HIGH FREQUENCY NOISE IN CMOS LOW NOISE AMPLIFIERS A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THEDEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ANDTHE COMMITTEEON GRADUATE STUDIESOF STANFORD UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENTOF THEREQUIREMENTS FORTHE DEGREE OF DOCTOROF PHILOSOPHY Jung-Suk Goo August 2001 (cid:1)c Copyright by Jung-Suk Goo 2001 All Rights Reserved ii Icertify thatIhaveread thisdissertationand that inmyopinionitisfullyadequate, inscopeand inquality,as adissertationforthedegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy. Robert W. Dutton (Principal Advisor) Icertify thatIhaveread thisdissertationand that inmyopinionitisfullyadequate, inscopeand inquality,as adissertationforthedegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy. ThomasH. Lee (AssociateAdvisor) Icertify thatIhaveread thisdissertationand that inmyopinionitisfullyadequate, inscopeand inquality,as adissertationforthedegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy. ZhipingYu ApprovedfortheUniversityCommitteeon GraduateStudies: iii iv Abstract T HE IMPORTANCE OF CMOS TECHNOLOGY is increasing in RF design applica- tions owing to the promise of integrating electronic systems on a single silicon chip. Whilecompletebroad band characterization and accurate modelingof theMOSFET noise are critical requirements for circuit designs, the noise behavior and physics in short channel MOSFETs is not well understood. This dissertation explores the physical origin and contributing mechanisms of noise in MOSFETs, as well as a design methodology to minimizetheimpactofnoiseon fullyintegratedLNAs. Investigatingthe physical noise sources in the MOSFET imposes significant computa- tional requirements, due to the multi-dimensionalnature of the device. In addition, higher order transport models need to be considered due to aggressive channel-length scaling. This dissertation presents a quasi two-dimensional noise simulation technique which pro- vides an accurate and fast solutionforMOSFET noiseanalysisby combininga 1-D active transmissionlinemodelwithrigorous2-D devicesimulation. The physical origin of the excess noise in short channel MOSFETs has been identi- fied. Source-side contributions dominate drain current noise; non-local transport behavior causes higher local ac resistance near the source junction and in turn generates extra noise contributions which are amplified by the channel transconductance. This phenomenon is directlyreflected inexcessvaluesandastronggatelengthdependenceofγ andδ inscaled submicronMOSFETs. Higherorder transport modelsare essential to capturethis effect in v noisesimulation. Contrary to the common assumption that drain current exhibits only 1/f and white channel thermal noise contributions, this study demonstrates that the substrate generates thermalfluctuationsthatproduceadditivechannelnoise,amplifiedbythesubstratetranscon- ductance. Thiscomponentproducesanotherplateauandfrequencydependenceinthenoise spectrumofthedrain current. Moreover,theeffect tendstoexaggeratethedrainnoisefac- toratlowfrequencies. The high frequency noise modeling for MOSFET devices generally requires at least threeparameters. Thisstudydemonstratesthatwhileothertwo-parameterapproaches,such as developed by Pospieszalski and those used in BSIM4 model, lead to errors, the results do not cause noticeable discrepancies for most practical circuit topologies. The modeling approach usedin BSIM4 has been independentlyvalidatedandis showntobesufficientin capturingthephysicaloriginoftheexcessnoise. Explicit guidelines for LNA design have been presented based directly on measured noise parameters and two-port noise theory; the approach requires neither sophisticated noisemodelingnorcircuitsimulation. An800MHzLNAtestchiphasbeendesignedbased ontheproposedmethodology. With3.75mAofbiascurrent,theLNAachievesabout0.9dB of noisefigure, which adds just0.3dB to the NF ofthe intrinsicMOSFET device. It is min competitivewiththatofGaAsandbipolarLNAsandalsoquiteclosetothevaluespredicted usingtheanalysispresented inthiswork. vi Acknowledgments I WOULD like to thank many people who made my life at Stanford memorable and enjoyable. Firstandforemost,Iwishtoacknowledgemyadvisor,ProfessorRobertW. Dutton. He has been a great research mentor with his management skills and enthusiasm. He also has been an exceptional role model of a senior of life. He has done his utmost to help with every concern that his advisees have. I cannot forget how he encouraged and supportedmewhileIwas lyingin bed forlongtimedueto aback injury. Ialsowouldliketothankmyassociateadvisor,ProfessorThomasH.Lee,whogaveme strongmotivationinmyresearch. IamindebtedtoDr. ZhipingYu,whoservedonmyoral examandreadingcommitteesandwhoseincisivecommentswereagreathelpinnumerical noise simulation tool development. I am also grateful for Professor John M. Cioffi, who agreed to chairmyoral committeedespitehisbusyschedule. ThestaffoftheCenterforIntegratedSystemshaveoffered goodsupport,andIwantto thank Fely Barrera, Miho Nishi, Maria Perea, Carmen Miraflor, Maureen Rochford, Kate Gibson, and Dr. Richard Dasher. I also want to acknowledgethe help of Greg Gorton, Ali Tabatabaei,andHamidRateghwithCADtoolsontheJupiterproject. Special thanksgoto Dr. Daniel Yergeau, whosecomputationalexpertisehas kepttheresearch in phase. Ithank friends in the Stanford TCAD group for their helpful discussions and friendship: Chang- Hoon Choi, Kwanghoon Oh, Tae-Young Oh, SoYoung Kim, Dr. Olof Tornblad, Xin-Yi Zhang, Xiaoning Qi, Michael Kwong, Yi-Chang Lu, Atsushi Kawamoto, Choshu Ito, and vii Mr. HiroyukiSakai. In addition to those in the Stanford community, I want to acknowledge a number of industrial people who contributed directly to research. In particular, I would like to thank: Dr. Tom Vrotsos, Dr. Keith R. Green, Dr. William Liu, and Mr. Donald J. Ladwig of Texas Instruments for providing access to noise measurement equipment; Mr. Thomas P. Redfern, Mr. Peter Hopper, Mr. Michael P. Schwartz, Mr. Robert Farmer, Dr. Hee- TaeAhn,Mr. RichTaylor,andMs. LindaSmithofNationalSemiconductorforfabricating chips,lendingwafers,andtestequipment;Dr. MarekMierzwinskiofAgilentTechnologies and Professor Franc¸ois Danneville of University of Lille in France for collaboration in noise simulation tool development; Dr. Conor Rafferty and Dr. Muhammad A. Alam of AgereSystemsandProfessorSimonaDonatiofPolitecnicoDiTorinoinItalyforproviding PADRE as well as cooperating in noisesimulation. I also want to thank several people for providing noise measurement data: Dr. Alexander Rahm and Dr. Gerhard Knoblinger of Infineon Technologies; Dr. Fariborz Assaderaghi and Dr. Lawrence Wagner of IBM; and Professor Hiroshi Iwai of Tokyo Institute of Technology and Ms. Hisayo S. Momose and Mr. Eiji Morifuji of Toshiba Corporation. I would like to acknowledge that this research was initiated by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and then supported by TexasInstrumentsthroughcustomizedresearch ofSRC. Finally, I must reserve special thanks for my significant others. I appreciate all the friends: Yoon, Jung-Won, Youngmi, Wonil, Hyun Jin, Kern, Hyongsok, Jungsang, Nahm- suk, Moon-Jung, Seong Taek, Dong-Hyun, Ki Young, Sang-Min, Jaewon, and folks in Korea town in the basement of CIS. I would like thank my sisters – Hyun, Nan, Jung, and Young – for their genial favor. I am deeply indebted to my mom in heaven and dad who gave me unconditional support. I also want to thank my son, Timothy, for his hilarity that refreshed mefromtheoverloadofresearch. Atlast,mysincerethanksarereservedformy wife, Inseong, who has sacrificed her career for the family before and now begins a new viii studentlifeat Stanford. Thiswork isdedicated tomy God. ix x