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Hilbert Space Operators: Proceedings, California State University Long Beach Long Beach, California, 20–24 June, 1977 PDF

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Preview Hilbert Space Operators: Proceedings, California State University Long Beach Long Beach, California, 20–24 June, 1977

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 693 trebliH Space srotarepO Proceedings, California State University Long Beach Long Beach, California, 20-24 June, 1977 Edited yb .J .M Bachar, .rJ and D.W. Hadwin galreV-regnirpS nilreB Heidelberg New kroY 1978 Editors nhoJ .M Bachar, .rJ Department of Mathematics California State University Long Beach Long Beach, CA 90840/USA Donald W. Hadwin Department of Mathematics University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824/USA AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 28A65, 46L ,51 47-02, 47A10, 47 A15, 47 A35,47 B05, 47 B10,47 B 20,47 B35,47 B40,47 B 99,47 C05, 47C10,47C15, 47D05, 47E05, 47G05 ISBN 3-540-09097-5 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-09097-5 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject ot copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction yb photocopying machine or similar means, dna storage ni data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright waL where copies era made for other than private ,esu a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to eb determined yb agreement with the publisher. © yb Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 8791 Printed ni Germany Printing dna binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 012345-0413/1412 PREFACE This volume contains the contributions to the Conference on Hilbert Space Operators, held at California State University Long Beach during the week of 20-24 June 1977. The purpose of the conference was to present some recent develol~nents and some problems in Hilbert Space Operator Theory which are likely to be of importance for further advances in the field. Three main lecturers each delivered three lectures on the main topic of concrete representations of Hilbert space operators: 1. .P .R Halmos, Integral Operators (f(x) ~ / k(x,y)f(y)dy). .2 B. Abrahamse, Multiplication Operators (f(x) ~ ~(x)f(x)). .3 .E Nordgren, Composition Operators (f(x) ~ f(T(x))). Professor Halmos has included a description of the main topic in the introduction to his paper. Additionally, other lectures were given in the theory of Hilbert space operators, some of which are related to concrete representations of operators. The 21 papers in this volume contain, in varying degrees, historical background, expository accounts, the develol~nent and presentation of new ideas and results~ and the posing of new problems for research. The conference was funded jointly by the National Science Foundation (Grant number MCS 77-15176) and by the host, California State University Long Beach. We express much gratitude to them for making the conference possible~ to the authors for their manuscripts~ to Elaine Barth for her excellent typing~ to the participants3 and to Springer-Verlag for publishing this volume. John Baehar Donald Hadwin Canference Participants Bruce Abr ahamse Darrell J. Johnson Brian Amr ine Gerhard Kalisch Richard Arens Robert Kelly Sheldon Axler Jerry Koliha John M. Baehar, Jr. Ray Kunze Jose Barria Alan Lambert Estelle Basor Tan Yu ~e Brad Beaver Tu~ig Po Lin I. D. Berg Arthur Lubin Charles A. Berger Carl Maltz George Biriuk William Margulie s Richard Bouldin John McDonald James R. Brown C.R. Miers Alice Chang Paul Muhly Jen- chung Chuan Eric Nordgren Wai-Fong Chuan Catherine 01sen Floyd Cohen Boon-Hua 0ng Carl Cowen Joseph Oppenheim James Deddens Effrem Ost ~ow Charles DePrima Barbara Rentzseh Des Deut sch Wglliam G. Rosen Henry Dye Mel Rosenfeld Brent Ellerbroek Peter Rosenthal J. M. Erdman James Rovnyak John Ernest Norberto Salinas John T. Fu,:?~"ason Bonnie Sannder s Herb Gindler Howard Schwartz Nell Gret sky Nien-Tsu Shen Ted Guinn Allan Shields Donald W. Hadwin A. R. Sourour Paul ~{almo s Joseph St amp fli Bernard Harvey James D. Stein~ Jr. Thomas Haskell John B. Stubblebine William Helton Barbara Turner Domingo A. Herrero Larry ~ Wallen Michael Hoffman Kenneth Warner Richard B. Holmes Steven Weinstein Thomas Hoover Gary Weiss Donald H. Hyers Joel We stman Nicholas Jewell Robert Whitley Harold Widom CONTENTS MAIN LECTURES P.R. HALMOS Integral Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M.B. ABRAHAMSE Multiplication Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 E.A. NORDGREN Composition Operators in Hilbert Spaces . . . . . . . . 37 ADDITIONAL LECTURES J. BARRIA and D.A. HERRERO Closure of Similarity Orbits of Nilpotent Operators. J.R. BROWN Ergodic Groups of Substitution Operators Associated with Algebraically Monothetic Groups . . . . . . . . . 65 C.C. COWEN Commutants of Analytic Toeplitz Operators with Automorphic Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 J.A. DEDDENS Another Description of Nest Algebras . . . . . . . . . 77 M. EMBRY-WARDROP and A. LAMBERT Weighted Translation Semigroups on L2(O,~) ...... 87 J. ERNEST Concrete Representations and the von Neumann Type Classification of Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.W. HADWIN and T.B. HOOVER Weighted Translation and Weighted Shift Operators 93 B.N. HARVEY An Operator Not a Shift, Integral, Nor Multiplication. 101 D.A. HERRERO Strictly Cyclic Operator Algebras and Approximation of Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 G.K. KALISCH On Singular Self-Adjoint Sturm-Liouville Operators 109 A° LUBIN Extensions of Commuting Subnormal Operators ..... 115 M. McASEY, P. MUHLY and K.-S. SAITO Non-Self-Adjoint Crossed Products . . . . . . . . . . 121 This paper presented at the conference is not included in this volume - the results will be published elsewhere. lllV J.N. McDONALD Some Operators on L2(dm) Associated with Finite Blaschke Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 C.L. OLSEN A Concrete Representation of Index Theory in von Neumann Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 N. SALINAS A Classification Problem for Essentially n-normal Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 A.L. SHIELDS (notes by M.J. HOFFMAN) Some Problems in Operator Theory . . . . . . . . . . 157 J.G. STAMPFLI On a Question of Deddens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 G. WEISS The Fuglede Commutativity Theorem Modulo the Hilbert- Schmidt Class and Generating Functions for Matrix Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 INTEGRAL OPERATORS P. R. Halmos PREFACE The following report on integral operators, and the introduction to the three principal themes of the conference that precedes it, should be accompanied by an apology. They are not~ obviously not~ polished exposition; they are what at best they might seem to be~ namely lecture notes. They are the notes I prepared before the conference and kept peering at as I was lecturing. In the original hand-written version there were three errors (that I know of). I corrected them, but that is the only change I made. The result is a compressed summary for those who were not at the lectures~ and a reasonably representative reminder for those who were. I have agreed to its publication now~ so that the proceedings of the conference may have some claim to completeness. A more detailed exposition of the part of the theory of integral operators that I am interested in will be contained in a research monograph that is now in preparation. INTRODUCTION - The major obstacle to progress in operator theory is the dearth of concrete examples whose properties can be explicitly determined. All known (and perhaps all conceivable) examples belong to one of three species. The reason for tha~ is that the only concrete example of Hilbert space is L 2 (over some measure space), and there isn't much one can do to the functions in L 2. The simplest thing to do is to fix a function ~ and multiply every f in L 2 by that ~. (In order for this operation to turn out to be boundedj the multi- plier ~ must, of course~ belong to L~.) The multiplication operators so obtained, and their immediate family~ are the best known and most extensively studied examples. The spectral theorem assures us that every normal operator is of this kind. The special case of diagonal matrices is too easy to teach us much but is~ nevertheless, too important to be neglected. Multiplicity theory, unitary equivalence theory, and the effective calculability of invariant subspaces of diagonal matrices can more or less be extended to all multiplication operators~ and a large part of operator theory is directed toward making it more instead of less. Dilation theory began wi~h the observation that (to within unitary equivalence) every operator can be obtained by compressing multiplication operators to suitable subspaces. Certain special compressions (for example~ the restrictions to invariant subspaces, which yield the subnormal operators# and, for another example, the ones suggested by the passage from certain groups to their most important subsemigroups, which yield the Toeplitz operators) are amenable to study. M. B. Abrahamse has made substantial contributions to several aspects of the theory of multiplication oper- ators, broadly interpreted, and in his lectures will present a part of that theory. Next to multiplication the simplest thing to do to a function is substitution: to get a new function from an old one, calculate the value of the old function at a new place. In symbols: map f(x) to f(Tx). Simplest instance: map a sequence If(n) in ~2 to the translated sequence f(n +l)}, thus getting a shift (uni- lateral or bilateral). More sophisticated: let T be a measure-preserving trans- formation on the underlying measure space, and thus make contact with ergodic theory. Members of the same species can interbreed; combinations of multiplication operators and substitution operators yield weighted shifts and5 more generally~ weighted translation operators, studied by Parrott and others. If the underlying space has additional structure (e.g., analytic structure), and the substitutions permitted are correspondingly richer, the theory makes con- tact with classical analysis. Much of this circle of ideas has been studied by E. A. Nordgren. In a sense the most natural, but, as it turns out, the least helpful way to try to construct operators is via infinite matrices -- with rare exceptions (diagonal, Toeplitz, Hankel), which can usually be subsumed under multiplications and substitutions, matrices have not been a rich source of examples. Integral kernels are generalizations of matrices, and, incidentally~ are the source of almost all modern analysis. I turned to them a few years ago in the hope of finding rewarding examples~ and found that they have quite an extensive theory that is not yet completely worked out -- there are still reasons to maintain the hope of reward. I shall try to tell you something about the present state of the theory of integral operators. LECTURE i. CONCEPTS Definitions. An integral operator is induced by a measurable function k on the Cartesian product X×Y of two measure spaces by an equation such as f(x) =/k(x,y)g(y)dy. Known isomorphism theorems in measure theory make it possible to ignore all but the pleasantest of classical measure spaces with no essential loss of generality: the only spaces that need to be considered are the finite ~ (={l,...3n}) and n ( = O,1), and the infinite ~ (or ~+ ) and ~ (or JR+ .) I shall refer to and ~Z as the atomic cases and to ~ and ~ as the divisible cases. n In addition to the isomorphism theorems that leave measures as they find them~ there are some important ones that change measures. Their use makes it possible to pass back and forth between finite and infinite spaces; the only really important distinction is the one between atomic and divisible spaces. The theory I am hint- ing at is perfectly illustrated by the effect of the mapping ~: Z~ ~+, x ~xj - i- x The transformation U: L2(~+) ~L2(~) defined by Nf(x) - l f(~(x)), where 5 is the (Radon-Nikodym) derivative, 5(x) - i is unitary, it (1 +x)2 ' sends integral operators to integral operators, and it preserves all properties of kernels pertinent to the category (operators on Hilbert space) under study. At the heart of the theory is the finite divisible case~ i.e.3 the unit interval. In the systematic search for examples~ however, it is unwise to ignore the atomic case (~) and the infinite case ( ~ .) There is a standard "inflation" process for converting a matrix a (on ~+ × ~+) into a kernel k (on ~+ × ~+): write k =a(i,j) on the unit square with diagonal from (i,j) to (i +i, j +i). The change of measure described before can be used to get examples over Z from examples over ~+; combined with matrix inflation, it can be used to get examples over Z from examples over ~+. In what follows I shall be interested in Z only, and when I say "kernel" I shall mean "kernel on E × Z"; in view of the preceding comments, however~ when I need an example of a kernel, I shall feel free to produce one elsewhere and expect that inflation and change of measure will be applied automatically so as to re-establish contact with Z. An integral operator is one induced by a kernel; in order for that expression to make semse the kernel has to satisfy the following three conditions: (1) If g ~ L 2, then k(x,.)g c L I almost everywhere. (2) If g ~ L ,2 then lk(',y)g(y)dy c L 2. (3) There exists a constant c such that if g ~ L 2, then t/k(.,y)g(y)dyll ~ .llgNc Banach knew 45 years ago that (i) and (2) imply (3); this useful fact follows from some non-trivial measure theory (and not just from straightforward application of the closed graph theorem). What are some typical examples of integral operators? The best known ones are the Hilbert-Schmidt operators induced by kernels in L 2. They are compact. Among the simplest kernels in L 2 are the ones of the form k(x,y) = u(x)v(y) (with u and v in L2); the corresponding operators have rank 1. One of the simplest of them is given by k(x,y) ~ i; the corresponding operator is a projection of rank i.

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