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High-Performance mm-Wave and Wideband Large-Signal Amplifiers Yi Zhao PDF

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Preview High-Performance mm-Wave and Wideband Large-Signal Amplifiers Yi Zhao

High-Performance mm-Wave and Wideband Large-Signal Amplifiers Yi Zhao High-Performance mm-Wave and Wideband Large-Signal Amplifiers Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. ir. K.C.A.M. Luyben, voorzitter van het College voor Promoties, in het openbaar te verdedigen op donderday 24 oktober 2013 om 12:30 uur door YI ZHAO elektrotechnisch ingenieur geboren te Mengzhou, China. Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotor: Prof. dr. J. R. Long Samenstelling promotiecommissie: Rector Magnificus voorzitter Prof. dr. J. R. Long Technische Universiteit Delft, promotor Prof. dr. P. Ferrari Universit´e de Grenoble Prof. dr. ir. M. M¨oller Universit¨at des Saarlandes Prof. dr. F. Svelto Universit´a degli Studi di Pavia Prof. dr. ir. F. E. van Vliet Universiteit Twente Prof. dr. R. B. Staszewski Technische Universiteit Delft Dr. M. Spirito Technische Universiteit Delft Reservelid: Prof. dr. A. Neto Technische Universiteit Delft ISBN 978-94-6186-204-4 Copyright c 2013 by YI ZHAO (cid:13) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form of by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without any prior permission of the copyright owner. Keywords: passive-aided RF and mm-wave circuit design, power amplifier, power combiner, optical modulator driver, distributed amplifier, transformer, transmission line. Printed in the Netherlands To my father and my brother “You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” Alvin Toffler Preface In hindsight, my 5-year Ph.D. trajectory can be divided into three periods. The first two and half years of the research was supported in part by the European MEDEA+ project Silicon Analogue to Millimeter-wave Technologies (SIAM). The seed for developing advanced on-chip passive components was sown at the very beginning of that period, and several mm- wave power combiners and amplifiers then came into being. After the SIAM project ended in 2011, I continued my work on the passive-aided large-signal amplifier design, when the wideband distributed amplifier for optical fiber communication was developed. In 2012, I had the opportunity to work for IBM USA on benchmarking the newly developed SiGe-BiCMOS technology. However, only a small part of the work is included in this thesis due to changes in schedule. I have to admit that my love for power amplifiers did not start at first sight. I had imag- ined a more ‘ambitious’ and challenging task, e.g., developing a fully-integrated, multiband, multifunctional transceiver. However, it did not take me long to realize addressing the fun- damental problems in a circuit building block can be just as challenging. The design of a fully-digital Mach-Zenhder modulator driver later on extends the research scope into the system level, satisfying my desire for a more complicated design from the first place. The completion of this thesis involves a lot more than just financial resources and my hard work. Many important people have contributed in one way or another to it along the way and I want to express my sincere gratitude towards them. My first and deepest gratitude goes to my promotor and advisor, Prof. John R. Long. Your knowledge and expertise have inspired me to pursue a Ph.D. degree. It was during one of our last meetings in NXP Semiconductors in Eindhoven you presented me the opportunity to work on the SIAM project. Your guidance, supervision, encouragement, time and efforts in alltheseyearsarehighlyappreciated.John,Ioweyoumuchformyprofessionaldevelopment, for my (yet) still-improving technical writing skills, and for career opportunities outside of the university. The small talks in Delft, the lunchtime chats at IBM cafeteria, the dinnertime laughters in Vermont, and your sense of humor will also be greatly missed. Also, thank you for making such a big effort to be at my wedding! Iwouldliketothankthemembersofmydoctoralexaminationcommitteefortheircomments, discussions, time and efforts. My colleague and officemate, Marco Spirito, thank you for your company in the office. More importantly,thankyouforallthefruitfuldiscussionsandyourtremendoussupportintesting. I remember very well the many hours we spent in our lab on the 18th floor working on PA vii viii Preface large-signal measurement. On this matter, I would also like to thank Atef Akhnoukh and Wil Straver. Atef, you may be the most patient and cautious person I have ever known so far. Thanks for your time and efforts on arranging MPW tapeouts and helping me through many testing occasions and catch deadlines. Wil, you are a great technician! I admire your skills and experiences in test fixture assembly. You seem always having a solution to my problems such as using a brass screw as the heat sink for the modulator driver. There are so many colleagues, Ph.D. students and friends, who have made my life in the Netherlands easier and more pleasant. Wanghua, we always seem to have so much to talk about. Thanks for being here, for your company and understanding. We will continue our friendshipinMarvell,inCalifornia.Yanyu,webothparticipatedintheSIAMproject.Thanks for all the discussions and helpful tips. Coby, our bond rooted long ago in Fudan University in 2001. Thanks for being a friend I can always turn to far away from home. Leonardo, a special thanks to you for being together with me in the American adventure and helping me outwheneverneeded.OurfriendshipstartedlatebutIhopeitgrowsdeep.Yuanyuan,thanks for sharing the apartment with me. The 3 years we spent together in the Beethovenlaan, Delft are very crucial for the progress on my Ph.D. study. Marion, our secretary, thanks for taking care of all the paperwork and bringing positive energy to our group. Antoon, thank you for solving all my computer problems and answering my somewhat related but silly questions. Zu-yao Zhang, the technician from the 13th floor, thanks for helping me out of a couple of emergency situations for deadlines. Koen Buisman, thanks for your support in NPNtransistorandtemperaturemeasurement.ArturoSantaniello,thanksforyourworkand efforts on helping me with the PA large-signal measurement. My other Italian colleagues, Gennaro Gentile, Mauro Marchetti, Michele Squillante and Luca, thank you for your kind company and support in the labs, where I spent lots of hours. I would prefer to mention everybody one by one if possible. Nevertheless, all other staff members and colleagues: Prof. Bogdan Staszewski, Dr. Leo de Vreede, Dr. Wouter Serdijn, Dr. Chris Verhoeven, Loek, Akshay, Nitz, Sharon, Chan, Morteza, Masoud, Massoud, Iman, Ali, Cong, Rui, Duan, Yongjia, Yao, Ruimin, Qinwen, Chi, David, Marijn, Senad, Wannaya, Cees-Jeroen, Mark, Andre and whoever I may forget, thanks for your company and for creating such a nice and pleasant academic environment. Cees-Jeroen and Mark, thanks for the help in translating my propositions and summary. I spent almost one and a half years in Essex Junction, Vermont, USA, where I met and made some new friends, whom I also wish to thank. Kurt and Donna, ‘my American parents’, you make Nico and me feel very special, feel like part of the family. Thank you for your care, support, and hospitality. Kurt, a special thanks to you for getting my H-1B visa arranged, which smooths my transition from Europe to USA. Jeff and Biz, many thanks for your advice, experience sharing, great food and hospitality. I look forward to going with you to Maine for the lobster festival. Jack, thanks for all your support on tapeouts and at IBM, and thanks to the family as well for being a great host. David, thank you for the opportunity to work with the team and for everything you did for me at IBM. Also, thank you and Mary- Lou for inviting us to the house and I owe you my first experience with the Super Bowl game. Anna, thank you for getting me out of a ‘home-less’ situation in Vermont. Thanks for Preface ix sharing the apartment, for your company, sweetness and everything. Thomas, many thanks for answering all of the HBT modeling related questions, and your company in Vermont. Look forward to meeting you (often) in California. Pui, Yun and Lin, thanks for sharing your life and hanging out with me outside work, and also thanks to Bob and Santosh for joining our team. All my other friends: Peter, Kelly, Will, Yan, Zhenzhen, Yanting, Beth Ann, Andy, Laura, Chaojiang, Daniel and others to be mentioned, thank you all for making my stay in Vermont richer and more wonderful! My family in China, I am so lucky to have you in my life! Thank you for all of the uncon- ditional love and support you have given me all the past years, for which I am eternally grateful. A special thanks to my brother and sister-in-law, thank you for taking care of our family while I am so far away. My family-in-law in the Netherlands, thank you for loving me as a family, as a daughter, and as a sister. Nico, my date-boyfriend-fianc´e-husband, your role in my life has changed a few times in the past 5 years, but what a solid support you are to me never changes. Thank you for all of it, for bearing the occasional long working days and nights, for comforting and motivating me, for your hard work in LATEX, SketchUp, Illustrator and translation. Also, thank you for leaving the family and going on a new adventure with me to the USA! To myself, I have longed for this moment. Well, it seems about time to close this life chapter. Cherishing all my experiences in the past years, I will start a new journey with great passion and the dream to know more about everything. Yi Zhao October 2013, Schiedam x Preface

Keywords: passive-aided RF and mm-wave circuit design, power amplifier, power combiner, .. integrated circuit prototypes developed in this work to validate this methodology . quality, uncompressed audio/video streaming [36]. The Mach-Zehnder interferometer is favored over electroabsorption.
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