Highly charged ions in Penning traps, a new tool for resolving low lying isomeric states A.T. Gallant,1,2,∗ M. Brodeur,1,2,3 T. Brunner,1,4 U. Chowdhury,1,5 S. Ettenauer,1,2 V.V. Simon,1,6,7 E. Man´e,1 M.C. Simon,1 C. Andreoiu,8 P. Delheij,1 G. Gwinner,5 M. R. Pearson,1 R. Ringle,3 and J. Dilling1,2 1TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 2A3 Canada 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z1 Canada 3National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA 4Physik Department E12, Technische Universita¨t Mu¨nchen, D-85748 Garching, Germany 5Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2 Canada 6Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117, Heidelberg, Germany 7University of Heidelberg, 69117, Heidelberg, Germany 8Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada 2 (Dated: January 25, 2012) 1 0 Theuseofhighlychargedionsincreasestheprecisionandresolvingpower,inparticularforshort- 2 lived species produced at on-line radio-isotope beam facilities, achievable with Penning trap mass n spectrometers. This increase in resolving power providesanewand uniqueaccess to resolving low- a lying long-lived (T1/2 > 50 ms) nuclear isomers. Recently, the 111.19(22) keV (determined from J γ-rayspectroscopy)isomericstatein78Rbhasbeenresolvedfromthegroundstate,inachargestate 4 ofq=8+withtheTITANPenningtrapattheTRIUMF-ISACfacility. Theexcitationenergyofthe 2 isomer was measured to be 108.7(6.4) keV above the ground state. The extracted masses for both the ground and isomeric states, and their difference, agree with the AME2003 and Nuclear Data ] Sheet values. This proof of principle measurement demonstrates the feasibility of using Penning x trapmassspectrometerscoupledtochargebreederstostudynuclearisomersandopensanewroute e for isomer searches. - l c PACSnumbers: 21.10.Dr,21.10.-k,82.80.Qx,82.80.Rt u n [ I. INTRODUCTION The production rates of very neutron-rich nuclei tend to be very low, and the possibility of half-lives greater 2 v Many advances in our understanding of nuclear struc- than 50 ms limits the potential to study these iso- ≈ 4 mers in traditional β and γ-ray spectroscopy experi- ture have come from studying nuclei at the limits of 1 ments. Another hindrance for traditional spectroscopy existence, such as near the particle drip-lines. In very 6 experiments is the potential for contaminants or large neutron-rich nuclei the discovery of nuclear halos [1], 0 backgrounds[10] frommolecular beams oflighter nuclei. . neutron-skins [2, 3], and the emergence of new sub-shell 2 A viable alternative to study the excitation energies of closures and magic numbers [4] have provided stringent 1 these isomers, with lifetimes in the millisecond regime, tests for nuclear models. The emergence of new magic 1 is through mass measurements. Two mass measurement 1 numbers gives rise to the possibility of low-lying long- techniques that can be used to measure nuclear isomers v: lived (T1/2 > 50 ms) isomers, such as spin trap and K are storage rings and Penning traps [11]. The ability to isomers [5], in neutron-rich nuclei [6]. Nuclear isomers i study nuclearisomershasbeendemonstratedatthe GSI X are of interest for a variety of reasons. In astrophysics storage ring, with the discovery of long-lived isomers in r isomersplayarole indetermining the abundancesofthe a elements, since low lying isomers can be excited through neutron rich hafnium and tantalum isotopes [12] and in the proton rich nucleus 125Ce [13, 14]. Storage rings can thermalexcitationsinhotastrophysicalenvironments[7], e.g. the abundance of 26Al [8]. Furthermore, isomers measureisomerexcitationenergiesaslowas100keV[14], however, the technique is limited to isomers with half- nearnewmagicnumbersinneutron-richnucleimayplay lives greater than several seconds due to the length of animportantroleindeterminingther-processpath. Iso- the cooling process. mers alsoprovidesensitive tests for nuclearmodels. The life-time of a nuclear state depends on the overlap be- Penning traps have been shown to be the most pre- tween the excited and ground states, a small difference cise mass spectrometers for stable [15] and unstable [16] inamodelwavefunctioncanleadtowidelydifferentpre- isotopes. This property along with the ability to per- dictions for nuclear half-lives [9]. Additionally, nuclear form measurements with low count rates, as low as a isomers are intimately tied to nuclear structure through few ions per hour as demonstrated by SHIPTRAP [17], nuclear shapes and high spin states [5, 9]. allowsnuclearstructuretobestudiedinnuclidesandiso- mers near the particle driplines. To facilitate the study of isomers in Penning traps, it is desirable that the time of flight resonances, obtained by the time-of-flight ion- ∗ Correspondingauthor: [email protected] cyclotronresonancetechnique[18],beseparatedbymore 2 than one full-width half-maximum(FWHM) ofthe reso- 1)10-10 q = 1 nanceline shape. The FWHM ∆νFWHM isproportional -V q = 10, T = 20ms tfaroso∆tmhνetFhiWnevcHeyrMcsleo∝otrfTotnRh−Fef1rre[a1qd8u]ie.on-TcfryheeqνumewanhscsiycohefxitschieetxaittorinoancistteoidmbfteraoTimnReFda 2 (kem/m1100--1121 qq == 5500,, TTBBBrrreeeeeeddd == 2100m0mss c fit ofthe theoreticalline shape. The cyclotronfrequency ∆ of an ion in a homogeneous magnetic field is related to 10-13 its mass as, 10-14 qB ν = , (1) c 2πm 10-15 ion where q and mion are the charge and mass of the ion 10-16 of interest and B is the magnetic field strength in the 10-610-510-410-310-210-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 trap. Thus, the resolving power required to separate T1/2, TRF (s) R an isomer from the ground state by one FHWM is, m qBT = a RF (2) FIG.1. (coloronline)Thenormalizedrelativemassdifference R ∆ma ∝ 2πma between an isomer andtheground stateplotted against T1/2 oftheisomer. Superimposedistheavailablemassnormalized where m is the atomic mass of the ground state of the a resolving power, Eq. 2, for different q’s plotted against T . RF nuclide of interest and ∆m is the difference in atomic a Data are from Ref. [27]. The vertical line at 3 ms represents masses of the isomer and ground state. In what follows the shortest half-life that may be measured at TITAN. See resolvedwill be takento mean separatedby one FHWM text for details. of the line shape. Since the charge state and the excita- tion time in the Penning trap both enter into Eq. (2) in the numerator a decrease in the excitation time can be Isomers with half-lives much shorter than the breeding compensated by the appropriate increase in the charge time required to reach a given charge state cannot be state. As a rule of thumb the excitation time is chosen resolved. Any isomer to the right of the lines can, in according to the relation T 3 T . principle, be resolvedprovidedsufficient yield anda rea- RF 1/2 ≤ · TheabilitytoresolveisomersinPenningtrapswasfirst sonableisomertogroundstate productionratio. Ideally, demonstrated at ISOLTRAP, where the isomeric states intheabsenceofanisomerpurificationmechanism,both of 84,78Rb were seen [19]. If the hyperfine structure of a stateswouldbe deliveredinequalamounts. Aratiocon- nucleus is known, then through state selective laser ion- siderablydifferentthanthiswouldcausetheresonanceof ization it is possible to create isomerically pure beams the lesser produced species to be lost in the background from which the ground and isomer masses can be deter- produced by the primary species. In Fig. 1 isomers to mined with a minimum of contamination [20, 21]. If the the left of a line cannot be resolved with the chosen q. hyperfine structure of the ground and isomeric states lie To demonstrate the improvement in the resolving power closetoeachotherthenitispossibletocreatepurebeams gainedbyusinghighly-chargedionstostudy nucleariso- by the use of an appropriate ion/Penning trap cleaning mers a mass measurement of 78Rb was performed in a technique [10, 22]. The shortest of these cleaning tech- chargestateofq =8+andthereferenceionwas85Rb9+. niquesstillrequiresupwardsofone-hundredmilliseconds Forthe firsttime the groundandisomericstates of78Rb andcannotbe usedfor nucleiandisomerswithhalf-lives were resolved such that the minima were separated by on the order of tens of milliseconds. Penning traps can more than one full-width half-maximum. also be used as a discovery machine with the first ob- servation of new nuclides [23] or isomeric states [24], or to determine isomer excitation levels seen in decay spec- II. THE TITAN FACILITY AND troscopy [21, 25, 26]. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP The increase in resolving power from charge breeding enablestheresolutionoflowlyingnuclearisomersinPen- Triumf’sIonTrapforAtomicandNuclearphysics(TI- ning traps. The dots in Fig. 1 show the normalized rela- TAN)[28,29]islocatedintheISAChalloftheTRIUMF tivedifferenceinmass∆m/m2forallknownisomerswith laboratory. The TRIUMF-ISAC facility [30] produced half-lives greater than 1 µs and excitation energies less the 78Rb beam by impinging a 500 MeV proton beam than 9 MeV (868in total) plotted againstthe half-life of with a current of up to 98 µA beam on a Nb production the isomer. Superimposedaslines arecalculationsofthe target. Theproducedradionuclidesthermallydiffuseout available mass normalized resolving power for a given q ofthetargetwheretheyareionizedandacceleratedtoan and charge breeding time T assuming an excitation energy of 20 keV. The beam is cleaned of contaminants breed ◦ time of 3 T T . The hatched areahighlights the using a 120 dipole magnet with a resolving power of 1/2 breed · − gaininresolvingpower,astheseisomerscouldnotbere- m/δm 3000anddeliveredtoTITAN.TITANcurrently ∼ solvedassinglychargedionsduetotheirshortlife-times. consistsofthreeiontraps: aradio-frequencyquadrupole 3 a) SCI nts (a.u) 103 85Rb1815+Rb10+ 85Rb9+85Rb8+ 85Rb7+ B85Racbkground u o C 102 85Rb12+ SCI b) HCI 14N2+ 16O2+ 85Rb6+ 85Rb5+ 85Rb13+ SCI 10 14N1+ SCI 1 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Time of Flight (µs) off-line ion source FIG. 3. (color online) Time-of-flight spectra of charge bred ionsfrom theEBITdetectedonamicro-channelplatebefore theMPET. Thered(black)curveshowsthecaseofinjection FIG.2. (coloronline)IllustrationoftheTITANexperimental (noinjection) of 85Rb into theEBIT. set-up. Forprecision mass measurements singly charged ions delivered from ISAC or the offline source can (a) be injected directlyintotheMPETor(b)firstsenttotheEBITforcharge breeding and then sent to the MPET. trapiscurrentlybeingbuiltandwilluseeitherelectronor proton cooling to decrease the phase space of the highly charged ion bunch [42, 43]. A full description of the TI- (RFQ) cooler and buncher [31], an electron beam ion TAN EBIT can be found in Ref. [32, 44]. The ions are trap (EBIT) [32] and a high precisionmeasurementtrap radially bound by a 3 T magnetic field and the space (MPET)[33,34]. AschematicofTITANisshowninFig. charge from the electron beam, and confined axially by 2. a 100 V deep well. The injected ions and atoms of resid- The RFQ is used to stop, thermalize, and bunch the ual gas in the trapping region are bred to higher charge beam delivered from ISAC in a helium buffer gas. This states and are extracted from the trap with an energy cooling decreases the energy spread of the beam which of Ekin 1.9 q keV. The EBIT is typically opened for ≈ · allowsforamoreefficientinjectionintoeithertheMPET a short time, between a few hundred nanoseconds to a or EBIT. The beam is extracted from the RFQ with an few microseconds, allowing for the selection of ions of energy of 2 keV. The cooling is of chief concern for the differentm/q’sbytime-of-flightgatingusingaBradbury MPET since a large energy spread adversely affects the Nielson gate [45]. For this experiment the 78Rb beam precision obtained in a mass measurement. waschargebredfor23mswith anelectronbeamenergy, TheMPETacceptsbeameitherdirectlyfromtheRFQ relative to the trapped ions, of 2.5 keV and a current of as singly charged ions (Fig. 2, path (a)) or from the 10 mA, yielding a similar charge state distribution pre- EBIT as highly charged ions (Fig. 2, path (b)), and sented in Fig. 3 for 85Rb. An m/q ratio of 9.5, which performs high precision mass measurements by utilizing corresponds to ionic states of 85Rb9+ and ≈78Rb8+, was the time-of-flight ion cyclotron resonance technique (see chosen due the cleanliness (lack of charge bred residual Ref. [18]). A magnetic field of 3.7 T in the MPET is gas) of the TOF spectrum, hence, a clear separation of used to radially confine the ions while electrostaticfields species could be achieved. are used to trap the ions axially. The general procedure for mass measurements with TITAN is outlined in [33]. The TITAN system is a well established measurement III. DATA ANALYSIS facility for singly charged ions, in particular for very- short lived, neutron-richlight isotopes such as 6,8He [35, 36], 11Li [37], and 11,12Be [38, 39]. Recently, the first The quantity of interest in a Penning trap mass mea- mass measurements of short-lived, highly charged ions surement is the cyclotron frequency ν of the trapped c were carried out at TITAN [40]. ions,andisrelatedtothemassasshowninEq. (1). This The TITAN EBIT charge breeds the ions of interest is extracted from a fit of the theoretical line shape [18] storedinitiallyassinglychargedionsinthetrapthrough tothe time-of-flightresonancespectra. Toeliminate ma- successive impact ionization of the electron beam. The jor systematic shifts, such as those due to drifts of the chargebreedingprocessincreasestheions’energyspread, magnetic field, the ratio R of the cyclotron frequency whichisestimatedtobeintherangeof10 100 qeV[41]. of the ion of interest to that of a well known reference − · In order to cool the charge bred beam a cooler Penning ion is taken in the combination such that the reference 4 forisomersornuclidesthatlieverycloseinmassandare ) z trapped quasi-simultaneously, as Coulomb interactions H ( betweenthetwostoredspeciesinthetrapleadtosystem- 6 0 aticshiftsinthemeasuredfrequencies[19,47]. Therefore 1 - t a linear interpolation between two frequency measure- c 1 j+1 ν ments, one taken immediately before and one immedi- y, ately after the ion of interest must be made. As a time uenc Ti+1 Ti+2 tj+2 t savingmeasureduring anexperiment twomeasurements q j+3 of the ion of interest will often share a reference mea- Fre0.5 T surementintroducingcorrelationsbetweenthefrequency f. i+3 ratios. With the use of highly chargedions and the high Re T levelofprecisionthatcanbereacheditisimportanttoin- i clude these correlationswhendetermining the finalaver- 0 t agedfrequencyratio. The relativestatisticaluncertainty j ofthecyclotronfrequencyinameasurementisrelatedto theresolvingpowerasδm /m −1 √N−1[48]where a a ∝R · N is the number of detected ions. Here we present two 1000 2000 3000 4000 cases shown in Fig. 4. First, the most likely case where Time (s) two measurements share a reference measurement, and second, the case where several measurements occur be- tween two reference measurements. In practice the sec- ond case does not occur since these data are generally FIG.4. Illustrationofthecorrelationintroducedbetweenad- summed. In the second case, the analysis with the time jacentfrequencyratiomeasurementsduetosharedreferences. correlations and with the summed data will yield nearly The filled circles (t ’s) represent reference measurements of j the same result because the summed data implicitly in- ν and the open circles (T ’s) show the interpolation of c,ref i cludes time correlationsbetween the frequency measure- ν tothecentertimeof a measurement of an ion of inter- c,ref ments. Forthefirstcase,thecovariancerelationbetween est. FromthefigureitisclearthatTi iscorrelatedwithTi+1, frequency ratios is, Ti and Ti+1 with Ti+2, and Ti+2 with Ti+3 (details follow in thetext). 1 T t t T covar(Ri,Ri+1)= ν ν (cid:18)t i− jt (cid:19)(cid:18)tj+2−ti+1(cid:19)σj2+1 c,i c,i+1 j+1 j j+2 j+1 − − (5) frequency is in the numerator, where the i and i+1 refer to the ith and ith+1 mea- νc,ref surements of the ion of interest and the j’s refer to the R= . (3) ν referencemeasurements. Forthe secondcase,the covari- c ancebetweenfrequencyratiosthatsharebothreferences Takingtheratiointhiswaygreatlysimplifiesthecalcula- is, tion of the covariancerelations presentedin Sec. (IIIA). 1 t T t T AmfetnetrsaEvqe.ra(g1i)ncgana bneumusbeedrtoofdferteeqrumeninceytrhaetimoamsseaosfutrhee- covar(Ri,Ri+1)= νc,iνc,i+1 (cid:20)(cid:18)tjj++11−tji(cid:19)(cid:18) jt+j+11− ti+j1(cid:19)σj2 − − ion of interest relative to the mass of the reference ion, T t T t + i− j i+1− j σ2 . (6) q (cid:18)tj+1 tj(cid:19)(cid:18)tj+1 tj(cid:19) j+1(cid:21) m = R¯(m q m +B )+qm B , − − a a,ref ref e e,ref e e q − − Figure4illustratestherelationshipbetweenthevariables ref (4) given in the above equations. In both cases the covari- where R¯ is the weighted average of all frequency ratios anceisproportionaltothevarianceofthereferencemea- and B and B are the electron binding energies of surements. It is desirable to measure the reference ion e e,ref the ion of interest and of the reference ion. The electron much more precisely than the ion of interest to reduce bindingenergiesforRb8+,9+ are 500eVand 650eV correlationeffects, however,a trade-off must be made in ≈ ≈ [46]. Thepopulationoflong-livedionicmetastablestates ordertomaximizethestatisticscollected,andhence,the that add significant amounts of energy, or equivalently, precision, for the ion of interest. mass, to the system can be neglected, as the binding energies are relatively small. B. Systematic errors/Uncertainties A. Time correlations between data sets Several systematics must be taken into account. Sys- tematics relatingtomisalignmentbetweenmagneticand It is generally not practical to measure the reference trap axes, electric field miscompensation, relativistic ef- frequency at the same time as the ion of interest, except fects, etc., are minimized by choosing a reference ion 5 s 45 clotron frequency of both ions decreases from the nomi- nt nal value [19]. In order to eliminate this potential shift u 40 Co q=3+ q=2+ a count class analysis [47] was performed. For this the 35 frequencies are determined as a function of the num- 30 ber of detected ions, hence the number of ions stored in the trap (count class). The cyclotron frequencies of 25 12 µs 40 µs the ground and isomeric states were extracted for differ- 20 ent count classes and the frequencies were extrapolated 15 to the detector efficiency of 0.6 0.2%. When one ion 10 H+2 78Rb8+ was detected after extraction on±average about 1.7 ions 5 TRF = 197 ms were actually in the trap, thus, an extrapolation past unity was required. The count class analysis eliminated 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 anycorrelationsbetweentheextractedfitparameters,so Time of Flight (µs) their correlations were not included in the analysis. C. Extracting isomeric excitation energies FIG. 5. (color online) Time of flight spectrum of ions ex- tracted from theMPET. Seetext for details. The excitation energy of the isomer can be extracted by using Eq. (4), and, using the isomer as the reference, which is close in m/q to the ion of interest as these ef- the difference in mass is fects scalewiththe difference inthe chargetomassratio ∆(m/q) [34]. To determine any potential shifts due to m m =(1 R¯)(m qm +B ). (7) different m/q effects between the ion of interest and the a,iso a,gnd a,iso e e − − − referenceion,aseriesofmassmeasurementson85Rb10,8+ Since the groundstate andisomerrepresenta mass dou- and 87Rb9+ using 85Rb9+ as the reference were com- blet,many ofthe systematiceffects presentedinthe pre- pleted. The extracted masses all agree within 1σ of the vious section cancel. However, to be conservative we in- literature value. Although no shifts were observed to be clude the maximum42ppb systematicshift presentedin conservativewetake,asanupperlimitonanysystematic the previous section. effects, a systematic uncertainty of 42 parts-per-billion If other reference measurements were performed, it is (ppb) in the frequency ratio. also possible to extract the mass excess of each state as A second systematic effect stems from the ambiguity wellastheenergydifferenceoftheisomericstatethrough inselecting the upper andlowertime cuts onthe time of a joint fit of all the frequency ratio pairs of the ground flight spectrum. The ambiguity arises due to charge ex- and isomeric states, making use of the full covariance change processes in the trap. If an ion undergoes charge matrix between all the frequency ratios using Eqs. 5 exchangewithresidualgasinthevacuum,theseionswill and 6. This process provides a better error estimate on manifest themselves as a long tail in the time of flight the difference than achieved using simple error propaga- spectrum. In the present analysis the lower and upper tion methods. The weighted average of each frequency levels were set at 12 and 40 µs, respectively. The lower ratio, to be used in Eq. 4, can be extracted from the level was set to 12 µs in order to maximize the num- same formalism and will yield a higher uncertainty than ber of on resonance ions while minimizing background aweightedaverageassumingindependent measurements counts from the nearby H+ peak resulting from charge 2 sincethe correlationsarepositive. The techniqueusedis exchangeinthetrappingregion. Figure5showsatypical fully described in Ref. [49]. timeofflightspectrumfor78Rb8+ whichwastrappedfor 197ms. Thedashed-bluelines showthe lowerandupper time cuts while the solid-red lines show when, on aver- IV. RESULTS age, 78Rb ions with different charge states would arrive. In order to determine the systematic effect R¯ was de- The frequency ratios for 78Rb8+ (ground termined for upper level time cuts of 30, 35, 40, 45 and state) and 78nRb8+ (isomer1) (T = 55 µs for both the groundand isomeric states. If the av- 1/2 17.66(3) min, 5.74(3) min [51]) measured relative eragefrequency ratiodetermined at 40 µs for either case to 85Rb9+ are presented in Table I. The error budget, was an extremum the systematic effect was assigned to showing the contributions from allsystematics discussed be the full range of the extracted R¯’s, otherwise half of the range was assigned. The last systematic effect results from ions with dif- ferent m/q’s which are in the trap at the same time. 1 WeusethenotationintroducedintheNUBASE[50]evaluation For ions that are separated by more than the full-width where isomericstates are labeledby m,n, p, q, etc. inorder of half-maximum of the resonance curve the measured cy- increasingexcitationenergy. 6 TABLE I. Frequency ratios and mass excesses of 78,78nRb8+ measured relative to 85Rb9+ with the total uncertainties. The error budget is summarized in Table II. Isotope νc,ref/νc ME (keV) MEAME03 (keV) ME−MEAME03 (keV) 78Rb8+ 1.032475265(99) -66933.2(7.0) -66936.228(7.452) 3.0 78nRb8+ 1.032476806(60) -66824.8(4.2) -66825.038(7.455) −0.2 s)s) TABLEIII.Extractedexcitationenergyoftheisomericstate. µµ (a) ght (ght ( 3300 eTrhroere,rrwohrilienpthaereenrtrhoerseinsibsrtahceesstaistitshtiecatloatanldetrirmore.coTrhreelattiimone FliFli correlations in this measurement are of the second type (Eq. of of 2288 6). e e mm Method Excitation Energy (keV) TiTi 2266 Time Correlation 108.4(4.8){7.6} No Time Correlations 108.5(5.1){7.8} 78nRb8+ as reference 108.7(4.8){6.4} 2244 2222 previously, is presented in Table II. Typical resonances --1100 --55 00 55 1100 1155 2200 νν -- 55883311449955..00 ((HHzz)) for 97 ms and 197 ms excitation times are shown in RRFF Fig. 6. Subtracting the literature excitation energy of the isomer from the measured mass excess and s)s) 3322 taking the weighted average of both measurements (at µµ (b) ght (ght ( 3300 fToRrF78=Rb97,is1976m6s9)3,5i.t3(w3.a6s)fokueVnd. tThhaitsthise imnasesxceexlcleensts FliFli agreement wit−h the AME03 value [52]. f f e oe o 2288 Extracting the mass of the ground state was com- mm plicated by two factors. First, the ratio of iso- TiTi 2266 meric to ground state nuclei delivered from ISAC was N /N 2. The difference in the number of ions isomer g.s. ≈ 2244 weakens the time-of-flight resonance of the ground state leading to a larger uncertainty in the fitted frequency. 2222 Second, while the resonances are fully resolved in Fig. 6(b), the ground state sits very near the first sideband --1100 --55 00 55 1100 1155 2200 νν -- 55883311449955..00 ((HHzz)) oftheisomerresonanceleadingtotheambiguityofwhat RRFF the fitting routine is extracting: The ground state cen- ter frequency or the position of the first sideband of the isomer? In our case the sideband of the isomer is half FIG. 6. (color online) Resonance of 78Rb8+ for quadrupole of the depth of the ground state resonance causing the excitation times of (a) 97 ms and (b) 197 ms. The isomer isomer sideband to have an affect on the fitted ground resonance is on theleft and theground state resonance is on state frequency. the right. The solid line is a fit of the theoretical line shape FortheTITANset-upfullresolutionoftheisomerand [18] to thedata. ground states is achieved with a quadrupole excitation time of 197 ms shown in Fig. 6 (b). The excitation energy of the isomer when using 78nRb8+ as the refer- ence is 108.7(6.4) keV. When a joint fit is performed TABLE II. Error budget of the frequency ratios in ppb. on the data, taking into account the correlations be- “Ground”and“Isomer”indicatethemeasurementsweredone tween measurements, the energy of the isomer relative relativeto85Rb9+,while“Doublet”indicatesthattheisomer to the ground state is 108.4(7.6) keV. When time corre- was used as the reference ion. lationsare neglected,the excitationenergyof the isomer Uncertainty (ppb) Ground Isomer Doublet is 108.7(7.8) keV. The results are summarized in Table Statistical 66.8 29.5 66.7 III. Both are in agreement with the more precise value Time Correlations 24.1 24.5 0.0 of111.19(22)keVobtainedfromγ-rayspectroscopy[51]. TOF Spectrum Cut 55.0 20.0 38.0 Itisunsurprisingthattheexcitationenergyderivedfrom Trap Systematics 42.0 42.0 42.0 using78nRb8+ asthereferenceismoreprecisesincefewer Total 99.0 60.0 87.0 systematiceffectsenterintothecalculation. Itisinterest- ingtonotethattheuncertaintyontheenergydifference, 7 before systematic effects are included, for both the case of 66935.3(3.6) keV. This is a proof-of-principle that withtimecorrelationsandwith78nRb8+ asthereference hig−hlychargedionsareapowerfultoolforincreasingthe are identical. precisionand resolutionof Penning trap mass spectrom- eters for on-line spectroscopy and searches for isomeric states. V. CONCLUSION Thegroundandisomericstatein78Rbhavebeenfully ACKNOWLEDGMENTS resolved in TITAN’s precision mass measurement Pen- ning trapthroughthe use ofhighly chargedions. 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