Addendum 3 March 2, 2015 To Whom It May ConcernA: ddendum No. 3 to SEPTA RFP No. 14-237-JFK for High-Speed Electric Locomotives. This letter constitutes ddendum No . 3 consists of the following: A 1. Questions & Answers. 2. Escrow Master Agreement (Sample Document) 3. Instruction to Proposers and Contract Agreement – Redline Versions reflecting Addendum 3 changes. 4. Certifications Addendum No. 3 must be acknowledged by updating and signing the Acknowledgement of Addenda F orm and including with your Proposal. A ny inquiries regarding this Addendum must be directed to John Kerrigan of the Procurement and SCM Department at [email protected] or 215.580.8360. SJinochernel yKerrigan John Kerrigan Contract Administration Procurement and SCM Department Addendum 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA FORM High-Speed Electric Locomotives – RFP 14-237-JFK Acknowledgement of Addenda The following form shall be completed for the acknowledgement of all addenda by inserting the dates next to the appropriate addenda number and including in the Technical Proposal submittal. Failure to properly acknowledge the addenda, as set forth below, may cause your proposal to be considered non-responsive to the solicitation. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following addenda to this RFP No. 11-025-JBW and certifies that all changes have been taken into account in the total price of the proposal. ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATED: ____________ ADDENDUM NO. 2 DATED: ____________ ADDENDUM NO. 3 DATED: ____________ ADDENDUM NO. 4 DATED: ____________ ADDENDUM NO. 5 DATED: ____________ ADDENDUM NO. 6 DATED: ____________ Proposer Name: ________________________________________________________________ Street Address : ________________________________________________________________ City, State Zip : ________________________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Signer: ____________________________________________________ Print/Type Name : _______________________________________________________________ Phone Number : ________________________ Addendum 3 Ref No. Volume Section Page Resp. Request for Clarification Details SEPTA Response Proposed Change is not acceptable. Would SEPTA consider a cap on liability of 100% of the Contract Value which is consistent for the However, SEPTA is not opposed to Contract 4 NA NA industry, and include a disclaimer of consequential damages under the same provision? Both of these topics evaluating proposed language whereby the Documents are critical to publicly traded companies and may hinder our bidder’s ability to bid the project. risk to both can be mitigated and mutually shared. Please keep in mind that this is public competitive procurement. However, There does not appear to be a confidentiality provision in the terms and conditions for the mutual protection SEPTA is not opposed to evaluating and Contract 5 NA NA of the parties. Does the SEPTA intend to introduce a confidentiality provision or negotiate a non-disclosure considering Confidentiality Provisions in Documents agreement after award? the proper applicable areas. Please submit proposed provision detailing specific areas for SEPTA's evaluation. Generally LDs are not assessed after Given that SEPTA has the right to assess Liquidated Damages for delay in delivery, please clarify what conditional acceptance and delivery. This Contract 6 IX.L 5 costs or reductions may be deducted under this provision (“SEPTA may require a reduction in the contract contract provision applies to non- Documents price if the Contractor fails to meet such delivery schedule”) conformance with fulfillment of final acceptance conditions. Please submit referenced industry Would SEPTA be open to introducing a disclaimer of implied and fitness for purpose warranty in language Contract standards documentation and proposed 7 XVII.C 9 consistent with industry standards? This language would enable bidders to avoid unnecessary contingencies Documents clause language detailing specific areas which drive up project costs for SEPTA's evaluation. Yes. Please keep in mind that it is SEPTA's last resort to perform the Contract If the repairs are performed by SEPTA or a third-party, is the Supplier still expected to honor warranty for 8 XVII.I 12 warranty repairs or have another third Documents the parts repaired? party perform them in lieu of the contractor responsible for this work. Contract Would SEPTA consider incorporating a timely notice requirement by SEPTA in the event of a claim for Please submit proposed clause detailing 9 XVII.J 13 Documents patent infringement? specific areas for SEPTA's evaluation. Guaranty is normally required on Joint Please specify in which case SEPTA would request an additional guaranty and in what format is preferred. Ventures and/or afiliates/subsidiary. It 9.4 Additional The language exposes the contractor to a non manageable risk potentially resulting in higher risk provisions 11 ITP 8 of 18 remains solely within SEPTA's Guaranty and cost, we therefore kindly request this section be deleted or better define in what scenario an additional determination to require if SEPTA deems guaranty would need to be provided. necessary. Addendum 3 Contract Please provide clarity whether SEPTA would consider a corporate bond from a strong parent company as a See revised language within attached 12 XX A 19 of 33 Document cost attractive alternative in lieu of a performance bond? agreement. XX A stipulates a replacement period of 10 days in case the surety becomes insolvent or bankrupt. We have Contract See revised language within attached 13 XX A 19 of 33 been advised by our brokers that 10 days might be a very tight timeline. Hence we ask the period be Document agreement. extended to 20 days in order to avoid being forced into default due to administrative reasons? XX A contains language reducing the performance bond to 5% of the contract price at acceptance and it be Contract maintained until the end of the two year warranty period. XX B specifies additional requirements for a See revised language within attached 14 XX A and B 19 of 33 Document maintenance bond, which should also be maintained during the maintenance period. Which bond is meant agreement. to cover the maintenance period? See revised language within attached agreement. 19 of 33 Contract XX B defines end of warranty period as expiry date for the maintenance bond, please specify clearly to Note that XX, B define general vehicle 15 XX B and XVII E And Document which time period you are referring to, as XX B is contemplating warranty periods for certain items? warranty whereas warranty requirements 10 of 33 for specific elements / components are defined in XVII, E. The language provided in XXXVIII (Options) does not contain the reduction mechanism for the Contract Confirmed, See revised language within 16 XXXVIII 29/30 of 33 performance bonds which is stipulated in XX A; could you please confirm that the reduction mechanism Document attached agreement. also applies to the Options? Please provide more detail of the obligation the contractor would need to fulfill in its potential role as nominal lessor? Contract See revised language within attached 17 XXVII B 19 of 33 As the contractor cannot predict what obligations and cost related thereto, might be associated with this Document agreement. provision, can SEPTA consider adding a provision that the contractor is kept whole from any additional charges and cost related to the financing the Owner might set up. Contract See revised language within attached 19 XXVII 23 of 33 Would SEPTA be interested in financing arranged and/or provided by the Supplier? Document agreement. Exhibit D is a "Sample" bond document Contract Please clarify of which amount the maintenance bond should be issued. XX A says in amount of 5% of the XX A, Exhibit D 19 of 33, describing the expected bond language. 20 Document, contract price, whereas the maintenance/warranty bond itself mentions that “the principal shall furnish a (Maintenance Bond) Exh. D Bond requirements for this RFP are stated Exhibit D bond in the penalty of 100% of the Contract Price.” in the agreement. Addendum 3 In a separate binder(s), each Proposer shall provide the following technical information. This binder shall contain alpha-numeric designated tabs, corresponding to the paragraphs and elements listed within IP 11 – Technical Proposal Format. From review of the RFP it is understood that the technical proposal submittal will have the following structure: Tab 1 - Technical Approach (IP 11.1) Tab 2 - Relevant Experience/Past Performance (IP 11.2) IP 2.1 Technical Please follow proposal requirements as 21 RFP 2 of 18 Tab 3 – Program Management / Manufacturing Approach (IP 11.3) Tab 4 - Testing, Training and Proposal Format stipulated within Instructions to Proposers. Quality Assurance Approach Tab 5 - Other Information Included with Technical Proposal (IP 6) Tab 6 – Addenda (IP 7) Tab 7 - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) (IP 8) Please confirm that a technical proposal binder submitted with the above structure meets the submittal requirements of the RFP. It is understood that IP 4.1 Responsibility of Proposer requires the contractor to provide SEPTA with adequate documentation, as determined by SEPTA, within twenty (20) days of receipt of SEPTA's IP 4.1 Documentation satisfying the requirements written request to permit SEPTA to determine the responsibility of the Proposer. A responsible contractor is 22 RFP Responsibility of 3 of 18 of A thru J shall be provided as stated one which meets the following standards,…. Proposer upon SEPTA's request. Please expand on what specific documentation or statements are required to be provided in compliance of the requirements A to J. IP 6.1 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) IP 6.1 DBE requirements are determined by,…. Disadvantaged Participation Requirements: In connection with this solicitation and any resulting contract, the proposal Cerificate form provided, see attached 23 RFP 5 of 18 Business Enterprise shall be accompanied by a signed DBE Approval Certification. documentation. (DBE) Please provide the requested DBE Approval Certificate to be completed, signed and submitted with the proposal. IP 6. Other Information Included IP 6.1 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) with Technical Participation Requirements: In connection with this solicitation and any resulting contract, the proposal Proposal Cerificate form provided, see attached 24 RFP 5 of 18 shall be accompanied by a signed DBE Approval Certification. IP 6.1 documentation. Please provide the requested DBE approval certificate to be completed, signed and included in our Disadvantaged technical proposal tab 6 Other Information. Business Enterprise (DBE) Addendum 3 IP 6. Other Information Included with Technical Please provide the requested Buy America certificate to be completed, signed and included in our Cerificate form provided, see attached 25 RFP 6 of 18 Proposal technical proposal tab 6 Other Information. documentation. IP 6.3 Buy America Provision IP 6. Other Information Included with Technical Proposal Please provide the requested Certificate of Compliance with Immigration Reform and Control Act of Cerificate form provided, see attached 26 RFP IP 6.4 Certificate of 6 of 18 1986 to be completed, signed and included in our technical proposal tab 6 Other Information. documentation. Compliance with Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 Addenda should be acknowledged on the Acknowledgement of Addenda Form and included as part of the technical proposal. Addenda Form provided, see attached 27 RFP IP 7. Addenda 6 of 18 Please provide the requested Acknowledgement of Addenda Form to be completed, signed and included documentation. in our technical proposal tab 7 Other Information. …., 8. The Consultant shall have an Affirmative Action Plan declaring that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin or sex and specifying minority and female goals to assure implementation of the Plan. SEPTA shall assure compliance with this requirement and promptly IP 8. Equal The contractor shall provide a copy of its investigate suspected or reported violations. 28 RFP Employment 6 of 18 EEO plan in their technical proposal The RFP provides the EEO requirements however it is unclear what content is required to be submitted Opportunity (EEO) submittal. in our technical proposal tab 8 EEO. Does SEPTA require the contractor to provide its EEO plan as part of the technical proposal submission tab 8? Buy America Cerificate form provided, Exhibit - D Forms Please provide the requested Buy America certificate to be completed, signed and included in our see attached documentation. In • Buy America technical proposal tab 6 Other Information. 29 RFP 27 of 81 accordance with IP 9.10, the Affidavit of Certification Please provide the requested Collusion Affidavit form to be completed, signed and included in our Non- Collusion will be addressed with the • Collusion Affidavit technical proposal tab 6 Other Information. apparent awardee prior to award. Addendum 3 Based on the project schedule and stated milestones, the anticipation is that lead Contract provides for certain mandatory sub- suppliers, some of which bidders may be unfamiliar with time for the "mandated-suppliers" is not and/or who we may not have chosen if not required. Would SEPTA be willing to consider relief to Bidders an issue and should not be an impact to Technical Sections 9, 11, 12, 30 various in the event delays are caused by mandated suppliers? This is a common approach in the industry as it is the project. However, if it is known at this Specification and 13 unreasonable to subject Vendors to Liquidated Damages for delays caused by a mandatory supplier they point that said lead time is not feasible or would not have otherwise chosen. compatible with the stated project schedule, SEPTA asks that specifics are provided for evaluation. states: that Federal and State requirements are attached and made a part hereof in Exhibits A and B. XXIII Federal and However, Exhibit A is State and Local Contract Requirements and Exhibit B is SEPTA’s Equal See revised language within attached 31 RFP State Contract 22 Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Contractual Requirements. Other than Buy America, are there agreement. Requirements any other specific Federal requirements? Could SEPTA advise on the expected duration of the Escrow obligation? This is an important pricing 32 RFP XXXV.A.4 26 See sample Escrow Master Agreement. component for bidders. The spec says: The Contractor shall supply trainline Receptacles of each type shall be installed on all four corners of the locomotive to allow locomotives to cables for connection of the locomotive to turned randomly end-for-end in a consist. In order to use SEPTA standard length jumper cables between SEPTA's existing push pull fleet. The locomotives as well as to adjacent cars, the location of the receptacles in all three axes must be coordinated 33 Section 2 13 trainline cables do not need to be identical with those of existing SEPTA equipment. to SEPTA's existing cables. The Request for clarification: specification has been modified For receptacles, please see request for clarification related to chapter accordingly. For the use of SEPTA standard jumper cables, please provide drawings and minimum How is the information of a “car hot journal” transmitted to the locomotive for indication? Pin 21 of the Car hot journal is not used on SEPTA 15 of 34 Section 2 communication trainline is not used as “Hot Journal indication” but as “Doors Open – Left Side Low equipment. The specification has been section 2 Level” information (see section modified accordingly. Addendum 3 Actuation of the dynamic brake is not performed on a trainline basis. It is not a requirement to provide electric propagation of dynamic brake; cab cars do Black MU trainline currently has no signals to control dynamic brake independently of pneumatic brake in not have any controlling element to 16 of 36 Section 2 train via an analogue voltage signal. Are there plans to change the MU trainline pin assignment to provide provide this signal. It is not anticipated section 2 wires for this functionality that this function will be added. Brake blending while configured as trailing is to be controlled via brake pipe reductions when appropriate. No specification change is necessary. The requirement to provide positive indication of the parking brake status via The requirement of section 11.6 “Positive indication of the parking brake status shall be provided to the trainline 14 of the MU receptacle has been 15 of controlling cab via trainline 14 of the MU receptacle.” Is in contradiction to section where Pin 14 37 Section 11 11.6 deleted from the specification. The section 11 is used for “Pantograph Down” and no other signal is defined for Parking brake indication resp. control parking brake status shall be included in Suggestion is to use PIN 11 for this indication. the overall brake applied status via pin 20 of the communication trainline. “Provide a spring-applied, air-released parking brake control signal to unit car in the train consist which The requirement to provide consist level 3 of section shall be controlled from the active locomotive cab.” 38 Section 11 11.1.8 control of the parking brake has been 11 Please specify relevant trainline pins to communicate parking brake apply and release commands to trailing removed from the specification. locomotives or coaches Emergency Brake is to be initiated by all vehicles, and shall initiate a brake Please confirm functionality of pin 22 “Emergency Brake”: application at the emergency rate. 17 of 39 Section 2 Signal will be read by leading vehicle, whenever signal is active an emergency brake will be triggered by Emergency brake can also be initiated by section 2 the lead locomotive. Signal is generated in the coaches. the lead vehicle when commanded by the engineer, or when the brake control system detects an emergency condition. Addendum 3 The MCP system is required as it is integral to the design of the SEPTA PTC system. It contains the PTC data radio, along with the necessary filters and routing equipment to connect devices such as the PTC On-Board Computer, the PTC data radio, and the Event Recorder. Additional communications systems 1 of section Specification of mobile communication system “MCP-System-3“, “MCP-SEPTA”. Would SEPTA also 40 Section 12 12.1 distinct from the MCP-System-3 and MCP- 12 consider the use of other communication systems between vehicle and landside, for example Witronix SEPTA parts (which are to be used solely for PTC purposes) are required to provide the non-PTC wireless download functions between vehicle and landside. SEPTA will consider all communication systems which implement the specification required functionality, with the exception of those used for the PTC system. Please provide pricing per the payment Payments terms for the Base and Option orders are very unfavorable and result in negative cashflow for Contract 6 & 7 of 33 milestone schedule issued with the RFP. 41 XIII XXXIX Bidders. Is SEPTA open to considering a revised payment milestone schedule for the Base and Options Documents 30 of 33 Please provide suggested alternate orders in order to at a minimum result in a neutral cash flow for Bidders? payment milestone for septa's evaluation. C. Subcontractor Relations: “In addition, the Contractor shall pay its Subcontractors any retainage the Contract Contractor has withheld from is Subcontractor within twenty (20) days after a Subcontractor’s work is 42 XVIII 15 of 33 There is no retainage for this contract. Documents satisfactory completed.” Please clarify if there is retainage in this contract. It is mentioned in this section but not in the payment schedule. Addendum 3 CONTRACT OPTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT AND PAYMENT TERMS FOR OPTION FOR ADDITIONAL LOCOMOTIVES- A. “No price adjustment shall be allowed if the Option is exercised within the first 6 months following issuance of Notice to Proceed for the base order”. Would SEPTA be willing to consider language such as: No price adjustment will be allowed for any option orders delivered during the base locomotive period. Option orders will be subject to price adjustment if they Contract do not allow for contiguous production with the base order. In addition, a one-time remobilization cost may 43 XXXIX 30 of 33 Proposed change unacceptable. Documents be allowed for each option order requiring remobilization. “The Producer Price Index (33651) used for the Price Adjustment calculation shall be in its originally published, unadjusted form.” Please provide a link for this information, as it appears this PPI is only a labor index. If so, Bidder proposes the Price Adjustment requirement to incorporate the following: Iron & Steel Wire and Cable Labor Industrial Commodities Energy The Contract Documents incorporates “substantial representations made by the Contractor upon which SEPTA was entitled to rely in making the decision to award the Contract to the Contractor”. This could potentially lead to disputes and ambiguity as to what the parties’ obligations are and what the contractual requirements are. A best practice is to include representations made by the Contractor for which SEPTA’s Contract relying upon in the contract. Similarly, in Section XVII, SEPTA has asked for a warranty that the Please provide suggested language for 44 III, XVII, and XXXI 2, 9 and 31 Documents locomotive conforms to all representations and descriptions made whether oral or written. This should be septa's evaluation. limited to representations and warranties set forth in the contract and certainly not to statements made orally or in writing if the representation is not set forth in the contract. Finally the integration clause which satisfied the parol evidence rule excludes allegedly oral statements made. Will SEPTA consider including the representations and warranties made by Contract in the four corners of the contract? 10% of the contract sum is the expected Contract Would SEPTA include an overall cap for all liquidated damages or is the 10% in section VI the cap for all 45 VI 3 Cap for all Liquidated damages assessed Document liquidated damages including delivery of manuals etc. and unavailability? under the contract. SEPTA's right to terminate for any reason If SEPTA exercises its right to terminate for delays caused by reasons beyond Contractor’s control, the Contract not attributed to contractor delays or other 46 VIII 3 termination should not be a termination for cause or default. Document actions, the termination is exercised under Would SEPTA clarify that termination would be for convenience? "Termination for Convenience".