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H FUNCTIONAL CALCULUS AND SQUARE FUNCTIONS ON ∞ NONCOMMUTATIVE Lp-SPACES 6 MARIUS JUNGE, CHRISTIAN LE MERDY AND QUANHUA XU 0 0 2 Abstract. In this work we investigate semigroups of operators acting on noncommuta- n tive Lp-spaces. We introduce noncommutative square functions and their connection to a sectoriality, variants of Rademacher sectoriality, and H∞ functional calculus. We discuss J several examples of noncommutative diffusion semigroups. This includes Schur multipli- 6 ers, q-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups, and the noncommutative Poisson semigroup on free 2 groups. ] A F . 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification : Primary 47A60; Secondary 46L55, 46L69. h t a m Contents [ 1. Introduction. 2 1 2. Noncommutative Hilbert space valued Lp-spaces. 6 v 5 3. Bounded and completely bounded H∞ functional calculus. 22 4 4. Rademacher boundedness and related notions 31 6 1 5. Noncommutative diffusion semigroups 43 0 6. Square functions on noncommutative Lp-spaces 52 6 0 7. H∞ functional calculus and square function estimates. 60 / 8. Various examples of multipliers. 69 h t 9. Semigroups on q-deformed von Neumann algebras. 84 a m 10. A Noncommutative Poisson semigroup. 91 : 11. The non tracial case. 107 v i 12. Appendix. 111 X References 116 r a 1 2 MARIUSJUNGE, CHRISTIANLE MERDY ANDQUANHUAXU 1. Introduction. In the recent past, noncommutative analysis (in a wide sense) has developed rapidly be- cause of its interesting and fruitful interactions with classical theories such as C -algebras, ∗ Banach spaces, probability, or harmonic analysis. The theory of operator spaces has played a prominent rolein these developments, leading to new fields of research in either operator the- ory, operator algebras or quantum probability. The recent theory of martingales inequalities in noncommutative Lp-spaces is a good example for this development. Indeed, square func- tions associated to martingales and most of the classical martingale inequalities have been successfully transferred to the noncommutative setting. See in particular [66, 33, 70, 37], and also the recent survey [81] and the references therein. The noncommutative maximal ergodic theorem in [36] is our starting point for the study of noncommutative diffusion semigroups. On this line we investigate noncommutative analogs of classical square function inequalities. Itisremarkablethatoperatorspacetechniques haveledtonewresultsonclassicalanalysis. We mention in particular completely bounded Fourier multipliers and Schur multipliers on Schatten classes [31]. In our treatment of semigroups no prior knowledge on operator space theory is required. However, operator space concepts underlie our understanding of the subject. Our objectives are to introduce natural square functions associated with a sectorial op- erator or a semigroup on some noncommutative Lp-space, to investigate their connections with H functional calculus, and to give various concrete examples and applications. H ∞ ∞ functional calculus was introduced by McIntosh [54], and then developed by him and his coauthors in a series of remarkable papers [55, 21, 3]. Nowadays this is a classical and powerful subject which plays an important role in spectral theory for unbounded operators, abstract maximal Lp-regularity, or multiplier theory. See e.g. [44] for more information and references. Squarefunctions forgeneratorsofsemigroups appearedearlier inStein’s classical book[72] on the Littlewood-Paley theory for semigroups acting on usual (=commutative) Lp-spaces. Stein gave several remarkable applications of these square functions to functional calculus and multiplier theorems for diffusion semigroups. Later on, Cowling [20] obtained several extensions of these results and used them to prove maximal theorems. The fundamental paper [21] established tight connections between McIntosh’s H func- ∞ tional calculus and Stein’s approach. Assume that A is a sectorial operator on Lp(Σ), with 1 < p < , and let F be a non zero bounded analytic function on a sector Arg(z) < θ ∞ {| | } containing the spectrum of A, and such that F tends to 0 with an appropriate estimate as z and as z 0 (see Section 3 for details). The associated square function is defined | | → ∞ | | → by 1 x = ∞ F(tA)x 2 dt 2 , x Lp(Σ). F k k t ∈ (cid:13)(cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) (cid:13)p (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:13) For example if A is the gene(cid:13)rator o(cid:12)f a boun(cid:12)ded ana(cid:13)lytic semigroup (T ) on Lp(Σ), then − (cid:13) (cid:13) t t≥0 we can apply the above with the function F(z) = ze z and in this case, we obtain the − 3 familiar square function ∂ 2 1 ∞ 2 x = t T (x) dt F t k k ∂t (cid:13)(cid:16)Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:17) (cid:13)p (cid:13) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:13) from [72, Chapters III-IV]. One of th(cid:13)e most (cid:12)remarkable(cid:12)connec(cid:13)tions between H functional (cid:12) (cid:12) ∞ (cid:13) (cid:13) calculus and square functions on Lp-spaces is as follows. If A admits a bounded H func- ∞ tional calculus, then we have an equivalence K x x K x for any F as above. 1 F 2 k k ≤ k k ≤ k k Indeed this follows from [21] (see also [50]). In this paper we consider a sectorial operator A acting on a noncommutative Lp-space Lp( ) associated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra ( ,τ). For an appropriate M M bounded analytic function F as before, we introduce two square functions which are ap- proximately defined as 1 ∞ dt 2 x = F(tA)x ∗ F(tA)x F,c k k t (cid:13)(cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) (cid:13)p (cid:13) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:13) and (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 1(cid:13) ∞ dt 2 x = F(tA)x F(tA)x ∗ F,r k k t (cid:13)(cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) (cid:13)p (cid:13) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:13) (see Section 6 for details). The functions and are called column and row square (cid:13) F,c F,r (cid:13) (cid:13) k k k k (cid:13) functions respectively. Using them we define a symmetric square function x . As with the F k k noncommutative Khintchine inequalities (see [52, 53]), this definition depends upon whether p 2 or p < 2. If p 2, we set x = max x ; x . See Section 6 for the more F F,c F,r ≥ ≥ k k {k k k k } complicated case p < 2. Then one of our main results is that if A admits a bounded H ∞ functional calculus on Lp( ), with 1 < p < , we have an equivalence M ∞ (1.1) K x x K x 1 F 2 k k ≤ k k ≤ k k for these square functions. After a short introduction to noncommutative Lp-spaces, Section 2 is devoted to prelim- inary results on noncommutative Hilbert space valued Lp-spaces, which are central for the definition of square functions. These spaces and related ideas first appeared in Pisier’s mem- oir [62]. In fact operator valued matrices and operator space techniques (see e.g. [60, 62, 63]) play a natural role in our context. However we tried to make the paper accessible to readers not familiar with operator space theory and completely bounded maps. In Section 3 we give the necessary background on sectorial operators, semigroups, and H ∞ functional calculus. Then we introduce a completely bounded H functional calculus for an ∞ operator A acting on a noncommutative Lp( ). Again this is quite natural in our context M and indeed it turns out to be important in our study of square functions (see in particular Corollary 7.9). Rademacher boundedness and Rademacher sectoriality now play a prominent role in H ∞ functional calculus. We refer the reader e.g. to [42], [79], [80], [48], [50] or [44] for devel- opments and applications. On noncommutative Lp-spaces, it is natural to introduce two 4 MARIUSJUNGE, CHRISTIANLE MERDY ANDQUANHUAXU related concepts, namely the column boundedness and the row boundedness. If is a set F of bounded operators on Lp( ), we will say that is Col-bounded if we have an estimate M F 1 1 2 2 T (x ) T (x ) C x x k k ∗ k k Lp( ) ≤ ∗k k Lp( ) (cid:13)(cid:16)Xk (cid:17) (cid:13) M (cid:13)(cid:16)Xk (cid:17) (cid:13) M (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) for any finite fami(cid:13)lies T ,...,T in , and(cid:13)x ,...,x in(cid:13)Lp( ). Row(cid:13)boundedness is defined 1 n 1 n F M similarly. We develop these concepts in Section 4, along with the related notions of column and row sectoriality. Sections 6 and 7 are devoted to square functions and their interplay with H functional ∞ calculus. As a consequence of the main result of Section 4, we prove that if A is Col-sectorial (resp. Rad-sectorial), then we have an equivalence K x x K x (resp. K x x K x ) 1 G,c F,c 2 G,c 1 G F 2 G k k ≤ k k ≤ k k k k ≤ k k ≤ k k for any pair of non zero functions F,G defining square functions. This is a noncommutative generalization of the main result of [50]. Then we prove the aforementioned result that (1.1) holds true if A has a bounded H functional calculus. We also show that conversely, ∞ appropriate square function estimates for an operator A on Lp( ) imply that A has a M bounded H functional calculus. ∞ Section 5 (which is independent of Sections 6 and 7) is devoted to a noncommutative generalizationofStein’sdiffusionsemigroupsconsideredin[72]. Wedefineanoncommutative diffusion semigroup to be a point w -continuous semigroup (T ) of normal contractions ∗ t t 0 ≥ on ( ,τ), such that each T is selfadjoint with respect to τ. In this case, (T ) extends t t t 0 M ≥ to a c -semigroup of contractions on Lp( ) for any 1 p < . Let A denote the 0 p M ≤ ∞ − negative generator of the Lp-realization of (T ) . Our main result in this section is that if t t 0 ≥ further each T : is positive (resp. completely positive), then A is Rad-sectorial t p M → M (resp. Col-sectorial and Row-sectorial). The proof is based on a noncommutative maximal theorem from [35, 36], where such diffusion semigroups were considered for the first time. If (T ) is a noncommutative diffusion semigroup as above, the most interesting general t t 0 ≥ question is whether A admits a bounded H functional calculus on Lp( ) for 1 < p < . p ∞ M ∞ This question has an affirmative answer in the commutative case [20] but it is open in the noncommutative setting. The last three sections are devoted to examples of natural diffusion semigroups, for which we are ableto show thatA admits a bounded H functionalcalculus. p ∞ Here is a brief description. In Section 8, we consider left and right multiplication operators, Hamiltonians, and Schur multipliers on Schatten space Sp. Let H be a real Hilbert space, and let (α ) and (β ) k k 1 k k 1 ≥ ≥ be two sequences of H. We consider the semigroup (T ) of Schur multipliers which are t t 0 ≥ determined by T (E ) = e t( αi βj )E , where the E ’s are the standard matrix units. This t ij − k − k ij ij is a diffusion semigroup on B(ℓ2) and we show that the associated negative generators A p have a bounded H functional calculus for any 1 < p < . ∞ ∞ Let H be a real Hilbert space. In Section 9, we consider the q-deformed von Neumann algebras Γ (H) of Bozejko and Speicher [13, 14], equipped with its canonical trace. To any q 5 contraction a: H H we may associate a second quantization operator Γ (a): Γ (H) q q → → Γ (H), which is a normal unital completely positive map. We consider semigroups defined q by T = Γ (a ), where (a ) is a selfadjoint contraction semigroup on H. This includes the t q t t t 0 ≥ q-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup [9, 11]. These semigroups (T ) are completely positive t t 0 ≥ noncommutative diffusion semigroups and we show that the associated A ’s have a bounded p H functional calculus for any 1 < p < . ∞ ∞ In Section 10 we consider the noncommutative Poisson semigroup of a free group. Let G = F be the free group with n generators and let be the usual length function on G. n |·| Let VN(G) be the group von Neumann algebra and let λ(g) VN(G) be the left trans- ∈ lation operator for any g G. For any t 0, T is defined by T (λ(g)) = e tg λ(g). This t t − | | ∈ ≥ semigroup was introduced by Haagerup [30]. Again this is a completely positive noncom- mutative diffusion semigroup and we prove that that the associated A ’s have a bounded p H functional calculus for any 1 < p < . The proof uses noncommutative martingales in ∞ ∞ the sense of [66], and we establish new square function estimates of independent interest for these martingales. Section 11 is a brief account on the non tracial case. We consider noncommutative Lp- spaces Lp( ,ϕ) associated with a (possibly non tracial) normal faithful state ϕ on , and M M we give several generalizations or variants of the results obtained so far in the semifinite setting. We end this introduction with a few notations. If X is a Banach space, the algebra of all bounded operators on X is denoted by B(X). Further we let I denote the identity operator X on X. We usually let (e ) denote the canonical basis of ℓ2, or any orthonormal family on k k 1 ≥ Hilbert space. Further we let E = e e B(ℓ2) denote the standard matrix units. ij i j ⊗ ∈ We will use the symbol “ ” to indicate that two functions are equivalent up to positive ≍ constants. For example, (1.1) will be abbreviated by x x . Next we will write X Y F k k ≍ k k ≈ to indicate that two Banach spaces X and Y are isomorphic. We refer the reader to e.g. [71] and [41] for the necessary background on C -algebras and ∗ von Neumann algebras. We will make use of UMD Banach spaces, for which we refer to [17]. The main results of the present work were announced in [34]. We refer to related work of Mei’s [56] in the semicommutative case. 6 MARIUSJUNGE, CHRISTIANLE MERDY ANDQUANHUAXU 2. Noncommutative Hilbert space valued Lp-spaces. 2.A. Noncommutative Lp-spaces. We start with a brief presentation of noncommutative Lp-spaces associated with a trace. We mainly refer the reader to [74, Chapter I] and [26] for details, as well as to [67] and the references therein for further information on these spaces. Let be a semifinite von Neumann algebra equipped with a normal semifinite faithful M trace τ. We let denote the positive part of . Let be the set of all x whose + + + M M S ∈ M support projection have a finite trace. Then any x has a finite trace. Let be + ∈ S S ⊂ M the linear span of , then is a w -dense -subalgebra of . + ∗ S S ∗ M Let 0 < p < . For any x , the operator x p belongs to and we set + ∞ ∈ S | | S 1 x = τ( x p) p, x . p k k | | ∈ S 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) Here x = (x x) denotes the modulus of x. It turns out that is a norm on if ∗ 2 p | | k k S p 1, and a p-norm if p < 1. By definition, the noncommutative Lp-space associated with ≥ ( ,τ) is the completion of ( , ). It is denoted by Lp( ). For convenience, we also p M S k k M set L ( ) = equipped with its operator norm. Note that by definition, Lp( ) is ∞ M M M ∩M dense in Lp( ) for any 1 p . M ≤ ≤ ∞ Assume that B( ) acts on some Hilbert space . It will be fruitful to also have a M ⊂ H H description of the elements of Lp( ) as (possibly unbounded) operators on . Let ′ M H M ⊂ B( ) denote the commmutant of . We say that a closed and densely defined operator H M x on is affiliated with if x commutes with any unitary of . Then we say that an ′ H M M affiliated operator x is measurable (with respect to the trace τ) provided that there is a positive integer n 1 such that τ(1 p ) < , where p = χ ( x ) is the projection n n [0,n] ≥ − ∞ | | associated to the indicator function of [0,n] in the Borel functional calculus of x . It turns | | out that the set L0( ) of all measurable operators is a -algebra (see e.g. [74] for a precise M ∗ definition of the sum and product on L0( )). Indeed, this -algebra has a lot of remarkable stability properties. First foranyxinL0(M)andany0 < p∗< , theoperator x p = (x x)p ∗ 2 M ∞ | | belongs to L0( ). Second, let L0( ) be the positive part of L0( ), that is, the set of + M M M all selfadjoint positive operators in L0( ). Then the trace τ extends to a positive tracial M functional on L0( ) , still denoted by τ, in such a way that for any 0 < p < , we have + M ∞ Lp( ) = x L0( ) : τ( x p) < , M ∈ M | | ∞ equipped with x p = (τ( x p))p1. F(cid:8)urthermore, τ uniquely ex(cid:9)tends to a bounded linear k k | | functional on L1( ), still denoted by τ. Indeed we have τ(x) τ( x ) = x for any 1 M | | ≤ | | k k x L1( ). ∈ M For any 0 < p and any x Lp( ), the adjoint operator x belongs to Lp( ) as ∗ well, with x =≤ ∞x . Clearly, w∈e alsMo have that x x Lp( ) and x Lp( )M, with ∗ p p ∗ 2 k k k k ∈ M | | ∈ M x = x . We let Lp( ) = L0( ) Lp( ) denote the positive part of Lp( ). p p + + k| |k k k M M ∩ M M The space Lp( ) is spanned by Lp( ) . + M M 7 WerecallthenoncommutativeH¨olderinequality. If0 < p,q,r aresuchthat 1+1 = 1, ≤ ∞ p q r then (2.1) xy x y , x Lp( ), y Lq( ). r p q k k ≤ k k k k ∈ M ∈ M Conversely for any z Lr( ), there exist x Lp( ) and y Lq( ) such that z = xy, ∈ M ∈ M ∈ M and z = x y . r p q k k k k k k For any 1 p < , let p = p/(p 1) be the conjugate number of p. Applying (2.1) with ′ ≤ ∞ − q = p and r = 1, we may define a duality pairing between Lp( ) and Lp′( ) by ′ M M (2.2) x,y = τ(xy), x Lp( ), y Lp′( ). h i ∈ M ∈ M This induces an isometric isomorphism 1 1 (2.3) Lp( ) = Lp′( ), 1 p < , + = 1. ∗ M M ≤ ∞ p p ′ In particular, we may identify L1( ) with the (unique) predual of . M M∗ M Another remarkablepropertyof noncommutative Lp-spaces which will playacrucial roleis that they form an interpolation scale. By means of the natural embeddings of L ( ) = ∞ M M and L1( ) = into L0( ), one may regard (L ( ),L1( )) as a compatible couple of ∞ M M∗ M M M Banach spaces. Then we have (2.4) [L ( ),L1( )] = Lp( ), 1 p , ∞ 1 M M p M ≤ ≤ ∞ where [ , ] stands for the interpolation space obtained by the complex interpolation method θ (see e.g. [6]). ThespaceL2( )isaHilbertspace, withinnerproductgivenby(x,y) x,y = τ(xy ). ∗ ∗ M 7→ h i We will need to pay attention to the fact that the identity (2.3) provided by (2.2) for p = 2 differs from the canonical (antilinear) identification of a Hilbert space with its dual space. This leads to two different notions of adjoints and we will use different notations for them. Let T: L2( ) L2( ) be any bounded operator. On the one hand, we will denote by T ∗ M → M the adjoint of T provided by (2.3) and (2.2), so that τ T(x)y = τ xT (y) , x, y L2( ). ∗ ∈ M On the other hand, we w(cid:0)ill deno(cid:1)te by(cid:0)T† the(cid:1)adjoint of T in the usual sense of Hilbertian operator theory. That is, τ T(x)y = τ x(T (y)) , x, y L2( ). ∗ † ∗ ∈ M For any 1 p and(cid:0)any T:(cid:1)Lp( (cid:0)) Lp( (cid:1)), let T◦: Lp( ) Lp( ) be defined by ≤ ≤ ∞ M → M M → M (2.5) T (x) = T(x ) , x Lp( ). ◦ ∗ ∗ ∈ M If p = 2, we see from above that (2.6) T = T . † ∗◦ In particular T: L2( ) L2( ) being selfadjoint means that T = T . ∗ ◦ M → M The above notations will be used as well when T is an unbounded operator. 8 MARIUSJUNGE, CHRISTIANLE MERDY ANDQUANHUAXU We finally mention for further use that for any 1 < p < , Lp( ) is a UMD Banach ∞ M space (see [8] or [67, Section 7]). Throughout the rest of this section, ( ,τ) will be an arbitrary semifinite von Neumann M algebra. 2.B. Tensor products. Let H be a Hilbert space. If the von Neumann algebra B(H) is equipped with its usual trace tr, the associated noncommutative Lp-spaces are the Schatten spaces Sp(H) for any 0 < p < . Wewill simply write Sp for Sp(ℓ2). If n 1 is any integer, then B(ℓ2) M , the ∞ ≥ n ≃ n algebra of n n matrices with complex entries, and we will write Sp for the corresponding × n matrix space Sp(ℓ2). n We equip the von Neumann algebra B(H) with the trace τ tr. Then for any M⊗ ⊗ 0 < p < , we let ∞ (2.7) Sp[H;Lp( )] = Lp( B(H)). M M⊗ Again in the case when H = ℓ2 (resp. H = ℓ2), we simply write Sp[Lp( )] (resp. n M Sp[Lp( )] = Lp(M ( ))) for these spaces. These definitions are a special case of Pisier’s n M n M notion of noncommutative vector valued Lp-spaces [62]. Further comments on these spaces and their connection with operator space theory will be given in the paragraph 2.D below. Lemma 2.1. For any 0 < p < , Sp(H) Lp( ) is dense in Sp[H;Lp( )]. ∞ ⊗ M M Proof. Let (p ) be a nondecreasing net of finite rank projections on H converging to I in t t H the w -topology. Then 1 p converges to 1 I in the w -topology of B(H). As is ∗ t H ∗ ⊗ ⊗ M⊗ well-known, this implies that (1 p )x(1 p ) x 0 for any x Lp( B(H)). Each t t p k ⊗ ⊗ − k → ∈ M⊗ H = p (H) is finite dimensional, hence we have t t (1 p )x(1 p ) Lp( B(H )) = Lp( ) Sp(H ) Lp( ) Sp(H) t t t t ⊗ ⊗ ∈ M⊗ M ⊗ ⊂ M ⊗ for any x Lp( ). This shows the density of Sp(H) Lp( ). (cid:3) ∈ M ⊗ M We shall now define various H-valued noncommutative Lp-spaces. For any a,b H, we ∈ ¯ let a b B(H) denote the rank one operator taking any ξ H to ξ,b a. We fix some ⊗ ∈ ∈ h i e H with e = 1, and we let p = e e¯ be the rank one projection onto Span e . Then e ∈ k k ⊗ { } for any 0 < p , we let ≤ ∞ Lp( ;H ) = Lp( B(H))(1 p ). c e M M⊗ ⊗ We will give momentarily further descriptions of that space showing that its definition is essentially independent of the choice of e. For any 0 < p , let us regard ≤ ∞ Lp( ) Lp( ) Sp(H) Lp( B(H)) M ⊂ M ⊗ ⊂ M⊗ as a subspace of Lp( B(H)) by identifying any c Lp( ) with c p . Clearly this is an e M⊗ ∈ M ⊗ isometric embedding. This identification is equivalent to writing that Lp( ) = (1 p )Lp( B(H))(1 p ). e e M ⊗ M⊗ ⊗ 9 For any element u Lp( ;H ) Lp( B(H)), the product u u belongs to the subspace c ∗ (1 p )Lp( B(∈H))(1Mp ) o⊂f Lp(M⊗B(H)). Applying the above identifications for p, ⊗ e 2 M⊗ ⊗ e 2 M⊗ 2 we may therefore regard u u as an element of Lp( ). Hence (u u)1 Lp( ), and we have ∗ 2 ∗ 2 M ∈ M (2.8) kukLp(M;Hc) = (u∗u)21 Lp(M), u ∈ Lp(M;Hc). (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Let u Lp( ) H and let (x ) and (a ) be finite families in Lp( ) and H such that k k k k ∈ M ⊗ M u = x a . Let u˜ Lp( ) Sp(H) be defined by u˜ = x (a e¯). Then the k k ⊗ k ∈ M ⊗ k k ⊗ k ⊗ mapping u u˜ induces a linear embedding P 7→ P Lp( ) H Lp( ;H ). c M ⊗ ⊂ M Moreover the argument for Lemma 2.1 shows the following. Lemma 2.2. For any 0 < p < , Lp( ) H is dense in Lp( ;H ). c ∞ M ⊗ M We shall now compute the norm on Lp( ) H induced by Lp( ;H ). Let us consider c M ⊗ M u = x a as above. Then we have k k ⊗ k P u˜ = x a e¯ and u˜ = x e a¯. k ⊗ k ⊗ ∗ ∗k ⊗ ⊗ k k k X X Hence u˜ u˜ = a ,a x x p . ∗ h j ii ∗i j ⊗ e i,j X According to (2.8), this shows that 1 (2.9) x a = a ,a x x 2 . k ⊗ k Lp( ;Hc) h j ii ∗i j Lp( ) (cid:13)Xk (cid:13) M (cid:13)(cid:16)Xi,j (cid:17) (cid:13) M (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) In the above defi(cid:13)nitions, the(cid:13)index ‘c’ sta(cid:13)nds for ‘column’. In(cid:13)deed, if (e ,...,e ) is an 1 n orthonormal family of H and if x ,...,x belong to Lp( ), it follows from (2.9) that 1 n M x 0 0 (2.10) (cid:13)(cid:13)Xk xk ⊗ek(cid:13)(cid:13)Lp(M;Hc) = (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:16)Xk x∗kxk(cid:17)21(cid:13)(cid:13)Lp(M) = (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) x...n1 0... ······ 0... (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Lp(Mn( )) . (cid:13) (cid:13) M (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Note that according to Lemma 2.2, we can now regard(cid:13)Lp( ;Hc) as the c(cid:13)ompletion of M Lp( ) H for the tensor norm given by (2.9), if p is finite. See Remark 2.3 (2) for the case M ⊗ p = . ∞ We now turn to analogous definitions with columns replaced by rows. Let e H with ∈ e = 1 as above, and let p = e¯ e B(H). For any 0 < p , we let e¯ k k ⊗ ∈ ≤ ∞ Lp( ;H ) = (1 p )Lp( B(H)). r e¯ M ⊗ M⊗ 10 MARIUSJUNGE, CHRISTIANLE MERDY ANDQUANHUAXU Then any of the above results for Lp( ;H ) has a version for Lp( ;H ). In particular, let c r M M u = x a in Lp( ) H, with x Lp( ) and a H. Then identifying u with the k k ⊗ k M ⊗ k ∈ M k ∈ element x e¯ a in Lp( B(H)) yields a linear embedding P k k ⊗ ⊗ k M⊗ Lp( ) H Lp( ;H ), P r M ⊗ ⊂ M and we have 1 (2.11) x a = a ,a x x 2 . k ⊗ k Lp( ;Hr) h i ji i ∗j Lp( ) (cid:13)Xk (cid:13) M (cid:13)(cid:16)Xi,j (cid:17) (cid:13) M (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Thus if (e ,...,e )(cid:13)is an orthon(cid:13)ormal family(cid:13)of H and if x ,...,(cid:13)x belong to Lp( ), then 1 n 1 n M we have x ... x 1 n 1 0 ... 0 2 (2.12) (cid:13)(cid:13)Xk xk ⊗ek(cid:13)(cid:13)Lp(M;Hr) = (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:16)Xk xkx∗k(cid:17) (cid:13)(cid:13)Lp(M) = (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) 0... 0... (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) . (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) ··· (cid:13)Lp(Mn( )) (cid:13) (cid:13) M Moreover for any 0 < p < , Lp( ) H is a dense subs(cid:13)pace of Lp( ;H(cid:13)). ∞ M ⊗ (cid:13) M r(cid:13) Throughout this work, we will have to deal both with column spaces Lp( ;H ) and row c M spaces Lp( ;H ). In most cases, they will play symmetric roles. Thus we will often state r M some results for Lp( ;H ) only and then take for granted that they also have a row version, c M that will be used without any further comment. Remark 2.3. (1) Applying (2.10) and (2.12), we see that 1 x e = x e = x 2 2 k ⊗ k L2( ;Hc) k ⊗ k L2( ;Hr) k kk2 (cid:13)Xk (cid:13) M (cid:13)Xk (cid:13) M (cid:16)Xk (cid:17) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) for any x1,...(cid:13),xn in L2( (cid:13)). Thus L2( (cid:13);Hc) and L(cid:13)2( ;Hr) both coincide with the Hilber- M M M tian tensor product of L2( ) and H. M (2)Thespace L ( ;H ) B(H)isw -closed, andarguingasintheproofofLemma ∞ c ∗ M ⊂ M⊗ 2.1, it is clear that H L ( ;H ) is w -dense. Indeed if (e ) is a basis of H for ∞ c ∗ i i I M⊗ ⊂ M ∈ some set I, then L ( ;H ) coincides with the well-known space of all families (x ) in ∞ c i i I M ∈ such that M 1 (x ) = sup x x 2 : J I finite < . i i∈I L∞(M;Hc) ∗i i ⊂ ∞ (cid:13) (cid:13) n(cid:13)(cid:16)Xi∈J (cid:17) (cid:13)M o (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (3) Let E : i,j 1 be the stan(cid:13)dard matrix(cid:13)units on B(ℓ2), and let (e ) be the ij k k 1 { ≥ } ≥ canonical basis of ℓ2. It follows either from the definition of Lp( ;ℓ2), or from (2.10), that M c for any finite family (x ) in Lp( ), we have k k M x e = E x . k k k1 k ⊗ Lp( ;ℓ2) ⊗ Sp[Lp( )] (cid:13)Xk (cid:13) M c (cid:13)Xk (cid:13) M (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) A similar result holds true for row norms. (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)

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