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Hind Wing Polymorphism Confirmed in the Coloninae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) PDF

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by  NishikawaM
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Preview Hind Wing Polymorphism Confirmed in the Coloninae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae)

Elytra,Tokyo,38(2):267!269,November13,2010 Hind Wing Polymorphism Confirmed in the Coloninae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) Masaaki NISHIKAWA Kashiwagaya1112!16,Ebina,243!0402Japan [email protected] Abstract The occurrence of a hind wing polymorphism in the subfamily Coloninaeisconfirmedforthefirsttime. Nothinghaspreviouslybeenknownontheoccurrenceofhindwingatrophyinany colonine beetle species, despite the existence of apterous condition ordinarily known in awiderangeofotherleiodidsubfamilyspecies(cf.N:LIDC,2005). Recently,Ifound some specimens of a brachypterous Colon species besides a specimen of macropterous conditionfromtheKamchatkaPeninsulaandSiberiainmycollection.Thesespecimens agreed with Colon (Eurycolon) latum KG66IO. This species has a record of its trivial flight observed in Czech (FA:>H8=:G, 1903) and a widespread distributional range extending from Europe to Siberia (P:GG:6J, 2004). Very recently, the species was newly recorded from the Lazovsky Nature Reserve near Vladivostok, the Russian Far East (R˚JˇO>ˇ8@6, 2009). It is therefore likely to be considered showing as a northern Palaearctic distribution in a zoogeographical pattern, though unrecorded areas among Asian localities are spacious. As for specimens of R˚JˇO>ˇ8@6’ record, their hind wings wereconfirmedasbrachypterouscondition,whichwasalsoconfirmed in those of some localities in Central and Southeastern Europe, while specimens of macropterous condi- tion were less commonly coexisting with them only at a few localities (R˚JˇO>ˇ8@6, pers. comm.). I therefore show herein the occurrence of a hind wing polymorphism in the subfamily Coloninae for the first time. This brief paper is published to promote additional observations of the hind wing condition in colonine collections worldwide, because the condition has not been used as their diagnostic character (e.g., SONB8O6@DLH@>,1969),andconsequentlyhaspossiblybeenignoredfrommorphologi- cal observations of these specimens. Colon (Eurycolon) latum KG66IO, 1850 (Figs.1!2) Brachypterous specimens examined. 1!, Berikul [ca. 56.2092!N 87.0572!E], Kuznetzkiy Alatau, W. Siberia, Russia, 1!VI!1982, V. EGNH=DK leg.; 2"", near Esso 268 MasaakiN>H=>@6L6 Figs.1!2. Colon (Eurycolon) latum KG66IO, showing hind wing conditions.""1, Macropterous condition,",fromKuralzhychaVillage,S.UralskiyKhrebet,Russia;2,brachypterouscondition (0.43mminlength),",fromSyrostanVillage,S.UralskiyKhrebet. Village [ca. 55.9333!N 158.7!E], 600m in alt., Kamchatskaya Oblast, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, 7!VII!2002; 1!, 1", Kuralzhycha Village [Kuramshina?; ca. 55.1639!N 60.8378!E], Kyschtym District, Chelyabinskaya Oblast, S. Uralskiy Khre- bet,Russia,5!VII!2000;1!,3"",SyrostanVillage[ca.55.0608!N59.9028!E],Miass District,ChelyabinskayaOblast,S.UralskiyKhrebet,11!VI!2000;3!!,11"", same locality, 12!VI!2000. Macropterous specimen examined. 1", Kuralzhycha Village, Kyschtym District, ChelyabinskayaOblast,S.UralskiyKhrebet,5!VII!2000.(Allthespecimensexamined are in my collection.) Discussion. The hind wing conditions of the specimens examined and their situationsinEuropestronglysuggestthatC.latumclearlyconsistsofmacropterousand brachypterous individuals probably showing a geographical cline of their ratio in each population of its distributional range. The cline expected in this case is similar to the geographicalclineofawingdimorphismdisplayedin certain North European carabids (U9K6G9N,1969)butthegeographicalpatternofthecaseisstillunclearjudgingfrom the present knowledge. Concerning the brachypterous specimens examined, their hind wings are undoubtedly reduced irrespective of the sex, varying the length even in HindWingPolymorphismintheColoninae 269 sympatricspecimens. ForexampleinspecimensfromSyrostan,theirwingsarereduced inlengthasfollows:0.1!0.2mmin2!!and5"",0.2!0.3mmin4"",0.3!0.4mmin 1!and2"",0.4!0.5mmin3"",and0.5!0.6mmin1!. Similarvariationswerealso observedinthoseofspecimensfromSlovakiaandLazovskyNatureReserve(R˚JˇO>ˇ8@6, pers. comm.). In any case, additional confirmation of wing conditions throughout the distribu- tionalrangeofthisspeciesisrequiredtoreinforcethepredictionandobservationsbased on geographically sporadic specimens. IwishtoexpressmydeepgratitudetoDr.JanR˚JˇO>ˇ8@6oftheCzechAgricultural University,Praha,forgivingmenotonlytheinformationofhindwingconditionsatmy requestbutalsoimportantcommentsontheearlydraftofthispaper. Specialthanksare alsoduetoDr.Shun-IchiU´:CDoftheNationalMuseumofNatureandScience,Tokyo, forcriticallyreadingthe manuscript of this paper. Thanks are due to Messrs. Eduard Ya. and Oleg B:GADK, Irkutsk, for supplying with specimens which led me to the discovery of these phenomena. ! " !"#$% &’()*+,-.,/0 123*43567892.,0: ;<=>?@ABC DEF""67892.,0;GHIJ/0KLMN;ABOPQRSTUVIJ;WXXYZ [\&’()*+,-.,/0RS;]\^_‘aXbJABKcdefWgZ?habXi@F jKk\ ,lmnoKColon(Eurycolon)latumKG66IOKpqKrstuTvBwx‘yJjs Oz{|@K‘\ }~(cid:127)(cid:128)(cid:129)K(cid:130)(cid:131)GKw(cid:132)sOyY(cid:133)h\ q/0;(cid:134)(cid:135)JABCDEKUVO (cid:136)(cid:137)h(cid:138)(cid:139)|@F >Z;\ cdefK(cid:140)(cid:141)K<=ssW;q(cid:142);](cid:143)o(cid:144)(cid:145)K(cid:146)B(cid:147)vB(cid:148)(cid:149)K (cid:150)(cid:151);(cid:144)(cid:152)(cid:153)(cid:154)(cid:155)(cid:156)(cid:157)T(cid:158)(cid:159)haJ(cid:160)¡ETyJK‘\ G¢pqK£⁄¥Kƒ§EO¤'|@F References FA:>H8=:G, A., 1903. Flugzeit von Colon und Liodes in Bilowitz und Adamsthal in der Umgebung von Br¨unn. Wien.ent.Ztg.,22:259!268. N:LIDC, A.F., 2005. Leiodidae FA:B>C<, 1821. In B:JI:A, R.G., & R.A.B. L:H8=:C (vol. eds.), Handbook of Zoology. Coleoptera, Beetles. 1: Morphology and Systematics (Archostemata, Adephaga, Myxophaga,Polyphagapartim),269!280. WalterdeGruyter,Berlin. P:GG:6J,M.,2004. FamilyLeiodidaeFA:B>C<,1821. InL¨D7A,I.,&A.SB:I6C6(eds.),Catalogueof PalaearcticColeoptera,2:133!203.ApolloBooks,Stenstrup. R˚JˇO>ˇ8@6, J.,2009. FamilyLeiodidae"smallcarrionbeetles. InSIDGDO=:C@D,S.Yu.(ed.), Insectsof LazovskyNatureReserve,116!118. Dalnauka,Vladivostok.(InRussian.) SONB8O6@DLH@>, W., 1969. Die mitteleurop¨aischen Arten der Gattung Colon H:G7HI (Coleoptera, Colonidae). Ent.Abh.Mus.Tierk.Dresden,36:303!339. U9K6G9N,M.D.F.,1969. DynamicZoogeographywithSpecialReferencetoLandAnimals.xviii“445pp., 4pls.VanNostrandReinhold,NewYork.

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