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High Density Plasma Sources. Design, Physics and Performance PDF

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PPrreeffaaccee TThhiiss bbooookk ddeessccrriibbeess tthhee ddeessiiggnn,, pphhyyssiiccss,, aanndd ppeerrffoornmnaannccee ooff llooww pprreessssuurree ((00..11--110000 ttoorrrr)),, llaarrggee aarreeaa ((1100--2200 ecmm ddiiaamm)),, hhiigghhddeennssiittyy ppllaassmmaa ssoouurrcceess wwhhiicchh hhaavvee bbeeeenn eexxtteennssiivveellyy aapppplliieedd oovveerr llaasstt sseevveerraall yyeeaarrss iinn ppllaassmmaa pprroocceesssseess ssuucchh aass ppllaassmmaa eettcchhiinngg aanndd ppllaannaarriizzaattiioonn,, ppllaassmmaa eennhhaanncceedd cchheemmiiccaall vvaappoorr ddeeppoossiittiioonn oofftthhiinn ffiillmmss,, ssppuutttteerreedd ddeeppoossiittiioonn ooff mmeettaallssaannddddiieelleeccttrriiccss,,eeppiittaaxxiiaallggrroowwtthhooffssiilliiccoonnaannddGGaaAASS,,aannddmmaannyyootthheerr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss.. FFrroommtthheeeeaarrllyy119977OOssttootthheemmiidd11998800ss,,oonnllyyoonneettyyppeeooffppllaassmmaassoouurrccee,, nnaammeellyy,,ccaappaacciittiivveeRRFFddiisscchhaarrggeeeexxcciitteeddaattaaffrreeqquueennccyy ooff1133..5566MMHHzz,, wwaass ccoommmmoonnllyy uusseedd iinn eettcchh aanndd ddeeppoossiittiioonn ttoooollss.. TThhee rreellaattiivveellyy llooww ppllaassmmaa ddeennssiittyy,,NN,e==110099ttoo 11001100ccmm--33,,ttyyppiiccaallffoorrtthhiissttyyppeeooffssoouurrccee,,wwaassoonneeoofftthhee mmaajjoorrffaaccttoorrss tthhaatt lliimmiitteeddppllaassmmaapprroocceessss ccaappaabbiilliittyy,, iinnppaarrttiiccuullaarr,, eettcchhiinngg rraatteeaannddffiillmmggrroowwtthh.. LLoowwppllaassmmaaddeennssiittyyiissaanniinnhheerreennttffeeaattuurreeoofftthhee 1133..5566 MMHHzz ppllaassmmaattooooll,, aanndd iissaa rreessuullttoofftthhee vveerryy llooww iioonniizzaattiioonn eeffffiicciieennccyy ooffaa ccaappaacciittiivveellyy ccoouupplleedd nnoonn--mmaaggnneettiizzeedd RRFF ddiisscchhaarrggee ooppeerraattiinngg aatt aa RRFF ffrreeqquueennccyyooffaaffeewwMMHHzz.. IInnddeeeedd,,aattpprreessssuurreessooff11--330000mmttoorrrr,,aannddRRFFppoowweerr ddeennssiittiieess,,PPIISS>> 00..11WW//ccmm22,,oonnllyy33--1100%%oofftthheettoottaallRRFFppoowweerrddiissssiippaatteeddiinn tthhee 1133..5566 MMHHzz ddiisscchhaarrggee iiss aabbssoorrbbeedd bbyy ppllaassmmaa eelleeccttrroonnss aanndd ""ssppeenntt"" ppaarrttiiaallllyy iinn iioonniizzaattiioonn.. TThhee bbuullkk oofftthhee ttoottaall RRFF ppoowweerr iiss ""ccoonnssuummeedd"" bbyy ppllaassmmaa iioonnss dduurriinngg tthheeiirr mmoottiioonn iinntthhee sshheeaatthh bbeettwweeeenn tthhee ppllaassmmaaaanndd RRFF eelleeccttrrooddeess.. TThhiisseenneerrggyyiisseeiitthheerrlloossttiinniioonnccoolllliissiioonnsswwiitthhnneeuuttrraallaattoommssaanndd mmoolleeccuulleess,, oorrddeeppoossiitteeddoonn tthhee RRFF eelleeccttrrooddeess.. vviiii viii Preface The needfor plasmaprocesstools withmuch higherplasmadensities, Ne> 1012 cm-3, was one ofthe major motivations in the search for novel plasmasourceswithhigherionizationefficiency. Itwaswidelyacceptedthat such plasmas could be generated in discharges excited at higher RF (including microwave) frequencies, or in discharges employing power coupling schemes which are more efficientthan capacitivecoupling, orby utilizingconfinementand resonanteffects ofstaticmagneticfieldgenerated by external means (coils, permanentmagnets). Inthe lastfewyears,substantialprogresshas beenmade inthedesign, research, and developmentofvarioustypesofplasmasources which could beconsideredascandidatesforthereplacementofa"traditional"13.56MHz capacitivelycoupledsource. Some ofthese sources, suchas ECRsources, have a rather long history ofdevelopment (since the pioneering works of Musil and Suzuki in the 1970s), and are successfully used in submicron plasma etching (Hitachi ECRtool), while others (helical resonator) were appliedto plasma processing recently and are still inthe R&D stage. Thepresentbookcompriseseightchapterswhichdescribethephysical principles, design features, plasma parameters, and process operation characteristics ofRF and microwave high density plasmasources suitable for use in lowpressure (1-100 mtorr), large area(D = 15-25 em), plasma tools. During its preparation, the editor has endeavored to avoid two extremes, i.e., making the book too academic (even too theoretical) or too practical,bycompilingpublicationswhichmaygivethereader"mountains" ofplasmaparametersandprocessdatabutlackthephysicalprincipleswhich govern the source performance and control plasma parameters. Thus, he invited contributors who are both designers and "applicators" of novel plasma sources, and who also made considerable contributions to the understandingofthe physics ofplasmasources. The book starts with helicon plasmasources described inthe chapter writtenbyFrancisF.Chen,oneofthepioneeringdesignersofheliconsources andauthorofmanytheoreticalandexperimentalpapers inplasmasciences. Hepresentsatheoreticalmodeloftheheliconwave excitation,propagation, andabsorptioninmagnetizedplasmasatlowpressuresofO.I-50mtorr, and at magnetic fields of30-1000G. He discusses the possiblemechanism of wave absorption (Landau damping) believed to be "responsible" for the generationofvery highplasmadensities (up to 1013cm'). Thethree most promisingtypes ofheliconantennasandhelicon plasmasourcesoperatedat Preface ix RF frequencies of2-30 MHz are described and accompanied by detailed plasma characterization. Some results ofhelicon source applications for plasmaetchingarealso discussed. The inductively coupled RF plasma sources are represented by two sources-theplanarinductivesourceandtheinductivelycoupledRFplasma source. The design features, RF power coupling scheme, plasmaparam eters,andperformanceofplanarinductivesourcearedescribedbyDr. John Forsterand Dr.JohnKeller. ThistypeofRFsource,developedbyIBM and LamResearchCorp., isnowacommercialproductandissuccessfullyusedin polysilicon,metal, and silicon oxideetching. The planarsourceistypically operatedat a"traditional"RF frequencyof13.56 MHz,and atpressuresof afewmtorr. WithRF powerof1-2kW, and plasmaconfinementby static magneticfields,the plasmadensity ofafew 1012cm-3was achievedbothin argon and in reactive gases. The authors also discuss the physics ofRF power absorption and plasma density spatial profile. It should also be noticedthatsincethischapterwaswritten,manypapershavebeenpublished dealing with modeling, diagnostics, and process characterizationofplanar plasmasources, often called TCP (Transformer Coupled Plasma). The other type ofinductively coupled RF plasma source utilizing a traditional solenoid (helical coil) wound around the plasmachamber with dielectricwalls, ispresentedbyWayneJohnson. Hedescribesthe principle and performanceofashieldedhelical resonatorplasmasourcewith acoilof lengthequaltotheoddnumberofquarter-wavelengths(orhalf-wavelengths) ofthe driving RF frequency. The operation ofRF discharge in the "pure" inductive mode was achieved by using a slotted electrostatic shield which suppressescapacitivecouplingbetweentheRFcoilandtheRFplasma. The exclusion ofcapacitive coupling allows substantial improvement of RF plasmaionizationefficiencyandavoidsthenegativeeffects oftheionsheath phenomenonontheprocessquality. Theauthorpresentstheuniquefeatures, plasma parameters, and operational conditions ofthe shielded RF source (SRFS), and also illustrates the source capability by its performance and results in anisotropic plasma etching ofpolysilicon and silicon oxide, and photoresist stripping. Capacitively coupled RF plasma sources are represented by a sym metrical(two equal RFelectrodesfedfrom the push-pullRF generator)RF discharge driven at frequencies much higher than 13.56 MHz. Michael ColganandMeyyaMeyyappanpresentacomprehensivereviewandanalysis x Preface of the progress in research and development of very high frequency capacitivelycoupledRFdischargesoperatingatfrequenciesof40-150MHz andpressuresofl-500mtorr. TheydiscussRFpowerdissipativeprocesses, includingstochasticelectronheatingontheplasma-sheathboundaryandthe role ofRFelectrodesheath(s)for maintenanceofRFdischarge. Theyalso showhow RF-driven frequency affects the discharge ionizationefficiency, plasmadensity,andDC potentialbetween RF electrodeand RF plasma. By using RF frequencies of50-100 MHz, the authors increasedthe portionof RF powerabsorbed by plasmaelectronsto 30-50 %, resulting ina plasma density of 1011 cm-3. The authors also present experimental results illustratingthe capability ofvery high frequency capacitively coupled RF dischargesforplasmaprocessing,inparticular,fordepositionofamorphous siliconfilms. Imayaddthatwiththeemploymentofthestaticmagneticfield ofafewtensgauss,theionizationefficiencycouldbefurtherincreasedtothe level close to thoseofmicrowave and inductivelycoupledplasmas. Anextensivereviewofsurfacewave(SW)plasmasourcesispresented inthechapterwrittenbyMichelMoisan,JoelleMargot,andZenonZakrzewski. TheuniquefeaturesofSWplasmasourcesarethepossibilityofthecomplete separationofthedischargezonefrom theplasmaprocesszone, andthe wide rangeoftheoperational"external"parameterssuchasexcitationfrequency, 3MHzto 10GHz,and gas pressure, 0.1 mtorrto 5atm. The authors have made a considerable contributionto the design and developmentofsurface wave plasmasources as well as to the studyofthe physics ofsurfacewave excitationandpropagation,andtothepropertiesofplasmassustainedbythe surface waves. Three major types ofSW launchers, matching and tuning techniquesandcircuitry,and SWplasmasourcesoperationalconditionsare given in detail. Microwave plasma sources are represented by three chapters. The chapterby Jes Asmussengives a detailed description ofthe whole class of microwave plasma sources utilizing the tuned resonant cavity and the excitation antenna. This class ofsources, calledMicrowave Plasma Disk Reactors (MPDR), havebeen successfullyused inmany applications such as plasma etching, diamond coating, ion beam etching, and silicon oxide deposition. Also presented is the history ofMPDR development and the description of major concepts and modifications of microwave plasma sources and reactors including the multipolar ECR reactor. Microwave mode excitation, matching problems, and power absorption efficiency are Preface xi discussedindetail as wellas the results ofnovelapplicationsofMPDRto largearea(45emdiameter)diamondthinfilmdeposition,andGaAsetching. AnElectron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) plasma source employing magnetic coils, commonly called NTT-type source, or divergent field source, ispresentedbyJamesStevens. Hedevelopedamodelofpropagation andabsorptionofwhistlerwavesinoverdenseECRplasmawhichexplains the existence ofvarious ECR plasmamodes with different plasmadensity radial and axial profiles. He also analyzes microwave power matching conditions andpresents techniques whichprovidesgood coupling ofmicro waveimpedancewiththat ofanECRplasmathat results in90%microwave power absorption and plasma densities ofa few 1012 cm2. The author discusses effects ofleft- and right-hand polarized wave propagation and absorptiononECRplasmasourceperformanceandplasmaparameters. He alsoreviewsdifferentmodificationsofdivergentmagneticfieldECRplasma sources and analyzes plasma parameters relationships with microwave power, source configuration, and gas pressure. The capability of ECR plasma sources for plasma processing is illustrated by the results of anisotropic etching performed using the ECR plasma source ofhis own design, which employs only right-hand polarized waveofTEll mode. The chapter written by Jacques Pelletier describes the Distributed Electron Cyclotron Resonance (DECR) plasmasource. This type ofECR sourceemploysseveral(typically eight)microwaveantennas symmetrically surroundingtheprocesszone,andmultipolarmagneticplasmaconfinement. Pelletier is the designer ofone ofthe first DECR plasma sources. This chapterdescribes indetail the principles ofmultiple magnetic field plasma confinementand,inparticular,trappingoffast(primary)electrons. Healso discusses the importance ofperiphery ionization near the chamber walls. DesignsofseveralplasmasourcesutilizingprinciplesofdistributedECRare described together withtheir major characteristics. Also discussedare the applicationsofDECRplasmasourcesinvariousareasofplasmaprocessing: plasma etching, wafer cleaning, SiOzplanarization, silicon epitaxy, and tungsten thin filmdeposition. Itis impossible to include inthis book all novel high density plasma sources whicharesuitableforlowpressureplasmaprocessing. Forinstance, we"missed"ahollowanodeplasmasourcerecentlyintroducedtothemarket byDrytek (Lam Research Div.), and aninductively coupled plasmasource which was developed by Applied Materials Corp. Nevertheless, the editor believes that this book presents a comprehensive survey and detailed xii Preface description and characterization of most advanced high density plasma sources used inplasmaprocessing. Healso hopesthis book willbehelpful for scientists and engineers working on plasma source design and process development. Woburn, Massachusetts OlegA. Popov January, 1996 Contributors OlegA. Popov, Editor MatsushitaElectric Works Research& DevelopmentLaboratory Woburn, Massachusetts Jes Asmussen, Jr. John H. Keller DepartmentofElectricalEngineering IBM Microelectronic Division Michigan State University Hopewell Junction, New York East Lansing, Michigan .loelle Margot Francis F. Chen DepartmentofPhysics Electrical Engineering Department University ofMontreal UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles Montreal, Quebec, Canada Los Angeles, California MeyyaMeyyappan Michael J. Colgan Scientific Research Associates, Inc. Alimentrics, Inc. Glastonbury, Connecticut Morris Plains, New Jersey Michel Moisan John C. Forster DepartmentofPhysics Applied Materials Corporation University ofMontreal Santa Clara, California Montreal, Quebec, Canada Wayne L.Johnson Jacques Pelletier Prototech Research, Inc. LEMD-CNRS Tempe, Arizona Grenoble Cedex, France xiii xiv Contributors James E. Stevens Zenon Zakrzewski MicroelectronicsDevelopment Adadernie des Sciences de Poigne Laboratory Gdansk, Poland SandiaNational Laboratories Albuquerque, NewMexico NOTICE Tothebest ofourknowledgetheinformationinthispublicationis accurate;however thePublisherdoesnotassumeanyresponsibil ityorliabilityfortheaccuracyorcompletenessof,orconsequences arisingfrom,suchinformation.Thisbookisintendedforinformational purposesonly. Mentionoftradenamesorcommercialproductsdoes notconstituteendorsementorrecommendationforusebythePublish er. Final determination of the suitability of any information or product foruse contemplatedbyanyuser, and the manner ofthat use, is the sole responsibility of the user. We recommend that anyone intending to rely on any recommendation of materials or proceduresmentionedinthispublicationshould satisfyhimselfas tosuch suitability,and that he canmeet all applicable safety and health standards. 1 Helicon Plasma Sources Francis F. Chen 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BriefHistory Low-frequency whistler waves are well known in ionospheric re search because oftheir insensitivity to variations in plasma density and magneticfield. When these waves are confined to a cylinder, they losetheir electromagnetic character and become partly electrostatic, changing their propagation and polarizationcharacteristics as well. These boundedwhis tlers, called helicons, were first investigated and observed in solid state plasmas)2][17][52][75] Upon the discovery by Lehane and Thonemannlv'I in Englandthat helicons can exist in a gaseous plasma, a series oftheoretical papers,l5]-[7][41][42][49][60] following ageneralformulationfor waves incylin ders byWoods[89][90] laidthe foundation for helicon research. Experiments were resumed in Australia by Davies and Christiansenlf-l and Boswell.[8] Interest inthis academic subject subsided until Boswell!9][1O][l6] found that helicon waves were unusually efficient in producing plasmas; in fact, the absorptionofRF energy was morethan 1000times fasterthanthe theoreti cal rate due to collisions. In1985, Chen[23] proposed Landau damping as the reason for this discrepancy. The complete calculation appeared in 1991,[27] togetherwith the suggestionthatwave accelerationbythe Landau 1 2 High DensityPlasma Sources mechanismcanbe usedto produceprimaryelectronsattheoptimumenergy for ionization. Since 1985,a numberof papershave been writtento verify the collisionlessdampingmechanism,[32][34][61][68][92]toclarifythephysicsof helicon discharges,[21][34J[55J[56][77]-[79][82][83][85] to explore the possibilities of heliconsources'p4][15][24]-[26][33][35][37][68][91]andtotesttheirworthinmanu facturing applications.[13][18]-[20][54J[59J[70][73][74][80][81] In the period 1986 1992,themaingroupsengagedinheliconresearchwereBoswellet al.,!8][13] [15][20][68][73][74][91][92] Chen et al.,£24]-[27][32]-[35][37][43][85] and Shoji et aU18][19][54]-[56][61][70][77]-[82] By 1993, the helicon source had emerged as oneofthe majoralternativestothe RIE(ReactiveIon Etching)dischargefor high-throughputplasma-aidedmanufacturing. 1.2 Advantages ofHelicon Sources To be a viable alternative to the RIE discharge, the ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) source, and the RFI (Radiofrequency Inductive) or TCP (Transformer CoupledPlasma) discharge, the helicon source must be a better practical tool. In contrast to the other plasma sources, helicon discharges started from a solid theoretical background, but their perfor mance in practical use is relatively undocumented. Optimization ofthe configuration has not yet been extensively investigated, and computer modeling in realistic geometries has only recently begun. The purported advantages ofhelicon sources are as follows. High Density. Typical helicon discharges inargon with 1-2 kW of RF power have average plasma densities in excess of 1013 ern"and peak densities oforder 1014cm', about two orders ofmagnitude higher than in usual processingplasmas. However, densities ingasesotherthanargonare considerablylower, the densitywill dropwhen spreadovera largearea,and the quoted power is somewhat higher than normally used. When these factors are taken into account, this advantageof heliconsources is reduced to perhaps a factor of3-10, which is still an appreciablegain. High Efficiency. The fact that helicon discharges produce more plasma at given input power than other RF or DC discharges has been knownsincethe early experimentsofBoswelJ.f8][lO] Thatthe densityjumps dramatically when the discharge snaps from a nonresonant RF discharge into the helicon mode has been seen by Boswell.l'Pl by Chen,[25] and by Shoji.£82] Thekey to the helicon'sefficiencyisthe accelerationofelectrons to ionizing energies by "surfing" on the wave, leading to rapid transfer of wave energy to primary electrons.

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