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hipnose as terapeutiese hulpmiddel by wiskunde-angs gesiena catharina theron magister ... PDF

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Preview hipnose as terapeutiese hulpmiddel by wiskunde-angs gesiena catharina theron magister ...

HIPNOSE AS TERAPEUTIESE HULPMIDDEL BY WISKUNDE-ANGS deur GESIENA CATHARINA THERON voorgele ter gedeeltelike vervulling van die vereistes vir die graad MAGISTER EDUCATIONIS - MET SPESIALISERING IN VOORLIGTING aan die UNIVERSITEIT VAN SUID-AFRIKA STUDIELEIER: DRS BURGER NOVEMBER 1997 Studentenommer: 3 72-772-6 Ek verklaar hiermee dat "HIPNOSE AS TERAPEUTIESE HULPMIDDEL BY WISKUNDE-ANGS" my eie werk is en dat ek alle bronne wat ek gebruik of aangehaal het deur middel van volledige verwysings aangedui en erken het. 7Ji ii ~ MC& 199 7 ·- 11 - 0 ~ HANDTEKENING DATUM (MEY GC THERON) UN ISA EW:;L ~(';T-:· · iJ8RARY t!:Jjc ·09· 1 I Class ··••••••••••Ooooo•uooooooHWt- 615.8512 THER \\llll\1\1\1\\\ 0001707969 OPGEDRA AAN ARRIE, ARNO EN JACQUES ll DANKBETUIGING Graag wil ek my waardering uitspreek teenoor elkeen wat my ondersteun het en op enige wyse bygedra het om hierdie verhandeling moontlik te maak. In die besonder gaan my dank aan: 1. Dr S Burger vir haar bekwame studieleiding en ondersteuning en die feit dat sy my toegelaat het om myself te wees. 2. Mev Espray, die hoof van Kaffrarian High School for Girls, King William's Town, die administratiewe personeel en die leerlinge van die skool wat as proefpersone gedien het. 3. Karlien de Beer en die biblioteekpersoneel van die UNISA BIBLIOTEEK vir hulp met die opspoor van literatuur. 4. Anneke en Jaap van der Walt en hul kinders wat vir my 'n tuiste weg van die huis geskep het en moeilike tye aangenaam gemaak het. 5. My ma, omdat sy dwarsdeur my lewe in my geglo het. 6. My man Arrie en seuns Arno en Jacques vir hul liefdevolle ondersteuning en hulp. 7. My Skepper vir die genade en gesondheid wat Hy aan my verleen het om hierdie verhandeling te voltooi. KIT THERON NOVEMBER 1997 lll HIPNOSE AS TERAPEUTIESE HULPMIDDEL BY WISKUNDE-ANGS GRAAD: MAGISTER EDU CAT IONIS - MET SPESIALISERING IN VOORLIGTING STUDENT: GESIENA CATHARINA THERON STUDIELEIER: DRS BURGER OPSOMMING: Wiskunde as taal van die wetenskap en tegnologie is een van die weinige vakke wat spesifiek as voorvereiste vir die bestudering van sekere studierigtings gestel word. Leerlinge met Wiskunde-angs word verhoed om hul ware potensiaal in Wiskunde te verwesenlik en word sodoende gediskwalifiseer om hul regmatige plek in die beroepswereld in te neem. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of hipnoterapie aangewend kan word om Wiskunde-angs tot werkbare vlakke te beperk sodat leerlinge optimaal in Wiskunde kan presteer. Die aard, oorsake, aanvang, herkenning, verklaring, gevolge, voorkoms en meting van Wiskunde-angs, die verband daarvan met Wiskundeprestasie en die hulp wat onderwysers en hulpprogramme kan lewer, is nagegaan. Daarna is hipnose en hipnoterapie beskou om te bepaal of <lit as terapeutiese hulpmiddel pedagogies verantwoordbaar is. 'n Hipnoterapieprogram is in werking gestel en daar is bevind <lat die proefpersone almal tot 'n mindere of meerdere mate daarby gebaat het. lV HYPNOSIS AS THERAPEUTIC AID WITH REGARD TO MATHEMATICS ANXIETY DEGREE: MASTERS IN EDUCATION GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING STUDENT: GESIENA CATHARINA THERON PROMOTER: DRS BURGER SUMMARY: Mathematics as the language of science and technology is one of few subjects used as entrance requirement to certain fields of study. Mathematics anxiety prohibits certain pupils to reach their full potential in Mathematics and thus to obtain their rightful place in the world of work. The aim of this study was to determine whether hypnotherapy can be used to lower Mathematics anxiety levels to such an extend that pupils can optimally achieve in Mathematics. The nature, causes, extent, recognition, explanation, consequences, incidence and measurement of Mathematics anxiety, its relationship to achievement in Mathematics, as well as the help that can be rendered by teachers and treatment programmes were studied. Hypnotherapy was then examined to determine whether its use was pedagogically justifiable. A hypnotherapy treatment programme was introduced which was found to be to some extent beneficial to all the subjects used. KEY TERMS • Anxiety • Child therapy • Hypnosis • Hypnotherapy • Hypnotisability • Mathematics • Mathematics achievement • Mathematics anxiety • Mathematics anxiety rating scales • Mathematics anxiety treatment programmes v SLEUTELT ERME • Angs • Hipnose • Hipnoterapie • Hipnotiseerbaarheid • Pedoterapie • Wiskunde • Wiskunde-angs • Wiskunde-angshulpprogramme • Wiskunde-angsskale • Wiskundeprestasie Vl "Ifa rt is the arrangement ofp arts into pleasing and meaningful wholes, then there is no art with the scope and power of mathematics. Inherent in mathematics is a particular quality of beauty, a sense of harmony and 'thusness ·immensely satisfj:ing to the mind. This is the fascination ofm athematics. This is what mathophobia takes away" (Lazarus. 1974:22). Vlll "On the eighth day, God created mathematics. He took stainless steel, and He rolled it out thin, and He made it into a fence, forty cubits high, and infinite cubits long. And on this fence, in fair capitals, He did print rules, theorems. axioms and pointed reminders. "Invert and multiply." "The square on the hypotenuse is three decibels louder than one hand clapping." "Always do what is in the parenthesis first". And when He was finished, He said, "On one side oft his fence will reside those who are good at math. And on the other will remain those who are bad at math, and woe unto them, for they shall weep and gnash their teeth. Math does make me think of a stainless steel wall - hard. cold, smooth, offering no handhold, all it does is glint back at me. Edge up to it, put your nose against it, it doesn't take your shape, it doesn't have any smell, all it does is make your nose cold. I like the shine of it - it does look smart, in an icy way. But I resent its cold impenetrability. its supercilious glare" (In Buerk, 1982: 19). Vll INHOUDSOPGA WE HOOFSTUK 1 INLEIDENDE ORIENTERING TOT DIE STUDIE 1 1.1 BEWUSWORDING VAN DIE PROBLEEM 1 1.2 PROBLEEMSTELLING 2 1.3 DO ELS TELLINGS '"I .) 1.3.1 Algemene doelstelling '"I .) 1.3.2 Spesifieke doelstellings '"I .) 1.4 AFBAKENING VAN DIE TERREIN VAN ONDERSOEK '"I .) 1.5 BEGRIPSVERHELDERING 4 1.5.1 An gs 4 1.5.2 Wiskunde-angs 4 1.5.3 Hipnose 4 1.5.4 Prestasie 5 1.5.5 Wiskunde 5 1.6 VOORLOPIGE LITERA TUURSTUDIE 6 1.6. l Die aard van angs 6 1.6.2 Die aard van Wiskunde-angs 10 1.6.3 Wiskunde-angs en hipnose 13 1.7 VERLOOP VAN DIE STUD IE 17 HOOFSTUK2 WISKUNDE- ANGS 19 2.1 DIE OORSAKE VAN WISKUNDE-ANGS 19 2.1.1 Die aard van Wiskunde 19 2.1.2 Sosio-kulturele faktore 23 2.1.3 Gesinverwante oorsake 24 2.1.4 Skoolverwante oorsake 25 2.1.5 Persoonlike oorsake 29 IX

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