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High-Speed Tunable Short-Wavelength VCSEL for Optical Interconnects PDF

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High-Speed Tunable Short-Wavelength VCSEL for Optical Interconnects Dem Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Technischen Universita¨t Darmstadt zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktor-Ingenieurs (Dr. -Ing.) genehmigte Dissertation von Dipl. -Ing. Hooman Abdollahzadeh Davani geboren am 05.04.1981 in Teheran, I.R. Iran Referent : Prof. Dr. -Ing. Peter Meißner Korreferent : Prof. Dr. -Ing. Helmut F. Schlaak Tag der Einreichung : 22.04.2014 Tag der mu¨ndlichen Prfu¨ng : 28.10.2014 D17 Darmstadt 2015 TomygrandmotherFatemehEnayatollah Preface This dissertation is a summary and a precious memory of my research in the Institute of Mi- crowaveEngineeringandPhotonicsoftheTechnischeUniversita¨tDarmstadt. FirstofallIwouldliketoexpressmygratitudetomysupervisorProf. Dr. -Ing. PeterMeißner. Mysincereappreciationgoesalsotomyco-examiner Prof. Dr. -Ing. HelmutF.Schlaak. Fortheinspiringdiscussionsandconstructivecooperation,myfellowcolleaguesintheInstitute of Microwave Engineering and Optics are warmly thanked. Especially, I deeply appreciate Dr. Christian Gierl, Karolina Zogal, Dr. Sandro Jatta, Dr. Benjamin Ko¨gel, Dr. Yuliang Zheng. Dr. Mohsen Sazegar, Dr. Trung Q. Le, Dr. Tuomo von Lerber, Ali Emsia, Sujoy Paul, Peter kiesslich, Andreas Semrad, Dr. Oktay Yilmazoglu, Dr. Chong Jin, Dr. Oleg Cojocari, Ion Oprea,Dr. CezarySydlo,MariaKaiser,Dr. MichaelFeiginovandTraudelMicus. Especially I would like to thank the Colleagues from institutions below involved in the Euro- peanprojectSubtunebecauseofthegreatcollaborationsduring theproject: Dr. Petter Westbergh, Dr. Johan Gustavsson, Dr. A˚sa Haglund und Prof. Anders Larsson from ChalmersUniversityofTechnology. Christian Grasse, Tobias Gruendl and Prof. Markus-Christian Amann from Walter Schottky InstituteoftechnicalUniversity Munich. Dr. PierluigiDebernardifrom IEIIT-CNRinTorino. Dr. PierreFerdinandfromCEAList,Saclay,France. AidanDalyandDr. BrianCorbettfrom TyndallNationalInstitute,Cork,Ireland Finally i would like to thank my parents Farideh Dehdari and Hossein Abdollahzadeh Davani, MywifeLuHuoandourSonKeyanAbdollahzadehDavanifortheirsupportsduringthiswork andbelievinginme. Erkla¨rung laut §9 PromO Ich versichere hiermit, dass ich die vorliegende Dissertation allein und nur unter Verwendung der angegebenen Literatur verfasst habe. Die Arbeit hat bisher noch nicht zu Pru¨fungszwecken gedient. Abstract The forecast for serial transmission speed used in data communication systems is a continued exponential increase with time. It is directly scaled in concert with silicon integrated circuits andinresponsetothehumansociety’sperpetualhungerformassiveincreasesinthebandwidth. This leads to an increase in the data rate of a single transmission channel and at the same time toanefficientusageoftheexistingtransmissionmediumbyusingmethodssuchaswavelength devision multiplexing (WDM). The electrical interfaces for a single channel using a bit rate beyond 10 Gbit/s are being standardized for a variety of applications. As a result, the funda- mental electro-magnetic limitations of copper wire-based links at a bit rate >10 Gbit/s make fibre-based optics for data communication indispensable for distances >1 m. For shorter dis- tances,problemsassociatedwithelectricaltransmissionlinesatsuchhighfrequencies,e. g. the high power consumption, strong signal attenuation, signal distortions and the electromagnetic interferences, lead to an unstoppable and progressive penetration of the optical communication links into traditional copper interconnect markets [1]. This trend greatly expands the applica- tions of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs), VCSEL arrays and tunable VCSELs as inexpensive, efficient, reliable, readily manufacturable and compact laser light sources for the next generation of fibre-optic, free-space, board-to-board, module-to-module, chip-to-chip andon-chipinterconnectsandrelatedinformation systemsandnetworks. Thisthesisreportsthedevelopmentofahigh-speedtunableshort-wavelengthVCSEL.Thegoal ofourresearchisdevelopingadevice,suitableforopticalinterconnects. Toachievethisgoal,thelongtraditionandexperienceinfabricationanddevelopmentofmicro- electro-mechanical system- (MEMS-) mirrors for the long wavelength VCSELs in the Insti- tute of Microwaves and Photonics of the Technische Universita¨t Darmstadt is combined with the long tradition and experience in design and development of high-speed non-tunable short- wavelength VCSELs at Chalmers University of Technology in Go¨teborg Sweden . The Walter SchottkyInstituteofMunichhasprovidedwafersforsemiconductormirrorsandtheIEIIT-CNR inTorinohassupporteduswithcold-cavity simulations. The developed devices are made of a GaAs based half-VCSEL in combination with a MEMS- mirror. They exhibit a maximum amplitude modulation bandwidth of up to 5 GHz, which was the highest achieved amplitude modulation bandwidth among tunable GaAs based VCSELs at the time of publication of our results according to our knowledge. These devices are also the firstdevelopedhigh-speedtunableVCSELsintheshort-wavelengthrange. Theyexhibitawide single-modecontinuoustuningrangeofupto37nm,whichisthehighestreportedtuningrange around850nmachievedbyVCSELs. Additionally to the results mentioned above, which have been achieved by means of bulk- micromachining of the MEMS-mirror, a surface-micromachining technology has been suc- cessfully developed and implemented. Additionally the polarization stability of the devices is achieved by implementing a sub-wavelength grating (SWG). Further characteristics of the devicessuchaslinewidth,farfield,tuningspeed,relativeintensitynoise(RIN)andlargesignal IV behaviorareinvestigated bymeansofmeasurements.

Aidan Daly and Dr. Brian Corbett from Tyndall National Institute, Cork, mirror. They exhibit a maximum amplitude modulation bandwidth of up to 5
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