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171 Pages·1949·19.109 MB·English
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E R H I G H ALGEBRA for the Undergraduate MARIE J. WEISS Professor of Mathematics Newcomb College Tulane University . •\ • I NEW YORK · JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. LONDON· CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED 2 Copyright, 1949 by JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. All Rights &served Thia book or an11 part thereof mu,t not be reproduced in an11 form witlund the wriUen permiuion of the publiaher. : : : . Printed in the United St.aw, of America 3 : ,.• . I - '. •' . ' : ' I PREFACE This textbook is intended for a six semester-hour course in higher algebra for the undergraduate who has had two years of college mathematics including calculus. Although practically no knowledge of calculus is needed, the mathematical maturity de veloped by its study is necessary. It is my belief that it is both mathematically necessary and culturally desirable to introduce the undergraduate at an early stage to some of the simpler algebraic concepts that are as much a part of mathematics today as are the ~ elementary concepts of calculus. Consequently, such topics as ' . ' groups, rings, fields, and matrices are given an equal place with the ·-· theory of equations. Naturally, part of the traditional material .,. in the theory of equations, such as the approximations to real roots, l: has been omitted. I have found that the subject matter selected presents no more difficulty to the average student than does the traditional course in the theory of equations. Only the elements of each concept and theory have been given. The book is intended to serve merely as an introduction to algebraic concepts so that the undergraduate may have some idea of the kind of concepts used in that part of mathematics usually called algebra. The presentation is some,vhat the same as in an elementary course in calculus. Examples and exercises are given throughout. The student is expected to work exercises for each class.meeting. The number of ideas introduced at one time has been kept to a minimum. Consequently, in the discussion of matrices, for example, the concept of a vector space has not been introduced ~ an important omission. In general, the presentation is intended for the average undergraduate who finds the more advanced texts in higher algebra too difficult to read. The book begins with a discussion of the number system which emphasizes those properties that are to be used for illustrative material in the elementary theory of groups and rings and which orients the student to the algebraic point of view. The real num bers are almost completely neglected. The elementary properties y 4 vi PREFACE of groups, rings, and fields are then developed. In order that the student may have simple examples and use a noncommutative operation, permutation groups are introduced in the chapter on groups. The course proceeds with the elementary properties of polynomials over a field, emphasizing their analogy with the prop erties of integers. The elementary theory of matrices over a field including the applicatjon to the solution of simultaneous linear equations over a field is developed before determinants are introduced as values associated with square matrices. The theory of determinants and its connection with matrices then follow. The book closes with a chapter that introduces the student to factor groups, residue class rings, and the homomorphism theory of groups and rings. In an address given before the Mathematical Association of America in 1939 ("Algebra for the Undergraduate," American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 46, pp. 635-642, 1939), I first outlined the material for such a course, which I then had ·given for several years to juniors. My indebtedness at that time to the standard textbooks in higher algebra, particularly B. L. van der \Vaerden's Moderne Algebra, A. A. Albert's Modern }Jigher Algebra, and H. Hasse's Hohere Algebra, was evident. The more recent excellent expositions given in G. Birkhoff and S. ~1acLane's A Survey of Modern Algebra and in C. C. MacDuffee's two books, An Intro duction lo Abstract Algebra and Vectors and Matrices, have influenced my selection of proofs. Mention should also be made of the stand ard textbooks in number theory, group theory, and theory of equa tions. My students over a period of years have by their criticisms and difficulties helped me in making choices of methods of exposi tion. I am also indebted to Professor M. Gweneth Humphreys, who read the first draft of the manuscript and made many helpful suggestions. MiltE J. WEt.SS NEW ORLEANS, LoUISIANA Odober 10, 1948 5 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 1. The Integers 1 The positive integers, 1; Further properties, 3; Finite induction, 4; Summary, 5; The integers, 6; The number zero, 8; The positive integers as a sub set of the integers, 9; The negative integers, 10; Inequalities, 11; Division of integers, 12; Greatest common divisor, 13; Prime factors, 16; Congruences, 17; The linear congruence, 19; Residue classes, 21; Positional notation for integers, 22 2. The Rational, Real, and Complex Numbers 25 The rational numbers, 25; The integers as a subset of the rational numbers, 27; The real numbers, 27; The complex numbers, 31; The real numbers as a subset of + the complex numbers, 32; The notation a bi, 32; Geometric representation of complex numbers, 33; De Moivre's theorem, 34; Then nth roots of a com plex number, 35; Primitive nth roots of unity, 37 3. Elementary Theory of Groups 39 Definition, 39; Elementary properties, 41; Permuta tions, 42; Even and odd permutat.ions, 45; Isomor phism, 47; Cyclic groups, 48; Subgroups, 51; Cosets and subgroups, 53; Cayley's theorem, 56 4. Rings, Integral Domains, and Fields 58 Rings, 58; Integral domains and fields, 60; Quotients in a field, 61; Quotient field, 62; Polynomials over an integral domain, 64; Characteristic of an integral domain, 65; Division in an integral domain, 67 vii 6 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 5. Polynomials over a Field 70 Division algorithm, 70; · Synthetic division, 72; Greatest common divisor, 73; Factorization theorems, 77; Zeros of a polynomial, 79; Relation between the zeros and coefficients of a polynomial, 82; Derivative of a polynomial, 84; Multiple factors, 85; Taylor's theorem for the polynomial, 87 6. Matrices over a Field 90 Matrix notation, 90; Addition and multiplication, 91; Matrix multiplication a.nd systems of linear equations, 94; Special matrices, 96; Partitioning of.matrices, 98; Row equivalence, 99; Nonsingular matrices, 104; Column equivalence, 107; Equivalence of matrices, 108; Linear independence and dependence over a. field, 109; Rank of a matrix, 111; Simultaneous linear equations over a field, 114; Homogeneous linear equa tions, 119; Linearly independent solutions of systems of linear equations, 120 7. Determinants and Matrices 123 Definition, 123; Cofactors, 124; Further properties, 126; Laplace's expansion of a determinant, 131; Prod ucts of determinants, 133; Adjoint and inverse of a. matrix, 135; Cramer's rule, 137; Determinant rank of a matrix, 138; Polynomials with matrix coefficients, 139; Similar matrices over a field, 142 8. Groups, Rings, and Ideals 145 Normal subgroups and factor groups, 145; Conjugates, 147; Automorphisms of a group, 149; Homomorphisms of groups, 151; Ideals in commutative rings, 154; Residue class rings, 156; Homomorphisms of rings, 158 ' 7 The Integers 1 • The positive integers The mathematical symbols first encountered by everyone are those of the positive integers: 1, 2, 3, , · · . These are often called the natural numbers. Their properties are familiar to all, and we shall list them systematically. It is not our purpose to develop these properties from a minimum number of hypotheses and un defined terms but rather to list those laws and properties that have long been familiar to the student and to use them as a characterizing definition of the positive integers. The familiar operations on the positive integers are those of addition and multiplication; that is, for every pair of positive + integers a, b we know what is meant by the sum a b and the product ab and that the sum and product are again positive integers. The fact that the sum and product of any two positive integers are again positive integers is often expressed by saying that the set of positive integers is closed under addition and multi plication. As is well known, the positive integers a, b, c, · · · obey the following laws governing these operations: the commutative law for addition a+b=b+a, for multiplication ab= ba; the associative law for addition a+ (b + c) = (a+ b) + c, I for multiplication a(bc) = (ab)c; + the distributive law a(b c) = ab+ ac. Note the meaning of the parentheses in the associative and 1 8 2 THE INTEGERS distributive laws, and note that, if the commutative law for multi plication did not hold, it wo·uld be necessary to have a second or + = + right-hand distributive law, (b c)a ba ca. As we see, . however, this result could be obtained from the distributive law by applying the commutative law for multiplication to both sides of the equality. We shall study systems in which some of these laws do not hold, and therefore it is necessary to have a clear under standing of their meaning. Let us illustrate them with a fe,v examples: The equality = 7(3 · 6) 6(3 · 7) holds, for, by first applying the associative law and then applying the commutative law for multiplication twice, we have 7 (3 · 6) = (7 · 3 )6 = 6(7 · 3) = 6(3 · 7). Again, if a, b, c are positive integers, the equality + = + a(b c) ca ab holds, for, applying in succession the distributive law, the com mutative law for addition, and the commutative law for multi plication, we have + + + a(b c) = ab ac = ac ab = ca+ ab. An illustration of a system in which some of these laws do not hold can be given by arbitrarily defining an addition and a multi plication for positive integers as follows: Denote the new addition by (±) and the new multiplication by O . Let a (±) b = 2a and a O b = 2ab, where 2a and 2ab denote the results of ordinary multiplication. Then b (±) a = 2b, b O a = 2ba, a (±) (b (±) c) = a (±) 2b = 2a, = = = = (a© b) © c 2a © c 4a, a O (b O c) a O 2bc 4abc, (a Ob) 0 c = 2ab O c = 4abc, a O (b (±) c) = a O 2b = 4ab, = = (a Ob)(±) (a O c) 2ab (±) 2ac 4ab. Note that the commutative and associative laws fail for addition but hold for multiplication. Are there two distributive laws in this system? 9 FURTHER PROPERTIES 3 Exercises 1. Reduce the left-hand side of the following equalities to the right-hand side by using successively one associative, commutative, or distributive law: + + = + + + = + a) (3 5) 6 3 (5 6). b) 1 5 5 1. = = c) 2(3 · 5) (2 · 3)5. d) 2(3 · 5) 5(2 · 3). + = + e) 6(8 4) 4 · 6 6 • 8. f) 6 (8 · 4) - ( 4 · 6 )8. g) 3(7 + 5) = 5 · 3 + 7 · 3. h) 5(6 + 3) ~ 3 · 5 + 5 · 6. = + = + i) 6 (5 · 3) (3 · 6 )5. j) 4 · 6 7 · 4 4(7 6). k) a(b + (c + d)] = (ab+ ac) + ad. I) a(b(cd)] = (bc)(ad). = m) a(b(cd)] (ab )(cd). + = + + n) (ad+ ca) ag a[(g c) d]. 2. Determine whether the operations @ and O for positive integers x, y defined as follows obey the commutative, associative, and distributive laws: = + O = a) x @ y x 2y, x y 2xy. + b) X (:t) Y = X y2, XO y ~ xy2. c) x @ Y = x2 + yz, x O Y = x2y2. 2 • Further properties Some further properties of the positive integers will be listed. Note that the positive integer 1 is the only positive integer such that 1 · a = a, for every positive integer a. \Ve say that 1 is an identity for multiplication. Again the following cancellation laws for addition and multiplication hold: + + 1) if a x = b x, then a = b ; = = 2) if ax bx, then a b. Moreover, for any two positive integers a and b, either a = b, or + there exists a positive integer x such that a x = b, or there + exists a positive integer y such that a = b y. From these alternative relations between two positive integers, we can define inequalities. If a + x = b, we write a < b (read > a less than b) and b a (read b greater than a). Hence, for any two positive integers, we have the following mutually exclusive = < > alternatives-either a b, or a b, or a b-and we have established an order relation between any two positive integers. From the above definition we may prove the familiar properties of 10 .4 THE INTEGERS inequalities for positive integers: 1) if a < b and b < c, then a < c; + + < < 2) if a b, then a c b c; 3) if a < b, then ac < be. Their proof is left to the student. 3 · Finite induction We come now to the last important property of the positive integers that will be discussed. This property will enable us to make proofs by the method known as finite induction or mathe matical induction. Postulate of finite induction. A set S of positive integers with the following two properties contains all the positive integers: . . a) the set S contains the positive integer 1; b) if the set S contains the positive integer k, it contains the + positive integer k 1. This postulate is used to prove either true or false certain propo sitions that involve all positive integers. The proof is said to be made by finite induction. First method of '{YT"oof by finite induction. Let P(n) be a propo sition that is defined for every positive integer n. If P (1) is true, + and if P(k 1) is true whenever P(k) is true, then P(n) is true for all positive integers n. The proof is immediate by the postulate of finite induction. For consider the set S of positive integers for which the proposition P(n) is true. By hypothesis it contains the positive integer 1 + and the positive integer k 1 whenever it contains the positive integer k. Hence the set S contains all the positive integers. Example. Let the power an, where n is a positive integer, be defined as follows : a1 = a, ak+I = ak · a. Prove that (ab)" = a"b". If n = 1, we have (ab )1 = ab = a1b1 by the definition. Assume that this law of exponents holds for n = k: (ab )k = akbk. Then (ab/ (ab) = (ab )"'+1 by definition, and (ab)"' (ab) = (a"'b"') (ab) by assumption. Applying the associative and commutative laws to the right-hand side of the last equation and using the definition, we have (ab)"'(ab) = (aka)(bkb) = ak+1b"+1 which was to be , 11

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