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Preview High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of G292.0+1.8/MSH 11-54

High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of G292.0+1.8/MSH 11-54 4 0 Jacco Vink,∗ a b Johan Bleekerb, Jelle S. Kaastrab, Andrew Rasmussena 0 2 aColumbia Astrophysics Laboratory,Columbia University, New York, NY, USA n b a SRON National Institute for Space Research, Sorbonnelaan 2, 3584 CA, Utrecht, Netherlands J 6 We present a preliminary analysis of XMM-Newton observations of the oxygen-rich supernova remnant 1 G292.0+1.8 (MSH11-54). Although the spatial extent of the remnant is 8′ the bright central bar is narrow (1-2′) resulting in RGS spectra of a high spectral quality. This allows us to spectroscopically identify a cool, 1 kTe= 0.3 keV, and underionized component, resolve details of the Fe-L complex, and resolve the forbidden and v resonant lines of the OVII triplet. We are also able to constrain the kinematics of the remnant using NeIX as 7 observedinthesecondorderspectrum,andOVIIIinthefirstorderspectrum. WedonotfindevidenceforOVII 2 3 lineshiftsorDopplerbroadening(σv <731kms−1),butlinebroadeningoftheNeXLyαlineseemstobepresent, 1 corresponding to σv ∼1500 kms−1. 0 4 0 1. INTRODUCTION / h G292.0+1.8(MSH11-54)belongstotheclassof p - oxygen-richsupernovaremnants,whichareprob- o ably the products of core collapse supernovae of r t themostmassivestars,i.e. amainsequencemass as in excess of ∼ 20M⊙.2 It has a size of ∼ 8′ and : its morphology is characterized by a filamentary v X-ray structure, and a bar stretching from the i X central east to the west side. The nature of this r bar is unclear, but may have something to do a with a structure in the progenitor’scircumstellar medium [1]. Recently it was discovered that a region of hard X-ray emission, east of the center, harbors a 135 ms radio/X-raypulsar [2,3]. This is ofspe- cial interest as it is likely that G292.0+1.8 is the remnant of a very massive star (30-40 M⊙, [4]). Such massive stars are thought to give birth to black holes [5]. Surprisingly, there are only a few examples of shell type supernova remnants with pulsar wind nebulae inside. Chandra observations of G292.0+1.8 have revealed substantial variations in abundances Figure 1. XMM-Newton EPIC-MOS image of within the remnant [1,4], the most prominent X- G292.0+1.8. The RGB colors code for the line ray lines being O, Ne, Mg, Si and S. emission in OVIII, Mg XI, and Si XIII. XMM-Newton observedG292.0+1.8in August ∗Chandrafellow 2SeethereviewbyVink,theseproceedings. 1 2 X X Ne Ne I VIII O g XI VII M X oCounts / s / A Mg XII Fe O VIII Fe XVII O VII Figure 2. X-rayemissionprofile basedonthe high spatialresolutionChandra images,inthe directionof the XMM-Newton RGS dispersion axis, using the OVII Heα band (left). The sharp peak in the profile results in a high resolution XMM-Newton RGS spectrum (right). 2002, with a total observation time of ∼28 ks. convolvedwith the spatial profile of the remnant Here we report on a preliminary analysis of the (see [7,8]), for which we used the Chandra-ACIS data with an emphasis on the reflection grating images, which have a higher spatial resolution. spectrometer (RGS, [6]) data. TheChandraimageswereextractedinnarrowen- ergybands in orderto obtainthe rightprofile for each element. 2. HIGH RESOLUTION SPEC- As can be seen in Fig. 2, the RGS spectrum TROSCOPY reveals line features which are blended when ob- served with the Chandra or XMM-Newton CCD The peculiar bar-like feature across the rem- detectors (c.f. the spectra in [1]). The Fe XVII nanthasanadvantageforobservationbytheRGS linesareofinterestastheyareweakandhavenot instrument, as long as the dispersion axis is per- been resolved previously. pendicular tothebar,aswasthe caseduringthis Thespectralresolutionisofsufficientqualityin observation. As the RGS is a slitless spectrom- ordertoestimatetheforbiddenoverresonantline eter, the spectral resolution is degraded by the ratiosoftheOVIIHeαtriplet,whichisanimpor- spatial extent of the observedobject. The degra- dationisapproximately0.12˚Aperarcmin. How- tant plasma diagnostic [9]. The best fit with an ever, the bar is bright with respect to the rest of absorptionofNH=4×1021 cm−2 givesaG-ratio theremnantandhasawidthof1-2′ (Fig.2). The of (f +i/r)= 0.46−0.91 (Fig. 3). According to the SPEX non-equilibrium ionization model, the effectivespectralresolutioninFWHMistherefore ∼ 2 ˚A. The relative spectral resolution increases triplet emission indicates a range for kTe of 0.27 - 0.51 keV (90% confidence). at longer wavelengths. For shorter wavelengths higher resolution can be obtained by extracting second order spectra. In order to perform a quantitative analysis of the RGS spectra the response matrix has to be 3 4. THE KINEMATICS OF G292.0+1.8 In order to get a better idea of the ejected mass, the explosion energy, and the evolution- ary phase of the G292.0+1.8, kinematical data are important, as the example of Cas A shows [10,11,12]. We are currently working on model- ingthelineprofiles,anddirectlyonthedispersed images in order to obtain kinematical informa- tion. This work is still in progress, but our pre- liminary results indicate that the OVII Lyα is coming from a plasma with no great bulk mo- tions (v <114 kms−1) and no apparent Doppler line broadening (σv < 730 kms−1, 95% confi- dence level). However, the NeX Lyα emission, measured using the 2nd order spectra, is best fitted by including line broadening correspond- Figure3. DetailofRGS1order1spectrumofthe ing to σv = 880−2880 kms−1(95% confidence easternregion. Itshowsthedecompositionofthe range). Previous studies indicated that most of OVIItripletinresonance(red),intercombination the Ne is associated with the ejecta, whereas the (magenta), and forbidden line emission (green). O emission has a large contribution from shock heated interstellar/circumstellar material. Our results therefore suggests that the blastwave has deceleratedconsiderably,whereasatleastsomeof the ejecta, presumably the material in relatively denseknots,arestillmovingwithahighvelocity. 5. CONCLUSIONS 3. A COOL COMPONENT We have presented preliminary results of Previous X-ray studies of G292.0+1.8 typi- an analysis of XMM-Newton observations of cally found that the plasma temperature is kTe= G292.0+1.8. We hope to improve on this anal- 0.7keV,althoughanadditionallow0.3keVtem- ysis inthe nearfuture. The tentativeconclusions perature component was found in a region near are: the rim of G292.0+1.8 [4]. However, fitting the RGSspectrawiththeSPEXnon-equilibriumion- • Itis possibleto obtainhighresolutionRGS ization model indicates that in addition to the spectra from a relatively large object as 0.7 keV plasma component a much cooler com- G292.0+1.8, provided that narrow, out- ponent with kTe∼ 0.3 keV has to be present standing features exist in the spatial emis- throughout the remnant (see also the previous sion profile along the dispersion axis. section). Thespectralfitsindicatethatthiscom- • The RGS spectra of G292.0+1.8 indicate ponent is also considerably more underionized the presence of at least two temperature thanthe0.7keVcomponent: net≤4×1010cm−3s components,withkTe∼0.7keVand,some- versus net∼ 1011 cm−3s. The cool component what unexpectedly, kTe∼ 0.3 keV. The variesinimportance,withthecontributionofthe coolestcomponentis needed inorderto ac- cool component to the total emission measure count for the observed OVII line emission. varying from 13% (in the west) to 28% (east). • Nosignificantlinebroadening(temperature This component is the main source of the OVII of the shell) is indicated by the OVIII Lyα emission shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 (0.65 keV) line emission: σE < 1.4 eV 4 (<731 kms−1) (95% confidence), but sig- nificantlinebroadeningseemstobepresent fortheNeXLyαemission,correspondingto a velocity dispersion of σv ∼1500 kms−1. This work was supported by NASA’s Chandra Postdoctoral Fellowship Award Nr. PF0-10011 issued by the Chandra X-ray Observatory Cen- ter, which is operated by the SAO under NASA contract NAS8-39073. This work is based on ob- servations obtained with XMM-Newton, an ESA science mission,funded byits member statesand the NASA(USA).SRONisfinanciallysupported by NWO, the Netherlands Organization for Sci- entific Research. REFERENCES 1. S. Park et al., ApJL564 (2002) L39. 2. F. Camilo et al., ApJL567 (2002) L71. 3. J.P. Hughes et al., ApJL591 (2003) L139. 4. M. Gonzalez and S. Safi-Harb, ApJL583 (2003) L91. 5. A. Heger et al., ApJ591 (2003) 288. 6. J.W. den Herder et al., A&A365 (2001) L7. 7. A.P.Rasmussenetal., A&A365(2001)L231. 8. J. Vink et al., ApJL 587 (2003) 31. 9. D. Porquet et al., A&A376 (2001) 1113. 10. J. Vink et al., A&A339 (1998) 201. 11. R. Willingale et al., A&A381 (2002) 1039. 12. T. Delaney and L. Rudnick, ApJ589 (2003) 818.

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