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EuropeanJournalofClinicalNutrition(1999)53,Suppl1,S148–S165 (cid:223)1999StocktonPress. Allrightsreserved0954–3007/99$12.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk/ejcn High and low carbohydrate and fat intakes: limits imposed by appetite and palatability and their implications for energy balance JE Blundell1* and RJ Stubbs2 1BioPsychologyGroup,PsychologyDepartment,UniversityofLeeds,LeedsLS29JT,UK;and2TheRowettResearchInstitute,Greenburn Road,Bucksburn,Aberdeen AB219SB, UK This report examines several issues concerning the effects of dietary fats and carbohydrates (CHOs) on body weight and the limits set on the intake of these nutrients by factors influencing appetite control: (i) the physiologicalrelationshipbetweenfeedingbehaviour(FB)andbodyweight;(ii)thedistributionofnutrientsin WesternfoodsandtheimplicationsthismayhaveforFB;(iii)thecontributionofnutrientsinthediet,tototalEI under bothextreme andtypical Westernconditions;(iv) theknowneffects thatfats,CHOsand dietaryenergy density(ED)exertonappetiteandenergybalance(EB);(v)thepotentialroleofsensoryfactorsinpromotingor limiting fat,CHO and energyintakes(EI)inmodernhuman populations Population studies and large surveys have identified individuals with wide ranges of fat and CHO intakes. Intakesoffatcanvaryfromanaverageof180g=dayto25g=dayinarepresentativesample.Butonindividual daysfatintakecanrisetowellover200gaccordingtoaselectionofhighfatfoods.Inasinglemeal,peoplecan consumeanamountoffatgreaterthanthepopulationdailyaverage.Fromthisanalysisitcanbededucedthatthe appetite control mechanism will permit the consumption of large amounts of fat (if an abundance of high fat foodsexistinthefoodsupply).Exceptforspecificphysiologicalcircumstances(e.g.enduranceexplorers)where thereisanurgentneedforEIs,inthefaceofdecreasingbodyweight,itisunlikelythatthebodywillgeneratea specific drive for fat. Because CHO foods have a lower ED than fat foods (on average) and because of their greatersatiatingcapacity,thefreeintakeofhighCHOfoodsislikelytobeself-limiting(atlowerEIsthanthose generatedbyfattyfoods).ThisdoesnotmeanthatexcessEIsareimpossiblewhenpeoplefeedadlibitumonhigh CHO diets. General introduction: Background and objectives of Kristal et al, 1992; Mela 1995; Brownell & Cohen 1995). this paper Therefore it is not surprising that in practice it appears difficult to entice the population to spontaneously reduce In Western countries there has been renewed media, con- fatintakeandincreaselevelsofphysicalactivity.Thefood sumerandgovernmentconcernduringthe1990sregarding industry has been prolific in the production of lower fat the influence that levels of dietary fats and=or CHOs can foods, in the hope that they will assist in reducing dietary exert on human health and well-being (WHO, 1990; fat(andpossiblyEIs),whilemaintaining sufficientsensory Department of Health 1992, 1994, 1995). Throughout this appeal that consumers will choose and ingest them time,thealarmingriseintheproportionofoverweightand (Leveille & Finley 1997; International Food Information obese adults in Western society has led to considerable Council, 1997). debate regarding the underlying causes of these secular One major feature in understanding the role of appetite trends.Thetwomajorfactorsnowcitedasbeingconducive in this context is the recognition that fat and CHO intakes toweightgaininWesternpopulationsarereducedlevelsof are determined by forms of behaviour. This behaviour is physical activity, which decrease total energy expenditure not solely under biological control. Indeed, feeding beha- (EE), and the ingestion of a high-fat (HF), energy-dense viour (FB) forms part of an interaction between biology diet,whichappearstofacilitateexcessenergyintakes(EIs) (physiological mechanisms involved in food processing by (Swinburn&Ravussin,1993;Prenticeetal,1989;Prentice the organism and energy balance [EB]) and the environ- & Jebb 1995; Department of Health, 1995). These recom- ment (nature of the food supply, composition of foods, mendations have led to a near fat-phobia amongst some culturally defined patterns of eating etc.). This intimate Western consumers. Ironically, it has been recognised for relationship can be referred to as a transaction. more than 50y that it is difficult to change habitual forms Therefore,eatingisinfluencedbyeventsinthebiological of behaviour (Gorder et al, 1986; Buzzard et al, 1990; domainandintheenvironment.Sinceeatinginhumansisan episodic activity, the limits set by mechanisms of appetite controlarethosewhichlimitthesizeofeatingepisodes,their frequencyandtheselectionofparticularfoods.Theprocesses *Correspondence:DrJEBlundell,BioPsychologyGroup,Psychology Department,UniversityofLeeds,LeedsLS29JT,UK. ofsatiationandsatiety(actingconjointly)determine,inlarge Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S149 part,thesizeandfrequencyofeatingepisodes.Inconsidering Physiological drives and learned behaviour as intakesofCHOsandfats,thequestioncanbeposed:‘howdo determinants of feeding fatsandCHOsinfluencethesize,frequencyandcomposition ofeatingepisodes(andthereforetotalEI),andwhatarethe The nature of feeding behaviour and its physiological mechanismsresponsible?’ determinants From a physiological or metabolic standpoint fats and Mammalianfeedingoccursregularlyandintermittentlyand CHOs can be regarded as types of fuel to be used in despite a general lack of conscious nutritional knowledge physiological processes. Some problems of EB can be on the part of the individual, usually appears to match reformulated as problems of fuel balance. However, in energy and nutrient intakes with requirements. How is this considering the role of appetite, an extension of this achieved?Thecommonexplanationisthatappetite,EI,FB thinking is required. Eating behaviour is the way by or EB are regulated to ensure that physiological require- which fats and CHOs are transported into the body. Once ments are met. However, there is an embarrassing lack of fats and CHOs are associated with behaviour, their effects directevidenceforthisregulation(Catersonetal,1996).It canbegeneratedbyfeaturesoffoodotherthanthevalueof may be that neither FB, nor appetite are regulated in a the nutrientorfuel. Indeed FBshould be considered asthe strictly physiological sense since: (i) neither are held consumption of ‘foods’ not ‘fuel’. The nutrient itself can constant within certain narrow limits; and (ii) FB is not contributetothetaste,texture,viscosity,weightandbulkof an inevitable outcome which is determined by an altered the food,allofwhich characteristicscan help todetermine physiological signal or need (physiological determinism). when and how much of a food is consumed. When con- FB is responsive to a number of induced states such as sidering EB per se, it may not matter very much whether pregnancy, cold exposure, growth and development, and CHO enters the body as orange juice or bread. But, in weight loss. These responses have often been cited as considering appetite control and palatability, the sensory evidence of a system (appetite and FB) that is regulated. features and form of the food would be extremely impor- It may be that aspects of body size and composition are tant, often, perhaps of overriding importance. regulated and that changes in FB are functionally coupled For the purposes of this review appetite control may be to those regulatory processes. Indeed, FB might be said to defined as the sum of the processes which determine be adaptive rather than regulated since quantitative and patterns of FB. What are the particular processes, which qualitative food intake (FI) is flexible, responsive and limit the amounts of fats, and CHOs that people consume? anticipatory, sometimes enabling the animal to adapt to Are the limits set by internal physiological signalling, the changes in the state of the internal and external environ- composition of foods in the environment or the salience of ment. Eating behaviour connects the phenotype (the biolo- cues which influence feeding? gical system of appetite control) to the nutritional To gain a clearer understanding of the effect that fats componentoftheenvironment.Inasmuch,eatingbehaviour and CHOs exert on appetite and EB, it is important to is subject to both interoceptive and exteroceptive condi- examineseveralissuesconcerningtheeffectsofdietaryfats tioning. It would appear that under normal ad libitum and CHOs on body weight and the limits set on the intake feeding conditions encountered in Western society, day- ofthesenutrientsbyfactorsinfluencingappetitecontrol:(i) to-day FB is not determined by powerful unconditioned the physiological relationship between FB and body physiological signals but by learned behaviour in response weight; (ii) the distribution and density of nutrients in to a range of influences, which include physiological Western foods and the implications this may have for FB; processes associated with ingestion, absorption, storage (iii) the contribution of nutrients in the diet, to total EI and metabolism of nutrients. Other influences include under both extreme and typical Western conditions; and salient social and cultural variables. It can be appreciated (iv) the known effects that fats, CHOs and dietary energy that as energy imbalances accrue, the influence of addi- density (ED) exert on appetite and EB. From these con- tional physiological signals (for example, depletion of fat siderations we will discuss: (1) proposed nutrient-based, mass or lean tissue mass) on FB will escalate. It therefore physiological models of appetite control and their likely appears that there is a margin of EB (that typifies the relevance to observed patterns of FB and macronutrient majorityofWesternadults)withinwhichalargenumberof intakes; and (2) the potential role of sensory factors in factorsinfluenceappetiteandEI.Withinthiszone changes promoting or limiting fat, CHO and EI in modern human in energy and nutrient balance do not induce large detect- populations. able sensations that lead to corrective changes in FB. Throughout this paper we hope to emphasise the need Outside of this range (which may vary among different for increased semantic precision in the area of appetite individuals) physiological signals may exert more potent control,FBandEB.Greatersemantic precision islikelyto restorativeinfluencesonappetiteandEB.Theseinfluences avoid confusion over important issues pertinent to diet appear to be greater in response to energy deficits and so composition and FB. For instance, whether HF or high appetite control in humans appears skewed towards a ED diets promote excess EI. It is perhaps also timely to positive EB and defence against negative EBs, since considerreplacingthe‘traditional’obese-leandichotomyin positive EBs appear more comfortably tolerated than describing appetite control and FB with the concept of energy deficits. Physiological signals may affect FB phenotypes which describe the likely behavioural and=or either directly orthrough perceptiblechangesinfunctional physiological responses of certain groups of people to integrity (for example, feeling weak and tired during dietary factors believed to affect their disposition towards energy restriction), which can act as learning cues for weight gain (Drewnowski, 1995; Cooling & Blundell, feeding. If this argument is correct, it may be that studies 1998). It is also important to consider the generalisability which have examined the impact of covert dietary manip- of results found in the laboratory to people living their ulations on appetite and EB actually assess the extremes normal lives in the real world (Blundell & Macdiarmid, required for physiological signals to influence compensa- 1997). torychangesinFB(VanStratumetal,1978;Lissneretal, Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S150 1987;Kendalletal,1991;Cottonetal,1994;Stubbsetal, state of weight equilibrium. However, the nature, rate and 1995a, b, 1996, 1997a). extentofweightchangeinthepopulationareinsufficiently Hunger and satiety often have a large learned, antici- documented at present to discern exactly how people tend patory (entrained) component rather than being the direct to gain weight. consequencesofunconditionedphysiologicalsignalsperse (Booth et al, 1976, 1982, Booth 1977), such as reduced Physiological requirements for fat and CHO in relation to gastrointestinal content. Such physiological events can act levels available in the environment as important cues for feeding but they do not necessarily If changes in nutrient balance are important cues for or directly determine that behaviour. This has important stimulators of FB, it is reasonable to suppose that the implications for the use of substances and technologies greater the physiological requirements for these nutrients, whichmimicthesensoryattributesoffatsandCHOs,since the stronger the drive to ingest them. The requirements for they will affect the processes whereby humans learn to lipids in adult humans are largely met by all but except associate the sensory characteristics of foods with the perhaps the most extreme diets. Even during total starva- energy and nutrients they contain (Booth et al, 1982; tion it has been estimated that on average, adult adipose Booth, 1992). These considerations are important because tissuemasswillprovidearound2kgofessentialfattyacids they allow us to account for a number of observations (Newsholme&Leach,1992).Therequirementsofgrowing which cannot otherwise be explained: (i) over half of the children are however greater. adult population of several Western countries are collec- As regards CHO requirements, it is unclear what, in the tively overweight and obese. Models based on pure phy- strictlyphysiologicalsense,isthe absolute requirementfor siological determinism would have to postulate an dietary CHO (Newsholme & Leach, 1992). Populations epidemic of physiological defects to account for such a subsisting on virtually CHO free-diets usually consume prevalence of ‘energy dysregulation’; (ii) few, if any, large amounts of protein which can be used for gluconeo- exclusively physiological models of appetite control accu- genesis. It therefore appears that part of human adaptation rately predict a large proportion of the variance in human tovariationsintheenvironmentalsupplyoffatsandCHOs FB; (iii) certain conditions such as transient periods of consistsofconsiderablephysiologicalplasticity,inmeeting intensephysicalactivityortheuseofcovertlymanipulated, ourrequirementsforspecificmetabolicfuels.Thisdoesnot unfamiliarfoodsappeartoresultinaverypoorcouplingof mean that altered physiological levels or utilisation of fat EI with EE; and (iv) while a large number of studies of andCHOdonotactascueswhichdriveFBtowardsaltered humanfeedingshowvaryingdegreesofcompensationfora energy and nutrient intakes. However these cues do not number of experimental interventions very few have appear to be heavily weighted or deterministic. recorded clear evidence of EB regulation. This has impor- tant implications for the manner and extent to which Influence of sensory stimulation on appetite humans regulate their body weight. In considering the capacity for EI to rise above EE the weakness of inhibitory factors has to be set against the Body weight as a set-point or a dynamic equilibrium potencyoffacilitatoryprocesses.Thepalatabilityoffoodis The above arguments suggest that body weight is deter- clearly one feature which could exert a positive influence mined not by a set-point mechanism (Keesey et al, 1976; overbehaviour.Thelogicalstatusofpalatabilityisthatofa Bernardis et al, 1988) which operates through powerful, construct (it is not an objective feature such as protein physiological negative feedback signals, correcting FB in content or blood glucose) (Ramirez, 1990; Rogers, 1990). linewithEBintheshort-to-mediumterm.Rather,itwould The relative palatability of a food can be determined by appear that body weight exists as a dynamic equilibrium choice tests or taste tests relative to other standard inge- with a tendency to drift upwards. That is, both lean and stants (for example, a 5% sugar solution) (Le Magnen, overweightsubjectsmaywellbeinarelativelysteadystate 1992). However, there has been much more controversy orequilibriumfor muchofthe timeasregardsincreases in over the actual definition of palatability. The reader is body weight. These periods of equilibrium may be punc- referred to a recent debate regarding these definitions tuated by short, discrete but significant increases in body (Ramirez, 1990). In general the palatability of a food can mass. Once stabilised, weight may be defended at the new bethoughtofasthesensorycapacitytostimulateingestion higherlevel(theso-calledratchetmodelofweightgain).If of that food. This definition takes account of the fact that this is so then factors, which produce episodic gains in the palatability of the food is jointly determined by the bodyweight,wouldhavesignificanceforlong-termweight nature of the food (smell, taste, texture and state), the control. Such a system would be consistent with the vast sensory capabilities and metabolic state of the subject, body of experimental data that has found remarkably little andtheenvironmentinwhichthefoodandsubjectinteract. differences in the reported eating behaviour of lean and Palatabilityisthereforenotstable;indeedthepalatabilityof obese subjects (Spitzer & Rodin, 1981). Indeed some a food typically declines as its own ingestion proceeds. studies have noted remarkable similarities in the responses This process is believed to mediate the phenomenon of ofleanandobesesubjectstonutrientmanipulations(Hill& sensory specific satiety (Rolls et al, 1981, 1982, 1983, Blundell, 1990; Thomas et al, 1992). An important excep- 1988; Rolls 1985, 1986). Work on military personnel tiontothisisthecaseofmis-reporteddietaryintakeswhich suggests that the decline in preference for highly preferred tends to increase with increasing BMI (Black et al, 1991; foods(forexample,chocolate)isgreaterthanthatforstaple Schoeller 1990). foods such as bread, which exhibit more stable preference Recent analysis of average weight changes over time profiles (Meiselman & Waterman, 1978). Palatability can suggests that US adults appear to gain weight at a steady be dissociated from sensory intensity since sensory inten- rate of 1–2kg per annum (Burmaster & Crouch 1997). sity increases with the concentration of the compound or This population trend may actually mask a series of food being tasted; palatability generally shows a parabolic hyperphagic events which punctuate the more common n-shaped curve when plotted against sensory intensity of Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S151 the food. Palatability can be influenced by a number of factorsincludingenvironmentalcues andthe physiological stateoftheorganism.Theindependentindexofpalatability is usually considered to be the subjective appreciation of pleasantness. This subjective sensation is quantified by expressing it on an objective scale according to standard psychophysical procedures (Hill & Blundell, 1982). This sensationisoftentakentoreflectthehedonicdimensionof food. The nature of the relationship between palatability, food consumption and EB has never been systematically determined although palatability does influence the cumu- lative intake curve, and palatability has been invoked as a mediating principle to account for the prolongation of ingestion from a variety of foods due to sensory specific satiety operating in short-term studies (Rolls et al, 1981, Figure 2 Relationshipbetweenpercentageofenergy(expressedin kJ) 1982, 1985, 1986, 1988). from dietary macronutrients and water (expressed in grams) (predictor variables)andenergydensityof1032readytoeatfoods,takenfromthe It may be hypothesised that palatability would exert a Britishfoodcompositiontables(Holandetal,1991). powerfuleffectonintra-mealsatiety(whilstfoodwasbeing consumed), but is post-ingestive satiety also affected? In addition what is the effect of the expectation of getting Energy and nutrient relationships within foods pleasure from food on the initiation and maintenance of eating?Althoughmanywouldagreethatpalatabilityexerts Thecontributionoffat,carbohydrate,proteinandwaterto a powerful influence on eating behaviour there is no dietary energy density systematic body of data to explain the strength or the We have recently conducted a preliminary analysis of the limits of the effect (Ramirez et al, 1989). relationship between nutrient and water content and ED in The nutritional composition of foods can also influence 1032 ready to eat foods from the British food composition FB. The fats and CHOs contained in foods can affect both tables(Holandetal,1991)(excludingsupplements).When thepalatabilityofthosefoodsandthedensityofenergyand water and nutrients are plotted in g=100g of food, as nutrients within those foods. Certain CHOs will influence predictors of dietary ED all nutrients contribute positively the digestibility of foods which may limit subsequent toED,andwatercontentcontributesnegatively(Figure1). feeding. It is important to consider the extent to which However, only fat (ED(cid:136)462.6(cid:135)35.46fat R2(cid:136)75.0) the ED and total amount of fats and CHOs that are and water (ED(cid:136)2034721.26 water, R2(cid:136)66.7) have a containedinfoodsinfluencesthewillingnessofindividuals large R2 value, those for protein and CHO indicating a to ingest those foods. How do the nutritional properties of generallypoorrelationship.Whentherelationshipbetween foods (and their sensory attributes) influence or limit the nutrient composition (expressed as a percentage of total voluntary food, energy and nutrient intake of individuals, food energy) and ED was examined, fat again correlates both in the laboratory and under more naturalistic condi- positively with ED, while protein and CHO show a weak tions? Although the effects of fats, CHOs and proteins on negative relationship to ED. The relationship for fat under eating has been investigated intensively for some years, these conditions is relatively weak (ED(cid:136)320.1(cid:135)16.36 only recently have their effects been considered both as fat, R2(cid:136)35) (Figure 2). Therefore while dietary fat ele- nutrients in themselves (that is, when ED is controlled and vates ED, HF foods (expressed as a percentage of energy comparisonsaremadeatthesamelevelofED,andinterms from fat) are by no means inevitably high in ED. Further- of their contribution to overall dietary ED (Stubbs et al, more,themajordeterminantsoftheEDofafoodarethefat 1995b, 1996, 1997a; O’Reilly et al, 1997; Blundell & and water content. In this analysis there appears to be a Stubbs, 1997a). relatively weak fat-CHO seesaw expressed as grams vs grams, a strong (and obvious) negative correlation (or seesaw) when expressed as percentage energy but a robust fat-water seesaw which determines dietary ED (when fat is expressed in grams, as percent energy or in absolute kJ). The potential importance of considering the effects of diet composition on fluid and food intake relationships: implications for EB The ‘fat-water seesaw’ in foods may have important implications for FB. This is because as fat content of foods increases the water content tends to decrease. Fat exertsaweakerosmoticloadthanCHOandthismayeffect FB (Ramirez et al, 1989). This implies that ingestion of a high CHO or a high protein diet will induce a higher level ofwateringestion,whichmayinfluencesubsequentFI.The strength of this effect would depend on how that water Figure 1 Relationshipbetweenpercentageweight(expressedingrams) interacts with the food matrix in the gut (Mela, personal from dietary macronutrients and water (predictor variables) and energy communication). These issues prompt a consideration of densityof1032readytoeatfoods,takenfromtheBritishfoodcomposition tables(Holandetal,1991). how diet composition may affect the relationship between Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S152 foodandfluidintake.Atpresentourunderstandingofthese Energyandnutrientrelationshipswithinfoodsingested issues is incomplete. In addition, the effect of dietary by human populations nutrient composition on the relationship between solid food and fluid intake and the implications this has for EB is, to the best of our knowledge, a neglected area of research in diet-surveys. Recorded extremes of energy intake, extremes of fat and CHO intake As noted above, human populations have been known to subsist for quite prolonged periods on extreme ranges of Energy density as a limiting factor for EI dietcomposition.ForexampletheInuithavebeenreported Itiswellknownthattheavailableenergycontentofthediet assubsistingformonthsondietsalmostentirelycomprised is crucial in allowing growth and development to proceed ofanimalmatterandvirtuallydevoidofallCHOs(Mowatt, alonggeneticallypre-setlevels.InthiscontextEDcanrefer 1975). These diets were therefore high in protein and fat. to the total energy per gram of food ingested. It can also This produces diarrhoea and general malaise during lean refer to the metabolisable energy available from that diet monthswhentheenergytoproteinratioofthedietfallstoo (Livesey,1991).ItisclearthatlowdietaryEDcanlimitEI low. Similarly, the traditional Japanese diet has been andproducesub-optimallevelsofEB.Theextenttowhich reportedtoprovidesome8%ofEIasdietaryfat,inextreme humanscanadequatelyadapttolowlevelsofdietaryEDis cases. It appears clear from these accounts that human unclear. Problems with obtaining accurate dietary intake populations are capable of adapting, (through their physio- measures (Black et al, 1991; Schoeller, 1990) and lack of logical plasticity) to meet their physiological requirements knowledge of the relationship between fluid and FI pre- from a wide range of macronutrient ratios in the diet. The clude conclusive statements. While the impact of altering overall effects of such extreme nutrient intakes have been dietary ED using differing nutrients, on EI and EB is discussed in detail in other papers. beginning to emerge in laboratory studies lasting up to Extremes of EI have been recorded during overfeeding two weeks (Lissner et al, 1987; Kendall et al, 1991; studies (Norgen & Durnin, 1980; Ravussin et al, 1985; Thomas et al, 1992; Stubbs et al, 1995a, 1996, 1997a; Diaz et al, 1992), during ceremonial overfeeding (Pasquet O’Reillyetal,1997),theextenttowhichhumansadaptFB et al, 1992), underfeeding studies (Keys et al, 1955) and to changes in the dietary ED over longer periods is from EI records derived from famine and concentration unknown. The few longer-term interventions that have camp victims during the second world war. These cases altered the nutrient density of certain foods have shown representstatesofaccommodationtoextremeenvironmen- relativelygoodcompensationoverperiodsofafewmonths tal conditions, rather than voluntarily FB. Compensatory (Aaronetal,1999;Gatenbyetal,1995;Zimmermansetal, responses subsequent to such induced extremes of EB can undated). be spectacular, especially in relation to energy deficits. Duringrehabilitationfromseveremalnutrition,famineand concentration camp victims (with body weights below 55kg) were recorded as spontaneously ingesting 29– 33MJ=d. These spectacular levels of EI ceased as body How should we define dietary energy density in relation to mass and composition were restored. In healthy subjects, feeding behaviour? such high levels of EI have only been recorded under The importance of dietary ED in altering EB through its conditions of extreme physical activity such as the tour effects on EI have begun to receive renewed attention as deFrance(Sarisetal,1989),orpolarexpeditions(Stroudet the effects of dietary fat are being viewed by some as al,1993).UndertheseconditionslevelsofEEweresohigh exclusivelyapropertyofdietaryED.Wesuggestthatsome that subjects often remained in some degree of energy cautionshouldbeexercisedindescribingtheEDofthediet deficit. These examples have little to do with the general and its determinants. It is likely that the ED, (as kJ=g wet population at large, rather they illustrate the extremes to weight of food) is not perceived as such by the human which FB can adapt to intense physiological demands body, since the body reacts to the mixture of foods con- imposed by very high levels of physical activity (Saris, tained in a meal rather than the individual components of 1989) or severe malnutrition. Despite these recorded that meal. For instance the Western diet appears to consist extremes of energy and nutrient intake Mela (1995) of a relatively small percentage of EI in the form of points out that Western populations who have economic extremely energy dense foods (that is, >1.8kJ=100g), a and market access to diets of very similar ranges of large number of moderately ED foods (0.4–1.7MJ=100g) composition appear to consume, on average, around 37– and a variable number of low energy dense foods 42% of their food energy as fat. As the Western diet (<0.4kJ=100g). Overweight people may preferentially becomes increasingly imposed on, or adopted by, a select from the food categories with a higher ED (Wester- number of less developed nations, obesity and non insulin terp-Plantenga et al, 1996). How does fluid intake con- dependentdiabetesmellitusapproachepidemicproportions tributetothetotalEDofthediet?Exactlyhowdoesdietary (WHO, 1990). It is however, unclear whether people EDaffecthumanFB?Howdoesthecompositionofthediet choose to select a Western dietary composition over tradi- influencetherelationshipbetweenfluidandfoodintakeand tional foods or whether secular increases in fat and sugar hencetheoverallEDofthediet.Wehavefoundthatasthe intake are foisted on communities and individuals by dry matter content of mixed diets increased, so does water economic or other incentives. It has been argued that the intake. Does the ED of a food correlate with its palatabil- sensory appeal of fats, refined CHOs and especially mix- ity?Since salt ingestionincreasesthirst, willaddingsaltto tures of the two are a major factor facilitating the ready food effectively lower dietary ED? adoption of Western-style foods (Drewnowski, 1997). Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S153 Relationships between diet composition and energy intake in adults consuming their normal (Western) diet StudiesbyDeCastro(1987)andDeCastro&Elmore(1988) haveshownthatinfree-livingsubjects,self-recordingtheir FIs by using food diaries for seven days at a time, fat was the least effective of the macronutrients in suppressing subsequent EI. These studies suggest that high EIs on fat- rich diets can be brought about not only because of the energycontributedbyfatitself,butalsobytheweakeffect that fat exerts in suppressing EI in general. This is con- sistentwithotherlaboratory-basedshort-termstudies.Con- versely protein was the most effective at suppressing EI, independent ofitscontributiontototal calories.Inarecent study, the food and EIs of 160 post menopausal women living at home in the Cambridge area were measured on four consecutive days in each of the four seasons. This approachproduced16dofweighedintakespersubjectkept over 1y (Bingham et al, 1994). The proportion of EI from fat correlated positively with total EI (r(cid:136)0:18), whereas CHO did not correlate at all with total EI (r(cid:136)0.0) and protein correlated negatively with total EI (r(cid:136)(cid:255)0:45). In thesestudiesoffree-livingpeoplethegramsoffatingested contribute 2.2–2.3 times more energy than the grams of protein or CHO ingested. Increasing the percentage of energy from fat therefore usually elevates the ED of the diet.Theserelationshipsareofbroadlysimilardirectionbut somewhatdifferentmagnitudetothosedescribedabovefor the relationship between food composition and ED described above. It is crucial to point out that because of the probable extent and prevalence of mis-reporting of dietary intakes (Black et al, 1991; Macdiarmid et al, 1996) that relationships between diet composition and EI are,inisolation,potentiallylimited.Themajoreffectisthat reportedEIsareoftentoolowtoplausiblymaintainEBand the composition of the underreported component is cur- rentlyunknown.Itisneverthelessreassuringinthiscontext that dietary macronutrients appear to exert similar effects onappetiteandEIinthelaboratory(Stubbs1995;Blundell & Stubbs, 1997; Blundell & Macdiarmid, 1997). Variation in fat consumption in the general population While the average protein, CHO and fat intake amongst Figure 3 Frequency distributions of body mass index (BMI) among low-fat (upper panel) and high-fat (lower panel) consumers. Groups are populations exposed to Western diets appears, on average, definedby the amount(weightin grams) offat consumed.The ordinate to be relatively constant, HF and LF consumers have been showsthepercentageofeachsample. identified within these populations. It has recently been shownthatpopulationsofHFconsumers(identifiedbyself- recorded intakes) have a BMI distribution skewed towards higher BMIs compared to LF consumers (Figure 3). How- possibilityofindividualdifferencesinboththewillingness ever, comparing the distribution of HF and LF consumers to select fat-containing or CHO-containing foods, and also shows that HF consumers are by no means exclusively fat intheresponsetosuchfoods.Asanexample,datafromthe (Macdiarmidetal,1996).Thismeansthereareasignificant Leeds High Fat Study hasidentified both individual differ- numberofHFconsumerswhomanagetomaintainastable ences and large day-to-day variation in fat intake of both body weight, at or below a BMI of 25. It is currently high and low consumers. Consumption of more than 200g unclear how such HF consumers (ranked by percentage EI fatinonedayforahighfatconsumer,orinexcessof150g and absolute intake of fat) manage to avoid the weight perdayforalowfatconsumerwasnotuncommon(Figure promotingpropertiesofdietaryfat.Theymay beprotected 4). The implications of this daily variation for fat balance by physiological or behavioural mechanisms (or both) have yet to be defined. In turn this could disclose informa- which allow them to maintain EB. Nevertheless it does tion about the variability in appetite control mechanism, seemthatthereisconsiderablescopeinsomeindividualsto whicheitherpromotefatintakeorlimititsconsumption.It accommodate a HF diet, low levels of EE or perhaps even hasalreadybeenreportedthathighandlowfatphenotypes both, without there being an inevitable rise in body weight display different forms of appetite control (Blundell & (Blundell & Macdiarmid, 1997). Macdiarmid, 1997; Cooling & Blundell, 1998). The impli- One of the interesting features of analysing natural cation of the existence of distinct phenotypes—with dif- fluctuations in fat consumption—rather than average fering behavioural and physiological responses to nutrient intake across a whole population—is that it raises the challenges—isthatmeasuresofthe‘average’responsesof Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S154 often correlated negatively with EI in the same studies. While it can be accepted from validation studies (Black et al,1991; Schoeller,1990) that theobese appeartosystem- aticallyunderreportEI,itisnotclearwhatthecomposition of the underreported component is. Lissner&Heitmann(1995)haverecentlyscrutinisedthe epidemiological evidence in relation to dietary fat and obesity and note that ecological studies describing dietary fat intake and obesity at the population level give mixed results. Indeed, the extensive cross-European MONICA study showed negative correlation between fat and EI (FAO=ICS (1986); Lissner & Heitmann review, 1995). They point out that because of the problems inherent in ecological studies these mixed results are likely to be biased ‘by both confounding and unknown data quality factors that differ systematically across the populations studied’ (Lissner & Heitmann, 1995). However, they note thatmostcross-sectionalstudiesaregenerallyinagreement that the percentage of fat in the diet correlates positively with EI. Prospective studies yield mixed results, probably becauseofthepublicattentionthatdietaryfathasreceived and the fact that subjects will often change their behaviour inrelationtoexpectationwhentheyareawarethattheyare beingstudied.Inotherwords,thefactofbeingstudiedmay make the subjects more health conscious. Therefore when Colditz et al (1990) used a combined retrospective and prospective design, they found that fat intake was posi- tively associated with previous but not subsequent weight changes. In combination with the work of de Castro (1987) and DeCastro & Elmore (1988) these studies all suggest that under naturalistic conditions (where dietary fat contributes 2.2–2.3 times the energy per gram as protein or CHO), JouleforJoule,fatappearstobelesssatiatingthanCHOor protein. This argument is supported by laboratory studies (see below). Evidencefromexperimentalinterventions. Inrecentyears it has been repeatedly demonstrated that increasing the fat content and ED of experimental diets or modified foods inducessubjects toeat a similar amount offood andhence higher levels of EI as the fat content and dietary ED rise. Figure 4 Profiles of a low-fat consumer (upper graph) and a high-fat This effect is more pronounced in studies where subjects consumer (lower graph) indicating the large day-to-day variation in fat intakeandtheoccasionalvery-high-fatintakesthatcanbereachedevenby are given ad libitum access to covertly manipulated diets alow-fateaterwithaloweraveragedailyintake. than under conditions where specific meals or snacks are manipulatedandsubjectshaveadlibitumaccesstoarange offamiliarfooditems(Foltinetal,1990,1992).Inlonger- a heterogeneous sample may provide a very misleading term studies these changes are paralleled by changes in picture of the variety of individual patterns of responses. body weight (Lissner et al, 1987; Kendall et al, 1991; Stubbs et al, 1995a, b).Weightlosses are typicallymodest when subject feed ad libitum on LF, low energy density Fat carbohydrates and energy density as determinants (LED) diets (Kendall et al, 1991), which is perhaps not of total energy intake surprising given the tendency of the appetite system to How does fat affect appetite and energy balance? defend against energetic decrements rather than incre- Evidence from dietary surveys. There is now a growing ments. The tendency for high fat foods to promote high body of evidence derived from most of the recent epide- EIs (when people are eating to comfortable fullness) has miological studies (with some notable exceptions) on diet been termed ‘passive overconsumption’ by Blundell and body weight suggesting that macronutrients do exert (1995), since there is little evidence of increased drive to different effects on EB. A number of studies suggest that eat and no intention of voluntarily overeating. fatterpeopleappeartoconsumeahigherproportionoftheir It has been shown that systematically increasing dietary EI from fat rather than from CHO (Lissner & Heitmann, ED using fat has led to excess EI, weight gain and a review, 1995). It is generally assumed that this implicates positive fat and EB (Stubbs et al, 1995a). Two studies HF diets in the promotion of excess EIs. However BMI is have shown that when subjects have ad libitum access to Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S155 systematically manipulated diets of constant energy and cancel each other out under real-life conditions. At the proteindensitybutdifferingfattoCHOratios,subjectsate present time there is insufficient data to derive a model, a similar amount of food and energy (van Stratum et al, whicharticulatestheaggregatesignificanceoftheseeffects 1978; Stubbs et al, 1996). These observations have raised inhumansubjects.Nevertheless,theresultsofthesestudies the issue of whether the effects of dietary fat on appetite suggest that dietary fat exerts effects on EI and appetite andEBareentirelyattributabletothehigherED(HED)of control that are independent of its contribution to dietary dietary fat, or whether fat has unique weight-promoting ED. However, it should be borne in mind that to some propertiesthatareindependentofitscontributiontooverall extent the ED vs macronutrient (per se) issue is a special dietary ED. argumentbecauseinmanyfoodsthereisareasonablygood correlation between fat content and ED. Does fat exert any effects on food and energy intake independent of its contribution to dietary energy density? Does type of fat influence appetite and EB? Thereareanumberofexampleswhichshowthatfatexerts The majority of studies that have examined the effects of detectable albeit relatively modest effects on appetite and dietaryfatonappetiteandEIinhumansdonotdiscriminate EBwhichareindependentofitscontributiontodietaryED. betweenthetypesofdietaryfatused,andthesestudiestend CHOappearstoexertamoreacuteeffectonsatietythanfat tousemixedfatsintheirdietarypreparations.Fatscanvary (Cottonetal,1994),andthreeotherstudieshavefoundthis in structure in terms of (i) chain length, (ii) degree of relativelysubtleeffecttobeindependentofED(Rollsetal, saturation; and (iii) number and composition of fatty acids 1994;Johnstoneetal,1996;Stubbsetal,1997a).Inoneof esterified to the glycerol backbone. thesestudies,thelowsatiatingefficiencyoffatintheshort There is evidence that the chain length of fat may term appeared to be related to its low osmotic load, as influence EI. In general the shorter the chain length of a indicated by the subjective thirst of the subjects (Stubbs et fatthemoreimmediateitsoxidation.Inthiscontextitisof al, 1997b). Pronounced differences in the satiating effi- note that there is evidence that fat metabolites (including ciency of intravenously infused fat and CHO have been ketones) may exert potent effects on satiety in rodents recorded by Gil et al, (1991). In this study equal energy (Carpenter & Grossman, 1983a=b; Rich et al, 1988). loads and volumes of infusate were used. These data are There is also data in rats (Furuse et al, 1992) and humans supported by an analysis of the relationship between (Stubbs & Harbron, 1996) which shows isoenergetic sub- change in net macronutrient stores and subsequent EI, stitution of MCT for LCT at high levels, in HF energy which suggested that increments in protein and CHO dense diets limits the excess EIs and weight gains that stores negatively predict subsequent EI, while fat stores frequently appear when subjects feed ad libitum on such did not (Stubbs et al, 1995a). diets. In short-term studies it has been reported that MCT Isoenergetic changes in the fat to CHO ratio of the diet exerts a stronger effect on satiety than LCT (Rolls et al, do not appear to exert important effects on EI in subjects 1988a). Incorporation of more moderate amounts of MCT feeding ad libitum on systematically manipulated diets of into the diet is unlikely to be of use in promoting sponta- differing composition (van Stratum et al, 1978; Stubbs et neous weight loss in rodents (Hill et al, 1993) or humans al, 1996). However, in one study isoenergetic, isoenerge- (Martin et al, 1997). tically dense, weight-reducing diets were given to women It has recently been shown that when 20 subjects were (4.18MJ=d), who were also given snacks of a constant each fed isoenergetic lunches rich in polyunsaturates, compositiontoingestiftheyfelttheneedtoeatmore.Only monounsaturates and saturates, monounsaturates signifi- on the HF treatment were snack EIs significantly, albeit cantly suppressed short-term intake less than either poly- marginally, higher than the HP or HC treatments (John- unsaturates or saturates (Lawton et al, 1997). stone et al, 1997). The effects of large doses of 1-monoglyceride on appe- Fat also exerts sensory influences on the diet by adding tite and EI have recently been examined both within day moisture and mouth-feel to food as well as acting as a (Ryan et al, 1997) and between days (Johnstone et al, vehicle for a large number of fat-soluble volatile sub- 1997a).Togetherthesestudiesfoundthatlargeisoenergetic stances. These effects may also be ED independent. dosesofdietarymonoglycerideortriglyceridedidnotexert Furthermore, there is evidence that the oro-sensory quali- differential effects on subjective motivation to eat, or ties of dietary fat and sugars may interact to influence the nutrient oxidation or FI. Therefore while the degree of sensorystimulation to eat. Mela &Sacchettihave reported saturation (Lawton et al, 1997) and chain length of orally- that fat preferences increase with increased BMI (Mela & ingested dietary fat (Stubbs & Harbron, 1996) can have Sacchetti, 1991). Drewnowski has repeatedly shown that significant effects on appetite and EI, these data suggest sugar=fat mixtures appear to exert a synergistic effect on that orally ingested 1-monacyl glycerols did not differen- thesensorypleasureresponseofhumansubjects,relativeto tially influence appetite and EI relative to triacylglycerols. fats or sugars alone (Drewnowski, 1997). A comparison of It is possible that 2-monacyl glycerols may exert a greater the effects of HC-sweet, HC-savoury, HF-sweet and HF- appetite suppressing effect since these molecules are more savoury snacks on short-term intake has recently been readily absorbed across the gut wall (Bistrian, 1997). The made. Ingestion of HF-sweet snacks exerted a far greater effects of varying the fatty acid composition of triglycer- effectonEI,whichwasindependentofED,sinceEIswere ides (structured lipids) is currently unknown. around twice that on any other treatment despite the fact Insummaryitappearsthatfatsandfatderivativeswhich thattheEDoftheHF-savourysnackswashigher(Green& tend to be more readily absorbed and=or metabolised exert Blundell, 1996). a greater suppressive effect on appetite and EI than less Insummingupthereareanumberofindividuallyrather readily utilised fats. The magnitude of these effects under subtle effects that dietary fat exerts on appetite and EB experimental conditions appears to be significant but which are independent of the contribution of dietary fat to modest (not exceeding 1MJ=d differentials in EB). Their overall ED. These effects may be additive, synergistic or significance in the population at large is currently unclear. Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S156 The fat paradox: site and mechanism of action tissue uptake and utilisation of glucose is important in its HF hyperphagia has been shown to occur both in the post-ingestive satiety effect. This probably explains the laboratory and free-living setting. Conversely, there is relationship between expressed satiety and the integral evidence that fat generates potent satiety signals at the (area under the curve) for insulin which has been found levelofthegut.Sowhydoesoverconsumptionoccurwhen in some studies (Holt et al, 1992). However there is also fat generates potent satiety signals? This phenomenon has evidence that satiety after CHOs may also be mediated by been termed the ‘fat paradox’ (Blundell, 1995). One factor gastrointestinal (pre absorptive) mechanisms (Read et al, determining the feedback from fat seems to be the site of 1994). action. In humans, the infusion of corn oil into the small intestineledtoreduced gastric emptying,increasedfeeling of fullness and reduced intake at a test meal (Welch et al, 1988). Similar effects have been found in pigs (Gregory et al, 1989). Large doses of lipid infused straight into the Does carbohydrate type affect appetite and EB? small intestine have a potent effect on satiety, presumably Anumberofstudieshavecomparedthesatiatingeffectsof by activation of gastrointestinal peptides, CCK and other preloads containing different hexoses and found relatively receptors(Forbes 1995). Conversely, infusionsmade intra- few differences between them in terms of appetite venously, by-passing the gut, exerted no effect on gastric responses. However, it is unclear whether this uniform emptying or measures of appetite. A study by Gil et al response relates to the constraints of the preloading (1991) found that lipid infusions at around 80% of resting method or whether the monosaccharides simply have EE (REE), over 3d, produced only partial compensation similar satiating efficiencies. There is some evidence that (43%) of EI. On the other hand, infusions of mixed starches produce a more blunted, yet prolonged influence nutrients produced good compensation of 103% and with on satiety than do mono- and disaccharides (Leathwood & glucose,86%.Similarexperimentscarriedoutinratsfound Pollet1988),ormayhelplimitEIs(Rabenetal,1997;Kirk intra-duodenal infusions inhibited FI while intravenous etal,1997).However,theseeffectsseemrelativelymodest infusions did not (Greenberg et al, 1989). These findings and to date there is little published data to suggest that suggest that after the ingestion of fat, potent fat-induced sugars and starches exert large differential effects on satiety signals are generated by pre-absorptive (oro-sen- intake. Interestingly the effect on post-ingestive satiety is sory, stomach and small intestine receptors) rather than alsoinfluencedbythestructureofstarchasindicatedbythe post-absorptive physiological responses. The post-absorp- difference between high amylose and amylo-pectin foods tive action (nutrient absorption, substrate utilisation and (Van Amelsvoort & Westrate, 1992). oxidation) of fats is weaker than that of other macronu- Most work on the effects of different CHOs on EI has trients (Gil et al, 1991; Stubbs et al, 1995b). Another been done with unavailable complex CHOs (UCCs), or possibility is that the fat satiety signals are not initiated fibre. The time-energy displacement concept has been whenfatiseaten,onlywhenfatisdirectlyinfusedintothe invoked to suggest that the addition of UCCs to the diet intestine. It is most likely that these differential effects of enhances satiation and limits meal sizes. This effect is site of fat administration can probably be explained by apparent in some of the studies discussed above and the infusedlipidproducingsupraphysiologicalsaturationofthe phenomenon has been used to limit weight gain in farm small-intestine receptors with emulsified fat. This effect animals with access restricted to single feeds (Forbes, may be diluted by other food constituents and limited by 1995). The post-ingestive effects of fibre will depend gastric emptying when fat is fed in the diet, reducing its upon the amount and type delivered in experimental capacity to suppress appetite. The essence of the fat meals and is likely to be influenced by the proportions of paradox is that very large amounts of fat can be ingested soluble and insoluble fibre, which will have different in the face of potent fat-induced satiety signal. However, effects on gastro-intestinal processing. Fermentable CHOs measuringtheweight(mass)offoodconsumedinaddition produce significant quantities of short-chain fatty acids. toEI,indicatesthatsubjectscanreducetheweightoffoods The absorption and metabolism of acetate, propionate and eatenslightly(butstillconsumeexcessenergy).Thiseffect butyrate may themselves exert influences on satiety. is most likely to be due to the combination of ED and the Over 50 studies have been conducted which have very potent oro-sensory facilitation of EI by fatty foods examined the effects of dietary fibre on FI and body which together engender a high intake of fat before inhi- weight (Levine & Billington, 1994). These have been bitory mechanisms (to terminate eating) can come into extensively covered in four recent reviews, (Levine & action. The rate of ingestion loads fat into the system Billington, 1994; Blundell & Burley 1987; Stevens, 1988; before satiation operates. Burley&Blundell,1990)towhichthereaderisreferredfor a detailed discussion of this issue. In summary, various How does carbohydrate affect appetite and energy loads of UCC or fibre at one meal have been shown to balance? decrease both hunger and EI at the next meal, but the CHOs appear to be efficient inhibitors of appetite in the effects are relatively modest. The conclusion seems to be short term. Acute CHO deficits act as cues that stimulate that supplementing the diet with tolerable levels of intake since 2-deoxy-D-glucose administration actually extracted UCC appear to have, at best, modest effects in increaseshungerwhengiventohumansubjects(Thompson decreasing body weight over several months or more. &Campbell,1977).TheeffectivenessofCHOincludesthe However, fibre-rich bulky diets of low ED may have effects ofsugarsandlongerchainoligosaccharidessuchas different effects and the reader should consider the meth- maltodextrin and polysaccharides. One interesting issue odological issues detailed in a number of references here is the relationship between the post-ingestive satiety (Levine & Billington, 1994; Blundell & Burley 1987; effect of CHO and their action upon plasma profiles of Stevens 1988; Burley & Blundell, 1990) before drawing glucose and insulin. It appears intuitively probable that firm conclusions. Highandlowcarbohydrateandfatintakes JEBlundellandRJStubbs S157 Wet and dry carbohydrates: an osmotic brake on excess How does varying the ED of the diet (using different intake? compositions) affect appetite and EB? It was stated above that CHOs appear to be efficient Themajorityofstudiesexaminingtheeffectsofdietaryfat inhibitors of appetite whether given in the diet or parent- or fatty foods on appetite, EI or EB have confounded erally.Oneinterestingandimportantexceptiontothisisthe dietary ED and fat content. However, a series of studies findingthatcaloriescontainedindrinksappeartobepoorly has recently assessed the effects of altering the ED of the compensated for. In 1955 Fryer supplemented the diet of dietusingfat,primarilyCHOsormixedregimes(Stubbset college students with a HC drink containing 1.8MJ. Com- al, 1995a, b, 1997b; O’Reilly et al, 1997). Alcohol is pensation was incomplete ((cid:24)50%) after eight weeks excluded from the present discussion, since it also exerts (Fryer, 1958). Mattes has recently conducted a meta-ana- pharmacological effects, which may actually stimulate EI lysis of feeding responses to either liquid or solid manip- (see Mattes, 1996). In the studies where the ED of the diet ulations of the nutrient and energy content of the diet. The wasalteredprimarilyusingfat,subjectsdidnotcompensate analysis suggests that the physical state of ingested CHO atallforalterationsindietaryEDandHFhyperphagiawas intake may be important in influencing subsequent caloric aprominentoutcome(Stubbsetal,1995a,b).Furthermore, compensation (Mattes, 1996). Specifically energy con- there were no significant differences in subjective hunger tained in drinks (including CHOs) does not appear to betweenthediets (Stubbset al,1995a).Inthe studywhere induce compensatory reductions in food intake as effi- the ED of the diet was altered primarily using CHOs there ciently as energy contained in solid foods. The reasons was no compensation for the ED of the diets but subjects for this are at present unclear, but may relate to the rate, were significantly (and anecdotally) more hungry on the timing and density at which the energy is ingested. There LEDdiet,comparedtotheHEDdiet(Stubbsetal,1995)In may be a threshold in these parameters, below which the study where the ED of mixed diets was altered there energy is poorly detected. Another factor influencing the were no significant differences in subjective hunger effectofCHOsonintraandintermealsatietyistheosmotic between the diets but there was a significant diet effect loadthatCHOsexertinthesmallintestine.Asstarchesare for prospective consumption (that is, subjects felt they digested water is required to hydrolyse the glycosidic could eat more food after the low ED meals). Subjects bonds. This will have the net effect of slowing digestion alsoshowedahighlysignificant(albeitquantitativelysmall (and hence short-term food intake) and increasing thirst. It (cid:24)20%)compensation ofsolidfoodandhenceEIongoing is reasonable to hypothesise that these effects would from the LED to the HED diet. Therefore subjects enhance post-ingestive, preabsorptive satiety. Sweet, responded more effectively to changes in the ED of the CHO-rich drinks with a water:CHO ratio above 3:1 mixednutrientmanipulations(byactivechangesinFI)than should exert maximal oro-sensory stimulation on intake the primarily CHO-based manipulations (detectable andminimalosmoticreductionofintake.WhilewetCHOs changesinhunger)whichinturnshowedagreaterresponse have been shown to induce hyperphagia in rodents than the primarily fat-based manipulations. These findings (Ramirez, 1987), their effect on humans eating less mono- againsuggestthatfatismoreweaklysensedbytheappetite tonous diets is currently unclear. Rogers & Blundell have control mechanisms than is CHO. These comparisons are considerable evidence that high CHO drinks (glucose or consistentwith infusionstudiesinrodents(Walls&Koop- sucrose) do suppress short-term intake (1.0–1.5h later) mans, 1992) and humans (Gil et al, 1991) which have (Rogers & Blundell, 1988, 1989), but the longer-term found greater caloric compensation in response to mixed effects of such manipulations are currently unknown. infusions than glucose-infusions, which in turn produced greater caloric compensation than lipid infusions. This When does a high CHO diet produce high levels of EI in suggests that the effects of altered ED on appetite and EB humans? are partially dependent on the composition of the diet. IthasbeendemonstratedthatexcessEIsarepossiblewhen Consequently the effects of ED depend upon the nutrients normal weight men feed ad libitum on HC diets (Stubbs et supplying the energy. Other researchers have also noted al, 1997a). The sensory attribute primarily associated with that‘JouleforJoule’fatislesssatiatingthanCHO(Rollset short-chain CHOs (sweetness) is known to stimulate EI, al, 1994). These findings, in turn, are consistent with the especially when combined as mixtures with fats (Drew- notionthatdietarymacronutrientsexerthierarchicaleffects nowski, 1997). Do the sensory attributes of some sweet on satiety, protein having the greatest effect and fat the foods elevate palatability and hence intake of those foods? least (Stubbs, 1995). Under these conditions the experi- Dissolving short-chain CHOs in solution appears to be an mentalenvironmentmayconstraintheflexibilityofsubject effective means of supplementing EI. The majority of response relative to real life, where degree of caloric snack foods produced tend to be high in CHO and ED compensation may be somewhat greater, especially to (Stubbs,unpublished).Thereisevidencethathighlevelsof energy deficits (Blundell & Stubbs, 1997). physical activity promote high EIs on HC diets. These considerations suggest that there is considerable scope for Appetite control mechanisms which limit CHO and fat HC foods to promote high levels of EI and in some cases intakes EB. The exact conditions under which this occurs and in whom are presently unclear. Currently we are aware of Carbohydrate-based models of feeding claimsthatintakeofhighCHOfoodswhicharereasonably Mayer initially suggested that EB regulation occurred energy dense may lead to obesity in the USA. At the predominantly through short-term ‘glucostatic’ responses present time we are unaware of clear evidence to support that could be corrected by longer-term ‘lipostatic’ regula- those claims. There does, however appear to be evidence tion, should short-term regulation be sufficiently perturbed that the increase of these foods in both the market and the (Mayer, 1955). Russek postulated the presence of glucose diets of consumers has not slowed or reversed current receptorsintheliverandformulatedthehepatostatictheory secular trends in obesity. of EB regulation (Russek, 1963) Flatt extended these

High and low carbohydrate and fat intakes: limits imposed by days fat intake can rise to well over 200 g according to a selection of high fat foods. greater satiating capacity, the free intake of high CHO foods is likely to be self-limiting (at .. high CHO or a high protein diet will induce a hig
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