**VolumeTitle** ASPConferenceSeries,Vol.**VolumeNumber** **Author** (cid:13)c**CopyrightYear**AstronomicalSocietyofthePacific High-orderschemesfornon-ideal3+1GRMHD:astudyofthe kinematicdynamoprocessinaccretiontori 4 L.DelZanna123,M.Bugli14,N.Bucciantini23 1 0 1DipartimentodiFisicaeAstronomia,Universita` diFirenze,Italy 2 2INAF-OsservatorioAstrofisicodiArcetri,Firenze,Italy n a 3INFN-SezionediFirenze,Italy J 4 4Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rAstrophysik,Garching,Germany 1 Abstract. We present the first astrophysical application of the ECHO code in its ] E recent version supplemented by a generalized Ohm law, namely a kinematic study of H dynamoeffectsinthickaccretiondisks.High-orderimplicit-explicitRunge-Kuttatime- steppingroutinesareimplementedandvalidatedwithin3+1GeneralRelativisticMag- h. netoHydroDynamics(GRMHD).Theschemeisappliedtoadifferentiallyrotatingtorus p orbitingaKerrblackhole,wherethemean-fielddynamoprocessleadstostrongampli- - fication of seed magnetic fields. We show that the interplay between the toroidal and o poloidal components occurs qualitatively in the same fashion as in the Sun, butterfly r t diagramsarereproduced, andatypicaltime-scaleforthefieldevolutionisfound, de- s pending on the dynamo and resistivity numbers, which could explain periodicities as a [ observedinseveralaccretingsystems. 1 v 3 2 1. Introduction 2 3 Large-scale, ordered magnetic fields are believed to play a crucial role to activate the . 1 mechanisms responsible for the observed high-energy emission, from active galactic 0 nucleitogamma-raybursts. However,itisstillnotclearwhichisthepreciseoriginof 4 such fields. While the process of collapse to the compact objects which are believed 1 : to power these sources is certainly able to amplify any existing frozen-in field, the v question of its origin just shifts to the progenitors. Turbulent motions and small-scale i X instabilities,suchastheMagneto-RotationalInstability(MRI)inaccretiondisksorthe r Taylerinstabilityinproto-neutronstars,areindeedgoodcandidatestoenhancealsothe a levelofturbulentmagneticfields,buttheresultingconfigurationswillbehighlytangled andthusnotappropriatetogeneratetherequiredlarge-scalefields. Aprocessnaturallyabletoamplifyorderedmagneticfieldsisthatofdynamo. Here weshallconsidertheso-calledmean-field dynamoprocesses(Moffatt1978),i.e. when small-scale turbulent (correlated) motions, invariably arising in astrophysical plasmas withveryhighfluidandmagneticReynoldsnumbers,giverisetoaneffectivepondero- motive force, along B, in the Ohm law. This is capable in turn to increase any initial seedfieldwhencoupledtotheFaradayevolutionequation. Theresistive-dynamoOhm lawcanbewritten,forclassicalMHD,as(herec → 1,4π → 1) E(cid:48) ≡ E+(cid:51)×B = ηJ +ξB, (1) 1 2 L.DelZannaetal. whereηisthecoefficientofresistivity(duetocollisionsandtothemean-fieldeffects), andξ isthemean-fielddynamocoefficient(intheliteratureα = −ξ ismostcommonly employed). Thelattertermispreciselyresponsibleforthedynamoprocess,leadingto the generation of exponentially growing modes in the kinematical phase, that is when the feedback of the increasing field on the other quantities can still be neglected. Dif- ferentialrotationalsoplaysaroleinthedynamoprocess, andwhenbotheffectsareat workwerefertoanαΩdynamo. WhileinclassicalMHDtheaboverelationsimplydefinestheelectricfield,which is a derived quantity of (cid:51) and B alone (since J = ∇ × B), in the relativistic case the displacement current in the Maxwell equations cannot be neglected, and the evolution equationfortheelectricfieldmustbesolvedaswell. Thisdifficultywasavoidedinpre- vious relativistic studies of kinetic dynamo in accretion disks (Khanna & Camenzind 1996; Brandenburg 1996). To our knowledge the first generalization to full General Relativity and its formulations for 3 + 1 numerical relativity can be found in Buc- ciantini & Del Zanna (2013) (BDZ from now on), where also a systematic validation of the second-order numerical scheme, within the ECHO (Del Zanna et al. 2007) and X-ECHO (Bucciantini & Del Zanna 2011) codes, is presented. Here we briefly sum- marizetheformalismandweimprovethenumericalmethodemployedtohigher-order. Moreover,wepresent,asafirstnumericalapplication,astudyofthekinematicdynamo actioninthickaccretiontoriaroundKerrblackholes. Moredetailsandadditionalsim- ulationswillbepresentedinaforthcomingpaper(Buglietal.2014). 2. Basicequations The fully covariant formulation for a resistive plasma with dynamo action, first pro- posed in BDZ, is a relation for the quantities measured in the local frame comoving withthefluid4-velocityuµ,namely eµ = ηjµ+ξbµ, (2) tobecomparedwithEq.(1),whereeµ,bµ,and jµ aretheelectricfield,magneticfield, and current as measured by the observer moving with uµ. When written in the 3+1 formalism(Gourgoulhon2012),theMaxwellequationsbecome (cid:16) (cid:17) γ−1/2∂ γ1/2B +∇×(αE+β×B) = 0, (∇·B = 0), (3) t (cid:16) (cid:17) γ−1/2∂ γ1/2E +∇×(−αB+β×E) = −(αJ −qβ), (∇·E = q), (4) t wheretheelectromagneticfieldsEandBarethosemeasuredbytheEulerianobserver, αisthelapsefunction,βthespatialshiftvector,γ the3-metricwithdeterminantγ,q ij isthechargedensityand J theusualconductioncurrent. Inthe3+1language,Ohm’s law(2)translatesinto Γ[E+v×B−(E·v)v] = η(J −qv)+ξΓ[B−v×E−(B·v)v], (5) herevistheEulerianvelocityandΓ = (1−v2)−1/2theusualLorentzfactor,fromwhich onecanfinallycompute J,sothatthenewequationfor Eis γ−1/2∂(γ1/2E)+∇×(−αB+β×E)+(αv−β)∇·E = t −αΓη−1{[E+v×B−(E·v)v]−ξ[B−v×E−(B·v)v]}, (6) reducingto E = −v×Bforη = ξ = 0andtoEq.(1)inthenon-relativisticcase. High-orderschemesfornon-ideal3+1GRMHD 3 3. Numericalsettingsandconvergencetests IntypicalastrophysicalsituationstheresistivitycoefficientisverysmallandthusEq.(6) is a stiff equation: terms ∝ η−1 can evolve on timescales τ (cid:28) τ , where the latter is η h the hyperbolic (fluid) timescale. We have then to solve, even for the simple kinematic case,asystemofhyperbolicpartialdifferentialequationscombinedwithstiffrelaxation equations,thatcanberewrittenintheform X = γ1/2E : ∂ X = Q (X,Y)+R (X,Y), (7) t X X Y = γ1/2B : ∂Y = Q (X,Y), (8) t Y where Q are the non-stiff terms, whereas R are the stiff terms ∝ η−1 requiring X,Y X some form of implicit treatment in order to preserve numerical stability. To solve this system, we here extend the numerical methods in BDZ (up to second order in time and space) to higher orders. For spatial integration we use the full set of high-order shock-capturingmethodsimplementedintheECHOcode,whereasfortimeintegration we use the IMplicit-EXplicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta methods developed by Pareschi & Russo(2005)andfirstintroducedtoresistive(special)relativisticMHDbyPalenzuela etal.(2009). InFig.1weshowacoupleof1DnumericaltestsinMinkowskispacetime,already describedinBDZ.Thefirstoneistheresistivediffusionofasmoothcurrentsheet,fol- lowedfromt = 1tot = 10. Hereη = 0.01,ξ = 0,and p (cid:29) B2 toreducecompressible effects(thistestismadebycouplingtheMaxwellequationstothefullsetofGRMHD, wedonotconsiderthekinematiccase). Inthislimitthesystemremainsnon-relativistic andtheanalyticalsolutionis (cid:32) (cid:33) x By(x,t) = B erf √ , (9) 0 2 ηt likefortheclassicaldiffusionequation. Inthetoprow,leftpanel,weshowtheanalytical solution at the initial and final times, and the numerical one at t = 10, in the case B = 0.01. In the right panel we show the L errors on By (comparing with a run 0 1 at extremely high resolution) as a function of the grid points number N. When we usethethird-orderSSP3(4,3,3)IMEXmethod, anoverallsecondorthirdorderspace- time accuracy is correctly achieved, depending on the spatial reconstruction method employed. The best performing scheme is REC-MPE5 combined to DER-E6 (Del Zannaetal.2007). The second test concerns exponentially growing dynamo modes in a static, mag- netizedbackground. Theanalyticalsolution,foragivenwavevectork,is (cid:112) By(x,t) = B exp(γt)cos(kx), γ = (2η)−1[ 1+4ηk(ξ−ηk)−1], (10) 0 whereγ isthedynamogrowthfactor. InFig. 1weshowinthebottomrow, leftpanel, thetheoreticalandmeasuredamplificationof By(t)forvariouscombinationsofη(dia- monds for η = 0.05, triangles for η = 0.1, squares for η = 0.25), ξ = 0.5, and k. The correspondence is always matched. The case of η = 0.1 and k = 5 should not have growing modes, due to the stabilizing effect of resistivity, but at late times (t (cid:39) 60) small-scale fluctuations due to truncation errors triggers the fastest possible growing modes anyway. In the right panel we show the L errors on By for various choices of 1 theIMEXschemes(andforREC-MPE5,DER-E6). Thenominalsecondorthirdorder isachieved. 4 L.DelZannaetal. Figure 1. Top panels: convergence study for the 1D current sheet test. Bottom panels: convergencestudyforthe1Dsteadydynamotest. 4. Kinematicdynamoinaccretiontori We choose as the background equilibrium the differentially rotating thick disk in Kerr metricandBoyer-LindquistcoordinatesdescribedinDelZannaetal.(2007). Weselect the maximally rotating case with a = 0.99, resulting in an orbital period of P = 76.5 c (incodeunits)atthecenter. Thedomainisr ∈ [2.5,25](logarithmicallystretched)and θ ∈ [π/4 − 0.2,3π/4 + 0.2], with a numerical resolution as low as 120 × 120 due to thelong-termrunsneededtocapturethefulldynamics. TheIMEX-RKisSSP3(4,3,3), thusthird-orderintime,andweuseREC-MPE5andDER-E6forspatialreconstruction andderivation(thusfifthorderinspaceforsmoothprofiles). In the kinematic case the dynamics is basically determined by the two dynamo numbers, corresponding to the respective importance of the α and Ω effects with re- spect to diffusion. We take Cξ = ξR/η ≥ 1 and CΩ = ∆ΩR2/η (cid:29) 1, where R is the radial extension of the thick disk (and vertical too), ∆Ω the difference in the angular velocitybetweenthediskcenterandtheinnerradius. Thechoiceofthesetwonumbers determinethevaluesofξ andηatthediskcenter. Thecoefficientsarethenmodulated within the disk as the square root of the mass density and proportional to it, respec- tively,whilewetakeξ = 0andη = 10−5 inthelow-densityatmosphere(co-rotatingto minimize shear flow numerical dissipation). The dynamo coefficient is further multi- pliedbycosθbecausewewanttoobtainacombinationoftheαΩdynamoeffectwhich issymmetricalwithrespecttotheequator. The initial seed field (B ∼ 10−5) can be taken either as purely toroidal or purely poloidal,inthelattercaseitisderivedfromapotentialA proportionaltothesquareof φ thelocalpressure. InFig.2weshowasimulationwithξ = η = 10−3 (maximumvalues High-orderschemesfornon-ideal3+1GRMHD 5 Figure2. Dynamoevolutionofthetoroidalfieldforξ =η=10−3. atthediskcenter),correspondingtoCξ = 5andCΩ = 400,withaninitialtoroidalfield. This is shown as a function of time (in units of P ) and we can clearly see the period- c ical formation and migration of structures from the center to higher latitudes, always confined within the disk. In Fig. 3 we show the maximum value of the toroidal and poloidal orthonormal components of the field in the disk and their ratio, as a function oftime. Weobservetheexponentialincreaseofbothcomponentsandthesaturationof theratioaroundavalue B /B (cid:39) 0.13,whiletheoscillatingbehaviorissimplydueto P T adifferenceinphasebetweenthedynamomodesforthetwocomponents. The periodical generation and migration of structures resembles very much what happens in the Sun, where the αΩ is believed to be responsible for the 11-years sun- spotscycle. Thisisusuallytrackedintheso-calledbutterflydiagrams,withperiodical Magnetic Field Exponential Growth Ratio between B and B 105 0.20 P T 104 BBTP 0.15 103 B)T max(B)(t) 110012 max(B)/max(P0.10 0.05 100 10-1 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time [PC] time [PC] Figure3. GrowthofthetoroidalandpoloidalcomponentsandB /B ratio. P T 6 L.DelZannaetal. Model 1 Model 10 4 4 2 2 s [r]+ 0 s [r]+ 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time [P] Time [P] C C -0.5 0.0 0.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Figure4. Butterflydiagramsforξ =±10−3andη=10−3. field reversaland migrationtowardsthesolar equator. InFig. 4we reportthe position of the peaks along an appropriate new coordinate s as a function of time. In the left paneltherunpreviouslydescribedisshown,withmigrationfromtheequatortohigher latitudes (ξ > 0 in the northern hemisphere). In the right panel the sign of ξ has been reversed(andthefieldinitializedtoapurelypoloidalone),tobetterreproducethesolar situation(werecallthatα = −ξ insolardynamoapplications). To conclude, in this paper we have shown the first implementation of high-order IMEX-RKmethodsfortheresistive-dynamonon-idealGRMHDversionoftheECHO code. PreliminaryrunsofthekinematicαΩdynamoeffectinthickaccretiontoriaround maximally rotating Kerr black holes have ben performed as an astrophysical test case. Similarlytothesolarcycle,wehavefoundperiodicalgenerationandmigrationofmag- neticstructures,withexponentialgrowthofthemaximumvalueofthefield,expectedto bequenchedbynon-linearfeedbackwhenthefullsetofGRMHDwillbesolved. The (half) cycle of the dynamo process is seen to be around 6−7 orbital periods, but this valuecanchangeaccordingtotheparameterschosen. Inanycasetheturbulenceprop- ertiescansetanadditionaltimescale, throughthemean-fielddynamoeffect, unrelated tothelarger-scalequantities. Thispropertymayhelptoexplainperiodicalmodulations intheaccretingprocessandinthusthesourceluminosityitself(e.g.Gilfanov2010). 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