The king’s punishment is swift and sure. Clan MacRob’s second-in-command will wed the sister of his most bitter enemy. Not when another full moon passes, as was King Alexander’s original decree. Instead, Ainsley Shaw will immediately know the consequences of her clansmen’s actions. Another brawl, this one at the laird’s wedding, has brought consequences greater than any other in their clan’s history. Two enemies are now joined as man and wife. A circumstance Ainsley Shaw and Tor MacRob refuse to accept. Traveling to nearby Berwick as they search for clues to a mystery that, if solved, could end their clans’ feud, the new bride and groom cling to one small hope—that their marriage can be annulled. Their union erased, as if it never existed. Except, with each passing day, the bride and groom’s resolve not to consummate their marriage grows weaker. Their discoveries force both Tor and Ainsley toward a truth that threatens to destroy their newfound love, as well as the very families they aim to protect.