Pop Quiz DerrianQ Hall Condit Holl Are You Clueless? ACROSS 3. Home to classes, decision makers, and naoney takers. 7. Once was a county jail and chemical testing plant. 8. A^ place tbat lioxises security and lots of females. 9. A^ place to find tnaoks, compnters, and classrooms of tlie liximanities persioasion; originally xised as a hospital; t)asement was a morgue. PC lO. Sliop here for gear. 1. Once was a co-ed dorm and is responsible for the strict fire regulations. 2. Home to PCSOTvl and the sciences. Basement is a morgue. 4-. Home to the fine arts and the TSfursing I>ivision. 5. The first building on upper campxis; once condemned and held classrooms. 6. Home to loud men, cafeteria, and faculty offices. G K I G B V T X L H A N C C C S R E C R D M E M R I A L Q G S Y H S H P R F E S S R A J P B S A H J T S B R L B V E F J Y D H W Q E R J P G U C E A J N L I P G W B X Y R Q D L C L A N Z I M C L U S I T Q V G Y Z E L Z C G K J U N I R E N Y H J A N T L R R H J N G A M N X G R X R P G T S E A U G C R F I L T M N A X N B R S M X K S I H Q I F H D A D M I N I S T R A T I N W X P C Z F M M F Q C N P U D E R R I A N A L L G R V K I N Z E R H A L L Q N V S A L A A U N A M H S E R F P W B H V S X Q Q H A B W I G E Y I U B Q Y S G A X L F V L H U X H W R V Q C I H R E T N E C T N E D U T s N I V R A M Z Y N Z F G N V H W P A G E H A L L E C W N A S E N I R F G U E U H E F See if you can solve this word find! Are you P.C. sawyl Axiministration Tvlarvin Student Center Allara Page Hall A^rmington Professor Class Record IVlemorial Derriana Senior Junior Sopliomore Frestiman Student K-inzer Hall Wicktiam 2007 Edition Whichbuildingwas firstbuilt on the upper campus? Whatpopular place on campus hosts many special events and was once called Faith Chapel? In whatyear was Pikeville College founded? AH Whichbuildinghosts the college's fine arts program? What type ofrock is "The Rock"? WhichPikeville College sports teambroughthome the college's only National Championship? 147 Sycamore Street Pikeville, Kentucky 41501 218-5250 (606) www.pc.edu COLLEGE PIKEVILLE A Game Higher Education Learning In 1889, three Presbyterianministers fromAshland, Kentucky, presented the idea ofbeginning a Christian school in the mountains ofEastern Kentucky. Itwas the excitingprospects ofproviding a solid Christian education that prorapted the Ebenezer Presbytery tobegin the Pikeville Collegiate Academy, the school thatwould evolve into PIKEVILLE COLLEGE. Right:Monica,Jessica, andRobget some hands-onpersonal money management skills byplaying the classicgame. Monopoly. Beloio: Dr. Riley's education won'tsavehim when his son, Chris, comes afterhis destroyer in a ravaginggame ofBattleship. Above: "Sorry," Sweeney says to Sydney Englandas ff^ she bumps her back to Start. Above: Rachel demonstrates herspellinggenius. 2 RulesofPC Left: Chip, "Amburgey," and Tiffany realize that sometimes lifeat Pikeville College becomes a little "Twisted." Left: Deputy Dougand Ticket Ted "boot"yourcar. Do notpass Go. Do not driveanywhere this weekend! Right: Mr. Monopoly reminds us, "It's all about the students!" Below, Left: Tonya, Amber, TJ, and Donnellget into some "Trouble" beforeclass. The Rules of Pikeville College Object: Graduation Length of Game: 4-5 ofthebest years ofyour Hfe. Number of Players: 850 Getting Started: ApplywithOffice of Admissions. Fill out FASFA and financial aid forms. Consultwith Academic Advisor. Visit Registrar's Office and Business Office. Good luck! Game Play: Go to class, takenotes, study, write papers, and take exams. Go tonext class and repeat. How to Win: Graduate withhonors and change our world, one graduate at a time. FarLeft: Ryan "Ryno" McCoy, Pikeville College's resident Regis Pliilbin, asks Chip ifthat's hisfinal answer in agame of"Who Wants to bea Millionaire" during ChandraMassner's Interpersonal Communication class. Left: Bradshows us his Blackjack. Watch out, Vegas! RulesofPC 3 LIFE«< 4 Opening Opening 5 BCT^Q! ]{CAI1Y, ORIENTATI Right: TiffanyNichols looks through posters on the bridge for the right touch to make herdorm room a home. Below: Students could choose from hundreds ofposters lining the bridgeduring the annualpostersale. Welcome Back to campus in style Upper right: Tonya Amburgey slips and slides on an inflatable waterslide. Far lower right: Jordan Gibson, Rachel Adkins, Allie Sisco, Adam Lesshafft, Sara Gavins, Jessie Ray and Tonya Amburgeytake a much needed breakfrom playing. Right: Allie Sisco, Tonya Amburgey, and Jordan Gibson cool off on an inflatable in the Condit parking lot. Above: Facultyadvisors and newstudents attendfreshman orientation. New students met with theiradvisorsfor thefirst time to learn about academicpolicies andprocedures at Pikeville College. Right: Kevin Kovash, MichelleMcKay, KelleyNeace, and Whitney Broyles say, "Welcome back," as theyattend the Orientation Picnic held in theAllara courtyard before classes started. 6 Welcome Back