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Preview High-redshift blazar identification for Swift J1656.3-3302

Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. (will be inserted by hand later) − ⋆ High-redshift blazar identification for Swift J1656.3 3302 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 5 N. Masetti , E. Mason , R. Landi , P. Giommi , L. Bassani , A. Malizia , A.J. Bird , A. Bazzano , 8 A.J. Dean4, N. Gehrels6, E. Palazzi1 and P. Ubertini5 0 0 2 1 INAF- Istituto diAstrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Bologna, via Gobetti 101, I-40129 Bologna, Italy 2 European Southern Observatory,Alonso deCordova 3107, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile n a 3 ASI Science DataCenter, viaGalileo Galilei, I-00044 Frascati, Italy J 4 School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire, SO17 1BJ, United 8 Kingdom 1 5 INAF– Istituto diAstrofisica Spaziale eFisica Cosmica di Roma, Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100, I-00133 Roma, Italy ] 6 NASA/Goddard SpaceFlight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA h p Received 23 October2007; accepted 14 January 2008 - o r Abstract. Wereport on thehigh-redshift blazar identification of a newgamma–ray source, Swift J1656.3−3302, t s detected with the BAT imager onboard the Swiftsatellite and theIBIS instrument on the INTEGRAL satellite. a Follow-up optical spectroscopy has allowed us to identify the counterpart as an R ∼ 19 mag source that shows [ broadLyman-α,Siiv,Heii,Civ,andCiii]emissionlinesatredshiftz=2.40±0.01.Spectralevolutionisobserved 1 inX–rayswhentheINTEGRAL/IBISdataarecomparedtotheSwift/BATresults,withthespectrumsteepening v whenthesourcegetsfainter.The0.7–200keVX–raycontinuum,observedwithSwift/XRTandINTEGRAL/IBIS, 6 showsthepowerlaw shapetypicalofradioloud (broademission line) activegalactic nuclei(with aphotonindex 7 Γ∼1.6)andahintofspectralcurvaturebelow∼2keV,possiblyduetointrinsicabsorption(N ∼7×1022 cm−2) 9 local to the source. Alternatively, a slope change (∆Γ ∼ 1) around 2.7 keV can describe thHe X–ray spectrum 2 equally well. At this redshift, the observed 20–100 keV luminosity of the source is ∼1048 erg s−1 (assuming . 1 isotropic emission), making Swift J1656.3−3302 one of the most X–ray luminous blazars. This source is yet 0 another example of a distant gamma–ray loud quasar discovered above 20 keV. It is also the farthest object, 8 among the previously unidentified INTEGRAL sources, whose nature has been determined a posteriori through 0 optical spectroscopy. : v i Key words. Quasars: emission lines — Quasars: individual: Swift J1656.3−3302 — Galaxies: high-redshift — X Galaxies: active — X–rays: galaxies — Astrometry r a 1. Introduction the former dominating at low energies, the latter being relevant at high energies (Ghisellini et al. 1998).The am- Blazars are distant and powerful active galactic nuclei bient photons that are inverse Compton scattered can be (AGNs) which are oriented in such a way that a jet ex- either internal (synchrotron self-Compton) and/or exter- pelled from the central black hole is directed at small an- nal (external Compton scattering) to the jet. As a conse- gleswithrespecttotheobserver’slineofsight(forarecent quence, the spectral energy distribution (SED) of blazars review,seePadovani2007).Inthewidelyadoptedscenario showsadouble-humpedshape,withthesynchrotroncom- of blazars, a single population of high-energy electrons in ponent peaking anywhere from infrared to X–rays and a relativistic jet radiates over the entire electromagnetic the inverse Compton emission extending up to GeV/TeV spectrumviasynchrotronandinverseComptonprocesses, gamma rays. Send offprint requests to: N. Masetti, [email protected] ToexplainthevariousSEDshapesobservedinblazars, ⋆ Partly based on X–ray observations with INTEGRAL, an Fossati et al. (1998) proposed the so-called “blazar se- ESA project with instruments and science data centre funded quence”, according to which a relation between peak en- byESAmemberstates(especially thePIcountries:Denmark, ergiesandγ-dominance(theluminosityratioofthesecond France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain), Czech Republic andPoland,andwiththeparticipationofRussiaandtheUSA, to the firstpeak)is presentas afunction ofthe sourceto- and on optical observations collected at ESO (La Silla, Chile) tal power. This means that more luminous sources have underprogramme 079.A-0171(A). both synchrotron and inverse Compton peaks located at 2 Masetti et al.: The high-redshift blazar Swift J1656.3−3302 lower energies and are more gamma–ray dominated than a flux of 1.0×10−10 erg cm−2 s−1. The source flux was their fainter (and generally lower redshift) analogues. variable by a factor of as high as 4. Withintheblazarpopulation,high-redshiftobjectsare Subsequent pointed observations (Tueller et al. 2006) the most luminous and generally belong to the class of with Swift/XRT (Burrows et al. 2005) performed in Flat-Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQ). Observations of June 2006 located the X–ray counterpart at a position high-luminosity blazars in the X–/gamma–ray band are RA = 16h 56m 16s.56, Dec= −33◦ 02′ 09′.′3 (J2000), ′′ particularlyimportant(especiallyifavailableoverabroad with an uncertainty of 3.7. The XRT data were fitted energyrange)astheyallowthecharacterizationofthe in- with an absorbed power law with Γ=1.4±0.3 and N = H verseComptonpeakandrelatedparameters.Morespecif- (3.9±0.17)×1021 cm−2. By comparing this value with the ically, a flattening in the spectral distribution of the seed Galactic absorptioncolumn density alongthe directionof photons producing X–rays via inverse Compton is often Swift J1656.3−3302(2.2×1021 cm−2; Dickey & Lockman observedatlowenergiesinthe X–rayspectra ofthese ob- 1990), Tueller et al. (2006) suggested that it may be an jectsandcanbemeasuredonlywithbroadbanddata(see extragalactic object. These authors also measured an ab- e.g. Tavecchio et al. 2007 and references therein). sorbed flux in the 0.3–10 keV band of 5.6×10−12 erg Unfortunately, the situation is far more complex, as cm−2 s−1 and predicted a flux in the 14–195 keV band absorption intrinsic to the source can also reproduce the of 4.0×10−11 erg cm−2 s−1, comparable with the BAT spectralcurvatureobservedinthe X–rayband(e.g.,Page detection of Okajima et al. (2006). et al.2005;Yuanet al.2006);in this case,informationon Tueller et al. (2006) detected no sources with the absorptionisusefultounderstandthe sourceenviron- Swift/UVOT(Romingetal.2005)intheXRTerrorcircle mentanditsrelationtothe jet.Besidesthis,X–/gamma– atalimitingmagnitudeof20intheultravioletfilters.The ray observationscan provide evidence for the existence of soft X–ray position of Swift J1656.3−3302 is consistent extreme blazars, i.e. those with the synchrotron peak ly- withtheradiosourceNVSSJ165616−330211(havinga1.4 ing at X–ray energies (Giommi et al. 2007; Bassani et al. GHz flux density of 410.7±12.3mJy; Condonet al. 1998) 2007). and (albeit marginally) with the faint ROSAT source Here,wereportdetailedinformationonanew,power- 1RXS J165616.6−330150 (Voges et al. 2000). According ful and hard X–ray selected blazar, Swift J1656.3−3302, to Tueller et al. (2006) the ROSAT data indicate that, recently discovered through high-energy observations if the two sources are the same, spectral variability may madewithSwift/BATandINTEGRAL/IBIS.Wepresent be present. A second, weak X–ray source was also found the results of our optical follow-up work, which has al- with XRT within the BAT error circle, but Tueller et al. lowed the identification of the source with a blazar at (2006) judged it too soft and faint to be the soft X–ray redshift z = 2.4, along with an accurate analysis of the counterpart of the BAT source. availableSwift/XRTandINTEGRAL/IBISdata.Wealso Swift J1656.3−3302 was also found to be associated construct a SED for Swift J1656.3−3302 and discuss the with an unidentified INTEGRAL source in the 3rd IBIS characteristics of the source broad band emission. survey of Bird et al. (2007), with average 20–40 keV The paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 reports a and 40–100 keV fluxes of 9.1×10−12 erg cm−2 s−1 and collectionofthemainresultsavailableintheliteratureon 1.4×10−11 erg cm−2 s−1, respectively, assuming a Crab- this source; Sects. 3 and 4 illustrate the optical and high- likespectrum.Accordingtotheseobservations,thesource energy observations, respectively; Sect. 5 contains the re- lies at coordinates RA = 16h 56m 26s.4, Dec= −33◦ 02′ ′′ ′ sultsofthisobservationalcampaign,whileadiscussionon 49.2 (J2000). The error circle is 2.5 in radius. This po- them is givenin Sect. 6.Conclusions are outlined in Sect. sition is consistent with the BAT and XRT positions re- 7. Throughout the paper, and unless otherwise specified, ported above. uncertainties are given at the 90% confidence level. We In the following, we further analyze this source over a also assume a cosmology with H = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, broad range of frequencies. 0 Ω = 0.7 and Ω = 0.3. Λ m 3. Optical observations 2. Previous information on Swift J1656.3−3302 Medium-resolution optical spectra of the objects in the The high-energy source Swift J1656.3−3302 was discov- Swift/XRT errorcircle(seeFig.1)wereacquiredbetween ered with the BAT imager (Barthelmy et al. 2005) on- 04:24 and 06:23 UT of 21 June 2007, and between 03:34 board the Swift satellite (Gehrels et al. 2004) during a and 04:04 UT of 24 June 2007 with the 3.6-metre ESO surveyperformedbetweenDecember2004andSeptember telescope located in La Silla (Chile). This telescope car- 2005 (Okajima et al. 2006). The object was detected at riedtheEFOSC2instrument,equippedwitha2048×2048 coordinates RA = 16h 56m 19s.2, Dec = −33◦ 01′ 48′′ pixelLoral/LesserCCD.Theuseofgrating#13andaslit (J2000), which are about 6◦.3 from the Galactic Plane, of1′.′0provideda3685–9315˚Anominalspectralcoverage. and with a positional uncertainty of 12′. Okajima et al. This setup gave a dispersion of 2.8 ˚A/pix. (2006) also reported that the 14–200 keV BAT spectrum The spectra (Fig. 2), after correction for cosmic-ray was very hard with a photon index Γ=1.3±0.3, and with rejection, bias and flat-field, were optimally extracted Masetti et al.: The high-redshift blazar Swift J1656.3−3302 3 15 arcsec Fig.1. Section of the ESO-3.6m plus EFOSC2 R-band Fig.3. Swift/XRT 0.3–10 keV image of the field of Swift acquisition image (exposure time: 20 s) of the field of J1656.3−3302acquiredon13June2006.Thelargercircle Swift J1656.3−3302, with superimposed the X–ray 0.3– indicates the BAT positional uncertainty and the smaller 10 keV band Swift/XRT (larger circle) and the radio 1.4 circle the IBIS one. Swift J1656.3−3302 is the brightest GHz NVSS (smaller circle) positions. The actual optical source in the image. counterpart,identifiedthroughopticalspectroscopyatthe same telescope, is indicated by the black arrows. In the image, North is at top, East is to the left. performed using He-Ar lamps, while flux calibration was accomplished by using the spectrophotometric standard Feige110(Hamuyetal.1992,1994).Thewavelengthcali- brationuncertaintywas∼0.5˚A;thiswascheckedbyusing the positions of backgroundnight sky lines. A 20 s R-band acquisition image of the field, secured againwiththe 3.6mESOtelescopeplus EFOSC2undera ′′ seeing of 0.9, was also reduced and analyzed. The image, 2×2 pixels binned, had a scale of 0′.′31/pix and covered a fieldof5.′2×5.′2.Itwascorrectedforbiasandflatfieldand processed with daophot (Stetson 1987) within MIDAS2 using a PSF-fitting procedure. The choice of this photo- metricapproachoverthesimpleaperturephotometrywas dictated by the crowdedness of the field (see Fig. 1). 4. X–/gamma–ray observations The field of Swift J1656.3−3302was observed twice with XRT onboard Swift in the 0.3–10 keV range (see Fig. 3). The firstobservationstartedat03:32UT on9June 2006, Fig.2. 3700-8500 ˚A optical spectrum of Swift and the second at 16:36 UT on 13 June 2006. The point- J1656.3−3302 obtained with the ESO-3.6m telescope. ings had on-source times of 4.4 and 4.8 ks, respectively, The spectrum shows broad emission lines of Lyman-α, Si and both were performed in Photon Counting mode (see iv, He ii, C iv and C iii] with redshift z = 2.40±0.01. Burrows et al. 2005 for details on this observing mode). Telluric absorptionbands are markedwith the symbol⊕. Data reduction was performed using the XRTDAS The spectrum has been smoothed with a running boxcar v2.0.1 standard data pipeline package (xrtpipeline of 5 pixels (∼14 ˚A). v10.0.6). Events for spectral analysis were extracted ′′ within a circular region of radius 20 (which encloses (Horne 1986) using IRAF1. Wavelength calibration was about 90% of the PSF at 1.5 keV; Moretti et al. 2004) centered on the source position. The background was ex- 1 IRAF is the Image Analysis and Reduction Facility made tractedfromacircularregionlocatedfarfromthe source. available to the astronomical community by the National Optical Astronomy Observatories, which are operated by 2 MIDAS (Munich Image Data Analysis System) is devel- AURA, Inc., under contract with the U.S. National Science oped, distributed and maintained by ESO and is available at Foundation. It is available at http://iraf.noao.edu/ http://www.eso.org/projects/esomidas/ 4 Masetti et al.: The high-redshift blazar Swift J1656.3−3302 In all cases, the spectra were extracted from the corre- sponding event files using xselect software and binned 1 using grppha, so that the χ2 statistic could reliably be V−1 0.0 used. We used version v.008 of the response matrices e binytHheEACSaAlibRrCatiaonndDwateabcaresae3ted(CiAnLdiDvBidu2a.l3)anmcaililnatrayinreed- unts s k−1 10−3 o sponse files using xrtmkarf v.0.5.2 within FTOOLS4 C 0−4 1 (Blackburn 1995). The X–ray spectral analysis was per- formed with the package xspec v.11.3.2 (Arnaud 1996). 4 lectWedewalistohetxhteraccotdededt-hmeasspkecItSrGalRdIatdaetoefcttohris(sLoeubrrcuencoelt- σals () 02 u d 2 aoln.b2o0a0rd3)INofTtEhGeRIBAILS(iWnsitnrkulmerenett (aUl.b2e0r0ti3n)i. eIStGaRl.I2d0a0t3a) Resi −4− 1 10 100 were processed using the standard INTEGRAL analysis Energy (keV) software (OSA5 v5.1; Goldwurm et al. 2003). Events in the band 20–200 keV, coming from both fully-coded and partially-coded observations of the field of view of Swift 01 J1656.3−3302, were included in the analysis. Details on V−1 0. e k tahl.e(w20h0o7l)e.eAxttriamctei-oanveprarogceeddsupreecctraunmbewafosuonbdtaiinneBdirfdroemt nts s −1 10−3 u the available data using the method described in Bird et Co al.(2006,2007);thatis,thespectrawerereconstructedus- 10−4 ing the informationobtainedfromthe flux maps acquired 4 ienxpseovsuerraelobfa2n.d3sMbse,twcoelelnec2te0dainndt2h0e0tkimeVe.inDtaetravafloOracttoobtearl σals () 02 u 2002 - April 2006,were used for this task. d 2 Resi −4− 1 10 100 5. Results Energy (keV) The 0.3–10 keV image of the region around Swift J1656.3−3302 is shown in Fig. 3 with the IBIS and 1 0 BAT errorcirclessuperimposed.Threeobjectsareclearly V−1 0. doINneteTe,cEwtGehdRicAhwLiitsheiranrlosorthtcehirecBlbeA.rTiTghhetiresrsoto,rbljiceeicsrtcwleisi.thtHihnoewtsheovefetrs,mX–aorlnlaelyyr unts s ke−1 10−3 o counterpart of Swift J1656.3−3302reported in Tueller et C 0−4 1 al. (2006). With the data of both XRT observations we have de- txerrtmciennetdriotisdpo(vsi0t.i2o.n7)ustiansgk.thTehmeocsotrrreeccetinotnveforrsiotnheofmtihse- σuals () 02 d alignment between the telescope and the satellite optical esi −2 R axiswastakenintoaccount(seeMorettietal.2006forde- 1 10 100 tails).ThepositionweobtainedforthesourceisRA=16h Energy (keV) 56m 16s.83, Dec = −33◦ 02′ 12′.′3 (J2000), with an uncer- Fig.4. Averaged 0.7–200 keV X–ray spectrum of Swift tainty of 3′.′7 on both coordinates. This is fully consistent J1656.3−3302 obtained from the XRT and ISGRI data with the preliminary results of Tueller et al. (2006). describedinthetextandfittedwithapowerlawabsorbed As mentioned above, in addition to the bright X– only by the Galactic hydrogen column (upper panel), a ray source, two fainter sources are detected by XRT (see power law absorbed by Galactic plus neutral hydrogen Fig. 3). One of them (the westernmost one) can read- local to the blazar (central panel), and a broken power ily be excluded as the soft X–ray counterpart of Swift lawabsorbedbytheGalactichydrogencolumnonly(lower J1656.3−3302because it is positionally inconsistent with panel).Thefitresidualsusingthebest-fitmodelsreported the IBIS error circle. The other lies 2.′62 from the cen- in Table 2 are shown in each panel. ter of the IBIS error circle, near its border but formally 3 availableat:http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/caldb intro.html 4 available at: outside it. This object has coordinates RA = 16h 56m http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools/ 28s.1, Dec= −33◦ 05′ 25′.′2 (J2000), with a conservative ′′ 5 available at: error of 6 on both. To further exclude any association http://isdc.unige.ch/index.cgi?Soft+download between this source and the hard X–ray emission seen by Masetti et al.: The high-redshift blazar Swift J1656.3−3302 5 BATandIBIS,weexamineditsXRTspectrum.Wefound error circle in Fig. 1, proposed by Tueller et al. 2006 that it is very soft, as no emission is detected above 2.5 as a possible optical counterpart) is related with Swift keV. Indeed, it could be fitted with a blackbody with kT J1656.3−3302on the basis of its optical spectrum, which = 0.5+0.8 keV (χ2/dof = 3.8/3). The corresponding 2–10 is typical of a Galactic star. −0.2 keV flux is 1.3×10−13 erg cm−2 s−1, thus (see Table 2) it is about 30 times fainter than the aforementioned bright Table 1.Mainpropertiesoftheemissionlinesdetectedin XRTsource,whichislocatedwithintheINTEGRALerror the optical spectrum of Swift J1656.3−3302. Line fluxes circle. are reported with and without correction for the inter- The positional coincidence of this faint X–ray source vening Galactic extinction (see text). Equivalent Widths with an R∼ 11.4 mag star in the DSS-II-red survey sug- (EWs)areexpressedintheobserver’sframe.Uncertainties gests that this soft X–ray emission comes from a stellar are at 1-σ confidence level. corona. Indeed, medium-resolution optical spectroscopy acquired at La Silla (Chile) with the NTT equipped with EMMIon2007July28showsthatthissourceisanA-type Line Flux (10−15 erg cm−2 s−1) EW FWHM star with no peculiar spectral features. observed extinction- (˚A) (km s−1) Givenalloftheabovemultiwavelengthinformation,we corrected can confidently exclude the two fainter objects, detected by XRT and shown in Fig. 3, as the possible soft X–ray Lyman-α∗ 2.8±0.3 39±4 263±26 ∼9900 counterparts of Swift J1656.3−3302,and we confirm that Si iv 0.41±0.12 4.4±1.3 30±10 ∼5000 the object reported in Tueller et al. (2006) is the soft X– C iv 1.19±0.12 7.2±0.7 80±8 ∼6600 ray counterpartof the source detected by BAT and IBIS. Heii∗ 0.66±0.13 2.3±0.5 43±9 ∼12000 C iii]∗ 1.1±0.1 5.1±0.5 65±7 ∼9300 Of the 5 optical objects within or close to the XRT error circle of Swift J1656.3−3302 (see Fig. 1), only that ∗: possibly blended with a fainter emission line (see text) indicatedwiththetickmarksinthisfigureshowspeculiar optical spectroscopic characteristics, namely broad emis- sionlines(Fig.2).WeidentifythesefeaturesasLyman-α, Si iv λλ1394,1403, C iv λλ1548,1551, He ii λ1640 and C Again using USNO-A2.0 field stars as calibrators, iii]λ1910,atanaverageredshiftz =2.40±0.01.Thiscor- we obtained for the true counterpart a magnitude R = responds to a luminosity distance d = 19.4 Gpc within 19.1±0.1. Towards the line of sight of the source, the L the assumedcosmology.Table 1 reports the main proper- Galactic foreground reddening is E(B−V) = 0.624 mag ties of the emissionlines detected in the optical spectrum (Schlegel et al. 1998). Using the law by Cardelli et al. of Swift J1656.3−3302. (1989), this implies that the Galactic extinction in the R We note that the Lyman-α, He ii and C iii] emission band is AR = 1.6. Thus, the dereddened R-band magni- lines have much broader Full Widths at Half Maximum tude of the source is R0 = 17.5. (FWHMs) than the other lines. Given the resolution and A simple power law model (as employed by Okajima the signal-to-noiseratioofthe opticalspectrum, this may et al. 2006 to characterize the BAT spectrum) provides be due to the fact that these lines may be blended with a good description of the IBIS data but yields a steeper the N v λ1240, O iii] λ1663 and Si iii] λ1892 emissions, spectrum(Γ=1.9±0.3),combinedwithalower(byafac- respectively. tor of 3 compared to the BAT measurement) 14–195 keV TheR-bandacquisitionimagewasprocessedtoobtain flux (3.4×10−11 erg cm−2 s−1). Thus, the source appears anastrometricsolutionbasedonseveralUSNO-A2.06 ref- to experience spectral evolution. erencestarsinthefieldofSwiftJ1656.3−3302.Thisyields We then used the Swift/XRT data to describe the for the optical counterpart of this source the coordinates X–ray spectrum of Swift J1656.3−3302, employing first RA=16h56m16s.853,Dec=−33◦02′11′.′08(J2000).The a simple power law in the source rest frame (zpowerlw conservative error on the optical position is 0′.′31, which model in xspec) absorbed by the Galactic column den- has to be addedto the systematic errorof the USNO cat- sity (reported in Sect. 2). This model provides consis- alogue(0′.′25accordingtoAssafinetal.2001andDeutsch tent results for the two observations (Γ=1.22±0.16 for 1999).Thefinal1-σastrometricuncertaintyontheoptical the firstone andΓ=1.13±0.16for the second).No signifi- position of Swift J1656.3−3302is thus 0′.′40. cant flux variations are observed either during each XRT pointing or between them. Thus, to improve the statis- Thispositionisconsistentwiththatoftheradiosource NVSS J165616−330211, indicating that the two sources tics, we have stacked the two XRT spectra and repeated the analysis. The simple power law again provides an ac- are the same. This is also consistent with the position of the faintROSATsourcereportedby Tueller et al.(2006). ceptablefit(χ2/dof=24.8/25)andyields aflatspectrum (Γ=1.18±0.11). We instead exclude that the optical source USNO-A2.0 Next, we have combined the XRT spectrum with that 0525-24886745 (i.e. the brightest object within the XRT from IBIS, introducing a constant to allow for intercali- 6 The USNO-A2.0catalogue is available at brationdifferencesbetweenthetwoinstruments;thiscon- http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/usnoa stant was left free to vary in the fits. We are aware that, 6 Masetti et al.: The high-redshift blazar Swift J1656.3−3302 since the XRT andIBIS observationswere notsimultane- Table 2. Best-fit parameters of the models adopted to ous,fluxvariationsareplausiblegiventheblazarnatureof describe the X–ray spectrum of Swift J1656.3−3302. the object,andmayalsobe the causeofdifferentnormal- izations. Given that our past experience tells us that the intercalibrationconstantbetweenthesetwoinstrumentsis Parameter Value ∼1, we suggest that different values for this constant are power law plusGalactic absorption likely to be due to the flux variability mentioned above. χ2/dof 45.6/34 Again using an absorbed power law fit with the N H Γ 1.28±0.10 value fixed to the Galactic one along the source line of XRT/IBIS intercalibr. constant 0.7+0.4 (sχig2h/td,owfe=ob4t5a.i6n/e3d4)a. bHeoswt-efivterp,htohtoisnminoddeexl Γre=su1l.t2s8±in0.1fi0t FF((220−−1010k0eVke)V) 41..99××1100−−−011.212 residuals (see Fig. 4, upper panel) that show some cur- vature on the lower energy side, possibly due to intrinsic power law plus Galactic and intrinsic absorption absorption in the source rest frame. The addition of this χ2/dof 25.2/33 extra absorptioncomponent (zwabs in xspec) provides a N (1022 cm−2) 6.7+3.2 H −2.7 fitimprovementwhichissignificantatthe95%confidence Γ 1.64±0.16 levelaccordingto the F-test(Bevington1969).This leads XRT/IBIS intercalibr. constant 1.9+1.3 −0.7 toamoretypicalAGNspectrum(Γ=1.64±0.16)andgives F(2−10keV) 4.6×10−12 arelativelyhighcolumndensity(NH=6.7+−32..27×1022cm−2) F(20−100keV) 2.2×10−11 local to the blazar (Fig. 4, central panel). broken power law plusGalactic absorption Alternatively,onemayassumethattheturnoverinthe X–ray spectrum is produced by an intrinsic slope change: χ2/dof 23.6/32 Γ 0.86+0.23 in this case, by fitting the XRT and IBIS data using a 1 −0.26 Γ 1.81+0.23 brokenpower law absorbedby the Galactic hydrogencol- 2 −0.13 E (keV) 2.7+1.5 umn,wefindaspectralsteepening∆Γ=0.95occurringat break −0.5 XRT/IBIS intercalibr. constant 2.9+1.5 energyEbreak =2.7keV(Fig.4,lowerpanel).Againusing F(2−10keV) 4.4×10−−11.23 the F-test, we find that the improvement significance of F(20−100keV) 2.0×10−11 this spectral description over the simple power law with Galactic absorption is 95% in this case also. Note: In theabove fits, when needed, we fixedthe redshift of thesource at z=2.40 and theGalactic hydrogen column The XRT+IBIS global fit results for the three models at NGal = 2.2×1021 cm−2. above are reported in Table 2. With the assumed cos- H The reported fluxes(in theobserver’s frame) are in erg mology and using the redshift of the source, we get 2– cm−2 s−1 and are corrected for thetotal intervening 10 keV and 20–100 keV observer’s frame luminosities of absorption column density. 2.1×1047 erg s−1 and 9.9×1047 erg s−1 respectively, as- For thebroken power law model, thefit parameters suming isotropic emission. These figures are largely inde- are computed in theobserver’s frame, and not in the pendent of the assumed spectral model. source rest frame. 6. Discussion Within our optical spectroscopy program aimed at the 4, combined with the radio flux density, suggests that identification of the nature of sources detected at high Log(S /S ) ∼ 3.3 for this object. Although this ra- 1.4 GHz R energies with INTEGRAL (see Masetti et al. 2006 and tio is not conventionally used to characterize the radio references therein), we discovered that the object Swift loudness of a source, it can nevertheless be used to quan- J1656.3−3302 is a high-redshift blazar, located at z = tifythestrengthoftheradioemissioncomparedtotheop- 2.40. This source is thus another case belonging to the tical.Inthisestimatewedidnotconsideranycontribution small but growing class of distant gamma–ray emitting fromtheopticalextinctionlocaltothesource:totakethis blazars, which are being discovered by Swift/BAT and issueintoaccount,wecanassumeforSwiftJ1656.3−3302 INTEGRAL/IBIS (Sambruna et al. 2006; Sambruna et the lower extreme in the range of the optical-to-X–ray al. 2007; Bassani et al. 2007; Bird et al. 2007). Swift slopes typical for this kind of object (e.g., Stocke et al. J1656.3−3302is moreover the farthest object, among the 1991). This gives a strict upper limit to the R-band flux previouslyunidentifiedINTEGRALsources,whosenature ofthesource,andhencealowerlimitfortheradio-optical has been determined a posteriori through optical spec- flux density ratio: with this procedure, we obtain that troscopy. Log(S /S ) > 2.5. In summary, the considerations 1.4 GHz R The better optical position has allowed us to asso- above point to the fact that Swift J1656.3−3302 is very ciate it with a fairly bright NVSS radio source and with likely to be radio loud. a faint ROSAT object. The NVSS image of the source If we compare the source unabsorbed monochromatic shows that it is core-dominated with no extended radio X–ray flux at 1 keV to the radio flux at 1.4 GHz, we features.TheopticalR-bandinformationreportedinSect. find that their ratio is around 150 or, following the nota- Masetti et al.: The high-redshift blazar Swift J1656.3−3302 7 that of the inverse Compton component just above the ISGRI band (20–100 keV). Thus, given the source lumi- nosity,theoptical/radioinformationandtheoverallSED, itislikelythatSwiftJ1656.3−3302belongstotheclassof FSRQs. An interesting point to recall here is the fact that, as mentioned in Sect. 5, the high-energy spectrum of this source shows a deficit of soft X–ray photons. This could be producedbyeither anintrinsicallycurvedshapeofthe spectrum itself,or absorptionlocalto the AGN. This fea- tureisbecomingcommonplace,ratherthantheexception, forhighredshiftblazarsanditisawidelydebatedissueat the moment. Observations of intrinsic absorption in high redshiftblazarshavebeenreportedformanyobjects(Page et al. 2005; Yuan et al. 2006 and references therein): the Fig.5. Broadband non-simultaneous observational radio common interpretation is that this absorption originates to gamma–ray SED of Swift J1656.3−3302, constructed from the material present in the AGN environment. with the measurements collected from the literature and Fromthe abovementionedliteraturethere issome ev- with those presented in this paper (see text for details). idence of a correlation between absorption and redshift, Movingtowardshigherenergies,thefollowinginformation with the more distant sources being more absorbed. The was used: the 1.4 GHz NVSS radio flux, the ESO 3.6m increase in NH with z seems to occur starting at z ∼ 2. optical spectrum, the ROSAT 0.1–2.4 keV flux, and the Moreover, at this redshift one sees a change in the frac- XRT+IBIS0.7–200keVspectrum.TheIRASupperlimits tion of radio loud quasars showing X–ray absorption, be- in the mid-infrared bands and the upper limit at MeV ingloweratlowerz.Finally,thereisatendencyforobjects energies from the EGRET survey are also reported. The withintrinsicabsorptiontohavesystematicallyhigherX– dashedline indicates anexample ofthe applicationofthe ray fluxes. All this evidence suggests that there may be a log-parabolicmodel(Massaroetal.2006;Tramacereetal. strong cosmic evolution effect that takes place at z ∼ 2. 2007) briefly described in the text. Within this scenario Swift J1656.3−3302 is quite in- teresting, because it has a redshift larger than 2 and also because it has a relatively high column density compared tion of Giommi et al. (2007), ∼2×10−12 erg cm−2 s−1 to the objects discussed by Yuan et al. (2006, see their Jy−1, i.e. similar to blazars with the inverse Compton Fig. 6). peak in the gamma–ray band. The source is indeed very Theabsorptionscenarioishoweverfarfrombeingcon- powerfulathighenergies,whichexplainsthedetectionby firmed:thefactthatabsorptionismoreoftenseeninradio BAT and IBIS. The above properties suggest that Swift loudobjects,i.e.thosewhichmorelikelyhostarelativistic J1656.3−3302is a distant blazar in which the emission is jet, raises the question of why these jets are not able to relativistically beamed and with a double-peaked SED. remove the gas in their vicinity. Another problem is the To verify this, we constructed the non-simultaneous apparent absence of extinction at lower energies (that is, SED of Swift J1656.3−3302 by combining all the avail- UV and optical), if absorption is indeed present in these abledatainordertocoverasmanyfrequenciesaspossible objects, and in particular in Swift J1656.3−3302:indeed, (see Fig. 5). Along with the optical and X–/gamma–ray the shape of its optical spectrum, once corrected for the information obtained in the present work, we have used Galacticextinction,suggestsalocalcolumndensitywhich the 1.4 GHz NVSS radio flux from Condon et al. (1998), ismuchlowerthanthatinferredfromtheX–raydataanal- the IRAS infrared upper limits (IRAS 1988) in the mid- ysis (this value would imply a V-band rest-frame extinc- infrared bands (12, 25, 60 and 100 µm), the ROSAT 0.1– tionA ∼40mag,assumingtheGalacticextinctionlaw). V 2.4 keV flux (Voges et al. 2000) and the upper limit at This effect may however be partly alleviated by the fact MeV energies from the EGRET survey (Hartman et al. that,athighredshift,thechemicalcompositionofthedust 1999). When plotting the SED, we respectively corrected issubstantiallydifferentfromthatofthe MilkyWay,thus the optical and the X–ray spectra from the contribution producing an optical-UV extinction law radically at vari- of the foregroundGalactic extinction using the E(B−V) ance with that of our Galaxy (e.g., Calzetti et al. 1998; and N values reported in Sects. 5 and 2, respectively. Maiolino et al. 2001). H Moreover,theopticalspectrumwasrebinnedat∼60˚Ato Analternativeinterpretationforthedeficitofsoftpho- smooth out the noise of the continuum, and the most ev- tons has been put forward for blazars, i.e. that the ob- ident emission lines were removed. served shape is due to intrinsic curvature of the inverse Looking at the SED of this object, two things are im- Compton emission (Fabian et al. 2001;see also Tavecchio mediatelyclear:(i)itisindeeddoublepeakedasexpected et al. 2007 for a recent investigation made using this fromablazar;and(ii)itistypicalofapowerfulblazarwith model).Indeed,alowenergycutoffinthe relativisticpar- thesynchrotronpeaksomewhereintheinfraredrangeand ticledistributionatγ wouldproduceaflatteninginthe cut 8 Masetti et al.: The high-redshift blazar Swift J1656.3−3302 scattered spectrum below ν ∼ ν ·Γ2 ·γ2 ·(z+1)−1, a distant luminous blazar selected at gamma–ray ener- obs ex L cut where Γ is the Lorentz factor, ν the frequency of the gies. It is also the farthest object, among the previously L ex seed photons and z the redshift of the source. If ν is unidentified INTEGRAL sources, whose nature has been ex ≈1015 Hz, the break observed in Swift J1656.3−3302im- determined a posteriori through optical spectroscopy. plies, for Lorentz factors in the range 10–50, that γ ≈ cut a few. Acknowledgements. Wethank A.S´anchezfor night assistance A different description of the source SED, again in at the 3.6m ESO telescope, A. Ederoclite for help and useful advices with theESO telescopes, and J.B. Stephenfor helpful the assumption of the intrinsic curvature hypothesis, can discussions. An anonymous referee is acknowledged for com- be made assuming a log-parabolic distribution for the emitting electrons, in the form F(E) = K·E−(a+b·LogE) ments which helped us to improve this paper. This research hasmadeuseoftheNASA’sAstrophysicsDataSystem,ofthe (Massaro et al. 2006; Tramacere et al. 2007), where a is HEASARCarchive,andoftheSIMBADdatabaseoperatedat the powerlawslopeat1keVandbisthe curvaturebelow CDS, Strasbourg, France. The authors acknowledge the ASI thisenergy.Asanexample,inFig.5weoverplottedonthe and INAF financial support via ASI-INAFgrants I/023/05/0 SED a log-parabolic distribution with a = 0.55 and b = and I/088/07/0. 0.6.Wehoweverdeferthedetailedanalysisoftheintrinsic curvature of the X–ray spectrum of Swift J1656.3−3302 References to a subsequent paper. We conclude this Section by briefly commenting on Arnaud,K.A.1996,xspec:thefirsttenyears,inAstronomical the spectral evolutionseen when comparing the IBIS and Data Analysis Software and Systems V, ed. G.H. Jacoby, the BAT spectra: apparently, the source X–ray spectrum & J. Barnes, ASPConf. Ser., 101, 17 steepens when it gets fainter. The observed X–ray vari- Assafin,M.,Andrei,A.H.,VieiraMartins,R.,etal.2001,ApJ, ability in both flux and spectrum reported here for Swift 552, 380 J1656.3-3302 is unusual, though not unprecedented in Bassani, L., Landi, R., Malizia, A., et al. 2007, ApJ,669, L1 FSRQs. Indeed, a number of other high-z blazars show Barthelmy,S.,Barbier, L.M.,CummingsJ.,et al.2005, Space the same behavior, such as RX J1028.6−0844 (z = 4.2; Sci. Rev.,120, 95 Bevington,P.R.1969,Datareductionanderroranalysisforthe Yuan et al. 2005)and GB B1428+4217(z = 4.7; Worsley physicalsciences(NewYork:McGraw-HillBookCompany) et al. 2006) and, in more recent studies, RBS 315 (z = Bird,A.J.,Barlow,E.J.,Bassani,L.,etal.2006,ApJ,636,765 2.7; Tavecchio et al. 2007) and QSO 0836+710 (z = 2.2; Bird,A.J.,Malizia,A.,Bazzano,A.etal.2007,ApJS,170,175 Sambruna et al. 2007). 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