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Preview High mobility two-dimensional hole system on hydrogen-terminated silicon (111) surfaces

High mobility two-dimensional hole system on hydrogen-terminated silicon (111) surfaces Binhui Hu,a) Tomasz M. Kott, Robert N. McFarland,b) and B. E. Kane Laboratory for Physical Sciences, University of Maryland at College Park, College Park, MD 20740 (Dated: 19 January 2012) We have realized a two-dimensionalhole system (2DHS), in which the 2DHS is induced at an atomically flat 2 hydrogen-terminatedSi(111)surfacebyanegativegatevoltageappliedacrossavacuumcavity. Holedensities 1 upto7.5×1011 cm−2 areobtained,andthe peakholemobilityis about104 cm2/Vsat70mK.Thequantum 0 Hall effect is observed. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations show a beating pattern due to the spin-orbit effects, 2 and the inferred zero-field spin splitting can be tuned by the gate voltage. n a J Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) field-effect tran- 7 sistors (FETs) have long been used to study two- 1 dimensional systems in silicon. While there has been extensive research on two-dimensional electron systems ] l (2DESs) in silicon using MOSFETs over the last sev- l a eraldecades,1,2 comparablylittle workhas been done on h two-dimensionalhole systems(2DHSs),2–5 primarilydue - s to the factthatholeshavelowermobilitythanelectrons, e anddetailed study was notpossible at suchlow mobility FIG. 1. (Color online) Schematic cross section of a vacuum m FET (not to scale). A H-Si(111) piece is contact bonded to silicon hole devices. a SOI piece in a vacuum. The H-Si(111) piece has heavily . Recently,anewtypeofsiliconFETdevicehasbeende- t boron-doped (p+) regions to make contact to the 2DHS. In a veloped, in which an atomically flat silicon (111) surface m theSOIpiece,theshieldandthegatearep+layersformedby is terminated by a monolayer of hydrogen atoms, and a doubleboron ion implantation. Dryetchingis usedtocreate - 2DES is induced at the H-Si(111) surface by a positive thecavity. The arrows depict the electric field. The 2DHSis d gate voltage through a vacuum barrier.6 2DESs in these inducedattheH-Si(111)surfaceintheencapsulatedvacuum n vacuumFETdevicesshowextremelyhighmobility.6–8 In cavity. o c thisletter,wereportthatthevacuumFETtechniquecan [ be extended to 2DHSs. A peak hole mobility of ∼ 104 cm2/Vsisobtained,exceedingbyoneorderofmagnitude cm−2, 15 keV boronions througha 30 nm thick thermal 1 themobilityinMOSstructuresandcomparablewiththe oxide, as shown in the insert of Fig. 2. It is annealed in v 2 mobility of pseudomorphic Si/SiGe heterostructures,9,10 N2 gasat1000◦C for10minutes toactivate dopantsand 6 where 2DHSs reside in the SiGe channels. The inte- reduce defects. Second, in the SOI piece, the shield and 6 ger quantum Hall effect (IQHE) is also observed. At gate conducting layers are formed by double boron ion 3 lower magnetic fields, Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscilla- implantation, and a cloverleaf-shaped cavity is created . 1 tions show a beating pattern, which is due to the zero- bydryetching. Finally,theSi(111)pieceisH-terminated 0 field spin splitting.11 In silicon, the spin-orbit effects lift by immersing it in an ammonium fluoride solution, and 2 the spin-degeneracy of the heavy hole subband even in then these two pieces are contact bonded in a vacuum 1 a zero external magnetic field. The zero-field spin split- chamber. The detailed fabrication processes and the ba- v: ting is from the structure inversion asymmetry (SIA),12 sicoperatingprinciplehavebeendiscussedelsewhere.6,14 i and can be tuned by the external gate. The zero-field Here the SOI piece acts as a remote gate to induce a X spin splitting is of great interest because of its potential 2DHS at the Si(111) surface through the encapsulated r useinspintronicsdevices13 andinstudyingfundamental vacuumcavity. Thiscavityalsoprotectsthe airsensitive a physics.12 H-Si(111) surface. Compared to the Si/SiO interface in 2 ThevacuumFETdeviceincludestwopieces,asshown MOSFETs,thevacuum/H-Si(111)interfaceisatomically inFig.1. Oneisap− Si(111)piece(floatzone,resistance flatandhasmuchfewerdefects,leadingtoamuchhigher > 10000 Ω·cm), and the other is a silicon-on-insulator carrier mobility. (SOI) piece. First, four p+ contact regions are formed The devices are characterized in a dilution refrigera- in the Si(111) piece by ion implantation with 2.4×1015 tor with a base temperature of ∼ 70 mK. Longitudinal (R ) and Hall (R ) resistances are determined by Van xx xy derPauwmeasurementswiththestandardlow-frequency AClock-intechniqueusinga7Hz,100nAcurrentsource. a)To whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: AsshownintheinsertofFig.2,theVanderPauwgeom- [email protected] etryconsistsofacentercloverleaf-shaped2DHS,whichis b)Presentaddress: i SW,Arlington,VA22203,USA. electric field induced, and four heavily boron-dopedcon- 2 FIG.2. (Coloronline)Leftaxis: mobilityasafunctionofgate FIG.3. (Coloronline)LongitudinalresistancesR13,24,R12,34, voltageat70mKand4.2K.At70mK,thewildfluctuations andHallresistanceRxy vsperpendicularmagnetic fieldB at of themobility are duetothehigh contact resistances to the Vg = −90 V (p2d = 6.27 ×1011 cm−2) and T = 70 mK. 2DHS. Right axis: Hole density vs gate voltage. The hole Quantum Hall effect is observed near B = 5.2 T. The insert densities (triangles) are determined by the magnetic field B showsan enlarged section of R13,24,which exhibitsa beating at thefillingfactor ν =5minima: p =νeB/h. Thedashed pattern, and the arrow marks the node location (B = 1.14 2d lineisalinearfit. Insert: ontheSi(111)piece,VanderPauw T). geometryconsistsofacloverleaf-shaped2DHSwitha0.5×0.5 mm2 center square, and four heavily boron-doped contacts. below will focus on the data at |V |>60 V. g As evidence of the high mobility 2DHS, Fig. 3 shows tacts (labeled as 1, 2, 3, 4). Four-terminal resistance is the longitudinal (Rxx) and Hall (Rxy) resistances as a defined as Rij,lm = Vlm/Iij (i,j,l,m = 1,2,3,4), where function of perpendicular magnetic field B at Vg = −90 current Iij is fed from contact i to contact j, and volt- V(p2d =6.27×1011cm−2)andT=70mK.Theinteger age V is measured between contacts l and m. The quantum Hall effect (IQHE) is observed. At the vicinity lm sheet resistance is determined by the standard Van der of B = 5.2 T, Rxx approaches zero, and Rxy develops Pauwtechnique.15 AlthoughtheVanderPauwgeometry a plateau at ν = 5. Clear SdH oscillations appear at issymmetric, Rxx andRyy arefoundtodifferby∼35%, B field above 0.4 T. A close look at the trace of Rxx sothesheetresistance,aswellasthemobility,istheaver- reveals a beating pattern of the SdH oscillations with a ageofxandydirections.16Theanisotropycanbecaused node near B = 1.2 T, as shown in the insert of Fig. 3. bysomemechanismssuchasmiscut,disorder,strainand Although the beating pattern has been observed in p- the non-parabolicity of the valence band,7,8,17 but the channelSi(110) devices,3,5 to our best knowledge,this is exactsources are yet to be ascertained. Hole density p the first time it has been observed on a Si(111) surface. 2d isdeterminedbythemagneticfieldB atthefillingfactor The beating pattern can be explained by the spin-orbit ν =5 minimum of the longitudinalresistancecurve atT effects, althoughdifferent explanationsexist. It couldbe ∼ 1 K: p =νeB/h, where e is the electron charge and from gross inhomogeneities of the carrier density in the 2d hisPlanck’sconstant. Thedata(triangles)areshownin sample.18 Two samples from different wafers have been Fig. 2, and the dashed line is a linear fit. Hole densities measured, and both show a similar beating pattern. At up to 7.5×1011 cm−2 (Vg = −110 V) are obtained. If Vg = −90 V, the beating node is located at B = 1.14 T we use a parallel plate capacitor model, the equivalent for the device reported here, and it is at B =1.17 T for depth of the cavity is 759 nm, which is consistent with the other device. It is therefore highly unlikely that the themeasurementresultfromaprofilometer. Theextrap- gross inhomogeneities are the cause. olated threshold voltage is −3.9 V, which indicates the The beating pattern indicates that there are two density of the trapped chargeatthe surface ∼2.8×1010 closely spaced frequency components with similar am- cm−2. The mobility of the 2DHS is also shown in Fig. plitudes, arising from two populations of holes. The 2, and the peak mobility is about 9800 cm2/Vs at gate hole subband densities p+ and p− can be determined 2d 2d voltageV =−100V,T =70mK onthis device. This is by the Fourier analysis of the SdH oscillations with g oneorderofmagnitudehigherthantheholemobilityofa p± = g ef±/h, where g is the degeneracy factor, f+ 2d s s Si(111) MOSFET.4 The contact resistances between the and f− are the frequencies of the SdH oscillations (Fig. contactsandthe2DHSincreasedramaticallyat|V |<60 4(b)).19,20 HereR vsB−1 datainthe range0.2<B < g xx V,whenthetemperatureisloweredfrom4.2Kto70mK. 4T areFouriertransformedaftersubtractionofaslowly For example, they increase from ∼ 20 KΩ to ∼ 400 KΩ varying background, and peak locations are used as the at V = −50 V. It is difficult to get reliable measure- frequencies of the SdH oscillations. For |V | ≥ 85 V g g ments at this region, and the calculated mobility shows (with two well-resolved peaks), g must be 1 in order s spuriouswildfluctuations atT =70mK.Ourdiscussion to have the sum of the subband densities equal to the 3 clotron frequency.11 The sum of these two components leads to the modulation of the SdH oscillations given by A ∼ cos(πδ/~ω ). Beating nodes are located at c δ/~ω = n = ±0.5, ±1.5, etc. Only one node is clearly c identified near B ∼ 1.2 T (Fig. 3). Fig. 4(a) shows the SdH oscillations in terms of filling factor ν at V = −90 g V. At ν < 22.7, the minima of the SdH oscillations are at the odd numbers of ν. At ν > 22.7, the minima are at the even numbers of ν. This manifests the transition across the node. We assume that the node corresponds to n = 0.5 (highest-field), because the n = 0.5 node is most easily observed, and there is no other node up to 6 T.13 The n = 1.5 node is estimated to be around B ∼ 0.4 T, one third of the n = 0.5 node, so it is dif- ficult to observe for this device. From the node loca- tionB , the totalspin splitting canbe determinedby node δ = 0.5~ω = (e~/m∗)(0.5B ), where m∗ is the effec- c node tive hole mass. In Fig. 4(c), the total spin splitting δ is described by m∗δ/e~=0.5B . node In theories of the spin-orbit interaction, spin split- ting can have complicated B dependence.12 The total spin splitting δ can be expanded as δ = δ +δ (~ω )+ 0 1 c δ (~ω )2 + ..., where δ is the zero-field spin splitting, 2 c 0 δ (~ω ) is the linear splitting, etc.11 For low magnetic 1 c fields, if only the first two terms are considered, then A∼cos(πδ /~ω +πδ ). The frequencies f± of the SdH 0 c 1 oscillationscanbe usedto determined the zero-fieldspin splitting by δ = (e~/m∗)(f+ −f−). So the zero-field 0 spinsplittingδ canbedescribedbym∗δ /e~=f+−f−, 0 0 alsoshowninFig.4(c). Therearetwoimportantfeatures in the data. First, the zero-field spin splitting increases with increasing perpendicular electric field E . Second, z at |V | ≥ 85 V, δ > δ, which means that a perpendic- g 0 FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) ∆R13,24(=R13,24(B)−R13,24(0)), ular magnetic field can reduce the spin splitting. More ∆R12,34(= R12,34(B)−R12,34(0)) vs filling factor ν at Vg = detailed analysis is needed to better appreciate the re- −90 V and T = 70 mK. The corresponding magnetic field B sults. These topics will be explored in future studies. is shown on the top axis. The node location (B = 1.14 T) In conclusion, the vacuum FET technique has been is marked by an arrow. Across the node, the minima change demonstrated to create high mobility 2DHSs in Si(111). from the odd numbers of ν to the even numbers of ν. (b) Inthese highmobility2DHSs,weareabletoobservethe Fourier power spectra of the SdH oscillations (R13,24) at dif- IQHE,andthebeatingpatternoftheSdHoscillationson ferent gate voltages. Maximum peak amplitudes are normal- Si(111) surfaces, which are difficult to reach previously. izedto1. AtVg =−90V,thesolidlineisthepowerspectrum There are many interesting questions yet to be resolved, ofR13,24,andthedottedlineisthepowerspectrumofR12,34. suchasthenon-parabolicvalencebandstructureandthe (c) Zero-field spin splitting and total spin splitting (both di- vided by e~/m∗) vs gate voltage. Zero-field spin splitting is spin-orbiteffects. Ourhighmobility2DHSsopenupnew determined by Fourier power spectrum (b). The total spin opportunitiesto explorefundamentalphysicsinthe two- splitting is determined by the node location (a), and the er- dimensional hole systems. In addition, with the ability rorbarsareestimatedbytheerrorbound[ν −1,ν +1], to create both a 2DES anda 2DHS on a Si(111)surface, node node where νnode is thenode location in terms of filling factor. it is straightforwardto develop a bipolar surface device. This work was funded by the Laboratory for Physi- cal Sciences. The authors are grateful to Oney Soykal, total density, so these two components can only be from Charles Tahan, Kevin Eng, and Kei Takashina for in- onesubbandwithtwospin-splitlevels,i.e. twospin-split sightful discussions and technical help. subbands. 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