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Higher diptera associated with the marsh spike-rush, Eleocharis palustris (cyperaceae), in northeastern Ohio PDF

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Preview Higher diptera associated with the marsh spike-rush, Eleocharis palustris (cyperaceae), in northeastern Ohio

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(1), 2007, pp. 9-16 HIGHER DIPTERA ASSOCIATED WITH THE MARSH SPIKE-RUSH, ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS (CYPERACEAE), IN NORTHEASTERN OHIO B. A. FooTE Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242 (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Information is given on 28 ofthe 50 species ofhigher Diptera that were found in stands ofthe marsh spike-rush, Eleocharispalustris (L.) Roemer & Schultes, in northeastern Ohio. Seasonal distributions, abundances, and larval feeding habits of selected species are presented. Key Words: Eleocharis, Diptera, freshwater marshes, Ohio This is the ninth paper in a series that long and narrow (100 X 5 m) and focuses on the species of higher Diptera consisted of a near monoculture of E. (Schizophora) that occur in freshwater palustris, although a few individuals of marshes in northeastern Ohio (Todd and rice cut grass, Leersia oryzoides (L.) Foote 1987a, b; Rogers et al. 1991; Swartz, were scattered throughout the Wearsch and Foote 1994; Larson and stand. The stand was bordered on either Foote 1997; Keiper et al. 1998; Foote side by an undetermined species of grass 2004a, b). The present study gives survey and by narrow-leaved cattail (Typha data obtained during one field season of angustifolia L.) at its northern end. The collecting higher Diptera from a near- study site was mowed periodically by monoculture stand of the marsh spike- county maintenance crews throughout rush, Eleocharispalustris (L.) Roemer & the summer months. Water, at a depth of Schultes, growing in a roadside drainage some 10 cm, was present during the ditch near Kent in northeastern Ohio. spring months. Water depths receded Information is given on seasonal occur- steadily as summer advanced, although rence and larval feeding habits of 28 of summer rains caused temporary fluctua- the 50 associated species. tions. By late August, no standing water was present. Materials and Methods Specimens ofDiptera were obtained by Eleocharis palustris is a widespread, sweep samples consisting of 15 back and narrow-leaved, emergent, perennial spe- forth movements of a 15 inch diameter cies of Cyperaceae having horizontal, standard aerial insect net through the mat-forming rhizomes (Ball et al. 2002). stand. Sampling took place weekly for The study stand was located in a shallow 22 weeks between 6 May and 30 Septem- drainage ditch bordering Hodgeman ber, 2004. Nearby stands of rice cutgrass Lane, a small road leading to the Kent and other undetermined grass species Water Treatment Plant on the east side were swept for comparative purposes. of the city in Portage County (41° 08' Rearings were initiated from larvae or 33"N X 81° 19' 19"W). The stand was adults collected from the host plant. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 10 Rearing containers were small (5.5 X third instar being reached the following 7.0 cm) plastic jars from which the late April or May. Mature larvae mi- bottom had been removed. The jar was grated to the rhizomes where they then inserted into a Petri dish containing fonned puparia in May. The pupal a layer of moist peat moss. The top of period ranged from 10-15 days under the jar was covered with fine-mesh laboratory conditions. Stem infestation nylon. A small pellet ofmoistened honey rates were quite low, with 5 samples of30 and yeast was affixed to the wall of the field-collected stems each having emer- jar to serve as food for the adults. gence rates ranging from to 5%. Once larvae were obtained, they were Infested stems rarely produced inflores- transferred to Petri dishes containing cences. — fragments of the host plant or a field- Diplotoxa inclinata Becker. This collected sample of detritus or algae. strictly Nearctic species has a transconti- Larvae were killed in hot water and nental distribution in North America preserved in 70% ethanol. Puparia that and was abundant in the study stand produced adults were placed in small between early May and early September. plastic vials and pinned beneath the It was usually the first species of emerged adults. Voucher specimens are Diplotoxa to appear at the study site. deposited in the insect collection of the Based on evidence obtained from the author. sweep samples and from laboratory rearings, it was an univoltine species. Results Mated females confined with Eleocharis A total of 875 specimens from 35 in breedingjars readily deposited eggs on genera and 50 species were collected the stems, although a few eggs were also from the stand of Eleocharis during the deposited on the underlying peat moss. summer of2004 (Table 1). In the follow- Most ofthe eggs were placed at the base ing annotated list, 28 species are covered ofthe stemjust above the peat moss, but in greater detail with respect to their a few were attached at greater heights. seasonal occurrence, relative abundance, None was placed on inflorescence. The and larval feeding habits. incubation period lasted 4-5 days. New- ly hatched larvae crawled down the stem Annotated List of Selected Species and entered young shoots at the base of the plant where they began feeding on Family Chloropidae — the stem tissue. Older larvae moved Chlorops obscuricornis Loew. This downward within the stem and penetrat- Nearctic species is a stem borer of ed into the rhizomes attached to the Eleocharis, having been reared from crown of the plant. They then continued stems of E. palustris and E. ohtusa to feed within the meristematic tissue of (Willd.) (Wearsch and Foote 1994). It the rhizome. Overwintering occurred as was an univoltine species having a flight inactive second instars, and feeding re- period from late May to early August. coinmenced during early April. Puparia Adults were particularly common in were formed within the rhizomes during June. Eggs found on the surface of the last two weeks of April. Larvae and Eleocharis stems had an incubation puparia were easily distinguished from period of 5-7 days. Newly hatched lar- those of Chlorops and other species of vae bored through the stem cuticle and Diplotoxa by their greenish color. The life subsequently fed on the tissue within the cycle was elucidated by Wearsch and stem. Larvae overwintered as first and Foote (1994) who also described and second instars within stems, with the illustrated the egg and all larval instars. VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 11 Table 1. Species, numbers collected, and trophic guilds ofhigher Diptera associated with Eleocharis palustris in northeastern Ohio. NumberofAdults Species Collected TrophicGuild Agromyzidae Cerodontha dorsalts (Loew) 1 Leafminer ofgrasses Undetermined sp. 2 Unknown Anthomyzidae Anthomyza sp. 1 Stem borer Mumetopia occipitalis Melander 2 Stem borer Chloropidae Apallates neocoxendix (Sabrosky) 26 Unknown Apallatesparticeps (Becker) 1 Unknown Chlorops obscuricornis Loew 209 Stem borer ofEleocharis Diplotoxa inclinata Becker 112 Stem borer ofEleocharis Diplotoxa nigripes (Coquillett) 30 Stem borer ofEleocharis Diplotoxa near versicolor 14 Stem borer ofEleocharis Elliponeura debilis Loew 11 Seed predator ofEleocharis Eribolus longulus (Loew) 1 Secondaryinvaderofdamagedstems Incertella minor (Adams) 1 Secondaryinvaderofdamagedstems Incertella incerta (Becker) 1 Secondaryinvaderofdamagedstems Meromyza americana Fitch 1 Stem borer ofgrasses Oscinellafrit Linneaus 4 Stem borer ofgrasses Pseudopachychaeta approximatonervis 14 Seed predator ofEleocharis (Zett.) Rhopcdopterimi carbonaria (Loew) 51 Secondaryinvaderofdamaged stems Thaumatomyiaglabra (Meigen) 1 Predator ofroot aphids Drosophilidae Scaptomyzapallida (Zetterstedt) 11 Scavenger ofdetritus Ephydridae Hydrelliaformosa Loew 2 Leafminer ofgrasses Hydrellia griseola (Fallen) 1 Leafminer ofmany plant taxa Leptopsilopa atrimana (Loew) 1 Scavenger ofdetritus Notiphila caudata Fallen 44 Scavenger ofdetritus Notiphila scalaris Loew 9 Scavenger ofanaerobic detritus Ochthera anatolikos Clausen 2 Insect predator Pelina truncatula Loew 1 Consumer ofCyanobacteria Scatella stagnalis (Fallen) 10 Scavenger, phycovore Typopsilopa atra (Loew) 12 Secondaryinvaderofdamagedstems Milichiidae Phyllomyza securicornis Fallen Unknown Opomyzidae Opomyzapetrel Mesnil Stem borer ofgrasses Otitidae Chaetopsis massyla (Walker) Secondaryinvaderofdamaged stems Sciomyzidae Atrichomelinapubera (Loew) 9 Predator ofstranded aquatic snails Pherbellia nana (Fallen) 16 Predator ofstranded aquatic snails Pherbelliaparallela (Walker) 4 Predator ofstranded aquatic snails Pherbellia schoenherrimaculata (Cresson) 2 Predator ofamber snails Dictya borealis Curran 1 Predator ofaquatic snails Dictya expansa Steyskal 1 Predator ofaquatic snails Dictya sabroskyi Steyskal 9 Predator ofaquatic snails — PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 12 Table 1. Continued. Numberol'Adults Spc Colkvleil Trophic(hiild Diclya Mey.skci/i Valley 1 Predator ofaquatic snails Sepedon armipc.s Loew 8 Predator ofaquatic snails Sepedon fuscipcnnis Loew 28 Predator ofaquatic snails Sepedon leniiieornis Cresson 5 Predator ofaquatic snails Sepsidae EnicoDiirci minor (Haliday) 5 Scavenger ofdetritus Sepsispiinciuin (Fabricius) 6 Scavenger ofdetritus, feces Sphaeroceridae Leptocera sp. 39 Scavenger ofdetritus Muscidae Coenosia tigrina (Fabricius) 18 Insect predator Lispa sp. 29 Insect predator Schoenomyza chrysostoma Loew 21 Stem borer ofEleocharis Schoenomvza dorsalis Loew 8 Stem borer ofEleocharis Number ofspecies: 50. Number ofgenera: 35. Number ofindividuals: 875. — Diplotoxa nigripes (Coquillett). An early April. Puparia were formed within uncommon species in the stand of E. the stems in early April, with emergence paliistris, this small, dark species was occurring in early May. The wasp common to abundant in nearby stands of Chaenusa sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconi- the annual spike-rush, E. obtusa (Willd.) dae) was an important parasitoid, as 15 Scultes. The larvae are stem borers. The of 16 collected puparia were infested. life cycle and the immature stages were The life cycle and immature stages were described and illustrated by Wearsch and described and illustrated by Wearsch and Foote (1994). Foote (1994). — Diplotoxa sp. near versicolor (Loew). Elliponeura debilis Loew. This was The late Curtis W. Sabrosky (personal an uncommon, multivoltine seed preda- communication) recognized this form as tor, having a flight period extending a distinct species near D. versicolor, from mid-May to late September. Eggs based upon the presence of white hairs were attached to the lower bracts sub- on the dorsum ofthe abdomen instead of tending the inflorescence, with only 1 or the dark hairs found in the D. versicolor. 2 eggs being found on each inflorescence. It was a fairly common species in the Examination of inflorescence collected stand ofEleocharis, whereas adults ofD. from the stand revealed infestation rates versicolor itselfwere far more commonly varying from zero to 27%. Larvae fed on encountered on stands of the path rush, the developing achenes, with each larva Juncus tenuis Willd. (Juncaceae). This consuming 3-5 seeds. Puparia were stem borer was an univoltine species in formed in the inflorescence within the northeastern Ohio, with a flight period space formerly filled by an eaten achene. extending from early May to late Sep- The pupal period lasted 6 8 days. tember. Overwintering occurred as sec- Pseudopachychaeta approximatonervis — ond instars within the plant stems. Fully (Zetterstedt). Like E. debilis, this spe- grown larvae were found near the bases cies fed on the developing achenes, and of Eleocharis during late March and had a similar life cycle and flight period. —— VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 13 — However, older larvae and puparia were Scatella stagnalis (Fallen). This was yellowish in color, whereas those of E. a relatively common species in the debilis, were greenish. Interestingly, only Eleocharis stand, with 10 specimens one species ofthe two seed predators was being recorded. The larvae are general- found in each infested inflorescence. An ized consumers of algae and organic indication that this species is not strictly detritus (Zack and Foote 1978, Foote a seed predator was the rearing ofadults 1979). — from larvae that were feeding within Typopsilopa atra (Loew). This was damaged stems of yellow nelumbo, a common species, becoming particularly Nelumbo lutea (Willd.) Persoon (Nym- noticeable in mid-August. Its larvae are phaeaceae), that had been attacked by saprophagous, having been reared in larvae of the moth Bellura obliqua laboratory cultures of decaying lettuce A (Walker) (Noctuidae) in northern Ohio (Foote 1995). related species, T. nigra (J. B. Keiper, personal communication). (Williston), was found to be a secondary Rhopalopterum carbonaria (Loew). invader of the stems of California This was a common species within the bulrush and cattail (Typha sp.) damaged stand, with over 50 specimens being by the feeding of larvae of the primary collected. Its larvae are secondary in- invader Bellura obliqua gargantua (Dyar) vaders of culms of wetland monocots (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in southern that previously had been damaged by California (Keiper et al. 2001). primarily phytophagous species (Valley Family Opomyzidae et al. 1969). — Opomyza petrel Mesnil. Although Family Drosophilidae this was an abundant species in the Eleocharis stand, occurring throughout Scaptomyza pallida (Zetterstedt). the collecting season, it was not directly This was a fairly common species within associated with the sedge. Its larvae are the stand being found in low numbers known to be stem borers ofgrasses (Nye throughout the summer months. Its 1958) which were abundant on either larvae are saprophagous in decaying side of the Eleocharis stand. This is plant material (Ferrar 1987). a common, non-native species in the eastern states. Family Ephydridae — Family Otitidae Notiphila candata Fallen. This was — an abundant species during late May and Chaetopsis massyla (Walker). This early June. Its larvae were non-selective was a relatively uncommon species with- consumers of unicellular algae and de- in the Eleocharis stand. It appeared to be caying particulate plant material (Eastin multivoltine, as adults were taken and Foote 1971). throughout the summer. The larvae are — Notiphila scalaris Loew. A few speci- secondary invaders of the stems of mens of this small species were taken wetland plants (Allen and Foote 1992), within the Eleocharis stand, but it was far but no larvae were found in the stems of more abundant in nearby stands of rice Eleocharis. cutgrass. Keiper and Walton (2002) collected numerous adults from a mono- Family Sciomyzidae — culture stand of California bulrush, Atrichomelina pubera (Loew). This Schoenoplectus californicus (Meyer) So- species was regularly encountered in the jak in California. Eleocharis stand, and appeared to be —— PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 14 multivoltine. Its larvae are generalized also prey on earthworms and other soft- predators of aquatic pulmonale snails bodied invertebrates in moist to sodden that have been stranded by dropping soils (Ferrar—1987). water levels (Foote et al. 196—0). Lispe sp. Adults of this species were Pherbellia nana (Fallen). This was found throughout the summer. The a fairly common species, occurring in larvae are known to be general predators low numbers throughout the summer of soft-bodied invertebrates (Skidmore months. Like those of A. pubera, its 1985). larvae prey on stranded aquatic snails Schoenomyza ch—rysostoma Loew, and (Bratt et al. 1969). S. dorsalis Loew. Both Schoenomyza Dictya expansa Steyskal, D. sabroskyi spp. were commonly taken in the stand, Steyskal, and D. steyskali Valley. being particularly abundant in June. Adults of these Dictya spp were taken Larvae are stem borers of wetland in low numbers throughout the summer. monocots (Skidmore 1985, Ferrar 1987). They are known to be multivoltine, and Discussion their larvae are generalized predators of aquatic pulmonale snails (Valley and There was obvious partitioning of Berg 1977). food resources within the stand of Sepedon arinipes Loew, S. fuscipennis Eleocharis, and eight trophic guilds were Loew, and S. tenuicornis Cresson. recognized (Table 1). A large guild con- These Sepedon spp. were uncommon to sisting of 1 1 species fed as generalized abundant within the stand ofEleocharis. scavengers of decaying organic matter. Larvae of all three prey on aquatic The guild of secondary invaders con- pulmonale snails (Neff and Berg 1966). sisted of six species whose larvae fed as scavengers on stem tissues previously Family Sepsidae damaged by phytophagous species. The Enicomira minor (Haliday), Sepsis phytophagous community consisted of — piincta (Fabricius). Both of these spe- 1 1 species ofstem borers, three species of cies were minor components of the fly leaf miners, two species of seed preda- community, occurring in low numbers tors, and one species that fed on blue- throughout the summer. Larvae of both green algae (Cyanobacteria). Predacious are saprophagous on decaying plant species consisted of a snail-killing guild material and feces (Ferrar 1987). that contained 1 1 species and a insect- attacking guild that contained two spe- Family Sphaeroceridae cies. The larval feeding habits of four — species remain unknown. Only six ofthe Leptocera spp.. Although numerous 50 species (12%) encountered within the adults of this genus were swept from the stand fed directly on tissues of E. stand, no larvae were found. Ferrar pahistris, although another four species (1987) reported that larvae are sapropha- fed as secondary invaders of Eleocharis gous, coprophagous, and necropha- stems that had been damaged by truly gous. phytophagous insects. The family containing the greatest Family Muscidae — number of species within the stand was Coenosia tigrina (Fabricius). This Chloropidae with 15. The same family was a common species, occurring also produced the greatest number of throughout the summer. Larvae are individuals (n = 477). Over 65% ofthese predators of the stem-boring chloropid belonged to two species of stem borers, larvae in sedges (Kuehne 1991). Larvae Chlorops obscuricornis (n = 209) and VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 15 Diplotoxa inclinata (n = 112). The . 1995. Biology of shore flies. Annual abundance of these two species suggests Review ofEntomology 40: 417^42. that larval infestations of the stems and . 2004a. AcalyptrateDipteraassociatedwith stands of Carex lacustris and C. striata rhizomes could be significant. (Cyperaceae) in northeastern Ohio. Proceed- The degree of possible competition ings ofthe Entomological Society ofWashing- that exists among the six species that fed ton 106: 166-175. as larvae within the Eleocharis stems is . 2004b. Acalyptrate Diptera ofa fen at the unknown and warrants additional study. HerrickPreserveinPortageCounty, Ohio. The Interactions among the two species of Great Lakes Entomologist 35: 131-148. Foote, B. A., S. E. Neff, and C. O. Berg. 1960. seed predators, E. debilis and P. approx- Biology and immature stages ofAtrichomelina unatonervis, and species of other insect pubera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Annals of the families (Curculionidae, Cecidomyiidae, Entomological Society of America 53: undetermined family of Lepidoptera) 192-199. that were also encountered in the in- Keiper, J. B. and W. E. Walton. 2002. Effects of three management strategies on shore-flies florescence need to be elucidated. (Diptera: Ephydridae) in newly constructed treatment wetlands. Annals ofthe Entomolog- Acknowledgments ical Society ofAmerica 95: 570-576. I am indebted to Barbara Andreas, Keiper, J. B., P. L. Brutsche, and B. A. Foote. Kent State University, for aid in de- 1998. Acalyptrate Diptera associated with water willow, Justicia americana (Acantha- termining the species ofEleocharis at the ceae). Proceedings ofthe Entomological Soci- study site. J. B. Keeper of the Cleveland ety ofWashington 100: 576-587. Museum ofNatural History and Eric G. Keiper, J. B., J. Jiannino, M. Sanford, and W. E. Chapman of Kent State University Walton. 2001. Biology and immature stages of offered suggestions for the improvement Typopsilopa nigra (Williston) (Diptera: Ephy- dridae), a secondary consumer of damaged of the manuscript. stemsofwetlandmonocots. Proceedings ofthe Entomological Society of Washington 103: Literature Cited 89-97. Allen, E. J. and B. A. Foote. 1992. Biology and Kuehne, K. D. 1991. Bionomic and behavioural immature stages of Chaetopsis massyla (Dip- studies on Coenosia tigrina (Dipt., Muscidae), tera: Otididae), a secondary invader ofherba- an unnoticed predator of stem-boring flies ceous stems ofwetland monocots. Proceedings (Diptera: Chloropidae). Journal of Applied of the Entomological Society of Washington Entomology 112: 512-519. 94: 320-328. Larson, L. and B. A. Foote. 1997. Biology offour Ball, P. W., A. A. Reznicek, and D. F. Murray. species ofNotiphila Fallen associated with the 2002. 210. Cyperaceae, pp. 3-608. In Ball, P. yellow water lily, Nupliar lutewn (Nymphae- W. et al., eds. 2002. Flora ofNorth America. ceae). Proceedings ofthe Entomological Soci- Oxford University Press, Oxford. ety ofWashington 99: 541-559. Bratt, A. D., L. V. Knutson, B. A. Foote, and C. Neff, S. E. and C. O. Berg. 1966. Biology and O. Berg. 1969. Biology ofPherbellia (Diptera: immature stages ofmalacophagous Diptera of Sciomyzidae). New York Agricultural Exper- the genus Sepedon (Sciomyzidae). Virginia iment Station 404: 1-247. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 566: Eastin, W. C. and B. A. Foote. 1971. Biology and 1-113. ImmatureStagesofDichaetacaudata(Diptera: Nye, I. W. B. 1958. The external morphology of Ephydridae). Annals of the Entomological some of the dipterous larvae living in the Society ofAmerica 64: 271-279. Gramineae of Britain. Transactions of the Ferrar, P. 1987. A Guide to the Breeding Habits Royal Entomological Society of London 110: and Immature Stages of Diptera, Cyclorrha- 411^87. pha. Part I. Text. Brill, Leiden. Rogers, T. P., J. L. Todd, and B. A. Foote. 1991. Foote, B. A. 1979. Utilization ofalgae by larvaeof Biology and immature stages of Chlorops shore flies, pp. 61-71. In Deonier, D. L. ed. certimus and Epichlorops exilis (Diptera: First Symposium on the Systematics and Chloropidae), stem-borers of wetland sedges. Ecology of Ephydridae (Diptera). North Journal of the New York Entomological American Benthological Society. Society 99: 664-683. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 16 Skidmore, P. 1985. The Biology of the Musci- genus Diclya (Sciomyzidae). Search Agricul- dae of the World. Series Entomology 9: 1- tural (Geneva, New York) 7: 1^4. 550. Valley, K. R., T. Wearsch, and B. A. Foote. 1969. Todd, J. L. and B. A. Foote. 1987a. Spatial and Larval feeding habits of certain Chloropidae temporal distribution of shore flies in a fresh- (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological water marsh (Diptera: Ephydridae). Proceed- Society ofWashington 71: 29-34. ings ofthe Entomological Society ofWashing- Wearsch,T. K. and B. A. Foote. 1994. Biology and ton 89: 448^57. immature stages of Chloropidae (Insecta: . 1987b. Resource partitioning in Chloropi- Diptera) associated with spike-rushes (Cyper- dae (Diptera) ofa freshwater marsh. Proceed- aceae: Eleocharis). I. Stem borers. Annals of ings ofthe Entomological Society ofWashing- the Carnegie Museum 63: 193-213. ton 89: 803-810. Zack, R. S. and B. A. Foote. 1978. Utilization of Valley, K. and C. O. Berg. 1977. Biology and algal monocultures bylarvaeofScatellastagna- immature stages ofsnail-killing Diptera ofthe lis. Environmental Entomology 7: 509-511.

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