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OXFORD MATHEMATICAL MONOGRAPHS Series Editors J.M. BALL W.T. GOWERS N.J. HITCHIN L. NIRENBERG R. PENROSE A. WILES OXFORD MATHEMATICAL MONOGRAPHS Hirschfeld:Finite projective spaces of three dimensions EdmundsandEvans:Spectral theory and differential operators PressleyandSegal:Loop groups, paperback Evens:Cohomology of groups HoffmanandHumphreys:Projective representations of the symmetric groups:Q-Functions and Shifted Tableaux Amberg,Franciosi,andGiovanni:Products of groups Gurtin:Thermomechanics of evolving phase boundaries in the plane FarautandKoranyi:Analysis on symmetric cones ShawyerandWatson:Borel’s methods of summability LancasterandRodman:Algebraic Riccati equations Th´evenaz:G-algebras and modular representation theory Baues:Homotopy type and homology D’Eath:Black holes: gravitational interactions Lowen:Approach spaces: the missing link in the topology–uniformity–metric triad Cong:Topological dynamics of random dynamical systems DonaldsonandKronheimer:The geometry of four-manifolds, paperback Woodhouse:Geometric quantization, second edition, paperback Hirschfeld:Projective geometries over finite fields, second edition EvansandKawahigashi:Quantum symmetries of operator algebras Klingen:Arithmetical similarities: Prime decomposition and finite group theory MatsuzakiandTaniguchi:Hyperbolic manifolds and Kleinian groups Macdonald:Symmetric functions and Hall polynomials, second edition, paperback Catto,LeBris,andLions:Mathematicaltheoryofthermodynamiclimits:Thomas-Fermitype models McDuffandSalamon:Introduction to symplectic topology, paperback Holschneider:Wavelets: An analysis tool, paperback Goldman:Complex hyperbolic geometry ColbournandRosa:Triple systems Kozlov,Maz’yaandMovchan:Asymptotic analysis of fields in multi-structures Maugin:Nonlinear waves in elastic crystals DassiosandKleinman:Low frequency scattering Ambrosio,FuscoandPallara:Functions of bounded variation and free discontinuity problems SlavyanovandLay:Special functions: A unified theory based on singularities Joyce:Compact manifolds with special holonomy CarboneandSemmes:A graphic apology for symmetry and implicitness Boos:Classical and modern methods in summability HigsonandRoe:Analytic K-homology Semmes:Some novel types of fractal geometry IwaniecandMartin:Geometric function theory and nonlinear analysis JohnsonandLapidus:The Feynman integral and Feynman’s operational calculus, paperback LyonsandQian:System control and rough paths Ranicki:Algebraic and geometric surgery Ehrenpreis:The radon transform LennoxandRobinson:The theory of infinite soluble groups Ivanov:The Fourth Janko Group Huybrechts:Fourier-Mukai transforms in algebraic geometry Hida:Hilbert modular forms and Iwasawa theory Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory HARUZO HIDA Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1555, USA · CLARENDON PRESS OXFORD 2006 3 GreatClarendonStreet,OxfordOX26DP OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwidein Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown DaresSalaam HongKong Karachi KualaLumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withofficesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam OxfordisaregisteredtrademarkofOxfordUniversityPress intheUKandincertainothercountries PublishedintheUnitedStates byOxfordUniversityPressInc.,NewYork (cid:1)c H.Hida,2006 Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted DatabaserightOxfordUniversityPress(maker) Firstpublished2006 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, withoutthepriorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress, orasexpresslypermittedbylaw,orundertermsagreedwiththeappropriate reprographicsrightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproduction outsidethescopeoftheaboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment, OxfordUniversityPress,attheaddressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisbookinanyotherbindingorcover andyoumustimposethesameconditiononanyacquirer BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Dataavailable TypesetbyNewgenImagingSystems(P)Ltd.,Chennai,India PrintedinGreatBritain onacid-freepaperby BiddlesLtd.,King’sLynn,Norfolk ISBN 0–19–857102–X 978–0–19–857102–5 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 PREFACE When I was a toddler, my parents brought me to an esoteric Buddhist temple (Kongobu-ji“temple”oftheShingonBuddhistsect)inthesouthernhillypartof Osaka in Japan, where I saw a prototypical example of the set of twin mandala depicting Buddha’s twin universe of the inside and the outside, following the Shingon philosophy. I was utterly impressed by, or even obsessed with, the pic- ture; afterwards, I was often bothered by nightmarish dreams somehow finding myself in one of the ghostly mandalas. This is something like placing oneself in betweentwomirrors,andthenfindinginfinitelymanycopiesofoneself,andthen one losing one’s identity of one’s whereabouts. One’s present state of existence is in confusion, common to ordinary people. When I started learning mathematics in the junior year of undergraduate study at Kyoto, I read a couple of books, starting with a book on linear par- tial differential equations, which is the first serious book in mathematics I ever read (because of the student movement at the time, the university was virtually closed for my freshman and sophomore years; so, I was given almost no general undergraduateeducationincludingmathematics).Ifoundinthebooks,asortof universe neatly arranged, something like the mandala, but somehow, I felt that the Buddha sitting at the center (who presides over his world) was missing from the book. I then read, as the third book of mathematics, Shimura’s introduc- tion to modular and automorphic forms [IAT], where I clearly saw a focus; so, I decided to pursue number theory, in particular, the theory of modular forms andautomorphicforms.Fromthattimeon,Ihavebeendeterminedtocreatemy owntwinmandalasdepictingmyownmathematicaltwinworlds.Ihaverevealed my determination/obsession only to a very small number of people in my life up until now, because I did not like to appear eccentric. If I remember correctly, in a queue at a cafeteria at Universit´e de Paris-Sud (Orsay) in 1984, I started a conversation with my fellow young French mathematicians about what kind of mathematicians we would like to be, and succinctly, I explained to them about the mandala and my obsession, and to my surprise, some of them (including Perrin-Riou and Tilouine) seemed somehow to understood the point, at least to some extent. WhenIarrivedatPrinceton(InstituteforAdvancedStudy)asapostdoctoral fellow in 1979, I was fairly desperate, because I had not been able to find even a clue about how to create a new universe cut out of, say, all elliptic modular forms (which appeared to me like looking into a pitch-dark well too deep to see through).Iwassolvingsmallproblemsandgivinganswersashadbeenpredicted. Small-problemsolvinggivesmesomepleasurebutnotmuch.Afterhavingspent a couple of months in Princeton, I was really desperate; so, I decided to do vi Preface one more problem solving, finishing up the project (I started with Koji Doi) of relatingcongruencesamongHeckeeigenformsto(nowcalled)theadjointsquare L-value at s = 1. Trying to prove that mod p congruence of a Hecke eigen- form with another implies that p is a factor of the L-value, somehow I found a p-adic projector (acting on modular forms) I named e for some reasons (which cut the clear surface out of the dark-well water) as the holomorphic projection oftheL2-spaceoffunctionsonthehyperbolicPoincar´eupperhalf-planekillsall nonholomorphic functions, though I had only a guess of the precise meaning of the projector at the time. I admit that the non-p-ordinary modular forms are as equally important as the p-ordinary modular forms (which is in the image of e),asnonholomorphicautomorphicformsareasimportantasholomorphicones. The point is that this p-ordinary projector creates a world where p-adic deform- ation theory can be built in the neatest way. In this book, I try to describe the worldofp-ordinaryHilbertmodularformsandtheirdeformationforwhichmany theorems can be established easily, leaving the hard work of extending them to more general nonordinary automorphic forms to mathematicians more efficient and ambitious. In this book, several results on ordinary modular forms are presented. First of all, I describe, in Chapter 3, Fujiwara’s (highly nontrivial) generalization [Fu] (to the Hilbert modular forms) of the proof by Wiles and Taylor of the identi- fication of an appropriate Hecke algebra and the corresponding universal Galois deformationring(ofMazur).Asapreparationtothis,Igiveadetailedexposition of the theory of automorphic forms on a definite quaternion algebra, including the level-raising argument of R. Taylor. I do not touch the level-lowering argu- ments which might still be premature in book form. Thus the identification of theHeckealgebraandtheGaloisdeformationringtreatedinthisbookislimited to minimally ramified deformations. After finishing this, we discuss three major applications that I found: 1. A description of Greenberg’s L-invariant of the adjoint square L-function, and its generic nonvanishing; 2. A solution to the integral basis problem of Eichler; 3. A proof of the torsion property of the (modular) adjoint square Selmer groups, and related Iwasawa modules. I have been studying all these topics since 1996 after I learned of Fujiwara’s work. I have written some papers on the subjects (at least for elliptic modular forms), but the treatment in this book is new and also covers more general cases. Someearlychaptersarefrommygraduatecoursesin2002–2005atUCLAand also from my lectures in Peking University in February 2004 and at the morn- ing center of Mathematics at Beijing in August, 2004. I have been encouraged by many people (especially those who supported me in my desperate period). Preface vii I would like to thank all these people including the audience in my lectures and the people at the above institutions. Haruzo Hida, Los Angeles, October, 2005 viii Preface Suggestions to the reader In the text, articles are quoted by abbreviating the author’s name, for example, three articles by Hida–Tilouine are quoted as [HT], [HT1] and [HT2]. There is one exception: articles written by myself are quoted, for example, as [H04a] and [H98] indicating also the year published (or the year written in the case of preprints). For these examples, [H04a] and [H98] are published in 2004 and in 1998, respectively. Books are quoted by abbreviating their title. For example, one of my earlier books with the title: Geometric Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves is quoted as [GME]. Our style of reference is slightly unconventional but hasbeenusedinmyearlierbooks[MFG],[GME]and[PAF],andtheabbreviation is (basically) common to all of the above three books. Asforthenotationandtheterminology,wedescribeheresomestandardones usedatmanyplacesinthisbook.ThesymbolZ denotesthep-adicintegerring p inside the field Q of p-adic numbers, and the symbol Z is used to indicate p (p) the valuation ring Z ∩Q. We fix throughout the book an algebraic closure Q p of Q. A subfield E of Q is called a number field (often assuming [E : Q] := dimQE < ∞ tacitly). For a number field E, OE denotes the integer ring of E, OE,p =OE ⊗ZZp ⊂Ep =E⊗QQp and OE,(p) =OE ⊗ZZ(p) ⊂E. Often we fix a base field denoted by F which is usually a totally real field. For the base field F, we simply write O = O . A central simple algebra over F of dimension 4 is F called a quaternion algebra over F, which is often denoted by D . A quadratic /F extensionM/F iscalledaCMfieldifF istotallyrealandM istotallyimaginary. For a CM field M, we write R for O . M The symbol W is exclusively used to indicate a valuation ring inside Q with residualcharacteristicp.TheringW couldbeofinfiniterankoverZ butwith (p) finite ramification index over Z ; so it is still discrete. The p-adic completion (p) lim W/pnW is denoted by W, and we write W =W/pmW =W/pmW. ←− m n The symbol A denotes the adele ring of Q. For a subset Σ of rational primes, wesetA(Σ∞) ={x∈A|x∞ =xp =(cid:1)0 for p∈Σ}.IfΣisempty,A(∞) denotesthe ringoffiniteadeles.WeputZ = Z anddefineZ =Z ∩Q.IfΣ={p} Σ p∈Σ p (Σ) Σ for a prime p, we write A(p∞) for A(Σ∞). For a vector space of a number field E, we write VA = V(A) and VA(Σ∞) = V(A(Σ∞)) for V ⊗QA and V ⊗QA(Σ∞), respectively. We identify A(Σ∞)× with the group of ideles x ∈ A× with x = 1 v for v ∈ Σ(cid:7){∞} in an obvious way. The maximal compact subring of A(∞) is (cid:1) denoted by Z(cid:2), which is identified with the profinite ring Z = lim Z/NZ. p p ←−N We put Z(Σ) =Z(cid:2)∩A(Σ∞) and Z(p) =Z(cid:2)∩A(p∞). For a module L of finite type, we write L(cid:2) =L⊗ZZ(cid:2) =←lim− L/NL, L(cid:2)(Σ) =L⊗ZZ(cid:2)(Σ) and L(cid:2)(p) =L⊗ZZ(cid:2)(p). N An algebraic group T (defined over a subring A of Q) is called a torus if its scalar extension T = T ⊗ Q is isomorphic to a product Gr of copies of the /Q R m multiplicative group G . The character group X∗(T) = Hom (T ,G ) m alg-gp /Q m/Q is simply denoted by X(T), and elements of X(T) are often called weights of T. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author acknowledges partial support from the National Science Foundation (through the research grants: DMS 0244401 and DMS 0456252) and from the ClayMathematicsInstituteasaClayresearchscholarwhilehewasfinishingpre- paring the manuscript of this book at the Centre de Recherches Math´ematiques in Montr´eal (Canada) in September 2005. 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