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Hindi Sarva Darshan Sangraha Umashankar Sharma Rishi PDF

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Preview Hindi Sarva Darshan Sangraha Umashankar Sharma Rishi

a SaIPIAT A LOOAAT 998 abqoiaeine: : avftfine ware’ feedraredier: — Ste sarataraat Saft erastersteation, veniaraarery 2 daar Raaaaranat-9 watt 1p firme fy ntisa nitenarcat (ie 2227-2008, fio) a Faas otraeg 7 aq area wa, dew he ewe a foe 9 7 am var FOREWORD Dr. Siddheswar Bhattacharya Me Aa Phe D. (Land yD, X16 arta o Gig sasyac, Sree (Gaertn ) Moyurbban] Professor of Sanskrit @ Head of the Dept of Sanskrit and Pol, ‘onaras Hindu Unters. ‘The Sarvacdtiana-suingrabs by the great Madhavichirys is uniqoe composition in the realm of Indian philosophical thought, With singular stroke of genius, MUdhavdchisya ransacked all pomsble sources sanging from the Vedas down tobis contemporaries to make is work as representative as posible, Tt therefore, embodies what India, in its unabated ‘philosophical speculations for more than 2000 years, has produced, Midhavichisya trings into prominence the salient Fatuies of as many as 16 sizeasos of philosophical thought. m4 language which is both precise wad forceful he organises the matarials and marshalls them into a logical Miererhy t0 fend altinately to absolute monism, ‘To introduce such a masterly work to the scholarly world requires n0 apology. Unfortuaately, it received scanty atlen- tion from posterity in the sense that not a single commentary C2) inSansheit was writen wpon it so fir, wile the commentators ‘were lavish open Kes important compositions. Thaoks to Lhe piooesting attempt of Mm. Vasudeva Shastri Abhyankar, the trork has since been endowed with a remarkable commentary Tovides avery useful introduction and appendixes, Never: holes, itias remained so far a closed book to the general reader havg litle or a0 ascessto Sanskrit. A Hind transla- tion of the work published from Bomboy wasof 9 serious consequence in its propagation. “Under the circumstances; the edition by Shri Uma Shankar Sharmn, Lectures) PostGraduate Department of Sanskrit, Paine University, deserves congrotlations, Shri Shares ’has posed his Hindi translation upon the commentary of Mx Vist deva Shasi.Hebus given a couple of introductions, one i Bogtih and the other in Hindl, besides giving as many a8 Bve appendixes useful for both the specialit and the common reader, Shei Sharme's-occasionél notes and the wosidity with trhich fe has given translation willbe a ip to the philoso ‘ies tleeatute in Hind Shri Sharma has spent one han, fc years over hin venture to make it as useful 9s possible and has hus brought w modeen mind to bear upon its excention have no doube that a work like this will do credit both 19 Shri Sharma an aldo to the Chowkhambs Sansbrit Series. Varasti 1 aes Date, the 1h Jane, 1964. 9 ee ‘aigiewitaiantinn angpiinerand of fom earth aeUCT ree ( afer No TeTRTETA ) ik mIRC aaedriag st vege fetter Fr reagde eee: rete a Ba oe Be feet crear Hag oe rts Ba ag ae arene te amie fe fied wr ofer W ege feat in ‘gaat oof & fag sfrer fram ifs fact gear we aif ate svi gare aed osraz, sheer aq ge ate st rT weqn sc Err os pat fn ot ow arate were Bi Sif etiat sirens awh fo te Bar oT gw sae sis rom, oe ere fat era ee eT tet ser ee are mat ere eer ae Fe evar) rsp ne gar fe ew afrere atc ag sone Saat oe wep ere: OF Fig sf er eorren 2, ea Fear ereremne ae Ga some Bee gens een er Resmere wegree fear gee ate onde H afk er ore safes con rar araare @,&t ot stents Rare 1 tm, oer ae Se eg ae aoe amar oa RY we oe Siags gene geen wont om Rava fret feet © ser ge ema acer aoa Toe AR ae oY A aT HY weet nc cmnr ee Her cee feel era sxgarg aft fe Bow meg re Eat fe er Gat oT SE pay chesos tate armen ar onccien Se Pre cr) siemr) gi et Bie marae Fem ere ac ee Sais awa seer cat rere co socafier sf ge five wor wats ekccndag eg cree ft 8, cao eres $8 emer Syeda atc as & ate Rar end be neevargis exert sega se Ber gt cain nd U1 wre cele ae eee sear 8 soharht f sees ot ace cere t es fee St neg eek Bae one en re a age ase Booey eect cad mee ae eeTe co mreeTs 8 seh oh ag Fe woe et male SG, Gua gu ant sot ete @ ok sagen re & ages # ere 8 a rere dist ene afeueem sr gt apa, ost age dee at seer Fe FG A eT Tere Re TCE Te arin coy QF Bae RTT A ame Femr Bir ware Seam A apie afew 8 fen OSL eee A f° fy hg ener ave Fes & ae ae Bt eng meh et are par Bw we nee i wl rita steal F ceele organs enon gar RL OH sat dts errseere ot eer aren afer at Bree ede te sc sr erre rege wet png mer naT Ree shot 8 re a (sifen oe Peer) eee ee [ ete sire Rest] arr en stereo ate Rg st ceee sem oie ernie @ ont @ emerenr # te oe Serra ed terse & scare att sceeegere ara @ enh amt! ve Ssror esr ox ‘cw? ah amr 81 e garry

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