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Isidoro Gitler Jaime Klapp (Eds.) Communications in Computer and Information Science 595 High Performance Computer Applications 6th International Conference, ISUM 2015 Mexico City, Mexico, March 9–13, 2015 Revised Selected Papers 123 Communications in Computer and Information Science 595 Commenced Publication in 2007 Founding and Former Series Editors: Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Dominik Ślęzak, and Xiaokang Yang Editorial Board Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Phoebe Chen La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia Xiaoyong Du Renmin University of China, Beijing, China Joaquim Filipe Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal Orhun Kara TÜBİTAK BİLGEM and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Igor Kotenko St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Ting Liu Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China Krishna M. Sivalingam Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India Takashi Washio Osaka University, Osaka, Japan More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/7899 Isidoro Gitler Jaime Klapp (Eds.) (cid:129) High Performance Computer Applications 6th International Conference, ISUM 2015 – Mexico City, Mexico, March 9 13, 2015 Revised Selected Papers 123 Editors Isidoro Gitler Jaime Klapp CINVESTAV-IPN Instituto Nacional deInvestigaciones ABACUSCentrodeMatemáticasAplicadas Nucleares y Cómputo deAlto Rendimiento LaMarquesa LaMarquesa Mexico Mexico ISSN 1865-0929 ISSN 1865-0937 (electronic) Communications inComputer andInformationScience ISBN 978-3-319-32242-1 ISBN978-3-319-32243-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32243-8 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016935218 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2016 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartofthe material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynow knownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbookare believedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsortheeditors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAGSwitzerland Preface Supercomputingisrapidlybeingrecognizedasmorethananessentialtoolandinstrument for contemporary science and technology. It has turned out to be, together with the development of basic theory and experimentation, the third crucial pillar for the improvement of our understanding of nature, the analysis of society, and technological advancement. Nowadays, current research in applied mathematics, physics, biology, engineering, medicine, and environmental sciences relies more and more on supercom- puting, allowing us to expand basic research and experimentation in areas such as astrophysics,cosmology,fluiddynamics,elementaryparticlephysics,medicine,andlife sciences. Supercomputing has proven to be equally essential for developing and under- standingawiderangeofadvancedscienceandtechnologytopicsthataredirectlyrelated toourdailylives,includingscientificglobalwarmingforecasting,simulationsofnatural disasters that help minimize the damage from events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, torrentialrains,andtyphoonsamongothers.Otherareasbenefitingfromsupercomputing aregenomeanalysisforgenetherapyandproteinanalysisfordrugdesign,thedevelop- ment of new devices and materials, car crash simulations, jet engine design, and many more. High-performance computing (HPC) enables the design of models and running computersimulationsofphenomenabeforepassingthroughanexperimentalphase,with greateconomicsavings,butmoreimportantlyallowingustoprovideresultswithindays orweekswhenmonthsorevenyearswererequiredinthepast. Technologytodayismorethancomputers;modernapplicationscombinenetworks, visualization, data storage, data mining, remote instruments, sensors, supercomputers, servers, laptops, etc. Science is increasingly driven by data (large and small). Data come from everywhere: scientific instruments, experiments, sensors, new devices, and are used by everyone: scientists, technologists, consumers, educators, and the general public.Wefindstrongparallelsbetweengenomicstodayandastronomy20yearsago, similarities between turbulence/CFD, N-body, ocean circulation, and material science, and on the future exascale everything will be a big data problem. Progress in super- computing has become an everyday challenge for human endeavors. The6thInternationalConferenceonSupercomputinginMexico—ISUM2015— washeldinMexicoCity,duringMarch9–13,2015.Theorganizationwasajointeffort of various research institutions and universities in Mexico City and the State of Mexico: the Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV), the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), the Instituto Nacional deInvestigacionesNucleares(ININ),theUniversidadAutónomadelEstadodeMéxico (UAEMEX),theCorporaciónUniversitariaparaelDesarrollodelInternet(CUDI),and the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT). Building on the success of the five previous ISUM Meetings, the 2015 edition was heldinMexicoCity,wheremostresearchcenters,universities,enterprises,government agencies, and businesses in the country are found. This is the most important event in VI Preface Mexico organized to discuss progress, problems, and challenges at a national and internationallevelregardingthefutureofsupercomputing.TheobjectivesofISUM,in its various editions, have been about upgrading technology and information exchange amongleadersofmajorprojects(bothdomesticandforeign),linkingactionscapableof enhancingexistinginfrastructure,andincreasingthenumberofpeopletrainedinHPC. The main objective of the 2015 ISUM edition was to make the conference a world-classforumthroughtheexchangeanddisseminationofnewideas,research,and expertiseinHPC.TheISUMConferenceisorganizedeveryyearoveraperiodoffive days. During these days, it features internationally and nationally renowned speakers from both academia and industry, concurrent sessions holding frontier research and new ideas in both scientific and industrial applications, as well as poster sessions, workshops (keeping in mind the importance of training human resources), and dis- cussion panels on key issues in the future of HPC. The ISUM Conference also orga- nizes an exhibition floor and an exhibitor’s forum where attendees can see and learn about the latest innovations in HPC, hardware, software, applications, networking, storage, and related technologies available in distinct fields of the supercomputing industry. The exhibition attracted groups of scientists, researchers, department man- agers, laboratory directors, decision makers, and vendors from all corners of the HPC community and networking industry involved in the HPC development in Mexico. ISUM 2015 was attended by roughly 350 participants; among them, a considerable numberwereresearchers,academics,engineers, graduate,andundergraduate students. ISUM2015cameacrosswithnewconditionsfortheHPCenvironmentinMexico. NewlaboratoriesforHPCareupandworking.Furthermore,Mexicoisnowbackinthe Top 500 list of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world. The ISUM 2015 conference was hosted by ABACUS, the recently created Centro de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Cómputo de Alto Rendimiento (Centre for Applied Mathematics and High-Performance Computing) of CINVESTAV, which from early 2015 has hosted one of the largest supercomputers in Latin America, where scientists and engineers in Mexicoandothercountriesareabletodevelopcomputationalprojectsthatrequirevery large HPC facilities. ItisworthnotingthatMexicohassignificantexperienceintheuseofsupercomputers, beginning in 1991, when UNAM installed a Cray YMP supercomputer. Afterwards, Mexico appeared in the Top 500 supercomputing list several times: the case of the oil industry(Top83,Top84,andTop85inthelistofNovember2003).Afewyearslater, UNAM and UAM placed computers in slots 126 (2006) and 225 (2008), respectively. OtheroutstandingprojectsinMexicoaretheNationalLaboratoryforHigh-Performance Computing in Mexico City (UNAM-UAM-CINVESTAV), the National Supercomput- ingCenterofSanLuisPotosiwithintheInstitutoPotosinodeInvestigaciónCientíficay Tecnológica (IPICYT), the Grids National Laboratory, the National Supercomputing Laboratory of the Southeast, and ABACUS-CINVESTAV, which recently placed its supercomputer ABACUS-I in the 255 slot of the top 500 list of June 2015. Although we have a platform and experience in supercomputing, it is still very scarce for the needs of a country like Mexico. Hence the importance of ISUM 2015, where we had the opportunity to discuss the currently installed platforms and defined some of the possible growth policies regarding the acquisition and use of these technologies. Preface VII The topics of interest included, but were not limited to: use of high-performance computingsystemstosolvecomplexproblemsinacademicandscientificresearchfields, applications for science and engineering, scientific visualization, simulation and model- ing, parallel processing, algorithms and techniques, GPU, Xeon Phi and other accelera- tors, cluster, grid, and cloud computing, tools and environments for high-performance system engineering, software tools, programming tools, virtualization, architectures, component technologies, infrastructure, emerging and new technologies for HPC, big data, advance networking, petascale/exascale technologies, high-performance technical and business computing (HPTC/HPBC), energy, cooling/green computing, resource provisioningandoptimization,HPCinhealth,education,andgovernment,HPCfortheoil andgasindustry,andinnovationanddevelopmentofHPCtechnologiesinMexico. The plenary lectures were given by directors and researchers from major super- computing centers: “Words of Data Science in the Presence of Heterogeneous Com- puting Architectures” by Ilkay Altintas, San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), USA,“TheStateoftheArtin3DSeismicImaging”byJoséM.CelaEspín,Barcelona SupercomputingCenter(BSC),Spain,“TamingBigData”byIanFoster,Universityof Chicago,USA,“EnergyEfficiencyinEmbeddedSystemDesign”byJeanLucGaudiot, UniversityofCalifornia–Irvine,USA,“TheFutureoftheMessage-PassingInterface” by William Gropp, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA, “HPC in Japan: More in Application and Utilized in Production Design in Industries” by Ryutaro Himeno, Advanced Center for Computing and Communication (ACCC), RIKEN, Japan, “Supercomputing for the European Human Brain Project” by Thomas Lippert, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, “Towards Exascale Machines” by Philippe Oli- vier Alexandre Navaux, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, “The Data-Enabled Revolution in Science and Society: A Need for (Inter)National Data Services and Policies” by Edward Seidel, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, USA, “Runtime Aware Architectures” by Mateo Valero, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), Barcelona, Spain, “Efficiency of Exascale Supercom- puter Centers” by Vladimir Voevodin, Moscow State University, Russia, and “The XSEDEExtendedCollaborativeSupportProgram:3YearsofHighlightsandLessons” by Nancy Wilkins Diehr, San Diego Supercomputing Center, USA. ISUM 2015 also had eight technological plenary lectures: “Addressing Challenges of Exascale Systems Usability” by Lim Goh, Silicon Graphics, “Programmability for HPCIstheKey”byJamesReinders,IntelCorporation,“InterconnectYourFuture”by Scot Schultz, Mellanox, “Technologies, Cloud and HPC Systems and Solutions” by Robert Anderson, Seagate, “Transformational technologies of the new style of IT” by Javier Flores, HP, “Trends in Processing and Storage Solutions” by Guillermo Sandoval García, CADGRAFICS, “Benefits of the Cloud to Virtualize HPC Envi- ronments” by Eduardo Marin Grijalva, VMware, and “RHEL and Supercomputing. The Value of Community” by Rolando Cedillo, RedHat. In addition to the plenary and technological lectures, over 100 contributions were presented in oral parallel sessions. A very important activity during ISUM 2015 were the10workshopsoffered:(1)IntroductorycoursetoparallelcomputingwithMPIand CUDA, Frédéic Massets, UNAM; (2) A Practical Introduction to Numerical Hydro- dynamics,AlejandroEsquivel,ICN-UNAM;(3)CentralizedHPCClusterManagement with CFEngine, Eduardo Ortega and Yolanda Flores, DGTIC-UNAM; (4) Distributed VIII Preface High-Performance Scientific Computing, Sergio Nesmachnow, Universidad de la República, Uruguay; (5) Management of NWChem in HPC Infrastructures, Marcos RiveraAlmazo,UAM-I;(6)ParallelProgrammingwithIntelCluster StudioXE2013, Carlos Antonio Sánchez Sevilla, UAM-I; (7) Building a Lustre Storage System, Luis Arturo Nuñez Pablo, UAM-I; (8) HPC Applications Development assisted by Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers, Apolinar Martínez Melchor, UAM-I; (9) Under- standing Performance in Modern High-Performance Computers, Irving Álvarez, Julio César Clemente, José Luis Gordillo and Leobardo Itehua, DGTIC-UNAM; (10) Development and Visualization Training Using CUDA, Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernández, Industrial University of Santander, Colombia. This book contains selected contributions presented during the ISUM 2015 con- ferenceandincludesplenaryandothercontributions.Thebookcontainsthreeparts.In Part 1, we have included four contributions on perspectives in supercomputer infras- tructure and applications, two of which describe previous experience on how to build anadequatenetworkingenvironmentsothatpeopleinHPCcanfurthercollaborateand addonworkalreadydonewithemphasisontheMexicancase.Also,itofferstwomore papers,whichgiveanoverviewoncurrentcollaborativesupportprogramsaswellasa glimpse ofsomerelations between anexascalesupercomputingsystemandeducation. In Part 2, the contributions focus on parallel algorithms and optimization for both CPUsandGPUs.GPUcomputingwasintroducedtoHPCusersin2007.Sincethenthe technology has advanced rapidly, largely driven by HPC practitioners looking for greater performance and improved energy efficiencies. Performance has been a fun- damental driver in the HPC market since its inception, while energy efficiency is a more recent demand that has come about as a result of the breakdown of Dennard scaling. GPUs are able to offer a better performance and performance-per-watt com- paredwithCPUsonparallelsoftwarethankstotheirthroughput-optimizeddesignand considerable floating point capability if certain conditions are fulfilled. As a result, accelerators are now found in nearly half of all new HPC systems deployed, thus havingaprofoundimpactontheimplementationofparallelalgorithms,particularlyfor those looking for optimal solutions for a given problem. We have included several contributions that use CPUs and/or GPUs architectures. In Part 3, we have included contributions in HPC applications and simulations. Nowadays,as aconsequenceofthegrowth insupercomputer performance,there isan increase in the development of data-intensive predictive science as a solution to sci- entific problems via simulations that generate large amounts of data. Generally, the problems that are studied are multiscale and multidisciplinary simulations such as: digital engineering, rocket engine design, electrical energy storage, solar energy fixa- tion, fusion, genome networks, human body simulations, hemodynamics, protein function analysis, protein folding, protein control, virus, anti-cancer drugs, nano-devices and nano-science modeling and fragmentation, material design, astro- physical simulations, cosmological simulations, disaster prevention, volcano simula- tions,earthquakewavepropagation,cloudanalysis,climateprediction,high-resolution atmospheric circulation, melted rock simulations, engineering, non-steady flow, com- pressible flow, large eddy simulation, and structural analysis, among many others. For many of these simulations, we find fluid dynamics in their core, which is a highly developed branch of science that has been subject to continued and expanding Preface IX researchactivityboththeoreticallyandexperimentallysincemorethanacenturyanda half ago. Mexico has a strong and active community in this area. At ISUM 2015, a widevarietyoffluiddynamicstopicswerepresentedthatincluded:asymptoticmethods in fluids, convection, computational methods for biological systems, interfacial fluid dynamics, colloidal dispersion, and flow in fractured porous media. The book is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students, as well as sci- entists in the fields of HPC, computer sciences, physics, biology, mathematics, engi- neering,andchemistrywhohaveinterestinthesolutionofalargevarietyofproblems that make use of supercomputers. The material included in this book is adequate for both teaching and research. The editors are very grateful to the institutions and people that made possible the realizationofthe6thInternationalConferenceonSupercomputinginMexico—ISUM 2015, especially Julia Tagüeña Parga and Elías Micha Zaga from CONACYT, Felipe Bracho Carpizo from UNAM, Luis A. Villa Vargas from IPN, José Mustre de León from CINVESTAV, Lydia Concepción Paredes Gutiérrez and Federico Puente Espel from ININ, Axel Aviles Pallaresfrom UAM, and Carlos Casasús LópezHermosa and Salma Leticia Jaliffe Villalón from CUDI. The following individuals were instrumental in organizing the ISUM 2015: ABACUS-CINVESTAV:RuslanGabbasov,FranciscoOrtizArango,AlejandroFlores Méndez, Juan Antonio Vega, Olivia Lazcano, Daniel Ortiz, Omar Nieto, Estela Her- nández, Adriana Aranda, Alberto Trejo; ININ: Jorge Luis Cervantes Cota, Estela Mayoral Villa; UNAM: Alfredo Santillán, Fabián Romo, José Luis Gordillo, José de Jesús Cruz, Liliana Hernández; IPN: René Luna García, Juan Carlos Chimal; UAM: Apolinar Martínez Melchor, Luis Arturo Núñez Pablo, Juan Carlos Rosas Cabrera; UAEMEX: Luis Enrique Díaz, Roberto López Rendón; CUDI: Salma Leticia Jaliffe Villalón, Hans Ludwing Reyes, Martha Ávila. ISUM 2015 was organized by the following institutions: ABACUS-CINVESTAV, CONACYT, CUDI, ININ, IPN, UAM, UNAM, LNS-SURESTE, CICESE, LANGEBIO-CINVESTAV, CIMAT, UAEMEX, UAEM, CNS-IPICYT, UCOL, UDG, UNISON, UV, and The National Committee ISUM; it was sponsored by: SGI, Fujitsu,Intel,HP,Cray,Dell,ATOS,Seagate,Mellanox,Huawei,B-CAUSE,Penguin Computing, Red Hat, Enter, VMware, ENLACE, and CADGRAFICS. WeacknowledgethehelpoftheEditionCommitteefortheirimportantandvaluable contribution to the final manuscript, in particular Ruslan Gabbasov, Salvador Galindo Uribarri, Julian Becerra Sagredo, Nathan Weinstein, Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti, Ale- jandro Aviles Cervantes, and Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernández. We thank Estela Hernández Juárez and Adriana Aranda for their valuable contri- bution to the production of this book. February 2016 Isidoro Gitler Jaime Klapp

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