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Preview High-Resolution Simulations of a Moon-Forming Impact and Post-Impact Evolution

PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.6/22/04 HIGH-RESOLUTIONSIMULATIONSOFAMOON-FORMINGIMPACTANDPOST-IMPACTEVOLUTION KEIICHIWADA NationalAstronomicalObservatoryofJapan,Mitaka,Tokyo181-8588,Japan EIICHIROKOKUBO NationalAstronomicalObservatoryofJapan,Mitaka,Tokyo181-8588,Japan AND JUNICHIROMAKINO DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofTokyo 6 ABSTRACT 0 0 In order to examine the “giant impact hypothesis” for the Moon formation, we run the first grid-based, 2 high-resolutionhydrodynamicsimulationsforanimpactbetweenproto-Earthandaproto-planet. Thespatial resolution for the impact-generateddisk is greatly improvedfrom previous particle-based simulations. This n allows us to explore fine structures of a circumterrestrial debris disk and its long-term evolution. We find a J that in order to form a debris disk from which a lunar-sized satellite can be accumulated, the impact must resultinadiskofmostlyliquidorsoliddebris,wherepressureisnoteffective,wellbeforetheaccumulation 5 processstarts. If the debris is dominatedby vaporgas, strong spiral shocksare generated, and thereforethe circumterrestrialdiskcannotsurvivemorethanseveraldays. Thissuggeststhattherecouldbeanappropriate 1 v massrangeforterrestrialplanetstoharboralargemoonasaresultofgiantimpacts,sincevaporizationduring 4 animpactdependsontheimpactenergy. 9 Subjectheadings:planetsandsatellites: formation–method:numerical 0 1 0 1. INTRODUCTION SPHparticles,whichisanimprovementof1-2ordersofmag- 6 nitude compared to simulations in the previoustwo decades In the current standard scenario of planet formation, the 0 (Benz,Slattery,&Cameron 1986; Cameron 2000). It is ap- final stage of assemblage of terrestrial planets is collisions / parent,however,thattheSPHmethodisnotthebestscheme h among proto-planets of about Mars mass (Kokubo&Ida p 1998; Kortenkampetal. 2000). It is widely accepted that tosimulateanimpactbetweentwoproto-planets.Firstly,SPH - at this final assemblage stage, the Moon is formed from isnotsuitabletodealwiththestrongshocksandshearmotion o producedbytheoff-setimpact.Moreover,sinceitisbasically the circumterrestrial debris disk generated by an off-set r theLagrangianscheme,thecurrentSPHdoesnothaveresolu- t impact of the proto-Earth with a Mars-sized proto-planet, s tionsfineenoughfordiffuseregions. Thisiscriticalproblem a which is known as the “Giant Impact (GI) hypothesis” particularlyforGI,becausethedebrisdiskconsistsofonlya : (Hartman&Davis1975;Cameron&Ward1976). Theinitial v few%ofthetotalmass.Asaresult,evenforasimulationwith phaseoftheGIscenario,agiantimpactandtheformationof i 105 SPH particles, only a few 103 SPH particles are used to X thecircumterrestrialdebrisdisk,hasbeenstudiedbyaseries representthedebrisdisk,andthusthefinestructureofthedisk of hydrodynamic simulations (Benz,Slattery,&Cameron r isnotresolvedaccurately. Inthe SPHformalism,thespatial a 1986;Cameron2000;Canup&Asphaug2001;Canup2004). resolutionisdeterminedbythe‘kernelsize’,whichisvariable N-body simulations of the accumulation of the Moon from withthelocaldensity.Foradiffusecircumterrestrialdisk,this the debris disk, which is the last phase of GI scenario, re- kernelsizecanbeaslargeastheradiusofthediskitself(see vealed that a single large moon is formed just outside the Figure1of Canup&Asphaug2001). Thisisthemainreason Roche limit, at a distance of about three to four times thatevolutionof the debrisis followedfor veryshortperiod the Earth’s radius, within several months (Idaetal. 1997; (<1day)aftertheimpact(Canup&Asphaug2001). There- Kokubo,Makino,&Ida2000). ItisbelievedthatthisGIsce- forethepost-impactevolutionofthedebris,whichisakeyfor narioexplainsanumberofmysteriesconcerningtheoriginof theGIhypothesis,isnotwellunderstood. the Moon(Cameron2000): Whyis the Moonso largecom- Alternatively, one can use grid-basedEulerian methodsto paredtosatellitesofotherplanets?WhyistheMoondeficient overcome the above problems. Melosh&Kipp (1989) have in iron and volatiles compared to the Earth? Why does the writtentheonlypreliminarystudyontheGIbythegrid-based Earth-Moonsystemhavelargeangularmomentum? method to date. However, they neglected self-gravity of the AlmostallhydrodynamicsimulationsofGIinpastdecades planetsanddebris,andtheevolutionisfollowedonlyforless used the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) method, than1houraroundtheimpact. Therefore,itcannotbecom- which is a particle-based Lagrangian scheme (Lucy 1977; paredtotherecentSPHsimulations. Gingold&Monaghan 1977). In the SPH method, the nu- Inthispaper,wepresentthefirstthree-dimensionalhydro- merical accuracy, in other words, the resolution, is deter- dynamicsimulationsof thegiantimpactfollowedbyforma- mined by the number of SPH particles. The latest simula- tions (Canup&Asphaug 2001; Canup 2004) used 104- 105 tionofadebrisdisk,takingintoaccounttheself-gravity,using a high-accuracyEulerian-gridscheme. Our aim is to clarify Electronicaddress:[email protected] the long-term(more than 100 hours after the impact) evolu- Electronicaddress:[email protected] tionofthedebriswiththehighestnumericalaccuracyusedin Electronicaddress:[email protected] 2 Wada,Kokubo,andMakino the previoussimulationsfor GI. We pay attention especially We use an equally spaced Cartesian grid for the computa- to effects of pressure in the debrison formationof the large tionalbox;20 20 5(modelA andmodelB)inunitsofr , E × × moon,ratherthanexploringthelargeparameterspaceforthe wherer istheradiusoftheproto-Earth. Inordertoseehow E mass ratio or orbits of the proto-planets. The previousSPH theresultsareaffectedbyasizeofcomputationaldomain,we simulationswith 104- 105 particleswould be fine for study- alsorunmodelsinalargerdomain,i.e.40 40 10(modelA’ × × ing the behavior of GI for the initial severalhours, and they andmodelB’).Thetotalnumberofgridpointsinthecompu- suggestthatthefractionofmassorbitingtheproto-Earthjust tationalboxis512 512 124 3.3 107inallthemodels. × × ≃ × aftertheimpactismainlydeterminedbytheorbitalparame- The circumterrestrial region (i.e. r >r ) is represented by E ters. Ontheotherhand,thelong-termbehaviorofthedebris, 107gridpoints. ∼ andthereforethefinalmassofthemoondependsontheevo- lution of the debris disk. It is expected that the pressure in 2.2. EquationofState thelow-densitydebrisshouldaffectthehydrodynamicnature It is still an open question that what kind of equation of ofthedisk,e.g.,bygeneratingshocks. Pressureinthedebris state (EOS) shouldbe used in orderto simulate complicated is determined by the thermodynamicsand the phase-change thermaland dynamicalprocessesduringGI and post-impact ofthematerialaftertheimpact,whichisnotfullyunderstood evolution. Conventionallytwo types of empiricalEOS have for GI (Stevenson 1987). For example, if a substantialfrac- been used with the SPH method: the Tillotson EOS (e.g. tionofthematerialisinahotvaporformaftertheimpact,the Canup&Asphaug 2001; Tillotson 1962; Benz&Asphaug thermal pressure dominates dynamicsof the disk, but if liq- 1999) and ANEOS and its extension (e.g. Melosh 2000; uid orsolid is a majorcomponentof the debris, its behavior Canup2004). ANEOSapproximatelydescribesmixedphase couldbeverydifferent. Sincethereisnopracticalnumerical states (e.g., vapor and melt) by treating the different phases codesto treatdirectlytwo-phaseflow and phase-change,we asseparate componentsin temperatureand pressureequilib- run hydrodynamicsimulations assuming two extreme equa- rium.NotethattherearenonumericalsimulationsforGIthat tionsofstate,whichapproximatelyrepresentvapororliquid- canhandletwo-phaseflowconsistently,andthatspatialreso- dominatedmaterials. lutionmustbemuchsmallerthanthesystemsizetodescribe The paper is organized as follows. In §2, we briefly de- the mixed phase states. As mentioned above, it is apparent scribe our numerical method, equations of state, and initial that the spatial resolutions in previous SPH simulations are conditions. We show the numerical results in §3. We give insufficient to describe mixed phase states, even if they use conclusionsanddiscussanimplicationonanecessarycondi- ANEOS(seealso§3.3). tionofformationoflargesatellitesfortheEarth-typeplanets One should also note that recent SPH simulations in§4. (Canup&Asphaug 2001; Canup 2004) showed that the ini- 2. METHODANDMODELS tialbehavior(i.e. afewdynamicaltimes)oftheimpactdoes notstronglydependonchoiceofEOSforagivengeometryof 2.1. NumericalMethods impact(i.e.,massratiobetweenproto-planetsandtheimpact The hydrodynamic scheme used here is a standard Eule- parameter). Thissuggeststhatthemassandtheangularmo- rianmethod,whichhasbeenwidelyappliedtovariousastro- mentumofthedebrisproducedbytheimpact,whicharethe physicalproblemsinvolvingstrongshocksinstructureswith mostimportantparametersfortheaccumulationprocessofa ahighdensitycontrast(Wada&Norman2001;Wada2001). moon, are determined by a gravitational process, not by de- Wesolvethefollowingconservationequationsformass,mo- tailedthermalprocessesdescribedbytheconventionalEOSs. mentum,andenergy,andthePoissonequationnumericallyin Werunaseriesofnumericalexperimentstofollowalong- threedimensions: term (> 20 dynamical times) evolution of the debris disk. ∂ρ Instead of using the conventional EOSs, such as ANEOS + (ρv)=0, (1) ∂t ∇· or Tillotson EOS, we here assume two extreme EOSs: a ∂v p polytrope-typeEOS (EOS-1) and the same EOS, but with a +(v )v+∇ + Φsg=0, (2) zero-pressure cut-off (EOS-2). This is because assuming a ∂t ·∇ ρ ∇ simple EOS is more suitable to clarify essential physics be- ∂(ρE) + [(ρE+p)v]=0, (3) hindthenumericalresults. EOS-1is ∂t ∇· 2Φ =4πGρ, (4) p=(γ- 1)ρE+C(n/3+1- γ)ρn/3+1, (5) sg ∇ where,ρ,p,v,andE arethedensity,pressure,velocityofthe whereE istheinternalenergy,andCisaconstant. Through- matter,andthespecifictotalenergy. Thegravitationalpoten- outthispaper,weassumetheratioofspecificheats,γ=1.01, tialofthematterisdenotedbyΦ . and the constantsC=1, and n=12. With EOS-1, the sys- sg We use AUSM (Advection Upstream Splitting Method) tembehaveslikeanidealgasorPolytropicgasathighorlow (Liou&Stephen1993) tosolvethehydrodynamicequations temperaturelimits,respectively.EOS-2isthesameasEOS-1, and MUSCL (Monotone Upstream-centered Schemes for butweintroducecut-offdensity(ρ =2.7gcm- 3)andinternal c Conservation Laws) to achieve third-order spatial accuracy. energy(E =4.72 1010 erg g- 1), below which the pressure c × Gravitational potential of the fluid on grid points is calcu- is forced to be zero in equations (2) and (3). Note that in latedbysolvingeq.(4)usingtheFastFourierTransformwith the present problem, density in most of the debris is below a convolution method (Hockney&Eastwood 1981). These ρ . These numbers are the same in the SPH simulations in 0 arethestandardtechniquesforhydrodynamicstakingintoac- whichtheTillotsonEOSisused(Benz&Asphaug1999).We countself-gravity in grid-based schemes. More detailed de- do not adopt the ‘negative pressure’ regime assumed in the scriptions on the numerical scheme and test calculations to Tillotson EOS (Benz&Asphaug 1999), because it is appar- guarantee the numerical accuracy are described in Wada & entlyunphysicalonthe scale of GI. With this negativepres- Norman(2001). sure regime, condensation in diffuse gas on any scales, e.g. FormationofMoon 3 the scale of the Moon, is allowed, evenif self-gravityof the and angular momentum taken from our numericalresults as materialdoesnotwork. initial conditions for the accumulation process, we plot the The essential behavior of EOS-2 is similar to that of the timeevolutionofthepredictedlunarmassinFigure5. Here Tillotson EOS. The cut-offfor pressure phenomenologically M /M is assumed to be 0.05 (Kokubo,Makino,&Ida esc disk representsatransitionfromvaportoliquidorsolidparticles. 2000; Canup 2004). As seen in Fig. 5, the predicted lu- Ontheotherhand,EOS-1representshotgaseousdebris. The nar mass reaches a maximum of 1.4M for model A and L ≃ thermodynamical process during GI is complicated, for ex- 1.2M for model B just after the second impact (t 10 L ≃ ≃ ample, it is still unclear what fraction of the impactor is va- hours). However, it should be noted that the predicted mass porized.Thiscanbesolvedbyanumericalschemewhichcan for the model A decreases very rapidly after the lunar mass handle a two-phase (vapor and liquid) flow with elementary reachesthe maximumona time-scale of 10hours. Thepre- physics, but there is no practicalcode for the GI problemat dictedlunarmassbecomessmallerthanthecurrentlunarmass this moment. We therefore perform numerical experiments M aftert 15hours,andalmostmonotonicallydeclinesto L ≃ for GI using hydrodynamic simulations with these two ex- 0.3M at t 65 hours. On the other hand, if we use EOS- L ≃ treme EOSs to clarify the effect of pressure on post-impact 2 which is relevantfor a mostly liquid or solid material, the evolution. lunar mass increases again after t 40 hours (model B). It ≃ reaches to 0.6M , and stays nearly constant until t 90 L 2.3. InitialConditions hours. ≃ ≃ WefollowCanup&Asphaug(2001)andCanup(2004)for In a fixed-gridEuler method, a choice of the spatial reso- theorbitalparametersoftheimpactorforwhichthemostmas- lutionandsizeofthecomputationalboxisatrade-off. Ifthe sivesatellite isexpected. Themassesof theproto-Earthand computationalvolume is not large enough, the material that theimpactorareassumedtobe1.0M⊕and0.2M⊕,whereM⊕ escapesfromthecomputationaldomainintheinitialphaseof is the Earth mass. The radii of the proto-Earth and proto- the impact cannotbe followed, and this could reduce the fi- planetarer =1.0and0.64r ,respectively.Notethatnosig- nalmass ofthe circumterrestrialdisk. Inorderto checkthis E E nificant differencesin the results for smaller impactors (e.g. effect,wealsorunmodelB’,inwhichthecomputationalvol- 0.1M⊕) were found in our simulations. The initial orbits of ume(40×40×10rE3)iseight-timeslargerthanthatinmodel theimpactorareassumedtobeparabolic,andtheangularmo- B(i.e. thegridsizeistwicelargerthanthatinmodelB).The mentum is 0.86 L , where L is the angular momentum behaviorisqualitativelysimilarwiththeresultinmodelB,but graz graz foragrazingcollision(Canup&Asphaug2001). Initiallythe the maximum of the predicted mass is about 1.5 time larger impactorislocatedat4.0rEfromtheproto-Earth. (2ML)thanthatinmodelB.Thisisbecausethatapartofrem- nant‘arc’oftheimpactorislostfromthecomputationalbox 3. RESULTS in model B in the initial phase of the impact (see the snap- 3.1. DiskEvolutionandthePredictedLunarMass shots att =14.2 hoursin Fig. 3). As a result, the predicted Figure1showsatypicaltimeevolutionofthegiantimpact lunarmassinaquasi-steadystate(t >60hours)isalso50% larger than that in model B. However, model B’ also shows withEOS-1(modelA).Thismodelcorrespondstothe‘late’ thelunarmassdoesnotchangeaftert 50hours,supporting impactmodelinCanup&Asphaug(2001).Afterthefirstim- ≃ theconclusionthatthelong-termevolutionofthedebrisdisk pact(t 1hour),thedisruptedimpactorisreaccumulatedto ≃ isfollowedcorrectlybythenumericalresolutionofmodelB’. form a clump att 3 hours, which finally collideswith the ≃ SincethecomputationalvolumeinmodelB’islargeenough proto-Earthatt 6hours.Duringthesecondimpact,theim- ≃ to covermore than 90%mass of the remnantarc formedby pactor is destroyed, and a dense part of the remnant spirals theimpact,weexpectthatthepredictedlunarmasscannotbe onto the proto-Earth (t 10 hours), and a circumterrestrial ≃ muchlargerthan0.9M ,evenifweuseamuchlargercompu- debrisdiskisformedaroundt 18hours. Itshouldbenoted L ≃ tationalvolumewiththesame spatialresolutioninmodelB. that many strong spiral shocks are generated in this process Similarly,modelA’covers8timeslargervolumethanmodel as seen in the density map (Figure 2) and azimuthaldensity A,andthepeaklunarmassis1.6timeslargerthantheonein profile(Figure3). modelA.However,italso showsrapiddecreaseofthelunar Figure4isthesamemodelasmodelA(Figure1),butwith mass, whichisin contrastwith the behaviorin modelB and EOS-2 (model B). The initial behavior is similar to that of B’. modelA.Theimpactoriscompletelydestroyedafterthesec- ondimpactasisthe casein modelA. However,theremnant 3.2. AngularMomentumTransferbySpiralShocks isnotdiffuse,butmorecondensed(Fig. 4)andgeometrically thin (see the edge-on views). This difference is reasonable, Thereasonwhythepredictedlunarmasscannotstaynearly because with EOS-2, the internal pressure does not work in constantaftertheimpactinmodelAisclear. AsseeninFig- thelowdensitygas. ures 2 and 3, spiral shocks are generated in the debris disk. Next, we predict the satellite mass accumulated from the Figure3 shows thatat least two clear shocksare presentfor circumterrestrialdisk in our models. Equation(6) is an em- the same radii (i.e. φ=0.2π and 1.95 π for r = 2.9rE and pirical formula for the satellite mass (Ms) as a function of φ=0.5π and 1.5π for r=5.0rE). The density jump at each the specific angular momentum of the circumterrestrial disk shockisafactorof4to16,suggestingthattheeffectiveMach (j ) derived from N-body experiments of lunar accretion numberinthemodelisabout2to4.Infact,asignificantfrac- disk (Kokubo,Makino,&Ida2000): tion of the debrisis supersonicin modelA. Figure 6, which isa frequencydistributionof Machnumber inthe debris Ms 1.9 jdisk - 1.1- 1.9Mesc , (6) at two different epochs, clearly shows thatM > 6 (mass- Mdisk ≃ √GM⊕aR Mdisk weighted) or >3 (volume-weighted) in Mmajority of the M whereM isthediskmass,a istheRochelimitradius,and debris at t =12.3 hours. Even in a later stage, i.e. t =57.1 disk R M is escaped mass, which is the mass lost during the ac- hours,thediskisstillsupersonic &2. esc M cumulationprocess. Using eq. (6) and time-dependentmass Duetotheseshocksinthegaseousdisk,theinnermassive 4 Wada,Kokubo,andMakino disk inside the Roche limit effectively falls onto the proto- our grid size. Moreover, the debris has in fact an extended Earthinafewrotationalperiods(seediscussionbelow).This distribution, rather than a thin disk, and the SPH kernelsize initialfallofthediskcannotbeavoidedintheGIprocess,if is much larger than the numbers estimated above. It is not majority of the debrisis in a hot gas phase. Since the colli- straightforwardtocomparethespatialresolutionbetweenthe sion should be off-set, the generation of the spiral shocks is twodifferentschemes, butapparentlythatthespatialresolu- inevitableinavaporgasdiskwithahighMachnumber. tion in our simulationis greatly improvedfrom the previous The angular momentum transfer by the spiral shocks is ones. For example, in Figure 3, the azimuthal density pro- more effective for stronger shocks with larger pitch angles fileisobtainedbyabout1000-2000gridpoints. However,in (i.e., more open-spirals). We simply estimate it as follows. thepreviousSPHsimulations,only10-100particleswouldbe For isothermalshocks, the post-shock velocity is v / 2, availablefordrawingthiskindofdensityprofile. 0 ∼ M wherev ispre-shockvelocityofthegas,perpendiculartothe Theotherreasonwhythepreviousstudiesdidnotnoticethe 0 shock front. Thereforethe stream line is bentby passing an effectof shocksis thatthe conventionalEOSs (ANEOS and oblique shock (see Fig. 12 and Appendix in Wada&Koda Tillotson)areclose to ourEOS-2, in a sense thatpressureis 2004). Inarotatingmedium,thiseffectremovestheangular noteffectiveinthediffusedebris. momentumofafluidelementwhenitpassesastandingspiral shock. Theangularmomentumchangeduetoonepassageof 4. CONCLUSIONSANDDISCUSSION aspiralshockcanbeapproximatelyestimatedby We run for the first time three-dimensional grid-base hy- drodynamic simulations of the giant impact between proto- 1/2 sin2i sini Earthandaproto-planettakingintoaccountself-gravity. We j/j +cos2i cos i- arctan ,(7) 0≈ M4 ! (cid:20) (cid:18)M2cosi(cid:19)(cid:21) alosgsuicmalelytwreoprteyspeenstohfotthgeaseeqouuastimonateorfiasltaotreltihqautidp/hsoelnidommeantoe-- where i is the pitch angle of the spiral shock, j0 and j rial. Ournumericalexperimentssuggestthatinordertoform are the angular momentum of pre- and post-shock flow a lunar-sized satellite from the circumterrestrial debris disk (Wada&Koda 2004). The sound velocity of SiO2 gas with producedbythegiantimpact,themostfractionofthedebris 2000Kis0.6kms- 1for100%vapor,and 0.1kms- 1ifthe shouldnotbeina pressure-dominatedphase(e.g.,hotvapor ≃ massratiobetweenvaporandliquidis0.1(Stevenson1987). gas).Otherwisethesubsequentdiskevolutionresultsinform- Forstrongshocks( 1),theangularmomentumchange, ingonlyasmallsatellitebecauseofthefastangularmomen- equation(7),is j/j0M≫cos2i. Therefore,theangularmomen- tum transfer associated with spiral shocks prior to the satel- tum loss is 12% p∼er spiral shock with i=20◦. For weak liteaccretionstage. Thetime-scaleoftheangularmomentum ≃ shocks (e.g., =2), equation (7) suggests that the angular transferisanorderof10days,thereforetheaccumulationto momentumloMsspershockisabout5.6%fori=20◦and1.4% formalargesatelliteshouldbemuchfasterthanthis. Yetour for i=10◦. As shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, several spiral results may not rule out a possibility forming a satellite as shocksare generatedin the debrisdisk, then a fluid element largeastheMoonfromapressure-dominateddisk,ifthedisk wouldlose 10%ofitsangularmomentumforonerotational massismuchlargerthanthecurrentlunarmass. Thismight ∼ period.Thisislargeenoughforthedebrisgastolosemostof be the case for collisions with a massive impactor, but this theirangularmomentumin100hoursaftertheimpact.There- causes another problem on a fraction of vapor in the debris fore,thepresenceofspiralshocksinthedebrisdiskiscrucial (seediscussionbelow). forevolutionofthedisk,andasaresultforthemassofsatel- In agreement with the previous SPH simulations (e.g., lites. Canup&Asphaug 2001; Canup 2004), we find that the pre- dictedlunarmassatt 10hoursafterthecollisiondoesnot 3.3. ComparisonwithPreviousSPHResults ≃ stronglydependonchoiceofEOSandnumericalmethodsfor Remarkably, although we use methods, resolutions, and thesameorbitalparameters. Thismeansthattheearlyphase equations of state different from previous SPH simulations, ofGIisdominatedbyagravitationalprocess,notbythermo- the predicted mass just after the impact is consistent with dynamicalprocesses.Ontheotherhand,thelatephaseofGI, recent SPH results: 1.7- 1.8M for the ‘late impact’ model i.e., evolution of the debris disk, is sensitive to EOS, espe- L (Canup&Asphaug 2001; Canup 2004). This again implies cially thepressure in the disk. Inorderto clarifythis differ- that the early phase of the impact process (t .10 hours) is ence,thespatialresolutionsofthepreviousSPHsimulations dominatedbygravity,butnotbyhydrodynamicalandthermal wereapparentlynotfineenough. processes.However,wefindthatbehavioroftheremnantand Our results give an important implication on a necessary the predicted lunar mass in the late phase depend on EOS, condition for formation of large satellites for the Earth-type especially whether pressureworksin the disk. This was not planets. Thepresentresultssuggestthatoneoftheimportant pointed out by the previous SPH simulations. One obvious keysforGIscenarioisthefractionofthevaporizeddebrisaf- reason is that the spatial resolutions in the SPH results are ter the giant impact. If the kinetic energy of the collision is not fine enough to follow long-term evolution of the debris much larger than the latent heat of the major component of untilthe effectof pressurebecomesevident. Inthe previous theproto-planet,mostoftheproto-planetcouldbevaporized SPHsimulations(Canup2004),only 103particlesareused by the impact. If this is the case, the disk evolution would ∼ torepresentthedebris. Suppose1000SPHparticlesareuni- notleadtoformationofalargemoonasexplainedabove.On formlydistributedinathindiskinsidetheRochelimit(3r ), the other hand, if the impact velocity is slower than a criti- E theaverageseparationbetweenparticlesis 0.2r . InSPH, calvalue,alargefractionofthematerialcanbeinaliquidor E ≃ variablekernelsareoftenused,andthekernelsizeisroughly solidphase,andshocksdonotdominatetheangularmomen- the same as the spatial resolution. Usually an SPH particle tum transfer in the debrisdisk. In this case, the post-impact is assumed to interactwith 30-50neighborparticles. There- evolutionoftheproto-planetcouldbesimilartothatinmodel fore, the kernel size in the previous SPH simulations, may Binourexperiments,andthereforeasinglelargemooncould be r in the disk, which is about 10-20 times larger than beformed. By assumingthe impactis head-onandcompar- E ∼ FormationofMoon 5 ing the latent heat of SiO (Stevenson 1987) and the kinetic ducemorevaporinthedebrismaterial,andthismaychange 2 energyoftheimpact,wecanroughlyestimatethecriticalim- thehydrodynamicpropertyofthecircumterrestrialdisk. The pactvelocityas 15kms- 1,whichisslightlylargerthanthe final fate, namely whether the planet has satellites, and how ≃ surface escape velocity of the Earth. In the grazing impact large they are, depends on the nature of the phase-change. between proto-Earth and a Mars-sized proto-planet, shocks Thethermo-dynamicalprocessduringcatastrophicimpactbe- propagatingintheplanetsinvolvevaporization,anditsveloc- tweentheproto-planetsisstilltoocomplicatedtobeexplored ity is probablycomparable(orsmaller)to this criticalvalue, using current numerical techniques including the SPH and andthereforeitwouldbenaturaltopostulatethatmostofthe grid-basedmethods.Thisultimatelyrequiresaself-consistent debris mass is in a liquid phase. This argument leads to an numericalschemetosimulatetwo-phaseflowtakingintoac- interestingsuggestion:iftheimpactvelocityislargerthanthe counttherealisticthermodynamicalprocesses. criticalvelocity,inotherwords,themassoftheplanetislarger than,say,afewEarthmass, thegiantimpactneverresultsin formingalargesatellite. Finally,oneshouldrecallthatacorrectphase-changeeven We are grateful to Yutaka Abe for his fruitful com- for the major component, such as SiO , during GI followed ments. Numericalcomputationswere carried out on Fujitsu 2 byformationofadebrisdiskisstillunknown(e.g.Stevenson VPP5000 at NAOJ. The authors also thank the anonymous 1987). For example, the post-impact expansion could pro- refereeforhis/hervaluablecommentsandsuggestions. REFERENCES Benz,W.,Slattery,W.L.&Cameron,A.G.W.1986,Icarus,66,515 Liou,M.,&StephenC.J.1993,J.Comp.Phys.,107,23 Benz,W.,Asphaug,E.1999,Icarus,142,5 Lucy,L.B.1977,AJ,82,1013 Cameron,A.G.W.&Ward,W.R.1976.,Proc.LunarPlanet.Sci.Conf.7th, Melosh,H.J.&Kipp,M.E.1989,inLunarPlanetSci.Conf.,XX,685 120 MeloshH.J.2000,31st.LunarPlanet.Sci.Conf.,ed.C.Agee&D.Block Cameron,A.G.W.inOriginoftheEarthandMoon(edsCanup,R.M.& (Houston;LunarScienceInst.)1903 Righter,K.)133-144(Univ.ArizonaPress,Tucson,2000) Stevenson,D.J.1987,OriginoftheMoon-Thecollisionhypothesis,Ann. 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Thepanelsintheleftandrightrows areface-onandedge-onviewsofthesystem,respectively.Thefiguresinthepanelsshowthetimeinunitsofhours.Thecolorrepresentslog-scaleddensity(The unitisρ0=12.6gcm- 3). FIG.2.— SnapshotofthedensityfieldofmodelAatt=12.3hours.Strongspiralshocksinthedebrisareresolved. FormationofMoon 7 FIG.3.— Theazimuthaldensityprofilesatr=2.9rE(upperdots)and5.0rE(lowerdots)onz=0planeforthesamedensitysnapshotinFig.2.Theunitof densityisρ0=12.6gcm- 3. FIG. 4.— SameasinFigure1,butformodelB,inwhichzero-pressureEOS(EOS-2)isassumed. FollowingprevioussimulationswiththeTillotsonEOS (Tillotson1962),weadoptthecut-offdensity(ρc=2.7gcm- 3)andinternalenergy(Ec=4.72×1010ergg- 1),belowwhichthepressureisforcedtobezeroin EOS-1.TheEOS-2representsastatewheremostofthemassisinastateofliquid,notinvapor. 8 Wada,Kokubo,andMakino 2 1.5 ]ML [Ms 1 0.5 0 ! "! #! $! %! &!! &"! '()*+,-./ FIG.5.— Evolutionofthepredictedlunarmass(Ms)inmodelAshowninFigure1(thicksolidline)andmodelBinFigure4(thickdashedline).Thevertical axisisnormalizedbythecurrentlunarmass(ML=0.0123M⊕).ThethindashedandsolidlinesshowmodelsA’andB’,inwhichthecomputationalvolumesare eight-timeslargerthanthoseinmodelsAandB. 0.1 0.08 0.06 n o cti a r f 0.04 0.02 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Mach number FIG. 6.— FrequencydistributionofMachnumberinthedebris(ρ<0.1ρ0)ofmodelA.Thicklinesareatt=12.3hours. Thinlinesareatt=57.1hours. Solidanddottedlinesaremass-weightedandvolume-weightedhistograms,respectively.

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