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High Temperature Alloys for Gas Turbines 1982: Proceedings of a Conference held in Liège, Belgium, 4–6 October 1982 PDF

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Preview High Temperature Alloys for Gas Turbines 1982: Proceedings of a Conference held in Liège, Belgium, 4–6 October 1982

HIGH TEMPERATURE ALLOYS FOR GAS TURBINES 1982 Conference organized by Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques Centrum voor Research in de Metallurgie Liege, Belgium under the auspices of COST-50 A European Collaborative Programme on Materials for Gas Turbines, initiated and supported by the Commission of European Communities and under the Patronage of Mr. Mark EYSKENS Minister of Economic Affairs Mr. Etienne DAVIGNON Vice President of the Commission of European Communities Mr. Melchior WATHELET Minister to the Walloon Regional Executive Mr. Edouard CLOSE Burgomaster of the town of Liege HIGH TEMPERATURE ALLOYS FOR GAS TURBINES 1982 Proceedings ofa Conference held in Liege, Belgium, 4-6 October 1982 Edited by R. BRUNETAUD, SNECMA,Belgium D. COUTSOURADIS, CRM, Belgium T. B. GIBBONS, NPL, United Kingdom Y. LINDBLOM, FFV,Sweden D. B. MEADOWCROFT, CEGB, United Kingdom R. STICKLER, Wien University, Austria D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY DORDRECHT: HOLLAND I BOSTON: U.S.A. LONDON:ENGLAND Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: High temperature alloys for gas turbines 1982. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Gas-turbines-Materials-Congresses. 2. Heat resistant alloys-Congresses. 1. Brunetaud, R., 1922- TJ778.H48 1982 621.43'3'028 82-10142 ISBN-I3: 978-94-009-7909-3 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-7907-9 AACR2 001: 10.1007/978-94-009-7907-9 Publication arrangements by Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Information and Information Management, Luxembourg Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Holland. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston Inc., 190 Old Derby Street, Hingham, MA 02043, U.S.A. In aU other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, Holland D. Reidel Publishing Company is a member of the Kluwer Group. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 1982, ECSC, EEC, EAEC, Brussels and Luxembourg Softcover reprint of the hardcover I st edition 1982 and copyrightholders as specified on appropriate pages within No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner v DEDICATION The Conference and these Proceedings are dedicated to the memory of Professor Louis HABRAKEN for his outstanding contribution to the Materials Science of Gas Turbine Materials and COST 50 Professor Habraken was born in Liege in 1921 and graduated as Mines Civil Engineer from the University of Liege in 1946.He joined here after the University of Liege and obtained in 1953 his Ph. D. (Agrege de l'Enseignement Superieur) after a pionneering work in electron mi croscopy. He devoted hi s energi es in the teachi ng of Physical Metallurgy, then a young science. He became full Professor at the University of Liege and received many distinctions both in Belgium and abroad. In parallel with his academic career, Prof. Habraken directed the Physical Metallurgy activities at Centre de Recherches MHallurgiques where he established research groups in various areas, and specially in high temperature materials. He played also an important role in COST-50. He was member of the first Experts Group, member of the Management Committee and Chairman of the 1978 Conference organizing Committee. He was active also as Chairman of the organizing Committee for the 1982 Conference when he passed away on the 9th of August 1981. The dedication to his memory of the 1982 Conference acknowledges the recollection of his many friends, colleagues and students. vi SPONSORING COMPANIES The Conference was sponsored by the following companies the support of which is gratefully acknowledged: - AUBERT & DUVAL, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France - B.B.C., Baden, Switzerland - ELBAR, Lomm, The Netherlands - FABRIQUE NATIONALE D'HERSTAL,Formetal Division, Herstal, Belgium - IMPHY S.A., Imphy, France - INSTRON Ltd, High Wycombe, Bucks., United Kingdom - MICROFUSION, Gennevilliers, France - SNECMA, Forge and Foundry, Gennevilliers, France - SULZER BROTHERS, Winterthur, Switzerland - VEREINIGTE EDELSTAHLWERKE, Wien, Austria - WIGGIN ALLOYS Ltd, Hereford, United Kingdom. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE R. Brunetaud Societe Nationale d'Etude et France de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation. D. Coutsouradis Centre de Recherches Metal- Belgium lurgiques Chairman Organizing Committee H. Fischmeister Max Planck Institut fUr Germany Metallforschung, Stuttgart Chairman COST 50 Management Committee T.B. Gibbons National Physical Laboratory United Kingdom J. Hansen Deutsche Forschungs und Germany Versuchsanstalt fUr Luft-und Raumfahrt Y. Lindblom Forenade Fabriksverken Sweden O. Morocutti Directorate General for C.E.C. Research Science and Education M.O. Speidel Swiss Federal Institute of Switzerland Technology R. Stickler Universitat Wien Austria P.M. Strocchi Alfa Romeo Italy M. van de Voorde Joint Research Center, Petten C.E.C. Establishment P. van Staveren Organization for Applied The Netherlands Scientific Research TNO. TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSIONS 1. Corrosion and Coatings D.B. Meadowcroft 2. Fatigue, Creep and Structural T.B. Gibbons, Y. Lindblom, Stability R. Stickler 3. Processing R. Brunetaud ix FOREWORD The European Collaborative Programme on Materials for Gas Turbines known as COST-50 was initiated in 1971 and has been supported since then by the Commission of European Communities. The achievements made during the first phase of COST-50 were reviewed at the Conference held in Liege, September 25-27, 1978 and published by Applied Science Publishers Ltd. Nine European Countries : Austria, Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the Joint Research Center of the Community, agreed to continue their participation in COST-50 and the results of the second phase were presented at the Conference held in Liege, October 4-6, 1982 under the following headings : - Corrosion and Coatings - Fatigue, Creep and Structural Stability - Processing The technical sessions consisted of invited papers reviewing recent progress in the development of high temperature alloys with particular emphasis on the results of the European Collaborative Programme. Furthermore, some areas were reviewed by eminent speakers from the United States of America, due to their expertise in their respective fields. In this context and as a tradition introduced in 1978, the keynote lecture "Superalloys technology : today and tomorrow" was del ivered by Dr. F.L. Versnyder. The Conference was completed with a significant Poster Session comprising about fifty contributions from Europe and elsewhere. This book comprises a total of fifty four contributions representing almost all of the papers delivered at the technical sessions and a large part of the presentations made at the Poster Session. The first part on "Corrosion and Coatings" contains nine papers of which six are reviews. They deal with various coating systems and processes, and with the degradation of protective coatings in agressive environments. They discuss in depth the mechanism of hot corrosion, erosion and erosion/hot corrosion and provide a comprehensive survey of accelerated laboratory studies as well as service performance in aircraft, land based or marine gas turbines. They provide in this wayan invaluable reference data source on many alloys and coating systems. x The second part on "Fatigue, Creep and Structural Stabil ity" comprises a total of thirty one papers of which ten are review ones. The extent of th is part revea 1s the importance devoted to this subject area within the COST-50 programme. Creep and fatigue properties are discussed in detail from the points of view of mechanisms involved, evaluation, design, and interactions thereof The effect of environment, corrosion and coatings on properties is comprehensively surveyed while considerable data are presented on many cast, wrought or P/M superalloys and particularly on IN-939 and IN-738. The third and last part deal ing with "Processing" comprises thirteen papers of which six are reviewing the areas of melting, casting, powder metallurgy processing, joining and blade repair. The keynote lecture provides further insight in new processing routes such as the single crystal and rapid solidification techno logies. The book is completed wi th an author and subj ect index the latter allowing its easier use as a reference source. The photo-offset process was used for the prompt preparation of the book. The manuscripts received from the authors were used without any extensive additional editing. The master templates were reduced to 87 1/2% of the original size and this has to be taken into account when examining micro-or macrographs without scales. The success of the Conference and its Proceedings owe much to the contributions of many people to whom we would like to express our appreciation. The members of the COST-50 Management Committee coordinated the many cooperations established between countries and organizations that made possible the progress of the programme. The members of the Conference Organizing Committee helped in many ways in setting up the various aspects of the Conference events technical as well as social. The chairmen responsible for the technical organization of the sessions devoted considerable efforts in insuring the contacts with the authors and in establishing the guidel ines common to all review papers. Last, but certainly not least, the authors of the papers made the essential contribution of critically reviewing a considerable amount of information and of providing orginal results of their work. The Editorial Committee October 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS ix ~~wo~ Keynote Lecture Superalloy Technology-Today and Tomorrow 1 F.L. VERSNYDER PART I - CORROSION AND COATINGS 51 Recent approaches to the development of corrosion resistant coatings 53 C. DURET, A. DAVIN, G. MARIJNISSEN, R. PICHOIR The corrosion resistance of protective coatings 87 M. MALIK, R. MORBIOLI, P. HUBER Mechanisms of hot corrosion 99 J.F.G. CONDE, E. ERDOES, A. RAHMEL Deposition and blade fouling of gas turbines by fuel impu- 149 rities and additives J.W. LAXTON, C.G. STEVENS, D. TIDY Comparison of hot-salt corrosion test procedures 177 S.R.J. SAUNDERS, M.K. HOSSAIN, J.M. FERGUSON High temperature erosion and erosion-hot corrosion of superalloys and coatings 207 J.C. GALSWORTHY, J.E. RESTALL, G.C. BOOTH Hot corrosion in marine gas turbines 237 J.F.G. CONDE, G.C. BOOTH, A.F. TAYLOR, C.G. Mc CREATH High temperature stability of pack aluminide coatings on IN 738 LC "249 S.P. COOPER, A. STRANG Thermochemical treatment of porous materials 261 P. MAZARS

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