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Preview Himalmartensus, a new genus of the spider family Amaurobiidae from Nepal (Araneae)

2008. The Journal ofArachnology 36:241-250 Himalmarlemus^ a new genus of the spider family Amaurobiidae from Nepal (Araneae) Xin-Ping Wang and Ming-Sheng Zhu; College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Abstract. A new genus ofAmaurobiidae, Himalmartensus, is described from Nepal, and includes three species: the type species H. marteminewspecies, H. ausohskyinewspecies, and H. uepalensisnewspecies. Membersofthisnewgenuscan be separated from otheramaurobiid generaby thecombination ofthe followingcharacters: the presence ofacolulus, a single chilum, smooth trichobothrial bases, and simple tracheal tubes. Both promargin and retromargin of Himalnuirtciisus cheliceraehave5-8teethandthefemaleepigynum ismodifiedwith longandloopingcopulatoryducts.Thespinneretsofall three new species are described and tracheal tubes ofH. martensi are examined. Spinnerets, colulus, chilum and tracheal tubes ofHimalmartensusare compared to similar genera, including amaurobiids, agelenids, and cybaeids. Hiimilniarten.sii.s is defined as a member ofthe family Amaurobiidae because ofits similarity to the amaurobiids Ruhrius and Macrohumts. Keywords: Taxonomy, new species, Himalayas The definition of the family Amaurobiidae Thorell 1870 is texture of the small trichobothrial hood, plus the presence of fraught with problems (Griswold 1990). Lehtinen (1967) PMS paracribellar spigots and PLS modified spigot (amaur- attempted to define the Amaurobiidae, Agelenidae, and other obiid PLS spigot of Wang 2000), are unique and define families of his superfamily Amaurobioidea but his treatment Amaurobiiis (the type genus of the family) and related genera suffered from a vagueness of character definition (Griswold including, at least, Callohius Chamberlin 1947, Piimts Cham- 1990). Griswold also indicates that the problem of defining berlin 1947 and Taira Lehtinen 1967. This “true Amaurobii- Amaurobiidae becomes one of discovering synapomorphies dae” group has been tested phylogenetically by Griswold et al. and any taxon assigned to the Amaurobiidae should be (2005). As a result, the family Amaurobiidae includes at least demonstrably related to the type genus of the family, the abovegenera, and morearelikely to be included withmore Amaurobiiis C.L. Koch 1837. Griswold (1990), the author detailed analysis that is beyond the scope of this study. who most recently tried to define Amaurobiidae, defines the Wu et. al (2002) analyzed 12S rRNA gene sequences using 2 family as having a divided cribellum, the simple, sclerotized amaurobiid species, Coelotes plancyi Simon 1880 and Tam- retrolateral and dorsal tibial processes on the male palp, and grinia tibetana (Hu & Li 1987) and 2 agelenid species of the two rows ofmetatarsal and a single rowoftarsal trichobothria genus Agelena and concluded that Coelotes is more closely (sensu Lehtinen 1967). Since then, the subfamily Phyxelidinae related to Tamgriuia than to Agelena. However, in another Lehtinen 1967 from Africa has been elevated to family study (Bi et al. 2005) that used 18S and 28S rRNA in an Phyxelididae and placed as sister group of Titanoecidae by attempt to resolve the phylogenetic position of Coelotinae, Griswold et al. (1999). The currently included members ofthe four taxa from two amaurobiid and two agelenid genera (e.g., family Amaurobiidae are still globally distributed (Platnick Draconarius, Coelotes, Agelena, and Alloagelena) were used 2008), including at least the Holarctic genera ofthe subfamily and results indicated that Coelotes + Draconarius are more Coelotinae F.O. Pickard-Cambridge 1893, the Holarctic closely related to Agelena + Alloagelena than to Tamgrinia, Amaurohiiis C.L. Koch 1837 and related genera, the Holarctic suggesting {Tamgrinia({Coelotes, Draconarius)(Agelena, Alloa- Wu genus Arctohius Lehtinen 1967, the Neotropical Macrohumis gelena))), which is in conflict with the findings of et al. Tullgren 1901, Rubrius Simon 1887 and related genera, and a (2002). More recently, the analyses by Spagna & Gillespie few other genera from Africa. The relationship of Amaur- (2008) using molecular data of non-orb-weaving spiders obiidae to other families has for a long time been, and suggested a sister group relationship between Coelotinae and remains, one of the major cladistic problems in spider Ageleninae, which is consistent with the conclusion ofBi et al. taxonomy (Coddington & Levi 1991). The intrafamilial (2005). Spagna & Gillespie (2008) found that Agelenidae relationships and monophyly of Amaurobiidae have only (including Ageleninae and Coelotinae) could be the sister to recently begun to be addressed usingmorphological (Griswold Hahniidae -i- Cybaeidae related taxa. In addition to agelenids et al. 2005) and molecular data (Wu et al. 2002; Bi et al. 2005; and coelotines, Spagna & Gillespie also selected four taxa for Spagna & Gillespie 2008). However, these works use only a analyses from three “true amaurobiids” genera (e.g., Aniaiir- limited numberofrepresentative amaurobiid taxa and, clearly, obius, Callohius, and Pimus) and found none of them was further phylogenetic work is urgently needed. closely related to Coelotinae. Unfortunately, other lineages of Griswold (1990) addressed the higher level taxonomic current Amaurobiidae species were not sampled by Spagna & question of the familial relationships of Phyxelidinae by Gillespie (2008) (e.g., Ruhrius and Macrobunus related species emphasizing four character systems: the nature of the from South America, the Holarctic Arctohius, and Tamgrinia cribellum; the presence, form, number, and position of from the Himalayan region) and their phylogenetic place- processes on the male palpal tibia; the pattern of tarsal and ments, either related to Agelenidae or to Amaurobiidae, still metatarsal trichobothria; and the form ofthe tracheal system. need further investigation. The synapomorphies of current In examining those structures, we found that the striated Agelenidae (including Coelotinae) are still unknown, but some 241 —— 242 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY may be found in their spinneret structures. Both Ageleninae More photos ofthe type specimens included in this paper can and Coelotinae are ecribellate spiders and build similarfunnel- be viewed from the website http://www.ChineseSpecies.com shaped webs (and also the cribellate amaurobiid genus which was created and maintained by Shu-Qiang Li and Xin- Tamgrinia) (Wang 2002, 2003), although the webs of Ping Wang. Coelotinae appear to be much smaller. It seems likely that The types are deposited in the Senckenberg Museum, species ofthe cribellate Tamgrinia are also related to agelenids Frankfurt, Germany (SMF). Abbreviations: AC = aciniform and coelotines. spigots; ALE = anterior lateral eyes; ALS = anterior lateral When we first examined the three amaurobiid species spinneret; AME = anterior median eyes; CY = cylindrical collected from Nepal and included in this paper, their generic spigots; mAP = minor ampuHate spigots; MAP = major placement was puzzling. Aftereight years ofa failed search for ampullate spigots; PI = piriform spigots; PLE = posterior male specimens in hopes ofobtaining additional characters to lateral eyes; PLS = posterior lateral spinneret; PME = support theirgeneric status, we decided to publish the material posterior median eyes; PMS = posterior median spinneret. on hand as a new genus, Himalmartensus, based only on SYSTEMATICS females. Hopefully males will be found in the future based on our published female information. Even without male palpal Family Amaurobiidae Thorell 1870 characters, the differences between Himalmartensus new genus Himalmartensus Wang & Zhu new genus and other current amaurobiid and agelenid members are obvious. We defined this new genus as a member ofthe family Type species. Himalmartensus martensi Wang & Zhu new Amaurobiidae because ofits similarity to amaurobiid Riibrius species. — and Macrobimm, despite the large geographic distance Other species. Himalmartensus ausohskyi Wang & Zhu between them. Of course, the phylogenetic placement of new species and H. nepalensis Wang & Zhu new species. — Riibriiis and Macrohimus related amaurobiids needs to be Etymology. The genus is named in honor of Jochen evaluated further. Of the similar genera (Table 1), the new Martens (Mainz, Germany) for his contribution of amaur- genus Himalmartensus is similar to Riibrius and some obiid specimens that were collected from his Himalayan Macrohimus species by having a single hairy colulus (Figs. 9, expeditions. These specimens included a new coelotine genus 27, 29), rather than a cribellum found in “true amaurobiids,” (HimalcoelotesWang2002) and 10 species ofthisgenus (Wang Tamgrinia, Arctobiiis, and some Macrobuinis, or two patches 2002). Another 38 coelotines, including 36 new species, have of setae as in the subfamily Coelotinae, Ageleninae, and the been recognized from Martens material and will be published family Cybaeidae. Anothersimilarity between Himalmartensus soon. The gender is masculine. new genus and Riibrius is the smooth large hood of the Diagnosis. Himalmartensus new genus can be diagnosed trichobothrial base (Figs. 12, 26, 51), being either longitudi- from other amaurobiids, agelenids, andgenera ofother related AMS nally or transversely striated in other studied taxa. But the families by at least: (1) represented by colulus as in four simple tracheal tubes in Himalmartensus new genus Riibrius and some Macrobunus species; (2) single chilum, as in (Fig. 36) differ from the strongly branched tracheal tubes in Rubrius, and Amaurobius-tddtltd genera; (3) smooth trichobo- Riibrius. While in Cyhaeusjilinensis (Song et al. 1993), there thrial base, as in Rubrius and agelenids, all others being either are only two tracheal tubes, which are strongly branched longitudinally or transversely striated, and (4) four simple (Fig. 61). In addition, the female epigynum ofHimalmartensus tracheal tubes, but branched tubes in Cybaeus, Rubrius and new genus is modified with long and loopingcopulatory ducts. Macrobunus. In addition, both the promargin and retromargin Similar coiled copulatory ducts are observed in coelotine of Himalmartensus new genus have 5-8 teeth and the lutidentus-groii'g species and also in some Cybaeidae species, epigynum is mo—dified with long and loopingcopulatory ducts. for example, Cybaeina minuta (Banks 1906), but the species of Description. Females: Medium size ecribellate spiders, Himalmartensus new genus show no evidence of complex with total length 8-10 mm. Carapaceelongate, reddish brown, sperniathecal pore structures as in Cybaeidae. According to slightly narrowed in ocular area, sparsely covered with short, Bennett (1992), the complex spermathecal pore structures are long black setae; few strong setae on clypeus, ocular area, and also absent in Coelotinae and other amaurobiids. middle carapace; longitudinal fovea moderately depressed. Legs moderately long. Abdomen dark brown, with dark METHODS maculation, heavily covered with short setae (Figs. 3, 14, 15, All measurements are in millimeters. Unless indicated 23, 33, 37, 45). Spinnerets short. From dorsal view, anterior mm otherwise, all scale bars are 0.2 length. Legs are not eye row slightly procurved, posterior row procurved; eye sizes measured. Spinnerets, trichobothria, and tarsal organs are and arrangements: AME smallest, ALE and PLE largest and examined using SEM. Other photos are taken from the subequal, PME larger than AME, AME-AME separated by Olympus Stereo Scope eyepiece using a Nikon Coolpix 4500 approximately AME diameter, AME-ALE widely separated camera. Prior to SEM examination, the specimens were either by approximately 1-1.5 AME diameter, ALE-PLE separated air-dried or critical point dried and coated. Tracheal tubes by approximately their radius, PME-PLE and PME-PME were examined using Griswold’s (1990) method. The spigot distinctly separated by approximately 1.5-2 times PME names used in the text and figures follow Coddington (1989) diameter, AME-PME widely separated by at least 2 times and Griswold (1990). The distribution map was generated AME diameter (Figs. 6, 16, 42). Clypeus height 1.5-2 times using GIS ArcView software and the .dbf files of the studied AME diameter, covered with long, strong setae; chilum species are downloadable from http://www.amaurobiidae. undivided, hairless (Figs. 6, 16). Chelicerae with 6-7 promar- com, which is published and maintained by Xin-Ping Wang. ginai teeth, the basal ones largest, and 5-8 retromarginal teeth, t WANG & Z\\\3—HIMALMARTENSUS, A NEW AMAUROBIIDAE GENUS 243 2 2 ^ 00 o a II" ^^ I2 E on (M - M -o' XG) XG Ga ,So 2 G §•bSo O2S W)ZT Cc<GGQjo ooC^oo^ X X X"G0GO) ^zss#sO(N X2G .-o5dn 5eoeb.-G3So oOsOn XoG s c3 G a. g§ 0c0<o^N "Oa S f2 XG XG Ga .o5n (G-* G S 4- a ^S o0n0 X X S XG XC 20)^ Oo OO GW G G •S Son osn 0O*^ u Xc3 XG .'bosnO XosooOn X2G 2"o*dn- ’OsoOSn £25S(cnD'>X -"£(G2dU X33o^n TOGbbranched (U -bCE-"x3^ —(1) 2 ^ X 2 OS 3-O^SiS^n -3d -cI2nJ, ^(GD X0C^«0X-o(oU ^O> 2005) I oo XG XGG XG 'GOob ,o S ^I ^r? al. s 5 si _ aS« I2o sp.) 0. M^'oc^-'SO osOGn— XsG O^t •^O*-J^ O(‘N^ Pimus s G u. ^Oo 1 X21^1>1 XGs XC •QUGdji O *0 G G D. 'iGs «n a •=s s 1Sb<p XXo 2X"^GO XwGSoGn XGCQcnJ •’<UQdg,D, ,.o5o§n ^3s -<ou c G -(oD si (oUn (oDn 00 G iS OaD 1a) G in o 8 -^=C5): ss^: "2aO> c G 0^on n2i <o !> da (aD 0G0 .» -5 a I I "O S /) I I 2’(>U 0G0 •Gc S 3 ,o G .X02 2q2j •SrOGcri "IcSn '.XoS2n ^2X60) O 11^^ •^iOHX X<3u X"^gQ-g^g^-3^(cUn H H H — ——— 244 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 4, 5. Himalmartensus ausobskyi new species, female holotype(#44) fromJiri valley, Dholakha District, Nepal, drawings. 4. Epigynum, ventral view; 5. Epigynum, dorsal view. — Distribution. Nepal (Fig. 53). Himalmartensus ausobskyi Wang & Zhu new species Figs. 1-13, 53 — Type specimens. NEPAL: holotype female, Dholakha District, Jiri valley, elev. 2600-3000 m, oak forest, 86°14'E, Figures 1-3. Himalmartensus aitsohskyi new species, female 27°37'N, 16 January 1970, J. Martens (SMF, #44); 1 female holotype (# 44) from Jiri valley, Dholakha District, Nepal, photos. paratype, Lalitpur District, Phulclioki Mt., foot-hills near 1. Epigynum, ventral view; 2. Epigynum, dorsal view; 3. Habitus, Godavari, elev. 1770 m, 85°23'E, 27°36'N, 19 March 1980. J. dorsal view. Martens & A. Ausobsky (SMF, #105). — with basal large and distal small; condyle large; dorsal Etymology. The specific name is after Albert Ausobsky, one of the collectors ofthe type specimens. clielicerae covered with long setae, with strongly elevated Diagnosis. H. ausobskyi resembles H. nepalensis in having base; chelicerae ventrally flat, with proximal short setae and long spermathecal stalks (short in H. martensi), with long inner long, fine setae; fangs moderately long; anterior face of copulatory ducts that loop around spermathecal stalks at least cheliceraecovered with dense, long, strongsetae (Figs. 22, 44). four times, and the narrow, less sclerotized posterior plate of Endites elongated, with anterior scopula and linear serrula. Labium longer than wide, slightly notched distally. Sternum atrium. The spermathecal stalks of this species converge shield-shaped, sparsely covered with long dark setae, heavily gradually while extending anteriorly (Figs. 2, 5), rather than sclerotized (Figs. 7, 17, 43). Legs medium length, I, IV longest, converging imm—ediately as in H. nepalensis. almost subequal, leg III shortest; trochanters not notched; Description. Flolotype female: Total length 11.3. Carapace ttairbsiiaewiwtihthonaeboruotwfooufrtrriocwhsobootfhrtirai;chtorbiocthhroibao;thrmieatatwairtshibaontdh 4E.y8e0 slioznegs,a3n.d60iwntiedred.isAtabndceosm:eAnM6.E50alnodngP,M4.E90awpipdreox(iFmiagt.e3l)y. Tltaharrrgeseealacnloadrwgssa,mnaslwuliptehhroisooidrmspcllseamwoosopetwnhii,tnhngo8(t-Fi1sg0tsr.itae1te3et,dh;2(8Fs,icgo5s2p.)u.l1aT2,ear2sa6ib,swe5in1tt)h;. es0.aa1cm6he, oAAstiLMzheeE,ErA0bL.y2E62,/l3ParoMgfeEsitt,s0.Pd1iL7a,EmPePstMlLeirEEg,ht0fl.yr20os)mm;aAlAlLeMrEEtbhsyaenpslaAirLgahtEteldy(mfAorMroEem slepginastpiionnatpiaotnteronf;tefnemuvrar;ieIspOa-m0o-2n,gdli-n1d-iv0i;duIaIlsp,O-0t-yp1i,cadll-l1e-g AthManEAdiMamEe-tdeAiraL;mEePtMerE, afnrdoAmPMLEE-wPiMdbeEylyaspeppraorxaiPtmeMadtEe(-lAyPMM1E.E5-tAiMmeEs p0;O-i0n-1p,O-V02--12-,2;dlI-I1I-p0O;-0I-V1,dlv-l1--20-;2;tiIbVia;d1I-p0O--0;0-r1l,-1v-20-,2-v2l;-1I-I 0P.M10E,-PLE 0.34) (F0i.g2.1,6). Chelicerae w0i.t2h5,6 promarginal,0.a3n1d, 2; metatarsus; I v2-2-2; II v2-2-2; III pO-1-1, rO-1-1, v2-2-2; 8 retromarginal teeth. Apex of ALS with 2 major ampullate IV dO-0-1, vl-I-2. Tracheal tubes simple, limited to gland spigots (MAP) and approximately 44 piriform gland abdomen; spiracle situated close to spinnerets and connected spigots (PI); PMS with 2 minor ampullate gland spigots to relatively narrow atrium from which two lateral and two (mAP), 2 aciniform gland spigots (AC), 2 cylindrical gland median tubes arise (Fig. 36). Colulus present, covered with hairs (Figs. 9, 27); ALS short, apex with 2 major ampullate gland spigots (MAP) and 41-55 piriform gland spigots (PI); PMS small, with 2 minor ampullate gland spigots (mAP), 2 aciniform gland spigots (AC), and 1-3 cylindrical gland spigots (CY); PLS second segment short, with approximately 6-17 aciniform gland spigots, and 2 cylindrical gland spigots (Figs. 8-11, 29-32, 47-50). Epigynum simple, atrium small, situated close to epigastric furrow; copulatory ducts long, with 3-7 loops around spermathecae; spermathecae with bases relatively large, widely separated, anteriorly converging with spermathecal heads almost touching each other (Figs. 1, 2, 4, Figures 6, 7. Himalmartensus ausobskyi new species, female 5, 18-21, 24, 34, 35, 38-41, 46). holotype (# 44) from Jiri valley, Dholakha District, Nepal, photos. Males: unknown. 6. Eyes and chilum, dorsal view; 7. Sternum area, ventral view. WANG & Zm^—HIMALMARTENSUS, A NEW AMAUROBIIDAE GENUS 245 — Figures 14-16. Hinuilnuirtcnsiis nmrtensi new species, female holotype (# 36) from Kathmandu District, Kathmandu valley, Balaju Park, Nepal, photos. 14. Habitus, dorsal view; 15. Habitus, lateral view; 16. Eyes and chilum, dorsal view. approximately their width; spermathecal stalks extend anteri- orly, converging gradually, with distal ends close together (Figs 1, 2, 4, 5). Males unknown. — Distribution. Nepal (Dholakha, Lalitpur) (Fig. 53). Himalmaitensus marteiisi Wang & Zhu new species Figs. 14-36, 53 — Type specimens. NEPAL: holotype female, Kathmandu District, Kathmandu valley, Balaju Park, elev. 1400 m, holFoitgyuprees{8#-1414).—fHruonmalJniuriirvtaelnlseuy,s DahuosloahkskhyaiDinsetrwicts,peNceipesa,l,fSemEaMl,e f8e5°m1a7l'eEp,ar2a7t°y4p4e',N,Lam1jMimagyDi1s9t7r3i,ct,J.MaMrasrytaenndsi(vSalMlFey,, b#e3t6w)e;en1 s1p1.inPneMrSe.ts in ventral view. 8. ALS (left); 9. Colulus; 10. PLS (left); T1a8l50amn,d 8D4h°a2r1a'pE,ani28,°1f7o'reNs,t 1r2emAnparnilts19i8n0.goJr.geM,aretleevn.s 1&58A0.- Ausobsky (SMF, #136); 1 female paratype, Ilan District, Mai spigots (CY); PLS with approximately 6 aciniform gland Pokhari, elev. 2100-2200 m, Castganopsis forest remnants, spigots, and 2 cylindrical gland spigots (Figs. 8-11). Epigy- 87°55'E, 26°58'N, 9-10 April 1988, J. Martens & W. num with small atrium; atrium with narrow, less sclerotized Schawaller (SMF, #319, tracheal tubes examined); 1 female posterior plate; copulatory ducts originate posteriorly between paratype, MyagdiDistrict, southern Dhaulagiri range, Bobang the spermathecal bases, extending anteriorly, each looping around the long and converging spermathecal stalks at least four times; spermathecae with large bases separated by — — Figures 17-19. Himalnuirtcusus nuirtensi new species, female Figures 12, 13. Hinuilmtirtensus ausohskyi new species, female holotype (# 36) from Kathmandu District, Kathmandu valley, holotype (# 44) fromJiri valley, Dholakha District, Nepal, SEM. 12. Balaju Park, Nepal, photos. 17. Sternum area, ventral view; 18. Trichobothrium; 13. Tarsal organ. Epigynum, ventral view; 19. Epigynum, dorsal view. —— — 246 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 20-22. Himalnuirtensus martensi new species, female holotype (# 36) from Kathmandu District, Kathmandu valley, Balaju Park, Nepal, drawings. 20. Epigynum, ventral view; 21. Epigynuin, dorsal view; 22. Chelicera, ventral view. S of Dhorpatan, elev. 2500 m, 26 April-1 May 1970, J. Martens (SMF, ^^3); 1 female paratype, Makmvaiipiir District, Mahabarat Mts., Daman, elev. 2500-2900 m, 22-25 February 1970, J. Martg—ens (SMF, #33). Figures 25-28. Himalmartensus martensi new species, female Etymology. This new species is named in honor ofJochen paratype (# 3) from Bobang Siidl. Dhorpatan, Nepal, SEM. 25. Martens who collected the specimens used in this and other Tarsus, showing position of tarsal organ (white arrow) and two studies. — distalmost trichobothria (black arrows); 26. Trichobothrium; 27. Diagnosis. Compared to the more than four copulatory Colulus; 28. Tarsal organ. duct loops in H. ausobskyi and H. nepcdeitsis, this new species has only 3 loops around the relatively short spermathecal stalk by 2/3 of its diameter, from ALE by about AME diameter, (Figs. 19, 21, 35). In addition, the atrium of this new species from PME by approximately 1.5 times AME diameter; (AME-AME AME- hasDeascbrripotaido,n.h—ighHloylostclyepreotfiezmeadlep:laTtoet(aFliglse.ng1t8h, 1201,.3.24C,ar34a)p.ace ApoLstEeri0o.r13,eyeAsMEwi-dePlMyEsep0a.1r9a,tedPME-PME 0.23,0.0P8M,E-PLE 3.10 long, 2.30 wide. Abdomen 5.20 long, 3.40 wide (Figs. 14, 0.22) (Fig. 16). Chelicerae with 6 promarginal, and 6 retro- 15). Eye sizes and interdistances: AME and PME subequal, marginal teeth (Fig. 22). Apex ofALS with 2 major ampullate ALE largest, PLE slightly smaller than ALE (AME0.13, PME gland spigots (MAP) and approximately 55 piriform gland 0.14, ALE 0.18, PLE 0.16); AME separated from each other spigots (PI); PMS with 2 minor ampullate gland spigots (niAP), 2 aciniform gland spigots (AC), and 2 cylindrical gland spigots (CY); PLS with approximately 10 aciniform gland spigots, and 2 cylindrical gland spigots (Figs. 29-32). Epigynum with small atrium; atrium with broad, highly sclerotized posterior plate; copulatory ducts originate poste- riorly between the spermathecal bases, extend anteriorly and loop around the converging spermathecal stalks 3 times; spermathecae with large bases that are separated by approx- imately their width; spermathecal stalks extend anteriorly and converge gradually, with distal ends close together (Figs. 18- 21 ). Males unknown. — Distribution. Nepal (Kathmandu, Lamjung, Ilan) (Fig. 53). Himalmartensus nepaiemis Wang & Zhu new species Figs. 37-53 — Type specimens. NEPAL: holotype female, Rasuwa Dis- trict, Trisuli Valley, Gosainkund, mixed forest, elev. 2400- Figures 23, 24. Himalmartensus martensi new species, female 2600 m, 85°23'E, 28°8'N, 23 April 1973 (SMF, #38); 1 female paratype (# 319) from Ilan District, Mai Pokhari, Nepal, photos. paratype, Rasuwa District, Trisuli Valley, Gosainkund, moist 23. Habitus, dorsal view; 24. Epigynum, ventral view. forest in gorge, elev. 1000-2000 m, 85°19'E, 28°8'N, 23 June? —— — — WANG & ZH\}—HIMALMARTENSUS, A NEW AMAUROBIIDAE GENUS 247 Figures 29-32. Hmialmartensm nuirtensi new species, female paratype (# 3) from southern Dhaulagiri range, Bobang S of Figure 36. Hinuilnuirtensus martensi new species, female paratype Dhorpatan, Myagdi District, Nepal, SEM, spinnerets in ventral view. (# 319)fromIlan District, MaiPokhari,Nepal,drawing,trachealtubes. 29. Spinnerets, whole; 30. AES (left); 31. PLS (right); 32.PMS. Figures 33-35. Himalmartensus martensi new species, female Figures 37-39. Himalmartensus nepalensis new species, female paratype (# 33) from Mahabarat Mts., Daman, Makawanpur holotype (# 38) from Trisuli valley, Gosainkund, Rasuwa District, District, Nepal, photo. 33. Habitus, dorsal view; 34. Epigynum, Nepal, photos. 37. Habitus, dorsal view; 38. Epigynum, ventral view; ventral view; 35. Epigynum, dorsal view. 39. Epigynum, dorsal view. ——— 248 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 40, 41. Himaimartensus nepalensis new species, female holotype (# 38) from Trisuli valley, Gosainkund, Rasuwa District, Nepal, drawings. 40. Epigynum, ventral view; 41. Epigynum, dorsal view. — Figures 47-50. Hiinalmartensiis nepalensis new species, female paratype (# 37) from Trisuli valley, between Ramche and Dhunche, Figures 42M4. Himaimartensus nepalensis new species, female Rasuwa District, Nepal, SEM, spinnerets in ventral view. 47. ALS holotype (# 38) from Trisuli valley, Gosainkund, Rasuwa District, (left): 48. PMS; 49. PLS(left); 50. PLS (right). Nepal, photos. 42. Eyes, dorsal view; 43. Sternum area, ventral view; 44. Chelicera, ventral view. 1973, J. Martens (SMF, #38A); 1 female paratype, Rasuwa District, Trisuli Valley, between Ramche and Dhunche, elev. 1800-2000 m, 85°14'E, 28°5'N, 22 April 1973, J. Martens (SMF, #37). — Etymology, The specific name refers to the type locality of the species, Nepal. Figures 45, 46. Himaimartensus nepalensis new species, female — paratype (# 38A) from Trisuli valley, Gosainkund, moist forest in Figures 51, 52. Himaimartensus nepalensis new species, female gorge, Rasuwa District, Nepal, photos. 45. Habitus, dorsal view; 46. paratype (# 37) from Trisuli valley, between Ramche and Dhunche, Epigynum, ventral view. Rasuwa District, Nepal, SEM. 51. Trichobothrium; 52. Tarsal organ. — WANG & ZWJ—HIMALMARTENSUS, A NEW AMAUROBIIDAE GENUS 249 — Figures 60, 61. Trichobothrium of Cybaeus tetriciis (C.L. Koch 1839), with specimen from Europe; 61. Tracheal tubes of Cybaeus jilinensis (Song, Kim & Zhu 1993), with specimen from Jilin, China. Diagnosis. H. nepalensis is similar to H. ausobskyi in ampullate gland spigots (mAP), 2 aciniform gland spigots having long spermathecal stalks and copulatory ducts which (AC), and 1 cylindrical gland spigot (CY); PLS with loop at least 5 times, and the narrow, less sclerotized posterior approximately 17 aciniform gland spigots and 2 cylindrical plate of atrium. The spermathecal stalks of this new species gland spigots (Figs. 47-50). Epigynum with small atrium converge immediately and then extend anteriorly (Figs. 39, having a narrow, weakly sclerotized posterior plate; copula- 41), rather tha—n converge gradually as in H. ausobskyi. tory ducts originate posteriorly between the spermathecal Description. Holotype female: Total length 1 1.3. Carapace bases, extend anteriorly and loop around the long and 4.20 long, 3.40 wide. Abdomen 4.60 long, 3.20 wide (Fig. 37). converging spermathecal stalks at least 6 times; spermathecae Eye sizes and interdistances: AME smallest, PME slightly with large bases separated by approximately their width; larger than AME, ALE and PLE about the same size (AME spermathecal stalks extend anteriorly and converge gradually, 0.11, ALE 0.20, PME 0.15, PLE 0.18); AME separated from with anterior ends contiguous (Figs. 38^1). each other by less than its diameter, from ALE and PME by Males unknown. AME — about 1.5 times diameter; posterior eyes are widely Distribution. Nepal (Rasuwa) (Fig. 53). (AME-AME AME-ALE AME-PME separated 0.08, 0.17, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PME-PME PME-PLE 0.17, 0.23, 0.26) (Fig. 42). Chelicerae with 7 promarginal and 5 retromarginal teeth (Fig. 44). ALS This research is the result ofthe Himalaya Expeditions ofJ. with 2 major ampullate gland spigots (MAP) and approxi- Martens, no. 257. For no. 256, see: Acta Arachnologica 56:15- mately 41 piriform gland spigots (PI); PMS with 2 minor 19, 2007. J. Martens was sponsored by Deutscher Akade- — Figures 54-59. Trichobothria of six agelenid species, with specimens collected from China (No detailed collection data linked to SEM photos). 54. Agelena koreana Paik 1965; 55. Allagelena difficiHs (Fox 1936); 56. Allagelena histriata (Grube 1861); 57. Agelemi silvatica Oliger 1893; 58. Agelena labyrinthica (Clerck 1757); 59. Hiiangyiumia tibetata (Flu & Li 1987). 250 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY mischer Austaiischdienst, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Griswold, C.E.,J.A. Coddington, N.I. Platnick&R.R. Forster. 1999. and Feldbausch Foundation, Mainz University. Towards a phylogeny ofentelegyne spiders (Araneae, Araneomor- We thank J. Martens (Institute of Zoology, Mainz phae, Entelegynae). Journal ofArachnology 27:53-63. University, Germany) for providing the specimens used in Griswold, C.E., M.J. Ramirez, J.A. Coddington & N.I. Platnick. this study and for helping create the distribution map. J. 2005. Atlas ofphylogenetic data for entelegyne spiders (Araneae: Martens, C.E. Griswold (California Academy ofSciences, San Araneomorphae: Entelegynae) with comments on theirphylogeny. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4‘*’ Series, Francisco), R.G. Bennett (British Columbia Ministry of Volume 56, Supplement II. Pp. 1-324. Forests, Victoria, Canada) and S.Q. Li (Institute ofZoology, Ihara, Y. & K. Nojima. 2004. Geographicdistribution ofthe Cybaeus Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) kindly read the kuramotoi-gxoup (Araneae: Cybaeidae) in Okayama, Tottori and manuscript and gave valuable comments. Z.S. Zhang (South- Hyogo Pregectures, western Honshu, Japan, with descriptions of west University, Chongqing, China) helped with agelenid five new species. Acta Arachnologica 53:131-146. SEM photos and the illustration of Cybaeus tracheal tubes. Lehtinen, P.T. 1967. Classification ofthe cribellate spiders and some We like to thank I. Agnarsson (University of Akron, Ohio) allied families, with notes on the evolution of the suborder and two anonymous reviewers for their comments. The first Araneomorpha. Aniiales Zoologici Fennici 4:199-468. author thanks the American Museum of Natural History Platnick, N.I. 2008. The World Spider Catalog, Version 8.5. (New York, N.I. Platnick), the California Academy of American Museum of Natural History, New York. Online at http://research.amnh.org/entomology/spiders/catalog/index.html. Sciences (San Francisco, C.E. Griswold) and the Florida Roth, V.D. & P.L. Brame. 1972. Neartic genera ofthe spider family State Collection of Arthropods (Gainesville, G.B. Edwards) Agelenidae (Arachnida, Araneida). American Museum Novitates for the use oftheir facilities. 2505:1-51. LITERATURE CITED Spagna, J.C. & R.G. Gillespie. 2008. 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Wang, X.P. 2003. Species revision of the coelotine spider genera Coddington, J.A. 1989. Spinneret silk spigot morphology: evidence Bifidocoelotes, Cownilla, Draconarius, Femoracoelotes, Leptocoe- for the monophyly oforbweaving spiders, Crytophorinae (Aranei- lotes, Loiigicoelotes, Plafocoelotes, Spiricoelotes, Tegecoelotes, and dae), and group Theridiidae plus Nesticidae. Journal ofArachnol- Tonsilla (Araneae: Amaurobiidae). Proceedings of the California ogy 17:71-95. Academy ofSciences 54:499-662. Coddington, J.A. & H.W. Levi. 1991. Systematics and evolution of Wu, C., D.X. Song & M.S. Zhu. 2002. On the phylogeny of some spiders (Araneae). Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics important groups of spiders by using the third domain of 12S 22:565-592. rRNA gene sequence analyses. Acta Arachnologica Sinica Griswold, C.E. 1990. A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the 11:65-73. spider subfamily Phyxelidinae (Araneae, Amaurobiidae). Bulletin ofthe American Museum ofNatural History 196:1-206. Manuscript received 10 December2007, revised16 March 2008.

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