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Series in Materials Science and Engineering k High- Gate Dielectrics Edited by Michel Houssa Laboratoire Materiaux et Microelectronique de Provence, Universite de Provence, France Silicon Processing and Device Technology Division, IMEC, Belgium Institute of Physics Publishing Bristol and Philadelphia qIOP Publishing Ltd 2004 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedin a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Multiple copying is permitted in accordance withthetermsoflicencesissedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgencyunderthe terms of its agreementwith Universities UK (UUK). British LibraryCataloguing-in-Publication Data Acatalogue record forthis book isavailable from the British Library. ISBN 0 7503 0906 7 LibraryofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data are available Series Editors: B Cantor and M JGoringe Commissioning Editor: Tom Spicer Production Editor: Simon Laurenson Production Control: Sarah Plentyand LeahFielding Cover Design: Victoria Le Billon Marketing: Nicola Newey and Verity Cooke PublishedbyInstituteofPhysicsPublishing,whollyownedbytheInstituteof Physics,London Institute ofPhysics Publishing, Dirac House, TempleBack, BristolBS1 6BE, UK US Office: Institute of Physics Publishing, The Public Ledger Building, Suite 929, 150 South Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA Typeset by AldenBookset, Northampton,UK Printed inthe UK byMPG Books Ltd,Bodmin, Cornwall Contents Foreword ix SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter1.1 3 High-kgate dielectrics: why do we need them? M. Houssa (University of Provence and IMEC) and Marc Heyns (IMEC) SECTION 2: DEPOSITION TECHNIQUES 15 Chapter2.1 17 Atomic layer deposition M. Ritala (University of Helsinki) Chapter2.2 65 Chemical vapour deposition S.A. Campbell (University of Minnesota) and R.C. Smith (Atofina Chemicals) Chapter2.3 89 Pulsed laser deposition of dielectrics D. Blank, L. Doeswijk, K. Karakaya, G. Koster and G. Rijnders (University of Twente) SECTION 3: CHARACTERIZATION 123 Chapter3.1 125 Oxygen diffusion R.M.C. de Almeida (University of Porto Alegre) and I.J.R. Baumvol (Universidade de C¸ axias do Sul) vi Contents Chapter3.2 190 Defects in stacks of Si with nanometre thick high-k dielectric layers: characterization and identification by electron spin resonance A Stesmans and V.V. Afanas’ev (University of Leuven) Chapter3.3 217 Band alignment at the interface of Si and metals with high-permittivity insulating oxides V.V. Afanas’ev and A. Stesmans (University of Leuven) Chapter3.4 251 Electrical characterization, modelling and simulation of MOS structures with high-kgate stacks J.L Autran, D Munteanu and M. Houssa (University of Provence) SECTION 4: THEORY 291 Chapter4.1 293 Defects and defect-controlled behaviour in high-kmaterials: a theoretical perspective M. Stoneham, A. Shluger, A. Foster and M. Szymanski (University College of London) Chapter4.2 325 Chemical bonding and electronic structure of high-ktransition metal dielectrics: applications to interfacial band offset energies and electronically active defects G. Lucovsky and J. Whitten (North Carolina State University) Chapter4.3 372 Electronic structure and band offsets of high dielectric constant gate oxides J. Robertson and P.W. Peacock (University of Cambridge) Chapter4.4 397 Reduction of the electron mobility in high-kMOS systems caused by remote scattering with soft interfacial optical phonons M.V. Fischetti, D.A. Neumayer and E. Cartier (IBM–T.J. Watson) Contents vii Chapter4.5 431 Ab initio calculations of the structural, electronic and dynamical properties of high-kdielectrics G.M. Rignanese, X. Gonze (Universite´ Catholique de Louvain) and A. Pasquarello (EPFL) Chapter4.6 467 Defect generation under electrical stress: experimental characterization and modelling M. Houssa (University of Provence and IMEC) SECTION 5: TECHNOLOGICALASPECTS 497 Chapter5.1 499 Device integration issues E.W.A. Young (Sematech/Philips) and V. Kaushik (Sematech/Motorola) Chapter5.2 524 Device architectures for the nano-CMOS era S. Deleonibus (CEA-LETI) Chapter5.3 560 High-ktransistor characteristics J.C. Lee and K. Onishi (University of Texas at Austin) Appendix – PropertiesofHigh-kMaterials 597 Index 599 Foreword The success of the semiconductor industry relies on the continuous improvement of integrated circuits performances. This improvement is achievedbyreducingthedimensionsofthekeycomponentofthesecircuits: the metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET). Indeed, thereductionofdevicedimensionsallowstheintegrationofahighernumber oftransistorsonachip,enablinghigherspeedandreducedcosts.Oneofthe keyelementsthatallowedthesuccessfulscalingofsilicon-basedMOSFETsis certainlythesuperbmaterialandelectricalpropertiesofthegatedielectricso farusedinthesedevices,namelysilicondioxide.Thismaterialpresentsindeed severalimportantfeaturesthatalloweditsuseasagateinsulator.Firstofall, an amorphous silicon dioxide layer can be thermally grown on silicon with excellentcontrolinthicknessanduniformity,andnaturallyformsaverystable interface with the silicon substrate, with a low density of intrinsic interface defects.Secondly,silicondioxidepresentsanexcellentthermalandchemical stability, which is required for thefabrication oftransistors, which includes annealing steps at high temperatures (up to 1000 8C). Next, the energy bandgapofsilicondioxideisquitelarge,about9eV,whichconfersexcellent electricalisolationpropertiestothismaterial,likeitslargeenergybandoffsets withtheconductionandvalencebandsofsiliconandhighbreakdownfields,of theorderof13MV/cm.Finally,theuseofpoly-siliconasgateelectrodeina self-aligned CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) techno- logyisalsoadeterminingfactorinthescalingofthetransistorstructures. All these superior properties allowed the fabrication of properly working MOSFETs with silicon dioxide gate layers as thin as 1.5nm. However, further scaling down of the silicon dioxide gate layer thickness, required for the future CMOS technologies, is problematic. Indeed, the leakage current flowing through the transistors, arising from the direct tunnelling of charge carriers, exceeds 100 A/cm2, which lies well above the specifications given by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, especially for low operating power and low standby power technologies. In addition, the reliability of ultrathin silicon dioxide layers becomes also an issue, namely the device lifetime, based on time- dependent gate dielectric breakdown, is not expected to reach 10 years at device operatingconditions. x Foreword An alternative way of decreasing the silicon dioxide thickness in aggressivelyscaledMOSFETistouseagateinsulatorwithahigherrelative dielectric constant k than silicon dioxide (3.9). One could then use a physicallythickergatelayer,yetwiththesameelectricalthicknessthansub- one nanometer silicon dioxide layers. This could potentially reduce the leakage current flowing through the transistors and also improve the reliability of the gate dielectrics. Consequently, tremendous worldwide researcheffortshavebeenfocusedinrecentyearstotheinvestigationofso- calledhigh-kgatedielectricsforthepotentialreplacementofsilicondioxide in advanced CMOS technologies. Thepurposeofthisbookistogiveastate-of-theartoverviewofhigh-k gate dielectrics. The book consists of several contributions from internationally recognized experts in the field, collected into five different sections.Thefirstsectiongivesabriefintroductiontothefield,recallingthe issues related to aggressive silicon dioxide thickness scaling and describing therequirementsofalternativegatedielectrics.Section2isdevotedtothree major deposition techniques of high-k dielectrics, i.e. atomic layer deposition, chemical vapour deposition and pulsed laser deposition. The physical,chemicalandelectricalcharacterizationofhigh-kgatedielectricsis coveredinsection3.Section4dealswithimportanttheoreticalinvestigations ofhigh-kdielectrics.Thelastsectionisdevotedtotechnologicalaspects,i.e. to the behaviour and integration of high-kdielectrics into modern CMOS technologies. This book should serve as a valuable reference for researchers and engineersworkinginthefield,aswellasagoodintroductorybookforPhD students who wish to perform research on high-kdielectrics and advanced CMOS technologies. It should also give a good introduction to the field of advanced gate dielectrics for professors and students involved in graduate andpostgraduatecoursesonmodernsemiconductordevicesandtechnology ofadvancedintegratedcircuits.Itisworthmentioningthatthisbookisone of thefirst toreviewthe field ofhigh-kgate dielectrics. Acknowledgments I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the colleagues who have acceptedtocontributetothisbook.Thisbookisclearlytheoutcomeoftheir willingnesstosharetheirgreatexpertiseinthefieldofhigh-kgatedielectrics, resulting in chapters of very high scientific quality. I want to acknowledge themallforthetimeandefforttheyhavespentinpreparingtheircontributed chapters.AttheInstituteofPhysicsPublishing,IamindebtedtoTomSpicer, Senior Commissioning Editor, and to Simon Laurenson, Production Manager, as well as their coworkers. Thanks to them, this review book project became a reality. My colleagues at IMEC and the University of Foreword xi Provencearealsogratefullyacknowledgedforthestimulatingdiscussionswe shared. Last but not least, I wish to thank my wife, Nathalie, and my son, Arnaud. Their encouragements and continuous support helped me considerably inpreparing this monograph. Michel Houssa Leuven,Belgium October2003

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