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High-value IT consulting: 12 keys to a thriving practice PDF

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Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen blind folio1 “These best practices provide the road map that is key to running a world-classconsultingpractice.” —DavidSmart,VP,SystemandTechnologyServices,TheCITGroup,Inc. “Practical,actionable,and full of insight.If you are starting your ownconsultancy,lookingtoadvanceinyourcareerasaconsultant,or looking to take your consultancy to the next level, you will find the hands-oninformationyou need in this book.” —John Wyzalek,Principal,White Paper Group “Thisbookprovidesaninvaluableroadmapforenterprisesthatfind themselvescrossingoverintotheconsultingarena,butthatlackformal consultingexperiencetodrawupon.” —Charles Dow,Vice-President,SLMSoft “Adigestablesummaryof theconsultingindustryandpowerfulkey factorstoconsiderinbuilding,managing,andmeasuringasuccessful practice.” —James Fehrenbach,HR Director “This is a comprehensive and thoughtful approach to helping IT consultants get a solid perspective on how to establish or improve their consulting practice.” —John Davies,Independent IT Consultant “Thisbookprovidestheinformationatechnicalpractitionerneedsto knowinordertosucceedinaconsultingorganization.Italsonailsthe business ofconsulting.” —Nancy Stonelake,System Architect,Sprint “This book should be required reading for experienced practice managersinordertohelpavoidthegapsinprocessesthatcreepinto existingoperations.” —Paul Saunders,Vice President Consulting Services, QUEUE Systems,Inc. “Thisisahow-toguidetobuildingasuccessfulconsultingorganization with key anecdotes as well as useful management and measurement philosophiesgearedspecificallytowardtheconsultingenvironment.” —Tanvir Mangat,Senior Consulting Executive P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:02 AM Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen blind folio2 “Frompre-engagementtopost-engagementactivities,thisbookprovides keymetrics,practicalapproaches,andreal-worldexamplesforsuccess- fullyrunninganITconsultingpracticeandensuringclientsatisfaction.” —Silvy Picciano,FLMI/M,ACS,Industry Executive “A comprehensive guide for any IT consultant looking to effectively build,manage,or grow their practice.” —Andrew Chow,MBA,Director ofTechnology,ninedots “AnexcellentreferenceforITconsultanciestoremindthemofthetrue value consultants provide to the market—something that is critical with the economic climate we endure today.” —Steve Engel,Business Integration Consulting Lead,EDS “Consultingworkcanbefrustratingbecauseofthechallengesinvolved inmanagingclientexpectations.Thisbookprovidessolidmaterialto understand the intricacies of the consulting process and ways to suc- cessfullydeliverconsultingprojects.Amust-readbookforconsulting practitionersandbusinessusers.” —Bharat Shah,Principal,McCann Computer Systems,Ltd. “Thisisaveryusefulguideforconsultantstoprovidethemwithacom- prehensiveandpracticalunderstandingofwhatconsultingisallabout.” —Adel Melek,Partner,Deloitte & Touche P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:02 AM Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen blind folioiii High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:02 AM Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen blind folioiv About the Authors SanjivPurbaisaninformationtechnologyexecutivewithover15years of industryandconsultingexperience.Hehasworkedforthe“Big5” consultancies,boutiqueconsultingfirms,andhasrunasuccessfulinde- pendentcontractingbusiness.SomeofhisclientsincludeIBM,Deloitte Consulting,ISM,GoldmanSachs,Perrier,CIT,Microsoft,SunLife,and theRoyalBank.Hehasbuiltsuccessfulconsultingpracticesatavariety offirmsincludingDeloitteConsultingandBlastRadius.Hehaswritten over 10 books and hundreds of articles for such publications as The Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star and is a frequent lecturer at universitiesandcolleges. Bob Delaney, MBA, has more than 25 years of experience as a consultantandmanagerinmarketing,communications,andinfor- mation technology. He manages a web development consulting practiceandteachesInternetMarketingatRyersonUniversity.Bob isaMicrosoftDesktopSystemsMVP. About the Technical Reviewer Marian Cook is a futurist,strategist,entrepreneur,and professional speaker.SheisthefounderandpresidentofAgeosEnterprises,abusiness andtechnologyconsultingfirmheadquarteredinChicagowithanoffice inDenver.ShehasreceivedtheInfluentialWomaninBusinessAward presentedbyTheNationalAssociationof WomenBusinessOwners, andisamemberoftheAdvisoryBoardforLoyolaUniversity’sCenter for Information Management and Technology. P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:03 AM Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen blind foliov High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice Sanjiv Purba and Bob Delaney McGraw-Hill/Osborne New York / Chicago / San Francisco / Lisbon / London / Madrid / Mexico City Milan / New Delhi / San Juan / Seoul / Singapore / Sydney / Toronto P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:03 AM Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen blind foliovi McGraw-Hill/Osborne 2600 Tenth Street Berkeley,California 94710 U.S.A. Toarrangebulkpurchasediscountsforsalespromotions,premiums,orfund-raisers,please contactMcGraw-Hill/Osborne at the above address.For information on translations or bookdistributorsoutsidetheU.S.A.,pleaseseetheInternationalContactInformationpage immediatelyfollowingtheindexofthisbook. High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies.All rights reserved.Printed in the United States ofAmerica.Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of1976,no part ofthis publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,or stored in a database or retrieval system,without the prior written permission ofpublisher, with the exception that the program listings may be entered,stored,and executed in a computer system,but they may not be reproduced for publication. Legal disclaimer:This book is not intended to provide legal advice and should not be used for this purpose.Please consult a practicing lawyer when dealing with legal matters. 1234567890 DOC DOC 019876543 ISBN 0-07-222625-0 Publisher Proofreaders Brandon A.Nordin Susie Elkind,Mike McGee Vice President & Associate Publisher Indexer Scott Rogers Claire Splan Editorial Director Computer Designers Gareth Hancock Carie Abrew,Melinda Moore Lytle Project Editor Illustrators Katie Conley MelindaMooreLytle,MichaelMueller, LyssaWald Acquisitions Coordinator Jessica Wilson Series Designer Peter Hancik Technical Editor Marion Cook Cover Design Tree Hines Copy Editors Judith Brown,Peggy Gannon This book was composed with Corel VENTURA™ Publisher. InformationhasbeenobtainedbyMcGraw-Hill/Osbornefromsourcesbelievedtobereliable.However,becauseofthe possibilityofhumanormechanicalerrorbyoursources,McGraw-Hill/Osborne,orothers,McGraw-Hill/Osborne doesnotguaranteetheaccuracy,adequacy,orcompletenessofanyinformationandisnotresponsibleforanyerrorsor omissionsortheresultsobtainedfromtheuseofsuchinformation. P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:03 AM Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen blind foliovii To my wife Kulwinder,my children Naveen,Neil, and Nikhita,and my mother Inderjit. —Sanjiv Purba To Frank C.Walden ofBritish Columbia:friend, mentor,inspiration,and all-time favourite employer. —Bob Delaney P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:03 AM Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen blind folioviii This page intentionally left blank P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:03 AM Business/ High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice / Purba & Delaney / 222625-0 / Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen Contents at a Glance Part I IT Consulting Best Practices Chapter 1 Evaluate the Current Health ofYour Consulting Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 2 Road Map for Building a High-Performance IT Consulting Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Part II Selling Client Businesses and Engagements Chapter 3 ImplementingaMarketingStrategy . . . . . . . . 49 Chapter 4 Account Development Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Chapter 5 The Client Account Pipeline and the Decision-Making Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Chapter 6 The Client Decision-Making Process . . . . . . . 117 Part III Delivering Client Engagements Successfully Chapter 7 Pre-Engagement Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Chapter 8 Starting an Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Chapter 9 Maintaining Engagement Controls . . . . . . . . . 187 Chapter 10 Running an Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Chapter 11 Testing,Deploying,and Closing an Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Chapter 12 WorkingMultipleEngagements foraClient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Chapter 13 Risk Mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Chapter 14 Legal Considerations in IT Consulting . . . . . 297 Chapter 15 Quality Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Chapter 16 Celebration,Communication,and Other Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 ix P:\010Comp\Business\625-0\FM.vp Friday, January 17, 2003 10:10:04 AM

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