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High Technology and Low-Income Communities: Prospects for the Positive Use of Advanced Information Technology PDF

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Preview High Technology and Low-Income Communities: Prospects for the Positive Use of Advanced Information Technology

HighT echnolaongdyL ow-Iomnec Commuinties CopyritgehdM aterial HigThe chnolaongdLy o w-IncCoommem unities Prospefcotrst h eP ositUisveeo fA dvanceIdnf ormatTioenc hnology Edtiebdy DonaAl.dS chon BisSha nyal WilliJa.Mm i tchell MITP ress Cambri,Md agsesachusetts LondoEnn,ga lnd CopyritgehdM aterial © 1999M assachuIssnettittosufT t ecehn ology All rriegshetrsNv oep da.ro tft hibso omka yb er eprodiunac neyfdo r m bya ney lectorrom neicch aanlmi ecan(nsic lundgpi hotoco,pr yeicnoigrndg, ori nofrmiaotsnt oragree tarnidwe itvhaolpu)et r misisnwi roingt f irnmo thpeu lbiesrh. Thibso owka ss eitnG aramo3na dn dM etbay J ohMna ckluisni Qnuga rk Xpreasnsdw asp riendat ndb ounidnt hUen tieSdt atoefAs m erica. LbiraorfCy o ngrCeastsag ligon-in-PublDiactaat ion Higthe cnohloagnydl ow-inccoommmeu tnisiep:r ospfeorct thspe os tiive usoef a dvanicnefdo rmtaetciohnn o/le odtgieybd y D onaAld.S chon, BisSha ny,aa nldWi llmi Ja.M itclh.e l p. cm. Inclubdiebsgl ripaohciarlee frenacnedis n d.e x ISBoN- 2621-9699-(Xp b.ka:kl .p aper) 1.I fnormaitotne chnologays-pSteoscc2..iP aolo r. 1.S cohnD,o naAl.dI .IS anyBaislh,w aprIiIyMIai.t. c lhelW,i lliJa.m (WillJioahmn 1)9,4 4- T58·5·H5159 79 97-35745 CIP CopyritgehdM aterial Inm emoryo fD onS chonw.h op assaewda yo nS eptemb1e3r.1 997 BisSha nyal WilliamM]i.t chell Copyrigdh Mtaeterial Contents Preface Xl Introduction DonaAl.dS chon PartI :Se ttintgh eC ontext 1.T heI nformatiCointIaysal D uaCli tCya:n I tB eR eversed? 25 ManuCelas tells 2. ChangiGnego grapTheicehsn:oa lnodIg nyc ome 43 PetHearl l 3. Center CaisHt aiveesan nsd T rafposLr o w-IncCoommem unities:6 9 TheP otenItmipaaloct fA dvancIendf ormatTieocnh nology JuliWaonl pert 4.T heC itoyfB itHsy pothesis Willmi]a. Mitchell 5. InformatTeicohnn olionHg iys torPiecraslp ective LeMoa rx ParItI S:t ratieesgo fA ction TheQ uestioofnA ccess 6.E quitAacbclesets ot hOen liWnoer ld Willmi]a.M itchell CopyritgehdM aterial GovernanacnedA dvancIedn formaTetcihonno logy 7.I nformatiToenc hnotlhoagCtih easn Rgeel atiobnesthwiepesn Low-InCcoommmeu niatnidtes h Peu blaincdN, o nprAogfietn cies thaSterv eT hem JosepFhe rreJirr.a , 8.P lannSiunpgp ort fSoyLrso twem-sI nCcoommmeu nities MichaelSJh.i ffer EntreprenePuortieanlt ial 9.S oftwaErnet reprenaemuorntsghh Ueir pb aPno oCro:u lBdi ll 2I 3 GatesH avSeu cceeifde Hde W ere Blac.k,?O. r I mpoverished? AlicHe. A msdenJ,o nC olliCnlsa rk TheE ducatioCnoamlp uter 10.A ctiKonno wleadngdSe y mboKlniocw leTdhgeCe o:m puter 235 asM ediator JeannBea mberger TheC ommuniCtoym puter I I.T heC ompuCtleru bhoTuecshen:o loFgliuceanilcynt hIen nCeri ty 263 MitchReels nicNka,t alRiues kS,t inCao oke 12.C ompuatserC ommunMiemtoyry :H ow PeopilnVe ery Poor NeighborMhaodeo adsC ompuTthere Oiwnr BrunToa rdieu 13.S ociEamlp owermtehnrto Cuogmhm unNiettyw orks AlaSnh awM,i chelSlhea w 14.C ommodaintdCy o mmuniintP yes ronaClo mputing 337 SherTryu rkle CopyritgehdM aterial 15·Ap proacthoCes o mmunCiotmyp utBirnign:g Tiencgh nology 349 toL ow-IncoGmreo ups AnnBee amish PartI ICIo:n clusions 16.I nformantT ieochnoalnodUg ryb aPno verTthyeR: o loef 37I PublPiocl icy BihsS anyaDlo,na ldA .S chon Index 395 CopyrighMtaetde rial Preface Thibso oekm erged acf orlolmo qouriguamn biyzte hdDe e partment ofU rbaSnt udainedPs al nngi( nDUSaPt)t hMea ssachusIentstttusito ef Technoloignty h sep rionf1g 9 96. Thei netllteucailn aittiifvoetr h ceo lliouqmut,ti leAddv anced IfnormatiToenc hnoLlowo-gIyn,c oCmoem muniatnidte hsCe,i tcya,m feor m twog rouopffs a ucltmye mbearnsds tudewnittnshD iUSP.O neg roup compritshefecad u latnyds tudewnhtows e rdee epiltnye resitne da dvanced inofrmattieocnh noalnodig tyus s ien u rbapnln aninTgh.eo thgerro up's primacryo ncwearstn h pel igohfAt m ericcae'nastlc r itpiaerst,i cularly thlea cokfd ecehnotu nsgie,m pylmoen,at nds ocsiearlv iincle oswn -ciome commutneiisU.n ttihlSe p rionf1g 9 9t6,ht ew og rouhpasdo peraast iefd theciorcn erwnesr vee rdyi effrnetT.h efi rsgtr o,uk pnowanst hPel angn in SuppoSryts te(mPsS Sfoc)u,s oendt hues oef c omputteecrh nowliotghy , leastst enptaiitodonu rbapno verItncy o.n trtahssete ,c ognrdo ,uk pnown as thHeo usinCgo,m muniatnydE conomDiecv elopgmreonu(tp H CED), focusietdis tn elleactttueanlot nil oonw -inccoommmenu it,iw eistohut muceh nthusfioaarsd mv anicneofdr mattieocnh noTlhoigdsyi e.fr fence ini tnellaeltc htruusbte twetehnte w og roucposu bledt racbeadct ko th1e9 60wsh eunr barni ohtasde ruptaemdi dsstta rttleicnnhogl ogical progrwehsiscf hort hfier stti mhea dp uatm ano nt hmeo o.nS intcheen , advocfaotlreo sw -inccoommmeu nihtaibdee se snk eptoifc atblhe en efits oft echnolporggoirce,aws lhs itlhec eo mpuetnetrh usstidsae,r ogatively call"etdee cshp,ir"e occutphieemds ewlivtrehas p pirdo grienis nosfr ma­ tiotne chnowliotghyom uutc cho ncfeorirnt ism paocntl own-coime commutnii.e s Byt hmei d19 90sh,o wevtehrii,stn e lledcitvuiasolif l oanb or waso verwhelbmyet dw os tarokplpyo ssiotceti raeln Tdhsep. o isitvter end wast hwei de-sperxecaidt ementth aeac btouauactlh ieveamnedan-s tyse t­ unachipeovteedln o tfti haIen etrnaentdt hWeo rlWdi dWee b.I nt he SchooofAl r chiutreaecn tdP alnngia ntM ITt,h weo rlwdi dcel iamtoef exicetmenftou nds troencgh oDeesa.Wn i lliaMmi]ct.h e'lbslo oCki,t oyf BitSsp:a cPel,a caen,dt hIen fobhahandj, u sbte epnu blis(hMeidt c1h9e59l)l. It heraad lidtgeairdle voluitni omtnah ekn iga,n ds peculaabtoeutdth e impactthsirs e voluctoiuohlnad v oent hfuen ctiaonndms e anionfcg i t.i es CopyritgehdM aterial MitchKealplo frou,n deorft hLeo tCuso rporahtaidjo oni,nt ehdSe c hool asa na djnucptr ofebsrsnoigri,nw gi thhi map rofoiunntde esirtnt hpeo licy issutehsaw to uldde teremt ihfunet ure sohfta hpIeen terannedtt hW ee b. Fotrh eisned iviadsuf aomlra sn,oy t hetrhsme,o sctr ciatilis souefus r ban plannwienrgte h otshea dte awlitt thh aec tuaanldp ossibfulteu rietn er­ actioonfps h ysiscpaaalcn edc yberspace. Ins harp cotnott hrwiaissd te sperxetcaeidm eanbto utthd ei tgail revolubtyit homeni ,d -I9a9ne0 qsu aplelrvya sainvxei aebtoytut hset atus ofA mericcean'tscr iiatelms a rkseodc ipaoilltc,ia aln,dp rofessdii­osnal coursBeyt sh.e tnh,oe p tiismmo f tIh98e0 si,n fluenbcyPe reds ident RonaRleda garnh'est oofr" iMco rniinnAg m eri,"ch aadv anisihnte hde fcaeo fs tardkelpyr esssttiainsgst .Ti hcee videshnocwee tdh aitcn ome inequaliitnyc rhebaaedst ewdeI e9n8 a0n dI 990t;h atth per obloefm urbapno vehratdhya rdeonveedtr h ose tyreaaprpsmi,in lgl sio ofAn mer­i canisni nnera-rceiwatisyto huetm ploynmtde,e cehnotu sianngds chools, ands aenf eighborahnodmo odrsce;h irledwne rgeo intgo bheudn gry andl ackheeda lctahr( eD.a nzeigtae .lIr 9 9W4i,l sIo9n9 .6 ) Whow ast ob eb lmaedf or trheevseeri snsa olcspi raolg r,e ss andw hats houbledd o nec hteoic tkT? h erwea sn oc lear aantts hwaetr momen.St ombel maedt hwee larfpeo lisc;oi teehrpso iendtt ot hree trench­ menotfs oiclap rogrianmt she ea rIl9y8 0asn;ds tioltlh earcsc utsheed glolbiazgf iornceosft hpeo st-indeucsotnrowimhayil c thh,ea ygr ued,h ad exporutnesdlk liejbdos o uotf t hUen tieSdt at(eDnsaz irga endG ottschalk I993M,u rrIa9y8 )4A.l htougthh edsiefef rednaitg nolseetsdo d ieffrent polipcrye scrifporti imopnrso vtihnqegu ailtoyfl ieo fft huer bapno otrh,e y concurornoe ndpe o inakt e:fy a tcosrh apitnhpgeo liecnvyi ronmweasn t threa ppirdo greasdsv ainnic nefdo rmatteicohnn o(lIo.Tg )y Tob es urteh,e wreer seh adripfef renocfoe psi niaobonu t the impaocfItT o nt he uproboaWrni. t hionu src hoaosil np, o lifcoryu ms througthhoceuo tu rnytd,if efrevnoti cweistd,hi effreanttt dietasun d assumptcioounblsedh, e a.rF dor siodnmiev iadlssuu,c ahsN iclhaos Negropoinwtta esc, r ystatlh acItTlw eaasar l retardayon rsmfgie nvery aspeocfst o cliiafnleo ,ot n liynt hUen itSetda tesa,l stbohuw eto rladt lar(gNee gropIo9n9t5Ie)t w' as equacllleyta hrat th itse chnohleoltgdhy e ketyo ar aditcraalon rsmfatoifso onc riealla toinoen st,h atb ywpoauslsd conventcihoannanfleo plrosl iatlei xcpresIstwi aostn h.e orreuefn con- CopyritgehdM aterial sciontahbatlthe pe o ors houlbdel efotu tT.h eiinrc lusoni int hdei tgail worllodom eda sa p oliicssyuo ef p aramouimnpto rtance. Foort hertsh,fue t urleo oekdl ersoss Ays.M itcKha popro iendt outi,ti si mportraor netc ogntihzaett h eraer ec omputhearv easn dc omput­ erh ave-ntsoF.o re xapmleT:h er urpaolo rra nlko weisntte m rso fc omputer user;u rballa chkasv teh el owecsotm putaecrc efsolsl,o webdyc entcriatly blacksa ndc entrcailtHy i spanSiecnsic.oti ri ze(n5ys5e arsa ndo veri)n bothr uraanld u rban areraansk l oweasmto ng aagglerl o upisnt e rmso f computaecrc eTssh.e raer oet hedri fferecens. iWth osmee xceptoins( most notbaly,t lepehonpeen eattoirn fotrhe twlowo este ducactaitoeng so)tr,hi ee fewetrh en umboefrye arso fe ducattiholeno ,w tehret e lepohne,c omputer, andc omputer-mopdeenemt artionT.h eraer ere gionalv ariataisow nesl l: Thelo wetst eelphnoea nd comppuetneetrrta ioinsi n Northecaesntt ral citi(eUs. SD.e partmenCtom moefrce 1 995). AccorditnoKg a potrh,e dsifefre encientes ch nologiacle ndow­ mentasr lei keltoyb el evleeodf ifn c ertwaaiynsb ,u ta sloa ccentuated ino hterw aybse causeI Tp roucdesef feicnto spp oisted ierctisominusl ta­ neouslya-citatssa g relaetv eolfep proor tuniyt hwile saob leinga na mpli­ fieorfi n equity.T hei mplicatoifKo ansp oarr'gsu emnatr teh awti thout statregiincervt entiboytn h eg overnntmt,eceh nlogoiclayld isadvantaged grouwpisllb el eoftu, ts tranodnae d di rrotad dajacentt oV icPer esident AlG ore"'isno frmatisuopne rihghawy.T"h is vwiaessw h arbeydm any memberso ft hHeC EDg rouppa,tri cluralbyy th osei nt hCeo mmuniyt FellPorwosgr am( CFP)w,h'i chhos tst welvfieft eteocn o mmuyna icttviists formu rbalno,w -income coemamcyuhen aiIrtnt.i h e1es 79 0sw,he n CFPw asst ard,tt ehceo mmunaictvtyii sgtensera llyi gnorteecdhn oolgicla issuceos,n fidtehnatt trtahoenr smfatoifto hnpe oo r eqruriedp olitical not tcehonlogicals olutiBountsb,.y 1 99t5h,ae ct ivithsemtsselv esh adt rans­ formesdo mehwatm:a noyf th emh ade nrolilnce odu rfsoceuss oendI T;' severhaalda cvteliy apritciatpde inin torducingd isadvantyaougthet do th e Internaentdt h Weo rlWdi dWee bs;o mwee rsee enkgi usbniesso pportu­ nititeobs r ing ITt ol ow-incaormeea wsh;i loet hewresri net reested in utilizIiTfn goo rrg anizign thpeoo r. Therew as yetan otherg rouopffa cultym emberwsi thitnh e Depratmentw,h od idn osth areieht erN icholNaesg roponets'e nthusiasm orM itcKha pocro'nsc efronIr Ts'd isturtinibaoilm patc.T heswee re CopryigthedM aterial

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