I ti s very stroJnugs.t 1 1 likey oua rea lsoe nergyb,u tw hyy oua ren ots trongJ?u stl ike wheny oua rec riimnal,w heny oua re in thec ustodoyf policeen ergy a..Q_Q_� I of theg overnmte,n youa rew eaker.Y oua reoneo ft hee neriges A oft his goevrnmne-t:. Thew holep opualtioni s thee neryg of the governmenptro,du cingT.h isi s ane xampleB.u to nee nergiys civil populat,i oannotehre nergiys criminaplo pulat,i oannd another energyt,h eg overnmentS.o thec rimnialp opulatimoena nsa gainstth e