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Highway Safety Analytics and Modeling: Techniques and Methods for Analyzing Crash Data PDF

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HIGHWAY SAFETY ANALYTICS AND MODELING D L OMINIQUE ORD X Q IAO IN S R. G RINIVAS EEDIPALLY Elsevier Radarweg29,POBox211,1000AEAmsterdam,Netherlands TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UnitedKingdom 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates Copyright©2021ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans, electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformationstorageand retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission,furtherinformationaboutthePublisher’spermissionspoliciesandourarrangements withorganizationssuchastheCopyrightClearanceCenterandtheCopyrightLicensingAgency,can befoundatourwebsite:www.elsevier.com/permissions. Thisbookandtheindividualcontributionscontainedinitareprotectedundercopyrightbythe Publisher(otherthanasmaybenotedherein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experiencebroadenourunderstanding,changesinresearchmethods,professionalpractices,or medicaltreatmentmaybecomenecessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluatingandusinganyinformation,methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribedherein. Inusingsuchinformationormethodstheyshouldbemindfuloftheirownsafetyandthesafety ofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessionalresponsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,oreditors, assumeanyliabilityforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterofproducts liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions,orideascontainedinthematerialherein. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-0-12-816818-9 For information on all Elsevier publications visit our websiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher:JoeHayton AcquisitionsEditor:BrianRomer EditorialProjectManager:BarbaraMakinster ProductionProjectManager:SwapnaSrinivasan CoverDesigner:MarkRogers TypesetbyTNQTechnologies Dominique Lord: Tomyfamily(LeahandJavier),mymother(Diane),mybrother(Se´bastien), andmytwoformeradvisors(Dr.EzraHauerandDr.BhagwantPersaud). Xiao Qin: Tomyfamily(Yuchen,Ethan,andEva),myparents(XingpoandGuang- qin), my brother(Hui),and my former advisor (Dr. John Ivan) Srinivas R. Geedipally: To my family (Ashwini, Akshath, and Svidha), my parents (Ram Reddy and Laxmi), and my brother (Rajasekhar Reddy). Special thanks to my former advisor, Dr. Lord,for involving me inthis project. Preface Theprimarypurposeofthistextbookistoprovidethestate-of-the-art knowledge about how to better analyze safety data given their unique characteristics. This textbook provides the latest tools and methods documented in the highway safety literature, some of which have been developed or introduced by the authors. The textbook covers all aspects of the decision-making process, from collecting and assembling data to making decisions based on the analysis results, and is supplemented by real-worldexamplesandcasestudiestohelpunderstandthestateofprac- ticeontheapplicationofmodelsandmethodsinhighwaysafety.Where warranted,helpfulhints andsuggestions areprovidedbythe authors in the text to support the analysisandinterpretation of safety data. The textbook is suitable for college students, safety practitioners (e.g., traffic engineers, highway designers, data analysts), scientists, and researcherswhowork inhighwaysafety.Thistextbook specificallycom- plementstheHighwaySafetyManual(HSM)publishedbyAAHSTOand the Road Safety Manual (RSM) by the World Road Association. The publication of the HSM, RSM, and other safety-oriented guidelines has substantially increased the demand for training engineers and scientists about understanding the concepts and methods outlined within. Hence, thecontentofthistextbookhelpsfillinthisgapbydescribingthemethods ingreaterdepthandallowsthereaderstobroadentheirknowledgeabout the fundamental principlesand theories ofhighway safety. Allthreeauthorsofthistextbookhavetaughtgraduate-levelcoursesin highway safety at different institutions. The material covered had to be usedfromvarioussources,includingchapters(orpartofthem)ofvarious textbooks in areas within and peripheral to highway safety, published peer-reviewed papers, class notes from the world leaders in highway safety (e.g., Dr. Ezra Hauer), research reports, and manuals published bynationalpublicagencies.Mostofthesematerialsdidnotcontainexer- cises and problems that students could use to apply the knowledge ac- quired from these documents. Throughout the years, it became clear thatatextbookwasneededthatcouldcombinealltheseimportanttopics into a single document. The one from which students could read and learn about theoretical principles and apply them using observed (or simulated) data. In this regard, the textbook includes more than nine xi xii Preface datasetsformorethan40exercises.Mostofthesedatasetshavebeenused in peer-reviewed publications. All the datasets can be found at the lead author’s website: https://ceprofs.civil.tamu.edu/dlord/Highway_Safety_ Analytics_and_Modeling.htm. Thecontentofthetextbookisbasedonanaccumulationofmorethan 40yearsofresearchandapplicationsrelatedtomethodsandtoolsutilized foranalyzingsafetydata.Thetextbookisdividedintothreegeneralareas. Thefirstareaincludeschaptersthatdescribefundamentalandtheoretical principles associated with safety data analyses. This area covers the na- ture of the crash process from the human and statistical/mathematical perspectives, as well as key crash-frequency and crash-severity models that have been developed in the highway safety literature. The second area groups chapters that describe how the various models described in the first area are applied. The chapters include methods for exploring safety data, conducting cross-sectional and before-after studies, identi- fying hazardous sites or sites with promise as well as tools for incorpo- rating spatial correlation and identifying crash risk on a near real-time basis. The third area assembles alternative safety analysis tools. The methodsincludehow tousesurrogatemeasuresofsafetyanddatamin- ing techniques for extracting relevant information from datasets, including those categorized as big data (e.g., naturalistic data). It is hoped that the content will help readers to better understand the analytical tools that have been used to analyze safety data to make informed decisions for reducing the negative effects associated with crashes across the globe. This is even more important given the Vision Zero programs that have been increasingly implemented by various agenciesinEurope,NorthAmerica,andEurasiaamongothers.Thecon- tent should also help improveordevelopnew tools aimed at estimating the safety performance of connected and automated vehicles, especially when they will be deployed in mixed-driving environments (within the next decade). Forimplementingmethodsandtechniquesproposedinthistextbook, the authors have provided computer codes for three advanced software languages. Of course, the methods are not restricted to just three, but manyothersoftwarelanguagescanbeeasilyimplementedtobeutilized given the parameterization described in the textbook. Along the same line, Microsoft Excel provides simple, flexible, and adequate tools that canbeusedtoimplementvarioussimplermethods,suchasthegraphical methods presented in Chapter 5 or before-after studies described in Chapter 7. This textbook would never have come to completion without the significant help and input from numerous individuals, colleagues, and formerandcurrentgraduatestudents:ZhiChen,SomaDhavala,Kathleen xiii Preface Fitzgerald-Ellis, Ali Shirazi, Ioannis Tsapakis, Yuanchang Xie, Cheng- cheng Xu, and Lai Zheng. After a few requests on social media, several peoplehaveofferedinformationaboutgettingaccesstosafetydatabases or giving us permission to use datasets. They include Jonathan Aguero- Valverde (Costa Rica), Amir Pooyan Afgahri (Australia), David Llopis Castello´ (Spain), Aline Chouinard (Canada), Stijn Daniels (Belgium), Thomas Jonsson (Sweden) Neeraj Kumar (Netherlands), Pei Fen Kuo (Taiwan), Emad Soroori (Australia), Shawn Turner (New Zealand), and SimonWashington (Australia). Finally,thistextbookprojectwouldnothavebeenpossiblewithoutthe support from Elsevier. First, a large thank you to Brian Romer, who first approached the authors several years ago and convinced us to prepare a book on highway safety (given our reluctance about the effort needed for such an endeavor). Thanks to the two book managers who kept us on our toes for the duration of this project: Barbara Makinster and Ali Afzal-Khan. Special thanks to Narmatha Mohan for helping us manage copyright information and permission log, and Swapna Srinivasan for handling the production of the textbook. The content of this textbook has been partly funded by the A.P. and Florence Wiley Faculty Fellow provided by the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University and project 01-001 from the Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC). Dominique Lord, Texas A&M University Xiao Qin, University of WisconsindMilwaukee Srinivas R. Geedipally, Texas A&MTransportation Institute C H A P T E R 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Althoughalotofefforthasbeenplacedbyagenciesacrosstheworldto reducethenumberandseverityofcrashes1viaimprovementsinhighway design,vehicletechnology,trafficpolicy,emergencyservices,andthelike, theeffectsofhighwaycrashesonroadtransportnetworksarestillamajor source of morbidity (Lord and Washington, 2018). Fig. 1.1 illustrates the historicalstatisticsinroadwayfatalitiesintheUnitedStatesbetween1913 and 2018 (similartrendshave been observed among most industrialized countries).Thisfigureshowsthatthetrendinroadwayfatalitieshasbeen slightly going down since early 1970s, with sharp decreases during eco- nomic recessions (further discussed later). This figure also demonstrates thatwhenthevaluesareanalyzedbytakingintoaccountthevehiclemiles traveled (a measure of exposure), the rate has been going significantly down since the beginning of official crash data collected by the federal government.Eventhoughthecrashrateshowsagreatreduction,theraw numbers, as a public health measure, are still the most important factor that guides the allocation of resources. For example, although the crash rate is generally going down, the number of injured people arriving at various emergency rooms located within a jurisdiction, or the patient 1Inthistextbook,weusetheterm“crash”toreflectoutcomeofacollisionbetweenavehicle andafixedobject(i.e.,aneventwhereonlyonevehicleisinvolved),oneormorevehicles, or one or more vulnerable road users (i.e., pedestrians, cyclists, etc.). Although some people do not like to label a crash an “accident” because the word accident could absolve the driver of any responsibility, the word accident could still be employed as thatwordreferstotheprobabilisticnatureoftheevent.Ifaccidentswerecomingfroma deterministicsystem,weshouldthereforebeableto“predict”withcertaintywhenone or more crashes would occur in the future. Obviously, in the context of this textbook, thisisnotpossible. HighwaySafetyAnalyticsandModeling 1 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-816818-9.00006-8 ©2021ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 2 1. Introduction FIGURE1.1 Numberoffatalitiesandfatalitiesper100millionvehiclemilesintheUnited Statesbetween2013and1018(NSC,2018). arrival rate, is the primary metric that the hospital management uses to allocate medical services. The same information is also needed, for example, for managing first responders, such as emergency medical services,firefighters,andnational,regional,andlocalpoliceforces.Hence, the desired attention usually focuses on crash or injury counts for many safetyinterventions,althoughexposureintermsofvehiculartrafficand/or segmentlengthmaystillneedtobeincorporatedintosomeofthemethods utilizedforassessingsafety. AccordingtotheWorldHealthOrganization(WHO),between2000and 2016, roadway-related crashes increased from about 1.15 million to 1.35 milliondeathsglobally(WHO,2018).Onanannualbasis,about80million nonfatal injuries warranting medical care occur on highway networks (Word Bank, 2014). Road traffic injuries are ranked eighth as the leading causeofdeath(2.5%)amongpeopleofallages,rightinfrontofdiarrheal diseases and tuberculosis (WHO, 2018). Vulnerable road users (i.e., pedestriansandcyclists)represent26%ofroadinjurydeaths,whiledrivers andpassengersofmotorizedtwo-wheelandthree-wheelvehiclesaccount for another 28% worldwide (WHO, 2018). Unfortunately, while a large proportion of high-income countries have observed either a reduction or no change in traffic-related deaths between 2013 and 2016, a significant numberofmiddle-andlow-incomecountrieshaveobservedanincreasein traffic-related deaths (WHO, 2018), in large part attributed to the rapid motorizationobservedindevelopingcountries(WorldBank,2014). The economic burden of crashes significantly impacts the global economy. In the United States, for instance, highway crashes are estimatedtohavecausedmorethanUS$871billionineconomiclossand societalharmin2010(Blincoeetal.,2015).InEurope,itisestimatedthat 3 1.1 Motivation crashes have cost more than US$325 billion (V280 billion) in economic harm in 2015 (this value is considered underestimated) (Wijnen et al., 2017), while in Australia the economic burden was estimated to be US$ 23.9 billion (AU$33.2) in 2016 (Litchfield, 2017). Globally, it is estimated that 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) is lost to highway crashes (all severities)andcanbeashighas5%formiddle-andlow-incomecountries (WHO, 2015).In short, in addition tothe pain andsufferingthat crashes have caused to the victims of such events, highway crashes can signifi- cantlyimpedeacountry’seconomicgrowthorviabilityacrosstheglobe. As described in Fig. 1.1, the relationship that economic activity is stronglylinkedtothenumberoffatalitiesobservedonhighwayshasnow been well established (Wijnen and Rietveld, 2015; Elvik et al., 2015; Wegman et al., 2017; Noland and Zhou, 2017; Shimu, 2019). In times of economic growth, the number of crashes increases, while during economic hardship (i.e., recession), the number of crashes decreases. Fig. 1.2 illustrates such a relationship in detail, during the “Great Reces- sion”of2007e09intheUnitedStates(theright-handsideofFig.1.1).The influencingfactorsincludeunemploymentlevel,especiallyamongyoung people, mode shift for people who are unemployed and lower exposure by high-risk drivers (e.g., drivers below 25years old) during recession periods(Bloweretal.,2019).Therelationshipbetweeneconomicactivity and crashriskisveryimportant tobeunderstood beforeanalytical tools areusedforanalyzinghighwaycrashdata.Thisistoavoidthepotential confoundingeffectswhentreatmentsareimplementedandevaluatedfor reducing the number andseverity of crashes. FIGURE1.2 Fatalitiestrendduringthegreatrecessionof2007e09intheUnitedStates (NCS,2018). 4 1. Introduction Giventhemagnitudeoftheproblemassociatedwithhighwaycrashes, numerouspublictransportationagenciesacrosstheworld,fromnational tolocalagencies,haveplacedalotofeffort(i.e.,labor,promotion,etc.)and allocatedalargeamountoffundsforreducingthenumberandseverityof crashes, especially over the last 25years. For example, in the United States,theNationalHighwayTransportationSafetyAgency(NHTSA)has devoted US$908 million for highway-safety initiatives related to vehicle safety, driver safety, and traffic enforcement in 2016 (NHTSA, 2016). In 2019, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) allocated US$2.60 billion solely for safety projects, which include research, dissemination, engineering, and construction projects among others (FHWA, 2019). Similarfinancialinvestmentshavebeenplacedbyvarioustransportation agencies in Europe, Middle East, Asia, South Asia, and Oceania. The strong commitment to reducing the negative effects of highway crashes by decision-makers can be seen in the Vision Zero2 movement that was first introduced by the Swedish Government in 1997. This movement consistsinfindingnewandinnovativeapproachesandwaysofthinking (i.e.,shiftingtheresponsibilityfromroaduserstohighwaydesignersand engineers for reducing crashes) for significantly reducing, if not elimi- nating, fatal and nonfatal injuries on highways, especially on urban highways (Kristianssen et al., 2018). Vision Zero has been assertively implemented invarious communities acrossthe globe. Torespondtotheincreasinginvestment insafety-related projectsand help with the aim of reducing, if not eliminating (as per Vision Zero) highway crashes, research into methods and tools for analyzing crash datahasexponentiallygrownduringthesametimeperiod.Thetestament of such increase has recently been documented in two scientometric overviewpublicationsthatvisuallymappedtheknowledgeinthefieldof highwaysafety(i.e.,keyareasofresearch)andtheimpactoftheresearch that has been published in the leading journal Accident Analysis and Prevention (Zou and Vu, 2019; Zou et al., 2020). These authors identified “crash-frequencymodelinganalysis”tobethecoreresearchtopicinroad safetystudies,henceshowingtherelevanceofthematerialcoveredinthis textbook. Althoughdesignandapplicationmanuals,suchastheHighwaySafety Manual (HSM) (AASHTO, 2010) or the Road Safety Manual (RSM) (PIARC,2019),specializedtextbooks,suchastheonebyHauer(1997)on before-after studies or Tarko (2020) on surrogate measuresof safety, and review papers (see Lord and Mannering, 2010; Savolainen et al., 2011; Mannering and Bhat, 2014), already exist, there is not a single source availablethatcoversthefundamental(andup-to-date)principlesrelated totheanalysisofsafetydata.AsdiscussedbyZouandVu(2019),thefield 2https://visionzeronetwork.org/.

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