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High latitude gas in the Beta Pictoris system. A possible origin related to Falling Evaporating Bodies PDF

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Preview High latitude gas in the Beta Pictoris system. A possible origin related to Falling Evaporating Bodies

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.bp3d c ESO2008 (cid:13) February5,2008 High latitude gas in the β Pictoris system A possible origin related to Falling Evaporating Bodies 7 0 H.BeustandP.Valiron 0 2 Laboratoired’AstrophysiquedeGrenoble,UMR5571C.N.R.S.,Universite´J.Fourier,B.P.53,F-38041GrenobleCedex9,France n a J Preprintonlineversion:February5,2008 9 ABSTRACT 1 v Context.The puzzling detection of Ca ions at fairly high latitude (> 30 ) above the outer parts of the βPictoris circumstellar disk was ◦ 1 recentlyreported.Surprisingly,thisdetectiondoesnotextendtoNaa∼toms,incontradictionwithourmodellingoftheemissionlinesinand 4 outofthemid-planeofthedisk. 2 Aims.Wepropose that the presence of theseoff-plane Caions (andtoalesser extent Featoms), and thenon-detection of off-plane Na 1 atoms, could be the consequence of the evaporation process of Falling Evaporating Bodies (FEBs), i.e., star-grazing planetesimals that 0 evaporateintheimmediatevicinityofthestar. 7 0 Methods.Our model is two-fold. Firstly, we show numerically and theoretically that in the star-grazing regime, the FEBs are subject to / inclinationoscillationsupto30–40◦,andthatmostmetallicspeciesreleasedduringeachFEBsublimationkeeptrackoftheirinitialorbital h inclinationwhilestartingafreeexpansionawayfromthestar,blownoutbyastrongradiationpressure.Secondly,theoff-planeCaandFe p speciesmustbestoppedpriortotheirdetectionatrestwithrespecttothestar,about100AUaway.Werevisittheroleofenergeticcollisional - o processes,andweinvestigatethepossibleinfluenceofmagneticinteractions. r Results.Thisdynamicalprocessofinclinationoscillationsexplainsthepresenceofoff-planeCa(andFe).Italsoaccountsfortheabsence st of Nabecause oncereleasedby theFEBs,theseatomsarequickly photoionized and nolonger undergo anysignificant radiationpressure. a Our numerical simulations demonstrate that the deceleration of metallicions can be achieved very efficientlyif the ionsencounter a dilute v: neutralgaseousmedium.TherequiredHcolumndensityisreducedto 1017cm−2,oneorderofmagnitudebelowpresentdetectionlimits. ∼ i Wealsoinvestigatethepossibilitythattheionsaresloweddownmagnetically.Whilethesoleactionofamagneticfieldoftheorderof1µGis X noteffective,thecombinedeffectofmagneticandcollisionaldecelerationprocessesleadtoanadditionalloweringoftherequiredHcolumn r densitybyoneorderofmagnitude. a Keywords.Stars:circumstellarmatter–Starsindividual:βPic–Methods:analytical–Celestialmechanics–Methods:numerical–Planetary systems:protoplanetarydisks–Molecularprocesses–Magneticfields 1. Introduction a protoplanetary disk, meaning that planet formation already should have had enough time to occur. Indeed, although no The dusty and gaseous disk surrounding the young main- direct planet detection has been made so far, several indirect sequence star β Pictoris has been the subject of intense in- observationalfactssuggestthatplanetsarepresentinthedisk. vestigation since its discovery (Smith&Terrile 1984). The This mainly concerns asymmetries found in the disk images main motivation for these studies is that this disk constitutes from both scattered stellar light by the dust (Kalas&Jewitt the most convincing example of a probable young extrasolar 1995; Heapetal. 2000) and thermal emission by the dust planetary system, possibly analogous to the early solar sys- (Weinbergeretal.2003),thathavebeenmodelledasresulting tem. β Pic is a young star, but it is not a pre-main sequence fromthegravitationalperturbationsbyoneJupiter-sizedplanet star. Its age has been subject to controversy in past years, (Mouilletetal.1997;Heapetal.2000;Augereauetal.2001). but successive determinations based on the kinematics of the The gaseous counterpart of the dust disk was detected socalled β Pictoris moving group (BarradoyNavascue´setal. in absorption in the stellar spectrum (Hobbsetal. 1985), and 1999;Zuckermanetal.2001;Ortegaetal.2004)leadtoamost has been regularly observed since that time. Observations recent estimate of 11.2Myr (Ortegaetal. 2004). This shows of many metallic species such as Na, Ca, Fe...have that its disk should be called a young planetary rather than been reported (Vidal-Madjaretal. 1994), extending more re- Sendoffprintrequeststo:H.Beust cently to more fragile species like CO (Jollyetal. 1998; Correspondenceto:[email protected] LecavelierdesEtangsetal.2001). 2 BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem Thegaswasfirstdetectedatrestwithrespecttothestar,but themainparameterbeingtheintegratedHcolumndensity,of Doppler-shifted,highlytime-variablecomponentsareregularly theorderof1018cm 2.Detailedmodellingshowsthatallstable − observed in the spectral lines of many elements (Ferletet.al. circumstellarlinescanbereproducedthisway. 1987; Lagrangeetal. 1996; Petterson&Tobin 1999). These Inarecentpaper,Brandekeretal.(2004,hereafterB04)re- transient spectral events have been successfully modelled as portthedetectionwithVLT/UVESofemissionlinesofmetals resultingfromthesublimationofnumerousstar-grazingplan- (Fe, Na, Ca) in the β Pic disk, i.e., away from the direc- etesimals(severalhundredperyear)intheimmediatevicinity tionofthestar.Theyreportthedetectionof NaandFeupto ofthestar(seeBeustetal.1998,1996,andrefs.therein).This more than 300AU from the star. Na was resolved earlier by scenariohasbeentermedtheFallingEvaporatingBodiessce- Olofssonetal.(2001),butthedetectionofB04extendsfurther nario(FEBs). out.H wasalsoclaimedtobedetectedinemissionbyThietal. 2 From a dynamical point of view, the origin of these nu- (2001),implyinghugequantities( 50M )intheβPicsystem, merous star-grazers seem to be related to mean-motion res- ∼ ⊕ butthiswasquestionedbyLecavelierdesEtangsetal.(2001), onances (mainly 4:1 and 3:1) with a Jovian planet orbit- whoreportedfromFUSE/LYMANobservationsanupperlimit ing the star on a moderately eccentric orbit (e′ ≃ 0.07– N(H2)<1018cm−2fortheH2columndensitytowardsβPic. 0.1) (Beust&Morbidelli1996, 2000). In this contextthough, ∼ AparticularlypuzzlingoutcomeoftheB04observationsis the suspected resonance reservoirs are expected to clear out thedetectionof Caemissionatfairlyhighlatitudeabovethe very quickly. In The´bault&Beust (2001), it was shown that mid-planeof the disk. Ca is detectedat 77AU heightabove collisions among the population of the planetesimals con- and below the mid-planeat 116AU fromthe star. This corre- stituting the disk could help replenish the resonances from sponds to an inclination of 33 above the mid-plane. At this adjacent regions and subsequently sustain the FEB activity. ◦ distance, Ca is detectedin both branchesof the disk and on However,therearestillunsolvedquestionsconcerningthissce- bothsidesofthemid-plane,andtheemissionat33 inclination nario. The main one concerns the amount of material avail- ◦ largelyovercomesthatinthe mid-plane.Surprisingly,the Fe able (The´baultetal. 2003). There is a large discrepancy be- and Na emission do not exhibitsuch a structuring.It is con- tween the number of planetesimals deduced from the FEB verselyconcentratedinthemid-planeofthedisk.However,the modelandthatdeducedfroman extrapolationofthe dustob- FeemissionisbroaderthantheNa. Atthe heightabovethe served populationup to kilometre-sized bodies. We neverthe- mid-planecorrespondingtothepeakemissionintheCalines, lessnoteinThe´baultetal.(2003)thatthemassdetermination theFeisstilldetected.Thegassharesthesameradialvelocity ofThe´bault&Beust(2001)fromtheFEBscenarioisveryim- asthestarwithin1or2kms 1 atmost. precise as it is indirect. Indeed if the collisions are supple- − mented by some more violent transport processes, then the There is no straightforward explanation for the presence planetesimals population required to sustain the FEB activity of species like Ca at such latitudes above the disk, nor for couldbemuchlower. the absence of other species. The purpose of this paper is to An important outcome of this model is that it implies an proposethatthisgascouldconstitutematerialreleasedbythe important reservoir of planetesimals in the disk and the pres- FEBs in the vicinity ofthe star, first blownawayby radiation enceofatleastonegiantplanetat 10AUfromthestar.This pressure, and then stopped far away from the star by friction isanotherargumentinfavourofth∼epresenceofplanetsinthe with some gaseous medium, and/or by magnetic interaction. βPicdisk.Moreover,thepresenceofnumerousplanetesimals The Ca and possibly the Fe reach a significant inclination isalsoarequirementofthedustmodels.Duetoanintenseradi- because the parent bodies(the FEBs) initially orbiting within ationpressure,manydustparticlesshouldbequicklyremoved theplaneofthediskundergoinclinationoscillationsupsosev- fromthesystem.Theparticlesobservedconsistofsecondgen- eraltensofdegreeswhentheyreachthestar-grazerstate.Once erationmaterialcontinuouslyreplenishedfrominsidethedisk released by the FEBs, the ions keep track of that inclination. byplanetesimals,eitherby slowevaporation(Lecavelieretal. InSect.2,wemodeltheformationoftheemissionlinesinand 1996) or by collisions (Artymowicz 1997). This justifies the outofthemid-planeofthedisk.Weshowthatalltheemissions name second generation or debris disks given to the β Pic are compatiblewith solar relativeabundancesbetweentheel- diskandothersimilar disks,suchasthe HD141569disk(see ementsunderconsideration,exceptthatsodiumshouldneces- Augereau&Papaloizou2004,andrefs.therein). sarilynotbepresent(orstronglydepleted)inthehighlatitude Radiation pressure affectsnotonly dustparticles, butalso gas. In Sect. 3, we expose the dynamicalmodelfor high lati- themetallicspeciesseeninabsorptionwithrespecttothestar. tude gas generation,and we detail the theoreticalbackground Many of them undergo a radiation force from the star that forinclinationoscillationsintheFEBstate.Weshowthatdue largely overcomes the stellar gravity (Lagrangeetal. 1998). to a negligible radiation pressure on Na, sodium should not This is for instance the case of Ca for which the radiation bepresentinthisgas,inagreementwiththeobservations. pressureis35timeslargerthanthestellargravity.Thisseems InSect.4,weinvestigatehowtheCaionscouldbeslowed in contradictionwith the detectionofcircumstellar gasat rest down at the stellar distance they are observed. We show that with respect to the star. Lagrangeetal. (1998) suggested that thisdecelerationcanbeachievedbycollisionwithadiluteneu- this stable gas was produced from inside by the FEBs them- tral medium, and we discuss the role of elastic and inelastic selves,thatitisthenblownawaybytheradiationpressure,and collisionalprocesses.Wealsodiscusstheeffectofanon-radial afterwardssloweddownbyadenseenoughHringwhereitac- magneticfield. While the magnetic field in itself is inefficient cumulates.Theexactshapeofthisringisoflittleimportance, to deceleratetheions,we showthatitspresenceincreasesthe BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem 3 Table1.Measuredcircumstellarratios,andsimulatedemission latitude),wemayestimatetheincomingkineticenergyflux F intensitiesforthetransitionsunderconsideration.Thecircum- at100AUas stellarfactorsaretakenfromcalibratedESO/HARPSspectraof 1 Nmv2 βPic(GallandF.,privatecommunication).Theemissioninten- F = 0.2ergcm 2s 1 , (1) − − 24πd2sinα ∼ sities(giveninarbitraryunits)outofthemid-planearederived from the C run and those in the midplane are estimated wherev 1000kms 1isthevelocityoftheincomingionsand − ≃ bymultiplyingtheformeronesbythecircumstellarfactors. m is the average mass of the FEBs. This kinetic energyheats thelocalHgasoveradistancecorrespondingtothestopping Transition Circumstellar Emission Emission path of the metallic ions. This depends on the density of the factor intensity intensity local gas, but we see in Sect. 4 that an H column density of abovethemid-plane inthemid-plane 1017cm 2 isexpectedtobesufficienttostoptheionsovera − ∼ NaD 0.91 12.5 11.4 distanceofafewAU. NaD1 0.90 24.8 22.3 We thusdecidedto performrunsof C with an extra CaK2 0.033 15.8 0.521 heatingsource,withavolume-heatingrate(parameterhextra) CaH 0.0057 15.6 0.0889 corresponding to the incoming kinetic energy flux deposited Fe3859Å 0.86 23.9 20.55 overthestoppingdistance.We performedseveralrunsforhy- drogen densities ranging between 106 and 1010cm 3. The re- − sult listed in Table 1 are for 107cm 3. For other values, the − absolutevaluesoftheemissionschanges,buttheirrelativebe- efficiencyofthedecelerationbyaneutralmediumbyanorder haviourremainscomparable. ofmagnitudeormore. In almost all runs the same line behaviour is reported (Table 1): The Ca K and H emissions are comparable, the Ca K emission beingslightlystronger;the NaD emission 2 2. Modellingtheemissionlines is typically twice as strong as the Ca K one, while the Fe emissionisasstrongastheNaone.Thereisonlylittlevaria- Our first task is to modelthe emission lines of Ca, Na and tionbetweenthe“hot”and“cool”cases. Fe observed in and out of the mid-plane of the disk, as ob- This simulation is intended to hold for the gas out of served by B04. We focus on the Ca K and H lines, the Na the disk mid-plane. The spectrum of β Pic as seen from D andD lines,andtheFeλ=3859Åline.Themodellingis 1 2 Earth is known to present stable circumstellar components doneusingtheradiativetransfercodeCbyFerlandetal. (Lagrangeetal. 1998) due to the gaseous counterpart of the (1998). disk.Thesecomponenentsappearassharp( 0.1Åwide)ad- We takethesyntheticA9(Kurucz1991) stellarmodel ditionalabsorptionsatthebottomoftherotat∼ionallybroadened forβPicwithTeff =8100K,logg=4.207andatotalluminos- photosphericstellarlines. ityof8.7L .Weputgasat116AUfromthestarandcompute Thereisamajordifferencebetweenionslocatedinandout ⊙ the line emission. The chemicalcompositionof the gas is as- of the mid-plane of the disk : the former ones see a stellar sumedtobesolar.Thegasismodelledasa10AU widelayer spectrum with these circumstellar components, while the lat- withsolarcompositionandagivenhydrogendensity. ter onessee a stellar spectrumwithout these components(be- Withoutanyadditionalenergysourceotherthanthestellar cause they view the star across the disk, as Earth observers). radiationflux,theemissioninalllinesascomputedbyC TheA9stellarmodeldoesnottakeintoaccountthesecir- appears negligible, because the gas remains very cold (a few cumstellarabsorptions.Hencewemustaddthemtothemodel. Kelvins). Thus, in order to generate detectable lines, the gas Unfortunately, adding additional spectral absorptions to the mustbeheatedbysomeenergysource.Therecanbesometur- stellarmodelsprovidedisnotastandardprocedureforC. bulence,butinthe frameworkofourmodel,thestrongdecel- Itis thusnotpossibleto accuratelymodelthe emissionin the erationoftheweakfluxofincomingmetallicionsmightcon- mid-planeof the disk. A first orderapproximationin orderto stituteasufficientheatingsource.Inthefollowingwethusas- take these absorptions into account is to apply reduction fac- sumetheemissionlinestobeexcitedthermally.Theincoming torsofthestellarfluxtoionsinthemid-planeofthedisk(and ions,onceblownawaybytheradiationpressure,reachaveloc- onlytothem).Thesefactorsaredefinedastheratioofthestel- ityof 103kms 1 at100AU.ThevarioussurveysoftheFEB lar flux at the bottom of the circumstellar additional absorp- − ∼ activity towards β Pic (Beustetal. 1996) led to estimate that tions(ifpresent)tothefluxatthebottomofthecorresponding oneroughly1kilometer-sizedbodyisdestroyedinfrontofthe photosphericlines(orequivalentlythetopofthecircumstellar line ofsighteveryday,with temporalfluctuationsaroundone lines).TheyaresimplymeasuredfromobservedβPicspectra. orderofmagnitude.AssumingthatnotallFEBscrosstheline We used ESO/HARPS spectra communicated by F. Galland. of sight, we estimate the total numberof FEBs evaporatedas ThefactorsarelistedinTable1.Wenotethatthecircumstellar N = 10 per day. Taking kilometer-sized bodies with an av- linesareparticularlydeepfortheCalines. ∼ erage density of 2gcm 3, assuming that half of their mass is Inordertoderivearoughestimateofthelineemissions,we − madeofmetallicionsthatarepushedawaybyradiationpres- mayassumethattheemission isproportionalto theincoming sure, and assuming that the ions spread over an open cone of flux.Thisonlyappliesifthelinesareopticallythin,buttheratio α = 30 half-openingangle(inordertodisperseionsatthat of2betweentheNaD andD emissionshowsthatthisisthe ◦ 2 1 ∼ 4 BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem casehere.WeapplythecircumstellarfactorsofTable1tothe Star-grazersmaybeproducedfromadiskofplanetesimals emission intensities derivedfrom C with no circumstel- by planetary perturbations. The most efficient mechanism is lar absorptions. The ratio between Na and Fe emissions re- theKozairesonance(Kozai1962),whichconcernsbodiesthat mainsunchanged(thankstosimilarcircumstellarfactors),but haveinitialhighinclinationwithrespecttotheorbitalplaneof the Ca emissions (in both lines) appears now far weaker (a theplanetarysystem.Undersecularperturbations,theinitially fewhundredthinrelativeintensity)thantheNaandFeones. highly inclinedbodyis periodicallydrivento low inclination, Theobservationalconstrainstofulfill(B04)arethefollow- but very eccentric, star-grazing orbits. This mechanism is re- ing:Inthe mid-plane,the Ca emissionis smallcomparedto sponsible for most of the sun-grazing bodies reported in the theNaandFeones;theNaD toNaD ratioiscloseto2, SolarSystem,suchastheKreutzgroup(Baileyetal.1992). 2 1 showingthattheemissionisopticallythin;theemissioninthe However,theKozairesonanceisduetothesecular,circu- Feλ = 3859Ålineis comparabletothatin theNaD line. lar partofthe interactionHamiltonianwith the planet(s).It is 2 Outofthemid-plane,theCaemissiondominates,buttheFe therefore invariantwith respect to any rotation in the planet’s linemaystillbedetected,becausethewingofthelineismuch orbitalplane.BodiesdrivenbytheKozaimechanismare thus largerthanfortheNalines;theCaKtoCaHratioisclose expectedtoreachtheFEBstatewithrandomorbitorientations. toone. Thisdoesnotmatchthe statistics ofthe Dopplervelocitiesof Our simple model succeeds in reproducing the emissions the variable spectral events observed, which shows a strong in the mid-plane.Outof the mid-planethough,the Na emis- biastowardsredshifts.MostofthesuspectedFEBssharesome sionisalwaysstrongerthantheCaoneandcomparabletothe kind of commonpreferredperiastron orientation range which Feone.Itisthusimpossibletosimultaneouslyhavea strong isnotcompatiblewiththeKozairesonance(Beustetal.1996). Caemission,aFeemissionafewtimesweaker,andanun- Beust&Morbidelli (1996) proposed that the FEBs could detectableNaemission.Theonlypossibilityistoexcludethe be generated by another mechanism involving mean-motion hypothesisofsolarcomposition. resonanceswithatleastonemajorperturbingplanet.Thesecu- larmotionofbodiestrappedinagivenmean-motionresonance Wecomethereforetothefollowingconclusions:1)forthe with a planet is usually characterised by coupled oscillations emissioninthemid-plane,theobservationscanbereproduced of the semi-major axis and the eccentricity around a median assumingsolar relativeabundancesbetweeniron,sodiumand calcium;2)outofthemid-plane,theFeandCalineintensi- value, but if the planet’s orbit is slightly eccentric, these os- cillations are superimposedon a long-termdriftof the eccen- tiescanbeconsistentlysimulatedassumingsolarrelativeabun- dances; 3) the non-detectionof Na emission out of the mid- tricity that can in some cases bring it to star-grazing values. Yoshikawa (1989) showed that these changes are particularly planecannotbeexplainedintheseconditions,unlesssodiumis importantforresonances4:1,3:1and5:2.Beust&Morbidelli stronglydepletedwith respectto solar abundance.The model (1996) showed that the 4:1 resonance is a potential source of presentedin nextSectionprovidesa plausibleexplanationfor FEBs via this mechanism,and in The´bault&Beust (2001), it suchsodiumdepletion. was shown that the 3:1 may also contribute to the FEB phe- nomenon. The planet’s eccentricity e does not need to be ′ very high; e > 0.05 is enough, e = 0.07 or 0.1 being typ- 3. FallingEvaporatingBodiesandhighlatitude ′ ′ ical convenien∼t values. Such eccentricity values are regularly ions reached by Jupiter due to its secular evolution. This mech- 3.1.Generalfeatures anism is close to the one that gave birth to the Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt, even if in the latter case, the over- We propose an origin for the high latitude ions observed by lapping of mean-motion resonances with secular resonances B04. Two facts need to be explained: i) Why are there large considerably enhances the mechanism (Morbidelli&Moons amounts of gas at 30◦ above the mid-plane of the disk ? ii) 1993; Moons&Morbidelli 1995; Morbidelli&Moons 1995; Whydoessodiumseemnottobepresentinthisgas?Wepro- Farinellaetal.1994).We cannotexcludethisenhancementas posethatthishighlatitudegascouldbeproducedbytheFalling beingeffectiveintheβPicsystem(thiswouldimplythepres- EvaporatingBodies(FEBs). enceofmorethanoneplanet),butthereisnowaytoconstrain TheFEBsarestar-grazingbodiesthatfullyevaporateinthe it. We are perhaps witnessing in the β Pic system a process vicinity of the star. Dynamicallyspeaking,they are planetesi- similartowhatoccurredintheSolarSystem,asitwasofcom- malsthathavebeenextractedfromthediskorbitingthestarand parableagetoβPics´currentage. driven to high eccentricity orbits. They enter the FEB regime Due to this mean-motion resonance mechanism, a given whentheirperiastronreachesathresholdvalue( 0.4AU)that body,initiallyorbitingthestarin3:1or4:1mean-motionres- ∼ allows the refractorymaterial to evaporate.The details of the onance with a Jupiter-sized planet, may reach the FEB state evaporationprocessofthebodiesastheirperiastrondecreases within 104 orbital periods of the planet. Contrary to the ∼ down to a few stellar radii are described in Karmannetal. Kozai case, the periastron longitudes of the FEBs at high (2003). The bodies start to evaporate at each periastron pas- eccentricity are now constrained by that of the perturbing sage,andtheirevaporationrateincreasesastheperiastrondis- planet, and share some common orientation in closer agree- tance gets smaller. For the sizes considered ( 10km), the ment with the observations. This scenario was numerically ∼ FEBs are fullyevaporatedwhentheyreacha periastronvalue tested over a large number of particles (Beust&Morbidelli q 0.15 0.05AU. 2000; The´bault&Beust 2001), using the popular symplectic ≃ ± BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem 5 ticletrappedin4:1resonancewithaplanetorbitingβPic.The particlestartsateccentricitye = 0.05andevolvestowardsthe FEB state ate 1(the peakeccentricityis about0.998),and ≃ thenstartsadecreaseofitseccentricity.Ofcoursethedecrease phase is purely fictitious, as a real FEB would be destroyed bythesuccessiveperiastronpassagesatpeakeccentricity.The inclination, initially set at 2 , remains small for 105yr and ◦ ≃ thenstartsoscillationsthatbringsitfarabovetheinitialvalue, up to 40 . This oscillation regime stops after 2.5 105yr; ◦ it correspondsto the high eccentricity phase, w∼hen e×> 0.85. ∼ Hence the FEBs may remain within the disk during most of their secular evolution, but finish in the FEB state with incli- nationsthatmightbringthemsignificantlyoutofthedisk.The FEB themselves do not have excursions far out of the plane ofthedisk,because,aswewillseebelow,whentheirinclina- tion is high, their argument of periastron ω is close to 0 or ◦ 180 .Thiscausesthemajoraxisoftheirorbittolieroughlyin ◦ theplaneofthediskatthetimetheinclinationishigh.Asthe orbitis veryeccentric,the verticalexcursionofthe particle is limited. This is why this effect, present in the simulations of Beust&Morbidelli(2000)andThe´bault&Beust(2001),does not have much influence on the visibility of the FEBs (they needtocrossthelineofsighttobedetectedinabsorption). What is true for the parent body is not necessary true for itsbyproducts.ThemetallicionsreleasedbytheFEBssuchas Ca start to expand radially around the nucleus and stay for a whileinasurroundingcloudthatenablestheFEBtobede- tectedin absorptionwhenitcrossesthelineofsight;butthey are quickly expelled from there by the intense radiation pres- suretheysufferandthenstartafreeexpansionoutofthesys- Fig.1. Temporalevolutionof the eccentricity(top)andof the tem.Thisprocessisextensivelydescribedindedicatedsimula- inclination (bottom) of a typical particle trapped in 4:1 reso- tionsinBeustetal.(1990,1996,1998).Dynamicallyspeaking, nance with a planet orbiting βPic at 10AU with eccentricity theratiooftheradiationpressuretostellargravityisaconstant e = 0.07.Theplanet’smassis1/1000ofthatofthestar. The ′ (usually noted β) for a given ion or dust grain. This is equiv- initialeccentricityoftheparticleis0.05anditsinitialinclina- alenttotheviewthatwithradiationpressure,theionfeelsthe tionis2 . ◦ gravityofstarasifitsmasswasmultipliedby1 β.ForCa, − β > 1 (β = 35), so that the ions feel a negativemass and are integration package SWIFT MVS (Wisdom&Holman 1991; stronglyrepelledbythestar.Theyneverthelessfollowapurely Levison&Duncan 1994). It was shown that the suspected Keplerianorbit,namelya hyperbolicrepulsiveone,similar to mechanism was able to fairly well match the statistics of the therelativemotionoftwochargedparticleswithchargesofthe observed FEB velocities, provided the orbit of the perturbing samesign.Thisorbitisverydifferenttothatoftheparentbody. planetadoptsagivenlongitudeofperiastronwithrespecttothe Bothorbitssharehoweverthesameorbitalplane.Indeed,the lineofsight.Ifthediskofplanetesimalsholdsalargeenough ejection velocity of the material escaped from the FEB (typi- population of bodies, collisions may help refill the resonance cally 1kms 1; see refs. in Beustetal. 1996) is very small − ∼ andsustaintheFEBactivity(The´bault&Beust2001). comparedtotheorbitalvelocityoftheFEBitselfatafewstel- TheorbitsoftheFEBprogenitorsinthemean-motionres- lar radii from the star (typically several hundreds of kms 1). − onancesaresupposedtoberoughlycoplanarwiththeplaneof The Ca ions may thus be considered with reasonable accu- the disk. Inthe simulationsof Beust&Morbidelli(2000) and racytohavethe sameorbitalvelocityatejectiontimeastheir The´bault&Beust(2001),theinitialinclinationsoftheparticles parent body. Both Keplerian orbits are very different because withrespecttotheorbitoftheperturbingplanetwereinitially of radiation pressure, but they share roughly the same orbital chosen as less than 5 and 3 respectively, in order to mimic plane. In particular, the Ca ions keep memoryof the orbital ◦ ◦ thetypicaldistributionwithinacoldplanetesimaldisk.During inclinationoftheirparentbodyatejectiontime,evenifthisin- theirevolutionwithintheresonance,aslongastheireccentric- clination is large thanksto inclinationoscillationsin the FEB itygrows,theinclinationoftheparticlesremainssmall,butas state.Butcontrarytotheparentbody,theorbitofCaionsare theyreachtheFEBstateclosetoe 1,theirinclinationissub- notconfinedclosetotheplane.Asexplainedabove,theargu- ≃ jecttooscillationsoflargeramplitude,uptoseveraltensofde- mentofperiastronωoftheparentbodiesiscloseto0or180 in ◦ grees.ThisisillustratedinFig.1,whichshowsthesecularevo- thehighinclinationstate;thisforcestheFEBtoremaincloseto lutionoftheeccentricityandoftheinclinationofatypicalpar- themid-planeofthedisk.Duetoradiationpressure,theshape 6 BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem oftheCaionsisverydifferentfromthatoftheirparentbody, of σ around a stable position. If the planet’s orbit is circu- andtheirargumentofperiastronisnotconstrainedinthesame lar,thenthefollowingquantityisasecularconstantofmotion way. If they have a high initial inclination, they may evolve (Morbidelli&Moons1993;Moons&Morbidelli1995): far off the plane of the disk as they escape from the system. p+q If some dense mediumis presentat a given distance to brake N = (1 µ)a √1 e2cosi , (3) − p − − them, they may be detected as an extended emission signifi- ! p cantly above the plane such as in the B04 observation. Their whereeistheeccentricity,iistheinclination,andµisthemass detectionof Caat33 offthemid-planecouldthenwellcor- parameter,i.e. theratio of theplanet’smassto the totalmass. ◦ respond to ions that have been produced close to the star by Theinclinationoscillationsarecontrolledbythisparameter.If FEBswithsimilarinclination,andthathavefreelyescapedup theplanet’sorbitisnotcircular,thenstrictlyspeakingN isno to100AUbeforebeingstoppedthere. longerconstant,butastheplanet’seccentricitye ismoderate, ′ Then, why should this process only concern Ca and not itsvariationisslow. the other species detected in emission by B04 ? Iron and Considering the circular problem is equivalentto expand- sodium are byproducts of dust sublimation in FEBs like cal- ingtheHamiltonian inpowersofe′,andretainingonlythe H cium.ContrarytoCa,NaandFearequicklyphotoionized leadingterm.Theleading(circular)termisresponsibleforthe by the star in the FEB environment. Fe (like Fe) still un- σ-libration,butalsofortheinclinationoscillationsathighec- dergoes a radiation pressure that overcomes the stellar grav- centricity.Thehigherordertermsine′causeaslowdriftofthe ity (Lagrangeetal. 1998), so that iron is expected to behave N parameter.Thisdriftcandrivetheparticletohigheccentric- likecalcium.However,unlesstheelectronicdensityishigh,as ity, even in the planar problem; this is the way the FEBs are is the case in the vicinity of the mid-plane disk, iron remains generated. predominantlyin the Fe state whose spectral lines were not Finally, the dynamics of the particle is characterised by searched for by B04. Conversely, Na does not feel any no- threetime-scales:a first, smallonerelatedtotheσ-libration; ticeableradiationpressure,sothatonceproduced,theNaions asecond,largeronecharacterisingtheinclinationoscillations; keepfollowingthe originalorbitofthe FEB. Theymay after- a third, long one describing the secular eccentricity changes wardsdiffuseslowlyinthemid-planeofthedisk,buttheyare from 0to 1.Thesecondtime-scaleislargerthanthefirst ∼ ∼ notsubjecttoaquickoff-planeejectionliketheotherspecies. one,butsignificantlysmallerthanthethirdone.Henceduring Inthiscontext,wethusexpectthegasexpelledoff-planebythis one inclination oscillation, the value of N may be considered process to contain calcium and iron with solar relative abun- as constant, which is equivalent to considering the circular ∼ dances,butnosodium.Thismatchesouranalysisoftheemis- problem. sionlines. Inthecircularproblem,thesecularHamiltonian depends H Inthefollowingwedetailthetheoreticalbackgroundofthe onlyonthe inclinationiandontheargumentofperiastronω, origin of the inclination oscillations of the FEBs in high ec- once the value of N is fixed. It is possible to explore the dy- centricityregime,andweshowexamplesfromthesimulations namicsjustdrawinglevelcurvesof in (ω,i) plane,exactly H fromBeust&Morbidelli(2000)andThe´bault&Beust(2001). asdoneinBeust&Morbidelli(1996).ThisisdoneinFig.2for the4:1resonance,for4differentvaluesofN.Insteadofgiving the value of N, we give a value for the eccentricity and com- 3.2.Three-dimensionalmotioninmean-motion putethevalueofN thatgivesthiseccentricityvaluefori = 0. resonance Thevalueofµwasfixedto0.001astypicalforaJupiter-sized planet.ThevalueofN isindicatedaboveeachplot,andacor- The theoretical background for the FEB dynamics in mean- respondingeccentricityscale isgiventotherightoftheplots. motion resonance is described in Beust&Morbidelli (1996), Thefourplotscorrespondstoeccentricityvaluesati=0of0.5, but restricted to the planar case. Here we wish to extend it 0.8,0.9and0.99(thesevaluesappearatthelowerrightcorner tothree-dimensionalmotion.Wedescribetherestrictedthree- of the plots). In all these plots, the eccentricity variation over body problem, i.e., a problem where a mass-less test particle most of the plot is very moderate. Hence each of these plots orbitinga star is perturbedby a planetorbiting the star on an shouldberegardedasapictureofthedynamicsinagivenec- unperturbedKeplerianorbit. centricityregime.TheplotsofFig.2areequivalenttothoseof The full analytical analysis is presented in Appendix A. Fig.5fromMorbidelli&Moons(1993)forthe2:1resonance. We assume that the particle is locked in a (p+q) : p mean- Consider now a given particle trapped in the 4:1 reso- motion resonance with the planet. The resonant motion is nancewhichstartsitseccentricitygrowth.Inaloweccentricity usually described by the “critical angle of the resonance” σ regime, like the one for e = 0.5 (N = 1.973),the inclination (Moons&Morbidelli1995),with remainslowwhileωcirculates.Followingalevelcurveof , H p+q p if the inclinationis initially low (a few degrees),it undergoes σ= λ λ ̟ , (2) q ′− q − smallvariationsthatkeepitinthesamerange.Atahigherec- centricityregime,thephaseportraitchanges.WenoteinFig.2 whereλisthemeanlongitudeoftheparticlealongitsorbit;λ′ that two islands of libration for ω appear around ω = 90◦. ± isthesamefortheplanet;̟isthelongitudeofperiastron. However,theseislandsoflibrationdonotconcerntheparticles Non-resonantorbitsarecharacterisedbyamoreorlessreg- we are considering.Our particlesstart within theplane ofthe ular circulation of σ, while resonant orbits exhibit libration disk with an inclination that does not exceed a few degrees. BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem 7 Fig.2.LevelcurvesoftheHamiltonian inthe(ω,i)planeforthecircularproblem,forparticleshavingnegligibleσ-libration H amplitude,fordifferentvaluesoftheconstantparameterN.Theeccentricityscale(denoted“e”ontherightoftheplots)isrelated totheinclinationscaletotheleftbytheconstantvalueofN. Hence the curves they follow are those located below the is- Hamiltonian over the orbital motions of the planet and of landsof libration. For ourparticles, ω still circulates, but fol- the particles (Kinoshita&Nakai 1999). It is well known that lowingthelevelcurves,theinclinationiissubjectto periodic this Hamiltonian has a secular constant of motion which is jumpsuptopossiblyseveraltensofdegreeswhenωreaches0 the z-component of the angular momentum (or equivalently or π. The higher the eccentricity regime, the higher the incli- √1 e2cosi = cst). It is also well known that at high incli- − nation jumps. This is the origin of the inclinationoscillations nation,thisHamiltonianshowstwoislandsoflibrationin(i,ω) reportedinthenumericalintegration. spacearoundω = π/2,andthatparticlesmovingintheseis- ± This dynamics is a resonant version of the Kozai dy- lands evolve periodically from a high inclination and low ec- namics. In the non-resonant circular restricted problem, the centricity regime to a low inclination and high eccentricity. KozaiHamiltoniandescribesthe seculardynamicsofthe par- ThisbehaviourconstitutestheKozairesonance(Kozai1962). ticle. It is obtained by a double averaging of the original 8 BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem Beust&Morbidelli(2000)andThe´bault&Beust(2001).This isillustratedinFig.3.Inthisfigure,weconsideratypicalsim- ulationdescribedinBeust&Morbidelli(2000),withe =0.07 ′ and µ = 0.002. As described in that paper, the simulation is madeover104particlesinitiallychosenorbitingthestarin4:1 mean motionresonanceswith the perturbingplanets.The ini- tial eccentricities are randomly chosen 0.1 and the inclina- ≤ tions 5 . In Beust&Morbidelli (2000), it was shown that ◦ ≤ many of the particles evolve to the FEB regime, and we per- form statistics over the expected Doppler velocities when the FEBscrossthelineofsight.Thisstatisticappearsinagreement with the observational one. In Fig. 3, we display information abouttheinclinationsoftheparticleswhentheyareintheFEB regime.Morespecifically,wecountallperiastronpassagesfor the particleswithperiastronvaluesless than0.4AU (theFEB regime),andthatarenotyetdestroyedbyevaporation.Figure3 shows that the highest inclinationscorrespondto the smallest periastronvalues.Thisisinagreementwiththetheoryoutlined above (Fig. 2) which shows that the high inclination oscilla- tions are to be expected in the high eccentricity regime only, i.e. in the FEB regime. Fig. 3 also shows that whenever they reachhighinclinations,theFEBsassumeanargumentofperi- astroncloseto π/2.Thisisinagreementwiththetheory,and ± demonstratestherealityoftheproposedmechanism.Moreover, the concentration of points close to ω π/2 shows that the ± FEBsspendmoretimeinhighinclinationregimesthaninlow regimes. This is confirmeddirectly by the temporalevolution oftheinclinationinFig.1. Fig.3.Astatisticaltestoftheinclinationoscillationregimefor 4. Stoppingtheions FEBs. Theseresultsconcerna typicalsimulationdescribedin We showed in the previous section that, due to their inclina- Beust&Morbidelli(2000)withe =0.07andµ=0.002.Each ′ tionoscillations,theFEBsconstituteapotentialsourceofCa dot corresponds to a series of periastron passages of a body andFeionsthatmayescapefaroffthediskplane.Theseions thathasenteredtheFEBregime(periastron< 0.4),andthatis ∼ – being blown away by a strong radiation pressure – should not yet fully evaporated. Top plot : Inclination as a function accelerate mostly freely and reach the outer parts of the disk of periastron; Bottom plot : inclination as a function of the with high velocities, up to 1000kms 1. However,such ve- argumentofperiastronω ∼ − locitieswouldbeinsharpcontradictiontotheobservationsby B04,wheretheCa ionsare foundatrest with respecttothe star,about116AUaway.Thisimpliesthatsomeprocessisable The islands of libration in the plots of Fig. 2 describe a to efficiently slow downthe ions despite the intense radiation Kozairesonance,withinamean-motionresonance.Indeed,as pressuretheyundergo(β=35,seeabove). a is fixed the condition N = cst is exactly equivalent to the This issue was investigated recently by Ferna´ndezetal. Kozaicondition √1 e2cosi = cst. TheFEBs trappedin the (2006,hereafterF06),asmanymetallicspeciesareobservedat − 4:1resonancethatevolveatveryhigheccentricityregimesare restrelativetothestardespiteastrongradiationpressure.They concernedbythis,buttheyarenottrappedintotheKozaireso- identified three possible braking processes : collisions among nance,astheirargumentofperiastronωstillcirculates,andas ions, collisions with charged ions, and collisions with a neu- they periodically return to i 0. However the Kozai dynam- tral gas. Collisions among ions are very efficient (Beustetal. ≃ icsinfluencesthemandcausesperiodicinclinationjumpsupto 1989),andthewholeplasmatendstobehavelikeasinglefluid severaltensofdegrees,evenifthe initialinclinationis low(a withaweightedaverageβ.However,F06showthatunlesscar- fewdegrees). bon is overabundant, the fluid is still accelerated by the star. Collisions with charged grains are only efficient if the grains aremostlycarbonaceous.Moreover,athighlatitudeinthedisk 3.3.Testsoveralargenumberofbodies wheretheCaisobserved,thedensityofthedustislow(0.3% Totestthestatisticaleffectoftheeccentricityjumpsreported, ofthatofthemidplaneaccordingtotheprofilegivenbyF06). anumericaltestoveralargenumberofbodiesisnecessary.In Collisions with neutral gas are conversely a good candidate. factitwasnotnecessarytoperformnewsimulations.We just F06showedthataminimummassofneutralgasof 0.03M ∼ ⊕ takethe(stillavailable)resultsofthesimulationsdescribedin is enough to stop the ions. However, due to the high incom- BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem 9 ing velocity of the Ca ions, the basic analytic model must 4.1.1. Theanalyticalinduceddipolemodelandits be revised. We detail this below, and conclude that the actual limitations brakingisevenmoreeffectivethaninthebasicformulation. Wenowreviewthebasicmechanismofdeceleratingbyaneu- tralmedium,notingthatwedepartfromthesituationdescribed inLagrangeetal. (1998),intwopoints:i) thevolumedensity of the incoming ions and of the colliding medium is proba- 4.1.Stoppingwithgas blymuchlessat116AU and30 inclinationthanintheplane ◦ at a few AU; therefore no significant pressure effect is to be expected and the hydrodynamicdescription may be dropped; Neutral species like H or He or even H2 are not subject to ii) theincomingvelocityoftheCa ionsislikelytobemuch anysignificantradiationpressurefromthestar(Lagrangeetal. higher.Inthelimitingcaseofafreeballisticrunawaydrivenby 1998);theymaythusstayorbitinginaKeplerianwayatsome the radiativepressureofthe unobscuredstar, theresultingve- distance from the star. The incoming Ca ions may then col- locityis 1000kms 1,abouttwoordersofmagnitudehigher − lide into this buffer gasand be slowed down to negligibleve- ∼ thanwasconsideredinLagrangeetal.(1998). locity. This process was also invoked as a way to stop Ca A simple collisionaldeceleratingmechanismwas initially ionsafewAUfromthestarinordertogeneratethestablecir- describedinBeustetal.(1989)formoderatevelocities.When cumstellarCaabsorption(Lagrangeetal.1998).Inthatwork, a charged ion approaches a neutral atom, a dipole is induced weshowedthatacolumndensityof 1018cm 2 isenoughto − ontheneutralatom,fromwhichaninteractionresultsbetween slowdowntheCaions.Hereweinv∼estigatewhetherthesame the two particles that may be well described by the potential mechanismcouldalsoapplytodeceleratefasteroff-planeions. energy 1 αq2 The rapid off-planeions are not stopped at a few AU like V(r)= , (4) 4πǫ 2r4 0 thosethatstaywithintheplanebecausetheydonotencounter where α is the polarizability of the atom, r is the interaction any noticeable gaseous medium at their orbital inclination. distance,andqisthechargeoftheion,theothersymbolshav- Why should they be stopped around 116 AU ? We must as- ingtheirusualmeaning(McDaniel1964).Therelativemotion sume that at such a distance, the disk tends to flare. Hence in this potential cannot be solved exactly, but there is a criti- some dilute material could be present at 30 or more in the ◦ cal impact parameter b (that dependson the impact velocity outer disk while remaining absent in the inner disk. But why 0 v) separating two regimes : for b > b there is a minimum 116AU?Thisdistancecorrespondsapproximatelytotheloca- 0 approach distance between the particles preventing any close tionofthepowerlawbreak-upinthesurfacebrightnessradial collision;forb < b thisisnotso,andtheparticlesundergoa profileofthedisk (Heapetal.2000).Closer tothisthreshold, 0 thesurfacebrightnessdecreasesasr 1.1,whilefurtherawayit physical collision (see appendix B). A fairly correct approxi- − falls off much more steeply as r 5.5. This was interpreted by mationisthentoneglecttheeffectoftheencounterforb>b0, − andtoconsiderthatthemeanimpulsionlossbytheioninthe Augereauetal. (2001)as a consequenceofthe distributionof physicalcollision is µv, where µ is the reducedmass. The in- planetesimals in the disk. The dust particles are produced by teractioncrosssectionisthenπb2 andtheresultingdragforce theplanetesimalsandthenscatteredintotheouterdiskbythe 0 f isopposedtovelocity: stellarradiationpressure.Thepowerlawbreak-upat 120AU ∼ isconsistentwithaplanetesimaldiskpresentingarathersharp f = µπb2nvv , (5) outeredgelocatedatthisdistance(Augereauetal.2001).The − 0 planetesimalsdiskappearsthustobetruncatedatthesamedis- wherenisthenumbervolumedensityofneutrals.Theexpres- tance where the off-plane Ca ions stop. These facts may be sionofb (seeappendixB)is 0 related.Theflaring ofthe disk thatwe invokeat thatdistance forstoppingtheCaionscouldbeduetotheperturbationsby b = 1 4αq2 1/4 (6) successivestellarflybys,aswasinvokedbyLarwood&Kalas 0 4πǫ0 µv2 ! (2001) as an explanation for asymmetries and arc-like struc- so that the resulting force is proportional to the velocity: tures in the outer parts of the circumstellar dust disk. But the f = kvwith samemechanismcouldalsobeinvokedtoaccountforthetrun- − cation of the planetesimal disk at the same distance. Further 4µαq2 away than 120AU, the planetesimals are perturbed by stellar k=nπ . (7) s 4πǫ0 flybys, and may not remain in a thin disk. Also the planetes- imals themselves may not have had the opportunity to form We confirmedto within5%thissimpleanalyticalapproxima- there.Thestellar flybysmayhavescattered away(andproba- tion of the dragforce usingthe moregeneralnumericaltreat- blyintheverticaldirection)theinitialmaterialfromwhichthe mentdescribedlateron. planetesimalswereexpectedto form.Thus,theβPic diskbe- However this induced dipole regime holds as long as the yond120AUcouldstillbeinakindofprimordialstatewhere drift velocity v is not too large. When v grows, b becomes 0 norefractorymaterialcondensationwouldhaveoccurred,with smallerthanthephysicalsizeoftheparticles.Inthisregimethe asignificantflaringduetostellarflybys. interactioncannotbedescribedanylongerasattractive,andit 10 BeustandValiron:HighlatitudegasintheβPictorissystem Table2.Valuesofthecriticalimpactparameterb asafunction stateswillinteractwithvariousexcitedstatesofthesamespin 0 oftherelativevelocityv,ascomputedfromEq.(6)fortheCa multiplicity, leading to numerousinelastic processes that will –Hinteraction besketchedinthethenextsubsection. Fortunatelythegroundstatetripletstateisnotexpectedto v(kms 1) 1 10 100 1000 − be very reactive for moderate collisional energies and could b (nm) 0.785 0.24 0.078 0.024 0 providearealisticbasisforour“smooth”spheremodel.Using the ab-initio Gaussian 94 package (Frischetal 1995) we in- vestigated the triplet input state using a restricted open-shell approach (in order to preserve the total spin). We performed ROMP2calculationstotakeintoaccounttheelectroniccorrela- tionandalsotosomeextenttheinteractionswithexcitedstates. We added diffuse and polarization functions on both centers, payingspecialattentiontotheproperdescriptionofthepolar- isationofthehydrogenatom.Wealsoperformedapopulation analysisattheMullikenleveltocheckthatchargetransferef- fectsweresmall(contrarytothesingletstatewherestrongin- versechargetransfereffectswerefound).Theresultingtriplet potentialisplottedinFig.4asafunctionofr,superimposedon theinduceddipoleinteraction.Ourab-initiopotentialisconsis- tentwiththeinduceddipoleapproximationbeyond0.5nm,but closerto0.5nm,itexhibitsarepulsivewallprovidingasmooth Fig.4. The ab initio calculated interaction potential between transitiontowardsthelimitinghardsphereregime. Ca and H (in their groundtripletstate) as a functionof the Let us now take into accountthis “smooth” sphere poten- mutualdistance(fatline),superimposedontheinduceddipole tialforadeterminationofthedragforce.Givenanyinteraction potential(thinline) potential U(r), the drag force acting on the ion is opposed to thevelocityandmaybewrittenas ratherapproachesahardsphereregimeatshorterrangewitha + χ(b,v) f = 4πnµv ∞b sin2 db v , (8) constantcrosssectionthatdoesnotdependonv.Accordingto − 2 Eq. (5), the drag force turns out now to be proportionalto v2 "Z0 ! # instead of v. Table 2 lists computedvalues of b for different where b is the impact parameter, and χ(b,v) is the deflection 0 valuesof v for the Ca – H interaction(the polarisability of angle due to the encounter corresponding to b and v. χ(b,v) His6.7 10 31m3).Wenotethatassoonasv>10kms 1,this itselfdependsontheformofthepotentialandmaybeobtained − − inducedd×ipolemodelbecomesunrealisticbec∼auseb becomes fromanintegralalongtherelativemotionduringtheencounter 0 comparabletoorsmallerthantypicalatomicradii.HenceCa (seeappendixB). ionsthatencounterHatomsat 1000kms 1undergoacolli- − ∼ sionalinteractionthatissimilartoahardsphereregime.Asthe 4.1.3. Beyondthe“smoothsphere”model:the velocity decreases along successive collisions, the interaction “inelastic”model finallyenterstheinduceddipoleregime.Acorrectdescription ofthedeceleratingprocessoftheCaionsimpliesthereforeto Theaboveexpressionforthedragforceassumesimplicitlythat beabletodescribetheinteractionateveryvelocity,inparticu- the encounters between the ion and the hydrogen atoms are larintheintermediatevelocityregimebetweenthetwoabove elastic. describedextremes. On the contrary, energetic collisions are likely to trigger variousinelastic processes. For impactvelocities in the range 100–1000kms 1,theenergyavailableinthecenterofmassis 4.1.2. The“smoothsphere”model − huge,from50eVto5000eV,andisabletoinducealargevari- Inordertohavea morecoherentdescription,weintroduceda etyofexcitationsinboththevalenceandcoreelectronicspace. “smooth” sphere approximation based upon a continuous de- Beyondthemereelectronicexcitationofeitherparticles,these scription of the interaction potential U(r) between Ca and energeticcollisionscanthustriggerawholerangeofinelastic H as a function of the relative distance r. The interaction andreactiveprocessesincludinginversechargetransfer,single originates from a quantum-mechanical interaction at the mi- ormultipleelectronicionizations,etc...CollisionswithHeor croscopiclevel.Duringa collision,the incomingCaand H H willbeevenmoreenergeticduetothelargerreducedmass. 2 particles form an intermediate molecular ion. This molecular Adetailedtheoreticaldescriptionofalltheseprocessesandof complex possess two valence electrons originating from each theircrosssectionsandbranchingratiosisbeyondtherangeof incomingparticle.Inaquantumdescriptionoftheinteraction, thepresentstudy.Experimentalinvestigationsmightprovidea these two electronicspins recoupleto formeither a singlet or betterstartingpointforfurtherstudies. triplet state with a 3 to 1 probability in favour of the triplet All these inelastic processes will converta part of the in- state. However in the case of energetic collisions these input comingkineticenergyintointernalenergyoftheparticlesand

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