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Nuclearand ParticlePhysics Proceedings NuclearandParticlePhysicsProceedings00(2017)1–5 High p spectra and anisotropy of light and heavy hadrons T PeterChristiansen LundUniversity,DivisionofParticlePhysics,Sweden 7 1 0 2 Abstract n Datadrivenstudiesofheavy-ionresultshasplayedabigroleinhighlightinginterestingfeaturesofthesecomplex a J systems. In this proceeding, a simple QGP-brick interpretation of the RAA and v2 at high pT (pT ≈ 10GeV/c) is presented. Thisinterpretationdrawsattentiontotwofundamentalquestions:isthereaneffectoftheasymmetricQGP 4 2 expansiononthev2athigh pT? isthereanenergylossdifferencebetweenquarksandgluons? Finally,itisdiscussedhowthesestudiescanbeextendedusingEvent-ShapeEngineeringandhowtheycanbeapplied ] tocomparetheenergylossoflightandheavyquarks. h p Keywords: Jetquenching,High p ,R ,v - T AA 2 p e h 1. Introduction the QGP cross section, A, is therefore A = 4πL L . [ in out The energy density, ρ, is assumed to be homogenous 1 Theunderstandingofheavy-iondataisatremendous and scale with dN/dη: ρ = kdN/dη/A, where k is v challenge. The heavy-ion collision undergoes many an unknown scale factor that will be the same for all 7 phasesfromQGPcreationtohadronproduction. Even centralities and beam energies. All jets are assumed 7 results obtained within models can be hard to interpret to propagate from the center of the ellipse and so for 8 6 andapproaches,suchasthecore-coronamodel[1],has each centrality class there is basically two parameters 0 turned out to be powerful in separating the physical thejetquenchingcandependon: pathlengthLanden- 1. origin of the observed centrality dependence of a ergydensityρ. 0 quantity (which typically has a simple explanation) The studies described here have been published 7 from its absolute magnitude (which typically requires in Ref. [2] and extended somewhat in Ref. [3]. 1 thefullQCDmodel). At the HP16 conference several similar, but much : v more advanced studies were presented by J. Noronha- i In jet-quenching studies the challenge is one of Hostler [4], J. Noronha [5], and M. Gyulassy, see also X the most formidable because one has to model how Ref.[6]. r a the propagating jet interacts with the expanding bulk medium. Tobeabletomakeavalidcomparisonofvar- ious jet quenching models it has been important in the 2. AscalingmodelforR andv AA 2 pasttotestthemusingasimpleQGPbrick(e.g.,studies bytheTECHQMCollaboration). Therealizationthatmanycalculationscoulddescribe In this proceeding of Hard Probes 2016 (HP16) I R butnotv wasabigstepforwardinconstrainingjet AA 2 report a study aimed at a simple understanding of jet quenchingmodels,e.g.[7].Thisleadtoalotofprogress quenching in terms of essentially static QGP bricks. andrecentlyquitesuccessfuldescriptionsofR andv AA 2 The QGP bricks I will use are elliptic with semi-axes usingSoft-HardEventEngineering[4]. in(L )andout-of-plane(L )givenasthestandardde- In this proceeding the goal is much simpler. First, in out viation of a standard Glauber calculation. The area of to describe the R and v at p ≈ 10GeV/c for most AA 2 T P.Christiansen/NuclearandParticlePhysicsProceedings00(2017)1–5 2 A 1 A 1 A A R 0.9 R 10% - 20% R 0.9 R 30% - 40% AA, in AA, in 0.8 0.8 0.7 R 20% - 30% 0.7 R 50% - 60% AA, out AA, out 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 p [GeV/c] p [GeV/c] T T A 1 A 1 A A R 0.9 R 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 R 40% - 50% 0.3 R 50% - 60% AA, in AA, in 0.2 0.2 0.1 R 60% - 70% 0.1 R 70% - 80% AA, out AA, out 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 p [GeV/c] p [GeV/c] T T √ Figure1: ThecomparisonbetweenRAA in-andout-of-planeforsituationswherethescalingvariable ρLisapproximatelythesame. Ascan beseen,thereisgoodagreementathighpTwhereoneexpectsjetstodominatewhilethereisalargedifferenceatlowerpTwheretheexpansion in-planeissupposedtobestrongerthanout-of-plane. centralitiesusingasimplescalingrelationfortheQGP ticle composition in Pb–Pb collisions is the same as in brickparametersL ,L ,andρ(thissection). Second, ppcollisions[11]. Atthesametime,thenewmeasure- in out to point out additional ways of trying to constrain jet mentbyCMSofv showsthatitisconsistentwithzero 3 quenching models in data driven ways (the following for p > 10−20GeV/c[12]. Thissuggeststhatforjet T twosections). quenchingonlytheevenharmonicsarerelevantandthat for charged tracks all the relevant information is con- 2.1. High pTtracksasproxiesforjets tainedinRAAandv2. One of the main results from jet studies at LHC is that quenched jets look essentially like vacuum jets of 2.2. Constrainingthepathlength thesamefinalenergy[8,9]. WhiletheCMSresultsare consistentwithnoleading-pTmodification,theATLAS ThefollowingisabriefsummaryofRef.[2]. results have smaller systematic uncertainties and show Instead of describing R and v separately we will AA 2 somemodificationthere. AtHP16itwassuggestedby focus on describing the R and v combined into the AA 2 M. Spousta that this could be due to the difference in R inandout-ofplane AA quenchingofquarkandgluonjets,whichwouldleadto a different partonic composition of quenched jets [10]. R (p ) ≈ (1+2v (p ))R (p ) (1) AA,in T 2 T AA T Hereweassumethatsincethemodificationissmall,one R (p ) ≈ (1−2v (p ))R (p ), (2) AA,out T 2 T AA T canusehigh p tracksasproxiesforjets. T √ At LHC there is evidence that a good definition of using s = 2.76TeV results from ALICE [13] and NN high p forjetsis p > 10GeV/c. Atthis p , thepar- ATLAS[14]. T T T P.Christiansen/NuclearandParticlePhysicsProceedings00(2017)1–5 3 To attempt that, the pathlength dependence will be 0 constrained using two centrality classes where Lin ≈ T, L . The question is then if we can explain the dif- p out 0.3 ference between RAA,in and RAA,out using only the dif- /T p ference in energy density ρ between the two centrality classes. Iwanttostressherethatthisisnotatalltrivial D because the expansion, which is not in any way con- 0.2 sidered in this model, is very different in- and out-of- plane. Furthermore,studiesontheeffectofthisexpan- PbPb sionontheenergylosshaspreviouslyfoundsignificant effects[15]. 0.1 The scaling relation we finally obtain is that AuAu R ≈ R whentheyhavethesamescalingvari- AA,in√ AA,out able ρL. Figure 1 shows that if we select centrality 0 classes based on this variable then indeed the RAA,in 0 10 20 30 40 andR arethesame. Thereissometensionforthe r AA,out L [arb. units] most peripheral data, but this is also the region where the origin of the large v is perhaps not completely 2 √ geometrical. Figure2√:ThepTlossisfoundtoscalewith ρLinexactlythesame wayat sNN =√2.76TeV(Pb–Pb), wherethescalingrelationwas Therearetwoimportantpointstostress. derived,andat sNN=200GeV(Au–Au,datatakenfrom[16]).The solidlineisalinearfit.Thedashedlineisafitthattakesintoaccount Sincetheeccentricityhasalargecentralityvariation thedecreasingpTofthepropagatingparticleleadingtoasmallnon- onewouldexpectthattheasymmetricexpansion,ifim- linearcorrectionforlargepTlosses. portant, would result in different scaling relations. As thisisnotthecaseitraisesthequestionifthisasymmet- ricexpansionhasanyeffectatall.Thisisaquestionthat andv togetherwhereonealsoessentiallydoesthis.The 2 wouldbeinterestingtostudyinrealisticmodels. Ifone new direction here is that one can obtain much larger wouldfind(anexplanationforwhy)ithasnoeffectsit pathlengthvariationsusingESE.ESEreliesonthenear wouldsimplifytheunderstandingofjetquenchingcon- perfectfluidityoftheQGP.Thismeansthat siderably. AscalingrelationforR andR isnotunique √ AA,in AA,out because if ρL is a good scaling relation then so is v (p )=c(p )ε , (3) 2 T T 2 ρL2 (and any power of the scaling variable). What we did in Ref. [2] was to demand that the p loss was T approximately linear in the scaling variable. The pT whereε2istheinitialstateellipticityandc(pT)isafunc- loss was derived using a similar estimate as employed tionderivablefromviscoushydrodynamicmodelingof by PHENIX, see e.g. [17]. Surprisingly, when we em- theQGP. ployedthesamescalingvariableforPHENIXπ0 high- This means that, by selecting on the 2nd order flow p results we found that they follow the same trend as T vectoroftheevent,onecanexploreamuchlargerrange shown in Fig. 2. The origin of this scaling relation is of path lengths. This variation can be estimated using very puzzling for us as the amount of quark and gluon Glauber calculations. For Pb–Pb 20–30% central col- jetsasthis p isverydifferentatthesetwoenergies. T lisions L ≈ 1.31L . Using ESE and selecting the out in 10% of the events with the highest ε one can obtain 2 a variation of L ≈ 1.62L . At the same time one is 3. Event-ShapeEngineering out in able to select events, e.g., the 10% of the events with thelowestε ,wheretheasymmetryisminimalin-and ThefollowingideawasalsodescribedinRef.[3]. 2 out-of-plane. In the previous section the path length was con- strained and the energy density was varied. Using Ifonecanusethevariationoftheinitialstateasym- Event-Shape Engineering (ESE) [18] it is possible to metry to pin down the effect of the radial expansion, constrain the energy density and vary the path length. then the additional path-length variation can further ThebasicideaissimilartotheoldideaofstudyingR constrainthepath-lengthdependence. AA P.Christiansen/NuclearandParticlePhysicsProceedings00(2017)1–5 4 4. Energylossofheavyquarks Acknowledgements Many exciting results were shown for heavy quarks The author would like to thank the organizers for a atHP16,e.g.,BmesonR [19]andDmesonv [20]. wonderfulconference: amazingphysics,fantasticfood, AA 2 There are specific QCD predictions for what to expect andperfectliquid. fortherelationbetweenheavyquarksandlightquarks. 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