HH 5th International Conference ii gg hh PP ee HHiigghh PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee rr ff oo rr mm aa Smithers Rapra has provided a world leading portfolio of Rubber, Plastic and other nn cc Polymer Information products and services for 85 years. To improve the delivery and ee EEllaassttoommeerrss && PPoollyymmeerrss range of products a new business was formed in July 2008 called iSmithers. EE ll aa ss iSmithers, working alongside Smithers Rapra and still part of the Smithers group, has tt oo expanded its service offering to cover other business areas and industries harnessing mm ee ffoorr OOiill && GGaass the expertise of the iSmithers management team and the knowledge from other rr ss companies within the group. & & PP Please visit our webside for more information: oo ll www.polymerconferences.com ymym 2010 ee rr ss ff oo rr OO Conference ii l l Aberdeen, 27-28 April 2010 && GG aa Proceedings ss 2 0 1 0 C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s i S ©iSmithers 2010 m i organised by: t ISBN 978 1 84735 493 8 h e www.polymerconferences.com r s Organised by Aberdeen, Scotland 27-28 April 2010 ISBN: 978-1-84735-493-8 © Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd, 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher, Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd, Shawbury, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 4NR, UK. The views expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily correspond to those of Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. This publication is published on the basis that no responsibility or liability of any nature shall attach to Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. arising out of or in connection with any utilization in any form any material contained in this publication. Contents Paper 1 Keynote Paper: “Yes, I’ll take one HPHT seal system and a side of documentation” Buc Slay, Halliburton Energy Services, USA +++ paper unavailable at time of print+++ Session 1: Developments in High Performance Materials Paper 2 Elastomer sealing in extreme conditions John Kerwin, Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd, UK Paper 3 From low to high: low temperature-stable polyurethane prepolymer for production of high temperature-stable polyurethane hybrid elastomer Dr Wayne Stevens, Dr Alexander Celik & Nadeem Riyazuddin, Rosehill Polymers Ltd, UK Paper 4 Kalrez® perfluoroelastomer parts for demanding oil & gas applications: FFKM 0090 for explosive decompression, Norsok M710 approved FFKM 0040 for low temperature, with static sealing down to -42°c Jean-Luc Matoux, DuPont Performance Polymers, Switzerland & Paul A Trillizio Jr, DuPont Performance Polymers, USA +++ paper unavailable at time of print+++ Paper 5 A review of elastomers for steam service Daniel L Hertz III, Seals Eastern, Inc, USA Session 2: Sealing Solutions Paper 6 Engineering an elastomer product by optimising RGD resistance and low temperature sealing performance Peter Warren, Andrew Douglas & Stephen Winterbottom, James Walker & Co Ltd, UK Paper 7 New low temperature perfluoroelastomer for sealing in extreme operating environments Stefano Arrigoni, Fabiano Merli & Peter Farrow, Solvay Solexis SpA, Italy Paper 8 New HNBR polymers for demanding sealing applications Paul Ruscoe, Zeon Chemicals Europe Ltd, UK +++ paper unavailable at time of print+++ Session 3: Novel Compounds and Compounding Paper 9 The compounders approach to developing compounds for components to meet major specifications in the oil and gas industry Michael Winrow, Clwyd Compounders, UK Paper 10 How to meet electrical conductivity targets Ing Christine Van Bellingen, Eusebiu Grivei, Thomas Grünberger & Nicolas Probst TIMCAL, Belgium Paper 11 Halogen free and flame retardant compounds with submicron sized fillers Dr Annika Luks, Nabaltec AG, Germany Session 4: Testing Paper 12 Materials selection and life-time assessment for polymeric materials in harsh chemical environments Dr Karin Jacobson, Swerea KIMAB AB, Sweden Paper 13 Durability of polymers under injection conditions for enhanced oil recovery and carbon capture Rod Martin, Morris Roseman, Sabine Munch, Keyur Somani & Barry Thomson, MERL, UK Paper 14 FE-implementation of a constitutive model to simulate the behaviour of seals in explosive decompression Dr Benoît Omnès & Dr Emmanuel Sauger, CETIM Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques, & Pr Jean-Claude Grandidier, Dr Mickael Gueguen & Eric Laine, LMPM (UMR- CNRS), France Session 5: Advances in Polymer Technology: New Applications Paper 15 Positive displacement motor reliability improvement by elastomer/ drilling fluid compatibility testing Dr Pu Wang, Schlumberger Stonehouse Technology Centre, UK Paper 16 High performance elastomers in cables for offshore and arctic regions Dr Andreas Roos & Manuel La Rosa, Lanxess Deutschland GmbH, Germany Paper 17 Flexible insulation solutions for the oil and gas industry Dr Juergen Weidinger, Armacell International Holding GmbH, Germany & Dr Mark Swift, Armacell Ltd, UK Paper 18 High performance thermoplastics in HPHT service: material design for targeted applications Dr Tim Bremner, Hoerbiger Corporation of America, Inc, USA Paper 19 Evaluation techniques for the assessment of polymer performance in multilayer pipe systems for oil and gas Dr Ed Clutton, L J Rose & K V Ross, Impact Solutions, UK HPE & Polymers for Oil and Gas 2010 27-28 April 2010 – Aberdeen, Scotland KEY NOTE PAPER “YES, I’LL TAKE ONE HPHT SEAL SYSTEM AND A SIDE OF DOCUMENTATION” Buc Slay Halliburton - Material Science Excellence 2601 E Belt Line Rd, MS C5-104, Carrollton, TX 75006, USA Office: 972-418-3166, mobile: 469-358-3513 fax 972-418-3598 email: [email protected] BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Buc Slay currently works for Halliburton Energy Services as a Material Science Team Lead in the area of seals and sealing technology. Buc is most passionate about characterizing the performance of seal systems in high performance applications. This involves investigating the connections between, formulating, mixing, molding and testing of rubber and plastic materials. Completed BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University with an emphasis on polymer science. ABSTRACT The public opinion of the O&G industry is ever changing but within the industry a more consistent perception exists because we want every part of our seal supply chain to be excellent. We have to be aware that the production companies want the service companies to succeed by supplying exceptional tools and service. The service companies want the seal suppliers to provide quality designs and performance. The seal suppliers want the mixers to provide consistent product. The mixers want the polymer companies to keep up with changing demand. For the industry to be successful we have to provide sound products that are supported by accurate procedures and documentation. As a result we take a dual approach to providing high quality seal systems. We determine the technical viability of a seal, and then spend just as long ensuring that all of the documentation is in place. This presentation reveals the harmony that should exist between technology advancement and documentation requirements for the O&G seal industry. The presentation will also cover how this marriage of perception and reality will be challenged by future needs of the Oil and Gas market. +++ paper unavailable at time of print +++ Page 1 of 2 pages Paper 1 27-28 April 2010 – Aberdeen, Scotland HPE & Polymers for Oil and Gas 2010 Paper 1 Page 2 of 2 pages HPE & Polymers for Oil and Gas 2010 27-28 April 2010 – Aberdeen, Scotland ELASTOMER SEALING IN EXTREME CONDITIONS John Kerwin Precision Polymer Engineering Greenbank Road, Blackburn, Lancs, BB1 3EA, UK Email: [email protected] BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE John Kerwin joined Precision Polymer Engineering in 2004. Currently Materials Technology Manager, managing a highly qualified and experienced team responsible for research and development and sales support. John studied at Manchester and Loughborough Universities and over the last thirty five years has held senior technical and business management positions in the areas of non metallic sealing and bearing technology ABSTRACT In oil field and associated operations the requirements placed on seals are becoming ever more demanding and operators continue to search for ideal elastomer sealing materials and designs, no more so than in the arena of enhanced oil recovery and carbon capture, where conditions can be extreme and aggressive. Compromise has always been a word associated with elastomer seal choice, it being difficult, if not impossible, to find materials that have all the necessary oil and chemical resistance, together with both high and low temperature resistance and the necessary sealing capability in high and fluctuating pressure conditions. This paper looks at these compromises and puts forward the case for an FFKM (perfluoroelastomer) solution. 1 INTRODUCTION The conditions that exist in oil field and associated applications are wide with varying degrees of severity and equipment manufacturers that service these applications, such as pump, compressor and valve manufacturers, together with the huge array of plug probe and sampling devices that see these conditions are commonly faced with a bewildering array of confusing and often conflicting advice about what elastomer sealing material selections to make. Design engineers in these companies are not elastomer technologists and therefore often rely on tradition or advice from suppliers when making sealing material choices. The problem with tradition is that it rapidly becomes out of date and materials that were in common use years ago may not be suitable to today’s more challenging conditions. The problem with seeking advice from suppliers is that like financial advisors they have their own interests in mind and so the user is often faced with conflicting advice or recommendations that cover only part of the requirement Typically the design or specifying engineer will be faced with advice as follows: ‘Elastomer grade `A` is compatible with the oils and chemicals, but will not operate at the high temperature required’. ‘Grade ‘B’ is compatible with the temperature specified but will not be compatible with the full range of chemical environments specified’ ‘You can have a grade that operates satisfactorily in the chemical environment and upper temperature, but will not work as a seal at the low temperature required’. ‘You can have a material that operates in the chemical and temperature range but will not cope with the pressure fluctuations.’ Page 1 of 14 pages Paper 2 27-28 April 2010 – Aberdeen, Scotland HPE & Polymers for Oil and Gas 2010 Add to this that it is not always possible to know what actual conditions exist at the seal position, then it is not surprising that engineers will tend to be cautious and overestimating in their material selections. Compromises inevitably have to be made when seals are being expected to operate in extreme conditions which often push at the intrinsic limits of organic polymer capabilities. Those conditions and material limitations will now be explored a little further before leading on to solutions with a minimum of compromises. 2 TYPICAL EXTREME CONDITIONS Temperatures of close to 300 deg C can be experienced in deep well applications, and though this represents an extreme situation, it is common to find temperatures of around 250 deg C being experienced down hole and within high pressure compressors. Oilfields off the northern Canadian coast that has seen topside temperatures of -63 deg C, This again is extreme, but there is an increasing requirement for seals to operate at temperatures below -40 deg C. For manufacturers of equipment such as valves and compressors, who ideally would like to produce the same equipment to operate in all conditions, irrespective of location., this presents a real problem, because essentially those materials that have resistance to extreme high temperature are among the worse in terms of their low temperature capabilities. Such as elastomer grades based on FEPM/TFE/P (Tetrafluoroethylene/Propylene) and FFKM (perfluoroelastomer). The design engineer is also presented with at best, a confusing and imprecise collection of test data peculiar to the rubber industry, that attempts to define what the upper and lower operating temperature limits of the material are. A very different approach to that seen in metallurgy , where the properties quoted for materials are precise, independent of temperature and readily usable in design calculations. For example; The upper, and to a lesser extent, the lower operating temperature properties of a material are defined by the base polymer used, and in the following example (Thermo Gravimetric Analysis) of an HNBR elastomer, which is generally accepted as having an upper operating temperature of 175 Deg C and an FFKM, which is generally quoted as having operating temperatures of between 260 and 300 Deg C. It can be seen that gross and rapid polymer degradation occurs for both at about the same temperature i.e.; ~ 420 Deg C, but here we are attempting to define upper operating temperatures some way before this. At the operating temperatures quoted degradation or structural rearrangements are also taking place, so the upper operating temperatures are a vague measure of what degree of degradation at that temperature may be deemed acceptable, measured usually as a loss in strength or an increase in compression set (sealing behaviour). Paper 2 Page 2 of 14 pages HPE & Polymers for Oil and Gas 2010 27-28 April 2010 – Aberdeen, Scotland As temperature is reduced all elastomer materials will progressively stiffen from some starting point, following a trend similar to that below, with progressive stiffening and eventual complete hardening and embrittlement. There are circumstances when sealing can be demonstrated below this point, but it is generally accepted that useful sealing occurs above this point when there is a degree of flexibility remaining in the material. At precisely what point on this curve useful sealing is defined is again vague and gives rise to the various rubber technology specific tests that have been devised and consequently the different low temperatures operating limits quoted Low Temperature Stiffening s) 60 unit 50 y ar 40 bitr 30 ar y ( 20 bilit 10 xi e Fl 0 -40 -30 -20 10 0 10 20 30 40 Example temperature Like the high temperature example above those materials that exhibit good low temp behaviour, such as low ACN NBR or even EPDM have limited high temperature capabilities not much beyond 140 deg C. Silicone and Fluorosilicone materials do have a very wide operating temperature range from -60 deg C to + 300 deg C, but their lack of strength, lack of wide ranging chemical resistance and their high gas permeability tends to exclude them from many of these applications. Newer FKM ( Fluorocarbon elastomers) come close to covering these ranges, but they are at the very edge of their capability and very often, despite them generally being regarded as having excellent chemical resistance, can suffer in some common oil field environments such as steam and exposure to amine inhibitors and some solvents. Deciding therefore on the most appropriate material grade for both high and low operating temperatures is difficult and will inevitably lead to some compromise being necessary. Chemical environments experienced by elastomer seals are wide and varied and can range from the fairly benign, such as mineral lubricating oils, sea water, emulsifiers and gases such as methane and nitrogen, to more severe materials such as amine inhibitors, solvents such as methanol and gas streams containing high proportions of hydrogen sulphide, Carbon dioxide, which will become supercritical and therefore highly penetrating at fairly moderate conditions of 30 deg C and 1000psi and importantly, steam. In the extreme conditions we are discussing, there is the potential for all these severities to be combined and that presents a major challenge for seal selection and inevitably leads to some compromises being necessary Explosive decompression (ED), rapid gas decompression and other terms used to describe the phenomena of seals rupturing or blistering as gases absorbed at pressure, expand as the pressure is reduced and the resistance of seals to it, is another common requirement in the seal selection process and often conflicts with other seal requirements. Page 3 of 14 pages Paper 2